HEY HEY HEY! So as promised I have started writing the sequel to my first novel 'I'm falling for you'. And also as promised I have it up on time! WHOO! Because it's holidays I'm going to try and update this story much more often than my previous one. But that's only when I get time :)
I really hope this story goes ok. I'm not too sure yet :) I have heaps of ideas for this one and you are ALL most welcomed to contribute :) I like taking in the idea's of my readers :) Onto the story I guess :)
(I'm not going to be doing my usual Effie Trinkett quote for this story, instead I'm going to use quotes that I love not always from books)
QUOTE OF THE DAY: 'Do things with passion or not at all.' I'm not sure who this quote belongs to - but it doesn't belong to me. I just like it.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Hunger Games series! Suzanne Collins does!
Chapter One
I sit motionless by my window ledge. My eyes haven't moved from the house next to mine. I just wish I could see his eyes, his smile again. I didn't realise how deep I was in until they stopped us from seeing each other.
When we arrived back in 12, my mother was surprisingly functioning again. She was nothing like she had been, but she was up and moving again. That wasn't even the part that shocked me most. Mrs Mellark full on yelled at me in front of all from 12. She accused me of not being good enough for her son, she said that I was trash and the sooner Peeta realise that, the better.
We were banned from seeing one another, but that didn't stop us. I needed Peeta, just like he needed me. Every night one of us would sneak to the others new home and we would spend the night together just cuddled up in each-other's arms. Very much like when we were in the games.
That was until she caught us. It was around 1am when she barged in on us. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE! YOU'RE TRASH! PEETA MELLARK YOU ARE A FOOL! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT SHE'S USING YOU?!" I swear I've never been so scared in my life.
"Mum don't talk about her like that!" Peeta yelled back, I had never heard Peeta lose his temper, but he did then. I never thought Peeta could be scary but well he could.
"I will talk to it however I want Peeta!" she screeched. "And don't you dare speak to me like that!" and she smacked Peeta on the face, hard.
I was outraged, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" I had screamed into her face.
"I CAN DO WHAT I WANT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU ARE NEVER TO SPEAK TO HIM AGAIN!" And she shoved me into the wall. She started to kick and punch me, it hurt like hell.
"Don't touch her mum! I'll stay away from her, just leave her alone!" Peeta came running in between us and caught her arm as she was about to make her next brutal punch.
"Fine come with me Peeta! And you, if you ever step foot in this house again I will personally deal with you. Now GET OUT!" I had scrambled up from the floor and sprinted out of the house without so much as a look back.
When I was back in the safety of my house I looked through my bedroom window into Peeta's and watched as he was beaten by his own mother. Tears streaked down my face as I watched. I couldn't turn away, I was frozen in place.
As the night continued, I watched as she nailed the windows shut and put a lock on Peeta's door. Now there is no way for us to see one another. And during this past week, I've never felt so alone.
I continue to sit by the window hoping he will make an appearance. Just as I'm about to give up for the night I see movement from his room. I watch carefully as a bulky figure sneaks to the window. The curtains open and I'm met with the azure eyes that I have missed oh so much. He breaks out into a heart stopping smile and I can't help but return the favour.
It's been one whole week but I'm glad that I finally got to see him. I wave and mouth 'Hi.' He repeats my actions. All I want to do is be in his arms, the arms I miss, the arms that make me feel safe and keep the nightmares away.
Yes, I have nightmares, every night actually. I know Peeta has them too, usually we can keep them at bay, but when we are apart they get worse and they leave me feeling broken and empty.
I sit and stare at Peeta for god knows how long, all I know is that I get lost in his ocean like eyes.
Eventually he makes a sleeping gesture which I take as him telling me to get some sleep. I nod with a sad smile. I have not had enough of him yet. 'I love you' he mouths and blows me a kiss. I repeat his actions before I crawl to my bed.
It's funny how I could sleep by my-self before I fell in love with Peeta, and now that I am no longer allowed to sleep in his arms, the bed feels cold and too big.
