Here it is, people! The final and last chapter of The Obi-Wan Challenge, it has been a great time publishing this story here, I love it and I hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have.
Let's open this final door and enjoy the view, shall we?
Chapter 22
Of course he had to do the piloting himself.
"For a man who hates flying, you certainly are quick to take over the controls," Siri griped, leaning over the side of the airspeeder as they skimmed along the outskirts of the Temple precinct, a sultry breeze whipping around them as they headed out into the duracrete jungle of the city proper.
"I hate other people's flying even more," her companion explained, making a sharp dip to starboard and angling them toward one of the more dilapidated regions of the metropolis, a sprawl of sagging high-rises and empty hotels, a district abandoned decades ago in favor of the more ostentatious towers in the next sector.
"This does not look like an inviting getaway," Siri remarked, clambering over the side of the speeder onto the dingy roof of a gutted residential tower. The night air was sticky, and hot. her tunics were clinging to her skin, and her hair was plastered to her forehead.
"This way," Obi-Wan hurried her along, toward the malfunctioning lifts at the far end.
"What is this place?" Siri wondered aloud.
"Dex let me onto the secret," Obi-Wan informed her as they rode the rattling lift downward to the penthouse level. "After the building was abandoned, local restauranteurs took over this solarium to make a greenhouse. Local produce is far superior to fare shipped in from seventy parsecs away, packed in carbonite."
They stepped out into a living non sequitur, a teeming garden erupting beneath grimed and cracking panels of transparisteel. A few solar lamps still flickered valaintly along the perimeter, picking out the lush forms of overgrown trellises and vines. "So Dex grows food here?"
He chuckled sardonically. "Dex has never seen a fresh vegetable, much less cooked one. And nobody has cultivated it in some years, as you can see. The Health Department shut it down a good while ago. For the common good, of course."
Siri gazed on the twilight shadows of the garden, sweat stil trickling down the back of her neck. "It's not much cooler here," she complained.
But her companion merely grasped her hand and pulled her along, deep into the heart of the disorderly green riot. "Come see the mandrangea beans," he invited.
And there they were - in the heart of the tangled maze - the sprawling towers and ramparts of the untrimmed mandrangea bean vines, arching overhead into a perfect fortress of drooping leaves and...
"They're in flower," she sighed, inhaling the sweet, rich scent of the tiny petals. White blossoms drifted down in measured cadence, a stately snowfall. Beneath the vines a perfumed warmth settled into a timeless expectancy.
Obi-Wan pulled her into the center of this enchanted place, where the soil was piled deep and soft with fallen leaves and blossoms, crushed to heady incense where they stepped.
Cloaks dropped to the ground, and were soon followed by other woven encumbrances.
"Hello folks," a cheery voice piped up from the other side of the mandrangea beans. "What brings you to my little love bower? I rent it by the quarter hour; for a bit extra, you can expand your horizons and try a threesome." The voice tittered and a grungy, rotund little man waddled forward, idly kicking blossoms aside.
"You want to go away," Obi-Wan snapped.
The End