Disclaimer – I do not own Smallville or Roswell or any of its Characters

Rating: M


Shortly after receiving the message from Max's birth mother depicting their destiny, Max and Tess got together. Broken hearted Liz left Roswell and ended up in Metropolis where she met Clark Kent during his summer rampage through the city. Now just over six years later Liz returns to Roswell.


Kryptonians and Hybrids

Chapter 1

=The journal of Elizabeth Parker Kent=

It's funny as I look out the car window while Clark is driving towards the town I grew up in I thought that I would feel nervous, but for some reason I don't. It's been just over six years since I left Roswell after Max and Tess got together without even caring how hurt I got in the process.

I could have handled that they got together as I knew that it was what they were destined for but seeing them rub my face in it was just too much for me. Even now after six years I can remember how they flaunted their relationship at me and how they seemed to go out of their way to make me feel as bad as possible. I know that most of it was Tess's doing as she saw me as competition to Max's affections but at the same time Max was just as bad with rubbing it in my face.

Now though as I look back on it I can honestly say that I'm grateful to them for what they did. Had they not done that I never would have run away and I never would have met Clark or had the beautiful daughter that is currently asleep in the back of the car.

Lara, my beautiful four year old is every bit her fathers little girl and not a day goes by that I'm not grateful that I have them in my life. Six years ago when I ran away from Roswell I somehow ended up in Metropolis where I ran into an arrogant six foot four man that looked like he was some kind of Greek God. He was so arrogant and annoying that I felt like hitting him over the head with a very large and heavy object. To think that I eventually married him often makes me laugh.

I didn't know it when we first met but we were both runaways and both trying to escape the pain that we were both feeling. For Clark at the time he was escaping the pain that he believed he caused to those he loved, while I was escaping the pain caused by those I loved. At the end of the day though much to my complete joy we were able to heal each other and find the love and happiness that we both so desperately needed.

For the last six years I have lived in a small town in Kansas called Smallville and these last six years have been amazing. I have great friends some of which are human and some that are not. I have met aliens and humans alike that possess amazing gifts that they use to protect the world without anyone knowing who they really are. They hide in the shadows protecting the innocent, protecting them from those who would harm them.

Clark is one such person, an alien born on a planet twenty three galaxies away. He was literally the last child born on his home planet before it exploded and now he uses his gifts to help those who cant help themselves. He has seen and done things that nobody could possibly imagine and the world as a whole will never really know how much they owe the man that the people of Metropolis call the Blur.

In truth though I probably owe my husband more than anyone else though. He hasn't just physically saved my life, but he has saved my soul. He has given me the two greatest gifts anyone could ever have. He has given me his love and a child and I will love and cherish that for an eternity. But now it is time for me to come home and finally make peace with my past and to spend what time I can with my family before I loose them forever.

That is one thing that Clark understands better than anyone else I know as he too has had to face the one painful part of his existence. Eventually I will have to watch those I love grow old and die while I remain the same. Because within the next two years I like my husband will stop ageing while those around us continue to slowly whither away. It is a great gift to know that I will live on and see and experience things beyond anyone's imagination, but it is also a great curse. To know that you will outlive everyone on the planet and that there is nothing that you can do about it.

Clark, J'onn and Carter have all told me one thing. They have all said that because of how long we will live, that we need to maintain those connections that keep us human. The truth is though that Clark and J'onn are not human and I guess that I'm not human anymore either. It has only been in the last few months that I have come to understand what that truly means.

To save my life, to allow me to survive being pregnant with Lara there was a cost. A cost that even to this day I know Clark feel's guilty about, even though I have told him to stop being an idiot. In order to save my life and allow me to survive my pregnancy I had to become like Clark, a Kryptonian. Human's weren't supposed to be compatible with Kryptonians but Max bringing me back to life after I got shot had changed me and allowed my body to become receptive to Clark's DNA. But unfortunately my body couldn't have handled the stress and it would have killed me.

Despite knowing that I will eventually loose those I care about I have to honestly say that I have no regrets. Clark give me a great gift and perhaps this is my gift to him as well. He once told me that that his greatest fear was that he knew he would always end up alone at some point. Clark give me a daughter and a love I never thought I would ever have after Max so it seems only fitting that I get to give him a gift as well.

