The Lima Job
Chapter 6

"No. Kurt-uh, wait. Crap!" Blaine broke his lips away and stared down at the broken credit card. "That's the third one, now. I need to- concentrate, um, maybe in a- no!" Blaine shoved at Kurt's legs. "No, kissing. Not until we get into this room."

"Fine, fine." Kurt sighed, pulling out another from his wallet. "Here try this one."

"How many cards do you have?"

"I have expensive tastes." Kurt shrugged. "It's okay. They're pretty much maxed out."

"What? All of them?"

"Christian T'One. New season."

"You bought the entire collection?!"

"No. Er-Just an anklet."

"An anklet? You maxed out three cards on an anklet?" Blaine shook his head. "When we get in there, you'll never have to worry about money again," Blaine grinned, sliding the card down the door frame. "Well, for now. When we run low, I'll do another job. Keep us in the black. I'll get you two anklets."

Oh, Kurt thought as it gave way with a quiet snick, and Blaine handed him his card back. That.

Blaine was a thief. A professional one. Of course. Why would he give it up? Kurt could see the excitement in it. The rush, he supposed. But Blaine had only said a little while ago that Lima was supposed to be his last job. And here he was planning more. Was he bored of Kurt already? It had only been ten minutes! Plus, two anklets? That was just ridiculous.

"Kurt, we're in." Blaine grabbed at Kurt's hand, setting his senses aflame. Shaking his head of the thoughts he followed Blaine into the room, giving a little gasp as he entered.

Finn was bent over the bed-frame, his back to them, rubbing himself frantically against it. "C'mon. C'mon!"

Wow. It was like they were sharing the basement again.

Kurt cleared his throat. "Er, we could come back?"

"Dude!" Finn spun round. "You came to rescue me!" In his excitement , he tottered off the bed and Blaine moved to catch him. "That angry bro tied my feet and hands together. And he left Gossip Girl on. I'm not sure which is worse."

"And you decided to make a move on the bed?"

"I was trying to loosen the knots. I'm not a total idiot, Kurt. Oh, my God. I can't believe you came for me. You are totally awesome," Finn's voice faltered, sounding almost choked. "Thank you."

Blaine began to pull at the binds, trying to free Finn's feet. Finn's huge feet. Finn's huge feet that he was flying, uncontrolled round Blaine's head.

"Will you calm down!" Kurt said, dropping to the floor to help. "You're going to knock Blaine's skull off."

"Good! I hope I do! And that'll teach him to go around kidnapping people, and their pennies, and their brothers!"

Finn stared at them both, his lip trembling. And then he burst into tears.

"Well," Blaine said. "That was unexpected."

"Hey! Hey," Kurt soothed, wrapping his arms round the boy's shoulders. "It's okay."

"It's just been one shitty thing after another, and I'm tired and this must be some sort of neverending Gossip Girl marathan. I want to go home, Kurt!"

"C'mon. There's no need to cry. It's alright."

"I'm not crying!"

"No, no. Of course not. I'm sorry."

"Don't tell Rachel I cried."

"I won't," Kurt agreed.

"Or Mom."

"I won't tell her, either."

"Or Burt?"

"How about we keep it between us? Oh, and Billy the Kid, here."

Blaine blushed and returned to untying Finn's feet. "We need to move fast. Wes could be back any minute."

"I'm not going anywhere!" Finn glared down at him. "Not without my jar."

"What?" Blaine blinked. "The pennies?"

"Wes took them and the bag with him. I'm not leaving without them."

"Finn!" Kurt scolded. "It's just money! It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does!" Finn kicked the rope from his feet, handing his bound wrists to Blaine. "They were my Dad's, okay?" He looked away, his teeth biting at his bottom lip. "They were his and..." His voice grew small. "They're all I have."

Kurt wiped at his brother's face with his sleeve, feeling a little like crying himself.

"Wes has the money?" Blaine swore under his breath. "Just great."

"You're not suggesting we stay, are you?" Kurt asked, his voice icy. "I thought this was about Finn."

"It is! And Finn wants to stay!" Blaine said. "You've been through this much danger already, what's a little more to get what you want?"

"What I want? Right. I see. Could you excuse me?" he said, ignoring Blaine's expression. A mixture of frustration and worry. "I just need to use the bathroom."

Moving before either boy could call him back, Kurt crossed the room, and quickly closed the door behind himself. Taking a big gulp of air, he slid down the door, wrapping his arms around his legs and dropping his head onto his knees.