I honestly don't know how but I manage to drift off to sleep.
"Katniss?" I turn around and see Rue staring up at me.
"RUE! You're ok!" I cry as I bend down to be at her level.
"Why'd you let me die Katniss? You promised you would protect me! Why didn't you stop him? Why did you let me die?"
I feel the tears streak down my face. "No Rue, no. I tried to stop him, I did! Please Rue, don't leave!"
"It's your fault that I'm dead Katniss! You should have died, Peeta should be alive not you!" then she fades into the air and I'm left in darkness.
"Katniss!" I hear people yelling my name from every direction. I hear Prim's voice yelling at me for not protecting her, I hear Peeta yell at me for leaving him, I hear Clove yell at me about her death, Cato for killing him, my father accusing me of not doing a good enough job of keeping my family safe. It's all too much. I beg and scream for them to stop but the voices just keep getting louder and louder.
"Katniss!" a distant voice yells frantically. But I can't focus on them. I feel like I'm drowning. I need air, I need it. Why won't they stop? Why can't they just leave me alone so that I can die?
"Katniss!" the same voice from a far distance calls. I feel an impact on my body. I look down and see my father's lifeless body resting against my lap. So much blood, there's blood everywhere. I let out another ear blasting scream.
I sit up sharply in bed with me still screaming. I look down at my-self and see that I am covered in sweat and my body is shaking uncontrollably. I need Peeta, I need him to take the pain away. "Katniss, deep breaths. It was just a nightmare." Prims soft voice filled with concern speaks to me.
I do as she says and it does make me feel a tiny bit better but the nightmare is still fresh in my mind. She pulls me into her arms and I rest my head against her tiny shoulder. "Shh it's ok Katniss."
After a few minutes I manage to calm down and I pull away from Prim. "Sorry little duck." I whisper hoarsely.
She gives me a sad smile, "Its fine Katniss. Haymitch called before."
"He did?" I ask whilst raising my eyebrows.
She nods, "Yes. He said that he wants you at his house in twenty minutes. If I were you I'd get my butt moving. He didn't sound too thrilled.
"Thanks Prim." She smiles brightly at me before she leaves my room.
Once she has left I quickly chuck on my jeans and my father's hunting jacket and boots. I splash some water on my face and re-braid my hair that ended up stuck to my forehead from my nightmare.
I'm out of the house within minutes of Prim notifying me that I am needed at Haymitch's house. Honestly I'm confused about why I have to see him. The Victory tour is still a few weeks away and Haymitch isn't that organized.
The good thing about the Victors Village is that we only live a few metres away from each other. I guess it also helps that there is only three of us in our District.
I get to Haymitch's wooden door – much like mine – and pause. Do I knock? Do I just walk in? In the end I decide to knock twice to make my presence known before I walk in.
As soon as I open the door I'm welcomed with a strong, bad smelling odour. It smells like rotten eggs, dirty laundry and stale alcohol. Like seriously who the hell died in here?
When I step inside I realise why it smells so bad, it's a mess in here! It looks like a bomb hit it or something. There's trash all over the floor, I don't think I've ever seen this much rubbish in my entire life! There's empty bottles of alcohol on the floor, clothes strewn out across the floor and stains covering every inch of untouched space of the floor and walls. It is absolutely disgusting. I scrunch up my nose to try to block out the awful smell.
"Haymitch?" I call loudly. He doesn't respond, he's probably so drunk that he's passed out. I continue walking down his hall. His house is set up the same as mine so I know where I'm going.
The lounge room is the second room to the left, that's the most likely place Haymitch would be asides the kitchen and his room. So that's where I go. I try to dodge as many of the trash that I can but it's rather difficult so I just give up on the idea.
I round the corner and stop dead in my tracks. Two men are in the room one is a drunken Haymitch and the other has their back to me but I have a feeling that I know who he is. The man has curled, blonde hair, fair skin, and broad shoulders.