Neither Clark nor myself will ever be alone now as we will always have each other. Clark give me the gift of his love and I in tern have given him mine. My mind, body and soul belong purely to him and the same is true from him as well.

So with that in mind I guess I should really thank Max and Tess for what they did because without them none of this would have been possible. They caused me more pain than I ever thought possible. But through them I have known more love and happiness than I ever thought possible. So thank you.

I'm Liz Parker Kent and after six years, I am finally coming home.


It was another crazy day at the Crash Down Café as another group of people added to the already overworked staff. Maria had to admit that she really hated the crash festival while she was in work as she didn't even have enough time to run to the toilet when she needed to go. The crash festival was only in a few days and the town was absolutely packed and she knew that by the end of the day she would be practically dead on her feet.

Letting out a sigh Maria turned around and headed towards the kitchen to add another order to the already overworked kitchen staff. Thankfully Mr Parker had called Michael in despite it being his day off to help. It had been over six years since she and Michael had started dating properly and even now she couldn't get enough of him. As she passed her order to the kitchen staff she glanced up at a photo of herself standing next to a brunette, her best friend Liz.

It had been six years since she last spoke to Liz and every day she missed the girl that she loved as a sister. It had broken her heart and annoyed the hell out of Michael to see what Max and Tess done to her best friend. In fact Michael didn't speak to either Max or Tess for over a month after Liz left going so far as to tell them that their destinies can go to hell. Despite Michael being cold on occasion the way that Max and Tess had treated Liz had made him realise something. It made him realise that being human wasn't a bad thing considering how much Max had changed when he started embracing his destiny. Michael had told her that he didn't want to become like that which thankfully he hadn't despite being pressured by Max and Tess about it.

Michael still did what he had always done though and that was be there to protect his family when they needed him. However he had made his mind up that he wasn't going to sacrifice his humanity for some destiny that was being forced on him. Over time he had distanced himself from Max and Tess while becoming closer and closer to her. In truth she and Michael had become inseparable over the last six years and she wouldn't chance that for anything.

Turning away from the kitchen counter she made her way towards the door to the back of the café as she decided that she needed to get some air. There were too many people and they were driving her nuts.


Pulling up across the road from the Crash Down, Clark let out a small sigh before turning his attention to the brunette who was sleeping in the passenger seat. He had to admit to himself that he loved watching her when she was asleep. She looked so peaceful and so content that he hated the idea of waking her up, however he knew he had to.

Reaching out with his right hand he carefully brushed the back of his fingers against the side of her face. "Liz…We're here." He said softly to which she immediately responded to by letting out a soft sigh as the world started to come back to her.

Opening her eyes she smiled slightly at the sight of Clark looking at her. There was one thing in this life that she loved more than anything else and that was waking up to see Clark's face. As the world came completely back into focus she let out a small yawn before sitting up. "We're here." She said with a little surprise in her voice as she realised that she must have fallen asleep a good hour ago. The last thing she could remember was updating her journal before putting her laptop away.

"Yeah…We just pulled up." Clark answered before glancing at the back seat to look at the other brunette that was in the car, still completely out. Turning back to Liz he give her a small smile. "Why don't you go inside and I'll take care of Lara."

"You sure?" Liz asked to which she got a small nod from her husband.

After nodding his answer Clark got out of the car before moving his seat forward so that he could get to his daughter who was still asleep. Even now after four years he still has trouble believing that he has a little girl of his own. "Lara…Come on angel it's time to wake up." As those words left his mouth he got a small grunt that said she had heard him but wasn't happy and wanted to go back to sleep. "Lara…Come on now…You've been sleeping for hours." He said as he reached over and unbuckled her seatbelt.

At this point Liz was just about to cross the road when she heard Clark trying to wake her daughter up as well as the little grunt of a response. Holding back a chuckle she shook her head slightly before crossing the road and heading towards the Crash Down.


As Liz walked into the Crash Down she was instantly assaulted with a bunch of memories as she took not of how busy the place was. She could smell the fried food being cooked as well as taste it in the air. She had missed the smell of the place and she had often told Clark that she would love to bring him here for some of the food, now she had that chance.

Shaking herself out of her memories she made her way through the army of customers before heading towards the door at the other end of the café. Reaching the door she pushed it open and came to a complete stop as a woman about her age was coming in through the back door.

