There's not much I can say except... I'M SORRY... my life took a pretty drastic turn the last couple of months, and i've been having to deal with it, it took all my energy and time. When I was going to get back to writing this, I had a couple of messages telling me what I was doing wrong which I accepted as constructive critisism, but there were also messages that were really negative and made me ditch this story for a very long time. Then I saw another story on this site, which resembled mine an awful lot an it angered me but also motivated me to start this story again. Updates will be slow because my life right now, it's pretty hectic and I rarely get the time to write, but I promise i'll try. I hope you'll stay with me, and if you are still reading this, I could never thank you enough.


That date was nearing, the date where his life will change, he had been shrugging it off like it's nothing big, but Kate can see the worry in his eyes when she brings it up. He so worried that it's not going the sell, that if it does it'll be a bust and get terrible reviews and he'll just completely crash and having nothing as his back up. His book will be available for purchase in just 1 week, so Kate has organised for them to go the carnival that's in town this week, try to get his mind of the worry.

She's in her bedroom deciding what to wear, feeling the January chill in the air, she plans for some jeans, boots and a warm jacket. There is a knock at her door, and she looks up to see her Mom leaning against the door frame.

"How you going?" Her Mom said

It was a random question, but she could tell that her Mom was pushing for more, there was something she wanted to know.

"Not much, why?" Kate replies looking up from her reflection in the full length mirror.

The was a hesitant look in her Mothers eyes, but Kate couldn't quite read it. Johanna was the best at hiding her emotions, she was a lawyer it was her job to have the perfect poker face. She pushed off the door frame and walked into her room, sitting at the end of her unmade bed just behind where Kate was examining her self in the mirror. Locking eyes with her Mother she turns around.

"What is it Mom?" Kate knew that her Mother was itching to ask a question, but just couldn't find the right words.

"Are you- how do you feel about- have you-" She paused obviously not knowing how to approach her question.

Johanna had been extremely pre-occupied lately with this case, she came home at ungodly hours and left before the sun was even starting to rise, she'd been spending an awful lot of time at the office. Kate had asked her Father what it was all about but he just said that they were really concentrating on a hard case and that it would take up a lot of time. She hadn't been around much to ask Kate many question about Rick and herself. Kate thought she knew what it was about, so she just came right out and said it.

"Me and Rick haven't had sex, if that's what your trying to ask?" It came out a lot harsher that Kate had wanted it to, she known how important her Mothers work is but can't help feeling ditched and left out when her Mother dives into a case.

Johanna was not someone to beat around the bush, she'd usually just come right out and say what she needed to, so this started to frustrate Kate.

After looking at her Moms face she realized that it was not what she wanted to ask, but obviously the complete opposite. A flush had risen to Kate's cheeks as she turned back towards the mirror to look away from her somewhat shocked Mother.

"That's um- not what I was going to ask, but i'm glad to hear-"

"-Then just spit it out!" Kate spat back in annoyance, she was embarrassed and wanted to move away from what she had just said to her Mother.

"How are you with this whole Rick Castle thing; I mean, are you okay with him doing this stuff, what if he gets rich and famous and has to travel the world to promote his books, he'll have to go to glitz and glam parties and you'll be hanging around him and I don't know if I want you involved in that kind of lifestyle" Johanna was rambling.

Kate hadn't thought about it like that, she didn't think that he'd have to leave for promotions and that at those parties it's just be- she doesn't know what, she really hadn't thought about it.

"Mom" She cuts Johanna off "He's book hasn't even been published yet, just give it time, and if that does end up happening we'll deal with it when the time comes"

Johanna nodded "I just don't want you to get hurt"

Kate gave her Mom a reassuring smile and understood, what Mother wouldn't want their eighteen year old daughter diving into that public lifestyle.

Johanna left the room after kissing her daughter on her head.


She'd just finished applying her makeup when she walked out of her bathroom and into her bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" Kate asked, shocked to see her boyfriend laying on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"Waiting for you" He replies innocent, while turning his head but not getting up.

"I mean in my room, on my bed!" She questions confused

"Oh, your Mom let me in, told me you were in her bedroom" He smiled, rotating his head back towards the ceiling

After she'd gotten over the initial shock she smirked at him and walked over to her bed, climbing onto the mattress and lifting her right leg over his lap to straddle him. His head had shot up, hands immediately coming to rest on her hips, as he was rising his head to kiss her hello, they heard Johanna yell out her name from the kitchen.

"Yeah Mom?" She yelled back, not really wanting to move

They heard her footsteps, the clicking of heels, coming towards her bedroom. Kate jumped off Rick and stood in front of the mirror to make it look like she was doing something other that straddling her boyfriend on her bed.

Johanna opened the door and poked her head in "Your Dad's just called me to the office, so we should be back by the time you kids get home, sorry to bail like this"

Kate just nods and smiles at her Mom "It's okay"

"Bye Rick, you two have fun at the carnival"

"Thank you Mrs Beckett" Rick smiled

"Rick, remember call me Johanna"

"Sorry" he laughs back

She just winks at closes the door behind her. They listen to her heels clicking all the way to the front door and then they end, they hear the door open and then close. Confirming that they were now alone.

Kate looks at Rick, smirking "You know how I said i'd promise to make it up to you, about what happened at the outdoor movies?"

Rick gulps and nods.


So that the chapter I came back with, I hope it wasn't to bad, haven't wrote in a really long time.

But as always please review :)

Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes.

Thanks for reading.

P.s next chapter should be about their first time together, i'll try to stick to T rating.