Okay, this was a mess. It was too much. Could he really live this type of life with Blaine? Would Blaine even want Kurt tagging along? Like an even more fabulous Faye Dunaway? If he remembered that movie, that sure didn't end well.

Wait. Was Kurt actually thinking about going on the run with Blaine. What about his Dad? Carole? Finn? Kurt grimaced remembering the pain on his face. Could Kurt live with himself for putting that look on someone else's? By taking what they had worked hard for?

Kurt bit his lip, gripping his thighs. But the alternative was no Blaine. That was- that was a horriblethought. Because despite their short time together, a time that had employed entirely too much bondage, Kurt was sure that his feelings for the other boy weren't just attraction. No, they were definitely stronger than that.

It couldn't actually be love, could it?

"What the hell?" Kurt jumped as Wes' rang out behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"Wes!" Blaine cried. "Er-hi!"

"You tricked me!" Wes' hand was a blur as he pulled the gun from his jacket. "Again! Where's the other one?"

"Who? Oh, Kurt." Thank God, he'd gone to the bathroom. After Blaine's stupid, stupid comment. God, what had he been thinking? "I ditched him. He was slowing me down. Hey, there's a minibar here, how about you put that down, and we-"

"Oh, no. I'm not falling for that again." Wes motioned with the gun. "Stop moving. Stay where I can see you."

"Okay. I'm stopped. I'm stopped. Listen, keep the money. I'm not that bothered. I mean, it would be amazing to have it and all. But, I'm good. You know?"

"Is this reverse psychology?" Wes sighed, shifting the bag on his shoulder and raising his eyebrows. "No offense. You're terrible at it."

Shit. He had to throw him off the track.

"Yes. Yes, it is." There. Brilliant.

Wes tilted his head. "Are you an idiot?"

"I'm the idiot? Me?" Blaine laughed. "Remind me? Are you the one that left with the money to get something to knock Finn out with so you could leave with the money?"

Wes stared, his eyes widening and his face growing pale. "No- I- You see- Damnit! I'm going to shoot you so many times!".

"Go on then! If you can even manage it." Blaine taunted. "Does that thing come with an instruction manual?"

"Dude! Stop trying that Jedi trick it isn't working." Finn muttered.

"You should listen to your abnormally sized friend, Crystal Tipps. How about you just stay out of my face? And we'll part ways. Like we always planned?"

"Except," Blaine hissed as he saw the bathroom door slowly creak open. "Except you're taking everything."

"Expenses." Wes shrugged, his back to the approaching Kurt. "Do you know much Lurch eats?"

"Why is everyone always ragging on my height? You can hardly talk, Polly Pocket!"

Keep his attention on you, Blaine thought. Keep him from turning around!

"Who is your favourite Spice Girl?"

"What?" Finn and Wes asked in unison. They looked surprised. Blaine was a little surprised himself.

"You know? Spice Girls? Mine was Ginger."

"Is this you stalling?" Wes asked. "Because it's- insane."

"Plus, Baby was cuter." Finn added. "Ginger was, like, ancient. Old Spice."

Kurt was almost at Wes' shoulder now, gripped tightly in his hands was a-toilet brush? Oh, God. He was going to die. Blaine sucked in a breath. "C'mon. Just indulge me."

"Fine. Sporty Spice." Wes took a step backwards. "May that console you on poverty ridden nights in-"

A floorboard creaked and realization was only halfway across his face when Kurt pounced.

"What the- Oh, ew! That's wet!" The gun faltered as Kurt began to batter Wes about the face and shoulders. "Stop it! That's been used! Used!"

"That's for kidnapping my brother! And for shooting Blaine! And for making me think you were dat- Oh, Shit!."

Wes had recovered quickly, and now had Kurt's back against his chest and the gun pressed against his temple. "Ditched him, Blaine?"

"Wes! Cool, okay?" Blaine started forward, halting as the gun turned towards his face. Kurt! Blaine's heart hammered at his chest desperately. How could he have been so stupid? To put Kurt in danger like this?

Is this what it would be like for them? If they managed to distract Wes with something shiny, and get away from him. Would he spend every night worrying about Kurt while he played Grace Kelly to his Cary Grant? What kind of future would that be? Blaine didn't want that. Not for him.

"Maybe I can get his criminal friends to pay big money for him? Yeah!"

"What? Oh! I forgot about that." Blaine ran his hands through his hair, "Yeah, Kurt? Isn't Kurt the Hurt."

"I'm not what?"

"Wait, what? Are you telling me he isn't a crime lord?"

"Oh, he's a lord alright."

"Hey! Don't homophobe my brother!"

