I'm not the centre mind of this challenge, I'm just the writer. As you guys can read from the title, is from the mind of thousand Obi-authors. This authors here are some of the world's biggest Obi-fan. And we have sat down and decided to make this big Obi-Wan challenge.
So, I want to thank you SerendipityAEY, earlybird-obi-wan, ruth baulding, Valairy Scot, Obiwan456 and laloga. For you guys' support and for you guys' fantastic writing. Haven't it been for you, this challenge would have never been born!
Because this challenge is so long, I have divided it into small chapters, and I'll publish a new chapter every Saturday.
Enjoy! :)
An Obi-Wan Challenge from the Mind of Thousand Obi-Authors
Chapter 1
"Let us be fair," Obi Wan grumbled. "You got us into this mess. So you can get us back out again."
"What do you mean?" Anakin snapped. "It's not my fault!"
"I only know one direction, Master!" Anakin grumped. "I get us in; you get us out."
"Well, I'm out of ideas at the moment," Obi-Wan said, the sound of his voice tight - a sure sign his patience was running short. "I've never seen such a - a -"
"Such a kriffing horde of holonet reporters," Anakin filled in. "Quick, master, in here."
"Oh, now I /know/ you're not the brains of this team," the Jedi master muttered, allowing his friend to drag him into the disreputable establishment just ahead.
"Here, hide your famous mug behind this drink." Anakin snatched up a mug and thrust it into Obi-Wan's hands. "Oh oh, bottoms up, Master."
"Isn't that your speciality, Poster Boy?" Obi-Wan snarked, smacking said bottom with one hand and smacking his lips with the other (it was a good drink).
Anakin's tart reply was cut off by a searing flash of blue light as Obi-Wan whirled, saber cleaving an intrusive holonet cam-droid in two.
"Hey!" Anakin yelped, the seat of his pants smoldering.
"Those kriffin' droids are way too nosy," Obi-Wan explained. He craned his neck behind Anakin and "oh oh'd."
"What - and get your nose away from there."
"My nose has no intention of making close acquiantance with that part of your anatomy, Padawan! But your - ah - glowing lightsabers are now exposed to the holonet."
Anakin's hand clapped to his rear. He only wore those because Padme liked to see her husband adorned in all sorts of lightsabers - the better to whit them down to one - the most functional one at that. He couldn't help the grin that spread over his face. Of course, Obi-Wan misunderstood.
And for a moment, finally, it seemed as if they were alone. "If you'd like to admit what you did to garner such attention, please don't hesitate," Obi-Wan leveled a stern look at Anakin as he turned toward him.
"Me!" Anakin exclaimed. "You were the one sneaking around with that blonde last night. Who was she?"