Title: Withdrawn
Pating: PG
E/O: Double
Disclaimer: Nope, Chuck Testa.
A/N: Withdrawal from anything is never an easy task. Also, I'm sorry for to responding to reviews lately.
Emergency Beta: The Ymp

The pain doubled every night. When- if - he slept it was a sleep as deep as death. He vomited when he woke up each morning. Every movement he made was shaky. His flask was empty. Dean drank water when he could but it did not quench his thirst. It felt like being torn apart. He didn't eat until he finally had to and found a chimera slow enough.

He prayed at night, fighting back tears. It's bad, Cas. I need you. Please come back.

He didn't dream until one night: a light, a touch, and the pain was gone.