I do not own Soul Eater or any of it's characters / locations. Only the plot here is mine.

The door slammed open, the hand that pushed it being fed by anger. Hatred. Loathing... Jealousy.
Black*Star strode into the dark room, storming right past the White light-switch as he threw himself onto his bed. A second figure entered the room, black hair swinging slightly as she hurried after the boy. Tsubaki flicked on the light-switch delicately, "Black*Star... Are you okay?" The blue haired boy growled as he moved onto his side, protecting his eyes from the light that filled the room to the brim. Sky-blue Walls surrounded the pair, along with a cream carpeted floor. Numerous signatures lined the walls and a collection of black markers lined his white bedside table. In the corner of the room, a white door which was identical to the one the partners had entered through. A big window lined the wall next to Black*Stars bed which looked out over the night sky and Death City. "Of course I'm okay! I'm me aren't I?" Black*Star grunted, forcing his obvious anger down as he scratched at the rather large plaster on his head. Tsubaki frowned, "Are you sure?" When Black*Star didn't respond, she sighed deeply and stepped out of the room, closing the door carefully behind her.

Black*Star slowly rolled onto his back with almost silent breath before the boy erupted with an impassioned roar, letting his with-held agony echo through the house. His head flicked back and he squeezed his eyes shut as he yelled out his frustration. The scream lasted ten seconds before the boy stopped, breathing heavily as the reason for his anger fled back into his thoughts. It was that damn REAPER... No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, that REAPER didn't go down! He sneered at himself. Not that he needed to try to beat that darn perfectionist. Black*Star growled at his thoughts before deciding to get some fresh air. He picked himself up and opened the window, leaning out slightly and grabbing the roof's ledge above him. Black*Star swiftly pulled himself up and sat on the tiled roof of his house. He took a deep breath of the cold air that had already chilled him to the very bone and slowly exhaled, the air around him slowly helping the boy become once again serene- for Black*Star that is. His eyes darted over the houses around him, until a certain Mansion in the distance caught his attention. He smiled grimly, before cracking his knuckles in his palm and jumping away, leaping from roof to roof as he slowly neared Death the Kid's estate with the memory of their earlier battle still hovering in his Mind.

~ Earlier at the Academy ~

"This is it, I'll defeat you this time, Kid! You cannot win! I will rein supreme and you can't stop me!" Black*Star announced to his small audience. Soul, Maka and Tsubaki along with Kid- groaned at his brief speech. "Black*Star... You've fought Kid more times than necessary; shouldn't you know how it's going to end already?" Maka estimated, her eye twitching. Soul scoffed as he tucked his hands behind his head, placing one foot behind his other, "Maka, this is Black*Star we're talking about, you know he's not going to give up!" Soul remarked with his signature smirk. "Unfortunately for him, that is..." Death the Kid added from his spot on the other side of the Academy's entrance grounds. The Reaper didn't seem phased at all by the threat of battle, he displayed that by his bored expression and the fact his hands were tucked into his trouser pockets, and as always his back was straight from his natural posture that very rarely failed him. It was like Kid had been expecting this, or he was used to the idea of fighting the egotistic Assassin.

"When is Stein going to turn up?! I wanna kick Kid's ass!" Black*Star fumed, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently. "I don't see why you want to do this, you gain nothing from it?" Kid tried. The blue-haired boy bent backwards, laughing at the sky before flicking his top half of his body forwards again, "One, you get humiliated. Two, I would have beaten a Reaper!" Kid took his hands out of his pockets, "Black*Star, though I hate to remind myself... What about the first time?" Kid stated as he made hand gestures to try and work sense into the boy's brain. "Pfft, that was nothing, besides! Seeing as Soul cut your hair it..." His voice toned down slightly to a mumble, "... Wasn't me that beat you." Finally, Professor Franken Stein joined the group, "Alright alright, same as always you two... Fight honorably, don't use unnecessary moves, etcetera etcetera." The two Rivals nodded and got into their fighting positions. Maka sighed as she shook her head at them, grumbling to herself. "Say... Let's do it this way. No more fights after this. The one who wins this... Wins it for good!" Black*Star smirked at the Reaper's frown. "Very well, let us get this over with then!" Kid declared. The Death God's body shimmered out of sight from the pure speed of his first move and the battle commenced from Kid's first strike.

The battle between the two foes was a complete blur to the audience. Black*Star and Kid evaded each others attacks, blocked, punched and kicked in sync with the other, creating a sort of dance that only they could see. They knew each other's attacks well enough by now, so they could predict each others movements. Kid sent his fist flying towards the Assassin's solar plexus with such speed that the blue-haired boy didn't have time to block. Kid then followed his punch up with a high kick, his heel connecting with Black*Star's chin and sending him flying back. The fight finally became visible to the audience as Black*Star hit the ground, but no. That wasn't enough to keep him down. The boy coughed and got back up slowly, running back towards the Reaper with his own little burst of speed, but Kid grinned, the punch to his solar plexus had sent the boy's balance off- even if it was only a small bit. Black*Star roared from anger as he built up his Soul Wavelength in his hand and sent it to the Reaper in an enclosed fist. The Reaper saw it coming and noticed that the boy had stumbled a bit with his right foot. So he took this chance to throw his arm up to catch and redirect Black*Stars attack over his shoulder by hitting his lower arm away while doing his best to avoid the fist. "Time to end this!" The Reaper growled, sending his own punch into the boy's throat while shifting his body forwards. He instantly followed it up by bringing his knee forcefully into Black*Stars gut, before pushing his whole body forwards to throw the boy back to the ground.

As the boy once again hit the ground, he bounced slightly and landed on his front. The Reaper moved swiftly to his side, knowing that wouldn't keep the boy down. As Black*Star tried getting back up, Kid sent a kick into his side which sent him back up into the air and jumped after him, The Assassin didn't have time to react as he was sent crashing back down to the Earth by the very foot that started his ascent into the sky. Black*Star landed on his front with a sickening thud, but still his energy didn't give up on him. His fingers twitched as he tried to move, but then the Reaper finished the battle by landing from his jump directly on Black*Star's head. As the boy's body finally went slack, Kid stepped off and exhaled, looking over his shoulder at his overcome challenger before walking over to Maka, Soul and Stein. "Black*Star!" Tsubaki cried, rushing past the victor and falling to her knee's at her partner's side. "A good battle, Kid. You have improved significantly!" Stein announced, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. "I hope Black*Star is alright though…" Maka grumbled. "I'm sure he'll be fine Maka," Soul smirked as he watched Tsubaki pick up the unconscious teenager. Kid strolled past them, not stopping to even glance at them. Maka frowned as he passed and walked into the Academy, "Do you think he's okay?" She asked, looking at Soul. The Weapon shrugged, "Who knows?"

Well, hi there. This is my first story so I hope it's okay. I wont be able to update this easily because of school, but I hope you have enjoyed the opening chapter.

This story is based on the events of the Manga, after (SPOILER) they rescue Kid from the Book of Eibon and defeat Noa. After this event takes place, in this story they go back to the Academy and continue in missions and training.

Reviews are greatly appreciated, I basically feed off them. Thanks!

~ SynsAbyss