Maria was just closing the back door and turned around only to come to a complete stop at the sight before her. There standing just a few meters away was a young woman with long wavy brown hair that she hadn't seen or heard off in just over six years. As she looked at the other woman she could do nothing but stand there in complete shock as a single tear began to roll down her cheek.

"Hi." Was all Liz could say as she felt her own emotions bubbling to the surface as she looked at Maria who had a tear running down her cheek.

Hearing Liz's voice broke Maria out of her shock. "Liz." Was all she could say back before going up to the brunette and pulling her into a tight hug.

Liz hugged Maria back as tightly as she could without injuring the other woman as her own tears began to fall. "Oh I have missed you so much."

After a few more seconds Maria pulled away and looked the brunette squarely in the eyes. "Where the hell have you been for the last six years?" She practically shouted.

"I've been living in a small town in Kansas." The brunette answered before suddenly sensing Clark nearby. [Just walk straight through and out the door in the back.] She told him through their telepathic bond before turning her attention back to Maria. "I'll tell you everything later…But for now can you tell me if my parents are here?"

"No they're not…They went into town about twenty minutes ago." Maria answered before noticing a very tall and built man opening the door while carrying a young brunette girl who looked about four. "Ummm…Sorry but you cant come back here." She said to him and was about to say something else when Liz started chuckling.

Liz chuckled to herself as Maria told Clark that he could come out to where they were. "Maria…I'd like you to meet my husband…Clark Kent." As those words left her mouth Maria's jaw dropped and Liz could do nothing but giggle at the shocked expression on her friends face.

"Husband…Your married?" Was all Maria could say in response as she suddenly found herself needing to find a seat.

"Married and a mother." Liz responded.

Maria stared at the little girl in Liz's husbands arms and was now defiantly in need of a seat as well as needing something very strong to drink. "I think I need to sit down."

Liz turned her attention to Clark and give him a soft smile. "Why don't you take Lara upstairs…I think Maria and I need to have a chat."

Clark nodded and shook his head slightly at the shocked and confused expression on the other woman's face. "Ok…I'll see you in a bit" With that he walked up to Liz and give her a quick kiss on the lips before heading upstairs. Liz had already described what she could remember from the layout of the place so he had a pretty good idea of where he was going.

Once Clark made his way up the stairs Liz turned her attention back to Maria. "You ok?" She asked.

"Oh…I defiantly didn't see this coming," Maria said back before letting out a small chuckle. "I cant wait to see the look on Max's face when he hears about this."

"Well when I see him I will have to thank him," Liz said back with a small smile. "If it wasn't for him and Tess…I never would have met Clark or had Lara."


Arriving at the apartment at the top of the Crash Down, Clark made his way straight towards what used to be Liz's bedroom. Opening the door Clark had to admit that he was surprised by what he saw. The room from what he could tell still had all of Liz's stuff in it and from what he could see nothing had been moved. Walking up to the bed he carefully placed his four year old daughter down on the bed who instantly turned on her side. He knew he should wake her but he also knew that she was literally drained as Jor-El had had her practicing her super strength at the fortress hoping to run her batteries down, it had worked. His mother used to tell him that when he was younger he would be full of energy one minute then asleep for hours and hours when he had used his powers.

With Lara now fast asleep Clark turned his attention to the room that belonged to his wife and had a little look around. On the shelves there were medical books which didn't surprise him as Liz told him that she had wanted to become a molecular biologist when she was growing up. It often surprised him how intelligent she was, even more so since she had become Kryptonian.

As he continued to look around the room he came to a stop when he reached her desk. There on the desk were a few photo's and as he looked at them he could see how happy she was. One of the photo's had Liz, the girl he just met downstairs who he guessed was Maria and another teenage boy who he guessed was Alex. The next photo was of Liz and another teen wearing a high school football jacket which he worked out was her former boyfriend Kyle. Lastly there was another photo of Liz and another teenage boy who was wearing a dark green sweater. As he looked at the photo he knew without a doubt that this was Max Evans and he instantly took a dislike to the photo.

Turning away from the desk Clark looked over at the bed where is daughter was asleep and decided to go and sit next to her while he waited for Liz to finish down stairs.


