Yay, I finally got around to finishing the second chapter of this story woot! Sorry it took so long I got tests that I needed to study for and- you know what? I'll be completely honest; I just got lazy. But I finally got around to it so, yay? Ok, so the first chapter was about Sesshy's "Fluff" so you know that this one is gonna be about Inu's ears! So…ENJOY YALL AND DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW, THANK YERS! Disclaimer: the anime/ manga Inuyasha does not belong to me.

Inuyasha's Ears and Sesshomaru's Fluff: The Conspiracy

Chapter Two: Inuyasha's Ears

It was the night of the full moon meaning that the white haired hanyo had turned human for the night. The group had set camp somewhere in the forest and were all sitting in front of the small fire they had created- well, all except Inuyasha who was sitting against a tree, away from everyone.

Kagome looked back at him and thought to herself "I wonder why he stays away from us when he's in this state. It's not like we'll do anything or make fun of him. We're his friends; he should be comfortable around us." By this point she was staring at him to which no one noticed.

"He's not even that much different, just the physical features have changed." She continued her little observations in her head. She started to drink in his appearance. "His eyes are now brown instead of gold, his hair is black; just like mine now, and his ears aren't there anymore. Wait, no they're still there it's just his dog ears that aren't here. Yup, I can see his human ears right there, just peeking out from his hair. Hmm, are they always like that?" Kagome cocked her head to the side trying to remember a time –if there was any- when she had seen the half demon with his human ears peeking out from his white hair. "Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen Inuyasha with human ears besides the nights of a new moon. So, why do they only peek out now?" She thought this to herself as she was trying to come up with an explanation to her answer.

Now Inuyasha noticed her staring but didn't say anything because of the obvious wonder she showed on her face. He pretended he didn't notice at first, but when she didn't look away he started to get weirded out and said on impulse rather harshly "Are you gonna keep staring at me or what? C'mon, you're starting to creep me out."

Kagome snapped out of her thoughts as soon as he said this and quickly looked away with red tinges on her face. She realized she had been looking at him for quite some time.

"Sorry about that." She said rather sheepishly. "Keh" was his response.

Later that night she couldn't help but think about his ears. "Does he have four ears or just two? Well, he has two now but what about tomorrow? Either way is still pretty weird. I'll just have to find out tomorrow.." she thought dreamily before drifting off into sleep.

The next day, after doing her morning routine, she decided to confront Inuyasha about the topic that had been bugging her all night and morning. She decided to wait until she could ask him privately, knowing that he would close up like a clam shell if it was done in front of the group.

She waited for what seemed like forever to her but only a few hours in reality before she had her chance. As soon as she saw an opening, she lounged for it.

"Inuyasha," she said hesitantly, uncertain as to how she should start off the question that had been burning inside her all day. "Yeah, what is it?" he asked, noting the hesitant tone in her voice.

Kagome took a deep breath in an effort to give her courage in in a rush of word vomit she blurted out "How many ears do you have?" She quickly covered her mouth with her hand hoping that he didn't catch what she said. Ok, so that didn't come out exactly the way she wanted to.

This caught Inuyasha by surprise and he let out a startled "Huh?"

"Uh, never mind!" Kagome said in a panicked voice.

Unfortunately, he didn't let her off so easily and said in a still surprised voice "Did you just ask me how many ears I have?"

"Just forget about it!" she could live without the answer. Right? Right? No, sadly she couldn't.

Taking another deep breath she admitted "No, don't forget about it. I did ask you how many ears you have." She looked up from the ground and saw the puzzled mixed with surprised expression he had on his face.

"Look, I'm sorry of I-"she was cut off mid-sentence by the sound of his voice.

"Uh, two." He said.

"What?" she asked surprised that he answered her question without a fight.

"I said I have two ears." He answered back.

"Where?" she blurted out. Oh, she didn't care if she sounded stupid now, she was just so damn curious!

Inuyasha gave her a weird look "On my head." He said slowly.

Kagome furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.

"Right here." He said as he gestured to the furry white triangles on his head.

"What about your other ones?"

"What other ones?" he asked confused.

"These." She said as she picked up her hair to show him one of her own ears.

"What about those?" he asked still confused.

"Where are they?" Kagome asked getting slightly annoyed by his cluelessness.

"I don't have any." He said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

Now it was Kagome's turn to be confused "W-what? But you did last night!"

"Yeah, when I was human." He said calmly.

"But what about now?" she was still confused.

"I don't have them right now." He was trying his best to be patient with her.

"Wait, so that means that you only have those on top of your head?" she looked at him with shock as he nodded slowly. She let out a high pitched dragged out 'what' and looked at where his human ears should be.

"Then what do you have on the sides of your head?" she asked.

"Nothing." He was growing slightly irritated. Didn't she get anything?

"No way, let me see!" Her face was filled with wonder as she said that.

Inuyasha sighed "Alright, but only to shut you up!" and lifted his hair to where the human ears should be.

Kagome gasped a little in surprise. There was absolutely nothing there! White hair grew in the place of the missing ears that weren't actually missing.

"Can I see the top?"

"Keh." He grumbled as he sank to the ground.

Kagome stood with his back facing her and cautiously peered over the top of his snow-colored head. There she could see thick strands of glossy white hair that surrounded those perky white triangles he called ears.

"Uh, I'm just gonna move your hair a little bit to get a better view, ok?"


She hesitantly picked up a bunch of the strands only to find more covering his scalp. "Wow, you've got a lot of hair." She unconsciously muttered under her breath as she moved more of it to the side to get to where the ears connected to his head.

It was probably the strangest thing Kagome had ever seen. The flesh or whatever his ears were made out of looked like they just grew from his head. They were thin until they started to connect to the scalp, that's where the tissue blended into flesh and connected to his head. There were no jagged lines as Kagome had expected and was smooth through and through.

"Thanks, Inuyasha." Kagome said as she let go of the hair she had parted and moved away to give him room to stand up.

"Keh, what's so interesting about them?" he asked as he got up and brushed his pants off then looked her in the eye.

"They're cute." She said holding his gaze. He quickly looked away blushing "Keh."