"Yeah," Wes nodded. "That's a bit harsh, Blaine."

"No, I mean- We- have a history. Let's just say I've kidnapped him before. And we hit it off."

"So he didn't commit the Great Train Robbery?"

"Er, no. He'd have to be eighty, Wes! Amazing kisser, though. Amongst other things."

Kurt grinned. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome."

"And they don't call you Blaine the Pain?"

"Ah. No. They don't."

"I don't believe this. You're telling me you're the gay Ted Bundy." Wes sighed. "Is anything that comes out of your mouth the truth, Blaine?"

"Wait, wait. Slept together? You and Kurt?" Finn exclaimed. "When?"

"Er-now isn't really the time," Kurt shook his head, his hand clutching at Wes' arm.

"Oh, my God! You totally did it while I was all kidnapped and being tortured! You whores!"


"C'mon. Let Kurt go. He's got nothing to do with this."

"I'm going to give you a choice, Blaine. Because despite everything I still like you." Wes pulled tighter at the arm around the boy's neck. "You can come with me. We split this money. Or, I take the money and I take Kurt."

"You're not going anywhere with him!" Finn snapped, he made to move nearer, but halted as Wes pressed the barrel further into Kurt's temple.

Blaine bit his lip. He couldn't let him take Kurt. God knows Wes couldn't be trusted with a gun. Even if he had a fishing rod, he'd poke someone's eye out. Blaine couldn't let anything happen to him. He'd never forgive himself.

"Okay, okay," Blaine nodded, rubbing at his jaw. "I can do that."

"Blaine!" Kurt gasped.

"He's just a hook up," Blaine continued. "I mean, sure he's cute and all but I'm not in love with him or anything." That hurt. A tiny spark twisted in his gut and Blaine carried on, he didn't have time to think on what the hell that meant. "C'mon, let him go and we'll get out of here."

Kurt's lips pressed together into a thin line, and his eyes were watery. Blaine had never felt more like a shit in his whole entire life.

"Hook up?" Finn turned to him slowly. "You slattern! You took advantage of my little brother"

"I'm older than you, Finn. And no," Kurt curled his upper lip. "No one took advantage of me. And they won't ever again."

And that? That really hurt.

"See? You think I could handle that attitude everyday? Just because he has a nice build, and soft skin. And just because he is sweet, and funny, and flexible doesn't mean I want to, like, marry him or anything. So you holding him hostage is just ridiculous. I totally don't care. I'm breezy about the situation in fact."

"Oh, my God." Wes said in a stilted voice. "You love him!"

"What?" Blaine laughed nervously. "No, I don't! Pfft."

"You do, dude. You totally do!" Finn pointed at him with his bound hands. "You love Kurt!"

"I don't!" Blaine cried. "I-" That was absurd! Blaine looked at the other boy who was staring at him with wide, hopeful eyes, his rose lips parted slightly. Oh, fuck it. "Fine! I love him. I think. I don't know! Okay?"

"Do you really?" Kurt asked, his eyes wide. "Blaine?"

Blaine stared at the other boy, his mouth drying and his heart pounding. And he knew. He just knew. "Yes, I love you.."

Kurt giggled. "That's fantastic!"

"Ow!" Wes cried as Kurt stomped on his foot and ran into Blaine's arms, hugging him tightly. "Ow, ow!" Wes hopped. "Fuck! I can't stand any of you!" He hugged the bag to his chest and pointed the gun at them.

"Hey, listen. Do what you got to do." Finn said, holding out a hand as he approached. "But could you leave the jar?"

"Are you insane? Do you know how much these are worth. No, wait of course not. It's you."

"Wes, they belonged to his Dad," Blaine hugged Kurt close to him. "He doesn't care about how much they are."

"Oh? Am I expected to believe that? How do I know you aren't going to split it and head to San Francisco?"

"He's not lying. They were my Dad's. And it's all I got left of him, bro. You don't seem a bad guy. When you aren't tying things up or stealing stuff or picking channels to watch. C'mon." Finn was a foot away now. "You know it's wrong."

Wes' eyes shifted between each of them. "No, I'm sorry. I sympathize and everything but- Look! Stop looking at me like that. I-" He looked down at the gun and sighed. It lowered. "I guess- I guess I don't need everything. The money from the job is enough. I think. Is it enough?"

"It would mean so much, Wes," Blaine said, his arm around Kurt's waist. "If we were ever friends."

Wes worried at his bottom lip. "I don't know."

"I know a lot has gone down these last couple of days, but try to remember, Wes. We're close. I'm just asking you for this. This one act of mercy."

