Here we have it, the Epilogue.

Thank you to all of you who have followed this Fic throughout. I really hope that you enjoy this final chapter.

Sit back and enjoy…



He didn't think he had slept at all having been unable to take his eyes off her as she slept sweetly on his chest, but as the sun rose, spilling through the curtains, he knew where he had to be. There was one person he had to see.

Unwillingly he untangled himself from her, careful not to wake her.

Pulling on the discarded clothes from the night before he opened his campervan door to leave, but before doing so he looked at her once more; she looked so peaceful, her beauty evident with the light glow of the sun illuminating her face. He couldn't help but smile.

He carried this smile across the ground of Holby City. He walked through the corridors slower than usual, taking in every detail he could, though it was a hospital like every other but he knew that he would always remember his time here with greater happiness than any other hospital and not only because this was the place he had met her, but because it was the place that he had learnt the true value of friendship.

As he entered AAU though the double-doors, he was greeted with an unusual silence, as it wasn't very often that this department was quiet.

He scanned the floor, before his eyes landed on the back of Sacha's head as he sat behind the computer within the office. He pushed open the door causing Sacha to jump to his feet and speak in a hurried tone.

"I didn't find her on my sofa this morning; please say she was with you?"

He didn't wish to divulge information of such a personal nature, but he couldn't stop the edges of his mouth curling upwards forming a sly smile, telling more than words ever could.

Seeing this appeared to fill Sacha with joy, for he knew what this smile had meant and before he knew it Sacha had rounded the desk and was ascending upon him with open arms which he wrapped around him lifting him from the ground into a rather painful bear hug, but he couldn't help but laugh through the pain, because he was happy. He was finally happy.

Finally Sacha released him and returned him to ground level, causing him to double over in an attempt to catch his breath; shooting pains pulsated within his chest.

"I think you may have bruised my ribs"

Sacha appeared to ignore this comment "I can't tell you how happy I am, for both of you. Where is she?"

Straightening up he spoke with a smile again, it seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face at the moment "She is still sleeping. I just wanted to give you something"

With that said he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver key. The key to his lab. Sacha accepted the token slowly and with an air of confusion "Your lab key, but why?"

"I want you to have it"

"But I already have my key"

"The research project Sasha, I want you to take over"

Sasha's eyes widened with his mouth slightly ajar as he stared down at the key in his hands as if it were a million pound cheque "But… I… I don't know if I can. It's such a big project, I don't know if I'm really qualified to –"

"– Sacha, I wouldn't give it to you If I didn't think you could handle it. If you look after it as much as you have me these past six months then I know you'll do fine. There is no one else I'd want to give it too"

"But… Why?"

He knew that he didn't need to answer this question with words; instead he reached into his pocket again, only this time pulling out a small laminated card. Upon offering it to Sasha, he saw his eyes soften and he knew that Sacha understood and with a sad smile he accepted his employment ID card, because they both knew that he would not need it anymore. He was a Holby employee no longer.

"You're leaving with her?"

"Who else?" he smiled lightly

Sacha's eyes met his, the bluest he had ever seen and he smiled "It's about time too… Now don't let this be the last time I see you Hemmingway. I want regular visits Okay?"


Sacha held out his hand whilst he spoke "It's been a pleasure Luc"

He accepted his open hand and they shock for a moment "Thank you Sacha. I don't really know what I would have done … Thank you for calling her" he found the words more difficult to say than he had intended with a pressure building up within in and the words catching in his throat. He wished that he could give more to Sacha than just his thanks for he knew that words could never express just how grateful he was to him. He knew that he could never truly repay him, even if he had offered him a million pound cheque it would still not be enough because Sacha had done more for him than anyone had ever done; he had returned her to him and giving him back his life.

"It's what friends are for"

Of all the people within Holby City General, Sasha was one of perhaps a handful of people whom he would call his friends; for he had certainly proved himself a caring man, someone trustworthy and consistently, sometimes even annoying so, desperate to make everybody happy. He had made the call he had been too afraid to make because he had believed it to be over, that she would never return to him and to ultimately believed that he would become a failure in its most pitiful form. Sasha had brought the light back to him with his silver tongue. He had talked Eddi round, bringing her back and giving his life reason to continue.



There you have it. I felt that a nod needed to go to Sacha in this Fic, I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading. I would love to know your views.