Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

E/O Challenge: Double. 3 x 100-word drabbles describing doubles of our dynamic duo. #1: Sam and Dean rest after dealing with the fall-out from looking in a cursed mirror. #2: Pretend to be something for long enough and eventually you'll become it. #3: They're all playing a role in this one.


Double Trouble

"These double calamities have come upon you - who can comfort you?" - Isaiah 51:18


A/N: Sam and Dean rest after dealing with the fall-out from looking in a cursed mirror. NB: Evil clones were harmed during the writing of this drabble.

On Reflection

"A cursed mirror that creates an evil clone of the person you love most? Who would've guessed?" asked Sam, collapsing in exhaustion.

"Man, I'm covered in my own double's brains."

"You'd have preferred me to let him strangle you?"

"No. Nice headshot by the way. I'd worry how easily you ganked evil-me, if it wasn't you looking in the mirror that created him in the first place."

"Do I really pull those faces?" asked Sam.

Dean was saved by Castiel appearing.

"Cas, you missed all the excitement!"

"Thank God, I doubt the universe could've coped with three Deans," Sam muttered.


A/N: Pretend to be something for long enough and eventually you'll become it. NB: No Winchesters were harmed during the writing of this drabble.

Shifting Loyalties

"We should get an Impala," said Dean, his eyes shining silver in the laptop's light.

Sam snorted. "What d'you know about cars?"

"Yeah, but he does. How hard can it be?"

Castiel appeared. "Wait... You're not Sam and Dean."

"Please don't kill us, Cas!" begged not!Sam.

Castiel peered closer. "You've broken the shifter code, and not shifted," he said in amazement, "you're stuck like that."

"It's a little angsty, but we've adopted the hunter's lifestyle," smiled not!Dean.

"Alright, but I'll be watching." Castiel shook his head and vanished.

"You reckon we can get a friend to double as him too?"


A/N: They're all playing a role in this one. Set a while after 5.09 The Real Ghostbusters. NB: No main characters (of any fandom) were involved in the writing of this drabble.

Behind a Mask

Les was sick of being the put-upon rookie. When he saw the hunters he realized it was his chance to shine.

"Who're you supposed to be?" called the hunter in the leather jacket.

Les struck a dramatic pose. "I am the vampire Lestat!"

The taller hunter snorted.

The vampire did a double take and ran when he realized who the pair were.

"The Winchesters are coming!" he screamed in warning to his nest mates.

Terrified vampires fled in all directions, desperate to be out of town by dawn.

"LARPing just isn't what it used to be," Demian sighed to Barnes.

A/N: Obviously Les isn't really Lestat, as Ms. Rice won't let anyone play with her toys...