Wes shook his head slowly and smiled. "You're right. When it boils down to it, friendship is-"


"Finn!" Kurt cried. They stared at the boy in horror, as he stood over the unconscious Wes, his bound hands raised above him. "What did you do that for?"

"I can't believe it took me that long to think of it! What?" Finn shrugged. "What's with the face?"

Kurt stepped away from Blaine raising his hand to his mouth. "I can't believe you did that. What if he wakes up in a coma?"

"You need some distance from your brother clearly," Blaine muttered, dropping down next to Wes. "He's fine. Just out cold."

"How do you know?" Kurt asked. "Are you like DareDevil? Do you smell it on him?"

"No, he's got a pulse and he's unconscious."

"Hmm. How long do you think he'll be down for?"

"A couple of hours. Long enough. We should get moving. Because if he wasn't pissed before-"

"Can someone help?" Finn asked, trying to pick up the jar from the bag. "I can't get my fingers around-ahh, crap." The jar dropped from his grasp and rolled over to Kurt, who stopped it with a heeled boot.

"Blaine? Get the keys. Finn? You get the money."

"Sweet, dude." Finn made to pick the bag up, nearly falling at the weight. "Wow, that Wes is stronger than he looks."

"Wait? What are you doing?" Blaine turned to Kurt. "You cant be serious?"

"Why not, man?" Finn shrugged. "We might as well get something out of this weekend. I should at least. I mean, you two got laid."

"It's stealing, Finn!"

"No, it isn't! It's already been stolen, and it wasn't us that stole it so all we are doing is taking it. Taking."

Blaine blinked. "That's still stealing"

Finn shook his head. "Synthetics."


"He means semantics,' Kurt said. "And he's right! I thought this is what you wanted?"

Blaine looked at the bag. Then turned and looked at Kurt's face. His sweet, open face. His face that looked like the last thing he wanted to do was take up a vocation as Lima's most wanted.

"No, Kurt. It's not what I want." Blaine crossed the room quickly, taking hold of Kurt's shoulders. "I just want you."

"But the money-"

"Fuck the money. I'm done with that. I'm done with it all. Even if you'd make an amazing Grace Kelly."


"I just want to be with you. I don't care where, I don't care how. You're all I need."

Kurt smiled softly. "Like The Beatles song, huh?"

"Yellow Submarine?"

"Shut up, Finn." Kurt closed the distance and pressed his lips to Blaine's. Moaning into his mouth, Blaine's arms encircled him tightly, marvelling at how perfectly he fit against his body.

Finn sighed. "This weekend has really sucked."

Breaking away from Kurt, and missing the contact already, Blaine turned to Finn. "Here, the receptionist thinks we're kinky enough."

"So," Finn said as Blaine untied his hands. "What are we doing."

"We're taking your jar. Your damn jar. And leaving Wes the money. I think he has earned it. He's welcome to it. If we take it, he'll only follow. I think it's about time we parted ways." Blaine looked down at his ex partner with a fond smile. "We'll take the van halfway, then get a taxi or something into Lima."

"My Dad could-Oh, my God!" Kurt scrambled for his cell out of his jeans. "Forty seven missed calls! I amso dead!"

Finn pulled out his with his now free hand. "Oh, yeah and I have- only two! And they're both Rachel! What the hell?"

"We'll think of something!" Blaine licked his lips. "Right now we've got to get moving. Before Wes wakes up."

"Could we not take-"


"Just a little-"

"No, Finn!" Kurt snapped. He turned to Blaine with a shy grin. "You ready to meet my folks?"

"Oh, oh. Maybe I should turn myself in?" Kurt frowned and mock punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! How many times? Bullet wound!"

"Sorry! Sorry." Kurt took Blaine's hand and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. "By the way, I never said. But I think I love you, too."

"Ah," Finn said under his breath. "I have a text. If you don't send this on to thirty people before 5pm- Oh, C'mon, Rachel!"

Finn rolled his eyes. It was bad enough he was having to sit in the back of the van all alone, but listening to Kurt and Blaine coo and making smacky noises was too much. They were bound to end up in a ditch. Dead. And then everyone would think Finn was a part of some gigantic gay orgy. Oh, God! He was covered in rope burns they were so going to think that!

Well, never mind. Finn smiled and gave his jar a pat. Least he'd got that back. And Kurt had got a boyfriend, and that was pretty awesome.

Finn put his hand to his jacket pocket. Not as awesome as this, though. He pulled out the wad, fanned it out on the van floor and began to count.

The End