While Clark was upstairs with Lara both Liz and Maria sat down in the back room and started chatting away. "So how did you and Clark meet?" Maria asked.

Liz smiled as the memory came rushing back into her mind of the night she and Clark or Kal as he was going by then first met. "When I left I ended up in Metropolis…I didn't have that much money but at the time I didn't care…Anyway I ended up in this club called Atlantis," Letting out a small chuckle the memory of Clark's pickup line run through her mind and she felt herself blush. Shaking her head she looked back at Maria. "Anyway I had been there for about an hour when Clark comes up to me and starts hitting on me…At first I blew him off and he took the hint that I wanted to be alone…A few hours later I left the club and was making my way back to the place I was staying at when a couple of drunks thought I would be some fun." As that memory hit her she felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she remembered being pinned up against a wall as one of the drunks hands started going up the inside of her thighs. "I thought I was done for and that I was going to get raped when Clark came out of nowhere." Shaking her head again she let out a sigh. "In all my life I have never seen such a look of anger and hatred as I seen on Clark's face that night…He beat the crap into the guys that attacked me and the last thing I remember before I passed out was being cradled in his arms…I woke up a few hours later in his apartment."

Maria looked at Liz in complete shock over the fact that her best friend had almost been raped. "What happened next?" She asked cautiously.

"Well when I woke up I kinda panicked which was when Clark came back into the room and told me to calm down and that I was safe…After that we just spent a bit of time talking and as it turned out…We were both runaways." There was a lot more that happened that night but she wasn't going to tell Maria that. She knew how much Clark hated what he had done that summer and she wasn't going to bring that up. Ok all that happened that night was that she discovered that her rescuer was an alien after his chest started glowing which caused him to scream out in pain until he took that stupid ring off. "Anyway the following morning he took me back to the place I was staying at and I didn't see him for another week…And when I did see him next, we both got a little drunk." Well she got drunk while Clark was just high on Red-K. "And I ended up back at his apartment again and we ended up having sex." And lost of it. She added to herself.

"Little sweet and innocent Liz Parker got drunk and had sex with a complete stranger." Maria stated in complete shock. She knew what Max and Tess had done had really gotten to her but she had no idea that things were that bad.

Liz could see the shock and confusion on Maria's face but decided to let it go for now. "Both Clark and I were in a really bad place at the time…We were both suffering and running away from the pain in our lives…In truth at first we clung to each other because we both needed it…I guess in a way we both used each other…But I don't regret a single thing." Again she left a lot out, like how she was eventually able to get him to get rid of that damn ring. "For the next month or so we just clung to each other while having lots of fun and mindless sex…Eventually though Clark realised that he needed to go home and back to his parents…At first I though I was going to loose him, but then he asked me to go back home with him."

"Why didn't you come back here?" Maria asked in confusion.

Letting out another sigh Liz looked Maria in the eye. "At first I did think about it…But I had started to fall in love with Clark and I was afraid of loosing him…When we went back to his parents though they forced me to contact mom and dad."

"What…When did this happen?" Maria practically screamed as she had never been told that Liz had spoken to the Parker's.

"Ummm about two and a half months after I left," Liz answered before continuing her story. "Anyway a few days later my parents arrived at Clark's and we had a very long chat…I still didn't want to come back and Clark's parents were kind enough to offer me a place with them…I think they were grateful to me for helping Clark find himself after he had run away…Eventually I was able to convince my parents to let me stay and I asked them not to tell anyone where I was."

"Why did you do that?"

"At the time I knew you, Kyle or Alex would come after me and I wasn't ready to deal with it…I enrolled at Smallville high with Clark and we've been together ever since…Then about halfway through my senior year I found out I was pregnant." Again Liz couldn't help but notice the shocked expression on Maria's face but in truth she wasn't worried. "Clark was so happy as he never thought he could have children…And in truth I was happy about it as well despite being so young"

"Why did Clark think he couldn't have children?" Maria asked.

Thankfully both she and Clark had had a long chat about what they could tell the others. While Liz trusted Alex, Maria and Kyle though she didn't want the pod squad knowing what she was about to tell Maria. "You cant tell Michael or any of the pod squad this…But Clark isn't human…He's an alien, and I don't mean a hybrid."


So Chapter 1 is up let me know what you think.
