Hey, everyone! If you weren't aware as to what is currently going, I'm currently undergoing a massive haul of all of my stories onto one single account. This means that every story on this account, including this one, will be moved and deleted on this one. Once I've properly edited and fixed them up to look more presentable, they will be posted to the new account and, depending on how many chapters or how motivated I will be in writing them, I may end up deleting most of these without properly editing them as soon as possible. This is to avoid clogging my head up with too many ideas and throwing myself into writer's block as I had done in the past.

If you are reading this, then that means this story is about to go away. But no worries! If you head over to the new account, chances are it's already there and ready to be read once more! Click the link provided on my profile page to go to the new account and see if this or any other story you've enjoyed has made it there. I apologize in advance if this story is not uploaded there, as I may not be in the mindset to write it at the time you visit, but I do appreciate you taking the time to read this.

Thank you!