"Peeta." I breathe.
He turns around sharply with a huge smile on his face, "Hey Katniss."
My breathing and heart rate increases but it feels as if the world has slowed down. I break out into a huge smile and run up to him and fling my arms around his neck. He clasps his arms tightly around my waist. I feel a warmth spread throughout me, it's welcoming and warm and I realise it's because of a certain young man's arms; Peeta's arms. They make me feel like I'm home.
I pull away slightly so that I can crash my lips to his. There's an urgency and need in this kiss we are sharing. It's different but it still creates butterflies in my stomach.
The kiss soon becomes passionate and heated. That is until we are interrupted by a cough. "Look I'm happy for you kids, but really I don't want to have to witness this." Haymitch slurs.
I blush I can't believe I just did that in front of Haymitch… Yeah he's probably seen us do it before but it's different from a television screen and actually being there in person. "Not like it's anything you haven't seen before Haymitch." Peeta chuckles, it was almost like he had been reading my thoughts.
"Whatever kid, just be grateful that I couldn't stand the two of you this past week. You were both sad asses and I had to get you two together to get your sorry asses moving!" Haymitch grumbles.
"Aw and here I thought you didn't care about us Haymitch." I joke.
"Who said I did?" And that's when I realise that Haymitch truly does care about us.
"Never mind." I sigh and turn back to meet Peeta's steady gaze. "How long do we have?"
He shakes his head sadly, "Not too long. Mother is expecting me to be back in another ten minutes. I had told her I needed to see Haymitch."
"Oh." Ten minutes is all I get? The one person I've actually wanted to see this last week and I get a sad ten minutes. I guess it's better than nothing, but I would prefer more time. Better yet, I would prefer to see him freely.
"I'm so sorry about her hitting you Katniss. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Peeta apologises, his eyes burning with such sorrow and intensity it makes my head spin.
"Don't be silly Peeta. It wasn't you're fault. Besides you did stop her."
"Yeah, and now I can't see you." he mumbles.
My heart sinks. "Well you're here now."
"I guess. But it still doesn't feel right. I wish I had just put mother in her place right then."
"Well why don't we?" I ask a plan forming in my mind.
"Why don't we what?" he asks as he cocks his head to the side.
"Why don't we put her in her place now? I'm sick of not being allowed to see you. Besides if it's only her that's keeping us apart we should just go for it."
"You really want to?" he asks hope rising in his voice.
"Of course." I say.
"But what if she hits you again? She did ban you from her house." He says worry hinting his tone.
"Exactly, she banned me from her house not you're house." I state raising my eyebrow suggestively.
He grins, "I can't believe I didn't think of that."
"What would you do without me?" I say lightly.
He shakes his head with a smirk, "I don't know Katniss, probably just fantasize about you." He's clearly messing around but it still catches me off guard.
"Peeta!" I exclaim slapping his arm lightly.
"What?" he asks fainting innocence.
"Oh whatever, let's go speak to the devil her-self." I say as I twine my hand with his.
"Yes let's go." He says with a determined smile. "See you later Haymitch!" he calls over his shoulder before we step outside. I take a deep breath, I have a feeling this 'talk' isn't going to be too fun. I just hope Peeta doesn't get hurt; both physically and mentally. His mother is a cold hearted bitch and to the best of my knowledge I know she doesn't play fair and that she enjoys hurting others; especially her sons.
I apologize for this chapter being a little short but I kind of wanted to start the next chapter with an argument involving my favourite couple and the bitch her-self (excuse my language). So yes Peeta and Katniss are going to have a 'talk' with Mrs Mellark next chapter. *Evil laugh* I'm really looking foreward to this. I never like Mrs Mellark and I always wanted to see Katniss lose it at her SO I'm pretty excited about writing it :) I must stop otherwise I'll spill the beans! And we can't have that!
I do hope this first chapter was ok. :) Let me know what you think.
- MysteryNight xo