Minnesota wasn't necessarily boring.

Actually, Kendall quite liked the whole seventeen years he spent there. It was quiet, and one could really clear their head when they needed to. No one was pushy; no one nosed into your business. Which was nice.

Kendall chose to follow after his father after his seventeenth birthday, and left the small town in Minnesota. After his parents' divorce, he thought it would be good to go with his dad—the traveler in the family. He figured it would bring something new to the table—a new adventure or something to change his usual boring routine he'd been going through all his life.

Kendall was of course a little bit sad that he left behind his home, mom and little sister, but hey, it's not like they begged him to stay or anything.

So it's been nine months, ten days and three hours since he left his hometown in Minnesota.

And since then he's been in 2 major cities and four towns. The traveling was constant.

It started with Chicago, Illinois. Kendall was stoked to be there. The Windy City, all in the palm of his hand. Not a single day spent there was boring—always something to do.

After a month and a half, they left to Green Bay. Wisconsin, let's be honest, doesn't compare to the excitement of the city streets in Chicago. So Kendall wasn't sad when they left Wisconsin to go to Nashville.

Kendall, as an artist and all-around lover of music, enjoyed it there for a bit of the time spent there. Except there was one thing: he hated country music. So Nashville Tennessee got annoying. Fast. Although, the southern boys he met there definitely knew what it was to show Kendall a little bit of 'Southern Hospitality', which meant the sex he had with them was always fucking amazing.

From Tennessee to the Hamptons, from the Hamptons to a small town in Georgia. Then finally, from Georgia to Seattle.

Yeah, traveling was fun. But Kendall was getting way too used to it, almost like how he got way too used to living in the small town he grew up in. So now he was seeing that the moving around too much was just not as fun as it used to be.

And after these nine months, ten days and three hours, he finally admitted to himself:

It was getting old.

Seattle, December 14th:

Kendall sipped his coffee in the local shop next to their hotel, waiting for his dad, waiting for a 'talk' they were supposed to have. Kendall was a little nervous—but this 'talk' was probably going to be about another place they had to go to.

Kendall's dad was the chairman of Knight Hotels, meaning they could basically stay anywhere in the United States of America that they wanted to, whenever they wanted to. They were well off financially, so it's not like they couldn't just drop everything to buy a house and stay there.

But Kendall's dad really was a traveler—he got antsy staying in one place for too long and wouldn't settle on a home if his life depended on it.

Not Kendall though.

Lately, he'd been starting to get tired of living on the road: not really having a home aside from the suites they often stayed in.

When Kendall and his father went to Chicago, they actually rented an apartment for a month; but that idea quickly became dull after his father realized that the landlords did not provide warm hospitality or room service.

And all while this life seemed glamorous to the many people he had to explain it to; Kendall hadn't been enrolled in a single school for more than three weeks at a time. It was getting to the point where by the time they got to Nashville he and his father mutually decided that homeschooling—wherever 'home' turned out to be, would be much more suitable for their lifestyle.

It was Kendall's senior year anyways, what did it matter? He'd already gotten the crazy stuff like college applications and SAT's out of the way. So what did it matter if he didn't have to take a gym class? What did it matter if he spent his 'schooldays' walking around a new city or new place almost everyday?

"Hey buddy," Kendall watched as his father, Jon, sat down across from him in the small booth.

"Where are we going now?" Kendall wasn't worried about the awkward small talk that his father wanted to make. He was used to all of the 'how has your day been' shit, he just wanted to skip ahead already.

"Not so fast," Jon's smile was replaced by a frown. "Just wanted to catch up with you—"

"Dad," Kendall raised an eyebrow, warning him to stop.

"Okay," Jon shook his head. "We're going to Miami in a couple of days."

"Miami?" Kendall was kind of shocked. By the sounds of it, a lot of the people in Florida were old. Not to mention, this would be the fourth time in three and a half months that Kendall and his father changed locations. "And how long will we be there?" It was supposed to be more of a rhetorical question than one that needed an answer.

"Hey," Jon pointed a finger at Kendall. "You had been fine with all of the moving a the beginning of all this. Don't go changing on me now."

"But is it too much to ask to stay in one place for at least two months?"

"I don't believe in growing attached to things," Jon retorted, making Kendall think.

Kendall didn't grow attached to things anymore either; he was just growing used to the fact that he didn't have a choice. For him, the past nine months were learning experiences—teaching him that he couldn't grow attached to things, only because he would soon be ripped apart from them. And until he was accepted into a college and parted ways with his dad, it would stay the same:

Adapt to change, only to deal with more changes.

Make friends one day, everyone is a stranger to him the next.

Make a home, only to desert it.

Give his heart to someone, only to ask for it back and then crush it.

It wouldn't change either.

Kendall sighed and looked down at his coffee cup in between his two hands.

"When's our flight?"

Seattle, December 16th:

Kendall sat on a bench at Alki Beach Park on the outskirts of the city of Seattle late at night. For the past couple weeks, this was where he found it nice for thinking, being with himself. Not many came to the beach at this hour—plus it was December, meaning anyone who did come at night would find it too cold to be here.

"Hey, I just got your text, came as fast as I could," Kendall looked up at his…well…what were they? Friends? Fuck buddies?

"Hey Logan," He responded to his friend—about the only acquaintance he made in the short time he 'lived' in Seattle. In that time they'd managed to hang out, hook up, and fuck each other silly almost every other night. It killed Kendall to know that tomorrow he'd be leaving it all behind; he was really starting to like the kid.

Logan sat down next to him, watching Kendall look straight ahead at the dark water.

"What's up? I mean your text said come 'ASAP' so I—" he held up his phone before Kendall silenced him.

"Shh," Kendall chuckled darkly and cut off Logan's adorable worrying. Soon the rambling would probably be upset shouting or something of that sort, so Kendall wanted to rip the band-aid off of the situation as quickly as possible. He took Logan's hand in his and took a deep breath in and out.

"So you know how I explained to you my dad's job, and how it requires a lot of moving around and stuff…" he started, before Logan was already catching on and looking down at their intertwined hands with a sad expression. From what Logan explained to Kendall about himself—Logan was a genius. But this situation didn't even require a genius to figure out.

"Where are you going?" Logan whispered, leaning into Kendall side. "When?"

"Miami," Kendall answered, leaning down to kiss the top of Logan's head resting on his shoulder. "I'm going tomorrow."

Kendall wasn't sure why he didn't tell Logan the night he found out—it was always hard explaining to the guys he'd been with in the past that he was going to leave all of a sudden. But then again, he almost always explained to them his lifestyle—it wasn't like it was a super duper plot twist when Kendall found out he had to pack up and leave again.

"Tomorrow?" Logan pulled away and looked Kendall in his green eyes. Logan's clear brown eyes weren't filled with tears just yet, but definitely with sorrow. Kendall nodded, reaching his free hand up to cup the side of Logan's face.

"Maybe one day I'll come back," Kendall shrugged; not wanting to sound too sincere because he knew that probably wasn't true. And from the look his genius friend was giving Kendall—Logan knew it too.

He couldn't lie to Logan. Sweet sweet Logan.

"Kendall," Logan chuckled—without any humor behind it. "I wish I saw this coming."

"I know," Kendall looked down at their hands, still clasped together. "I wish I did too."

Logan leaned in for a kiss, full of need and sadness. They sat on the bench like that for a couple minutes, kissing each other instead of talking and figuring everything out with words.

From the beginning this relationship wasn't supposed to be about feelings, so why was it so hard for Kendall to not enjoy the smart brunette kissing him the way he did? Why couldn't he have just stayed with his mom and sister nine months ago? He never would have broken any hearts, or his own for that matter. Maybe he'd even find a real boyfriend in Minnesota to find comfort in, but no.

He really fucked himself in the ass with this one.

Growing too attached to something or someone always resulted in a great fucking of the ass.

It all hurt way too much to think about, so he broke his lips apart from his friend's and pulled them both up from the bench.

"I'm so sorry," Kendall sighed, pressing his forehead against Logan's—breathing in that nice, clean scent Logan had.

Logan nodded before looking up at Kendall. "We'll still be friends right? You'll text and call me?"

Kendall smiled weakly with a nod in response. "Of course I will." This was surprisingly the first time any guy he'd 'broken up' with still wanted to be friends: all of the other guys found everything way too confusing and not worth their time.

It didn't really hurt Kendall when he stopped talking to them—another rule he lived by: if it were meant to be, it would have worked out. Maybe this meant that friendship was meant to be with Logan, so maybe it was okay that he was growing attached.

Logan smiled back and then wriggled his hand out of Kendall's, then held it out for a handshake with a grin.

"It's been fun," Kendall smirked, shaking his friend's hand.

"Goodbye, Kendall Knight," Logan saluted him after they dropped their hands, then turned to start walking home through the cold.

"It's not goodbye, Logan Mitchell," Kendall called after him.

"You'd better call me after you land tomorrow!" Logan shouted over his shoulder from a distance.

Kendall laughed to himself while he watched Logan disappear into the darkness, headed towards the city lights. Once he was no longer visible, Kendall decided to walk down the beach for what could be the last time.

He sighed as he kicked at the soggy sand underneath him, wondering what the beaches in Miami were like. He didn't particularly like beaches, but this one was different. Maybe it's just because it's cold, or maybe it's because he hadn't been in Seattle during the summer when the beaches were busy. But Kendall just knew that he wouldn't be able to clear his head on the beaches on Miami—where he had heard from an old friend that people were drunk all of the time.

Kendall didn't mind the drinking so much as he did the irritating drunken people.

"Hey! Kid!"

Kendall's head whipped around only to be blinded by the beam of light coming from a flashlight. He stopped his movements, figuring out it was a park patrol officer and not wanting to cause any trouble.

"What are you doing here so late? It's past midnight."

"Is it? I was just taking a detour back—" Kendall caught himself before he said the word 'home' at the end of his sentence.

"Alright," he couldn't actually see the officer's face, so he didn't know if the man was buying the information Kendall was giving. "Go home kid." The officer turned off his flashlight and turned around before Kendall could catch a glimpse of his face.

Yeah, home.

Okay so short first chapter, I know. I just wanted to get this up so I could ask you guys if it's worth continuing or not.

Tell me if you like it and I should continue it! I just don't know...

And again, thank you all for the support on Along for the Rush! It was so fun writing it and talking about it with you guys!

Please review!

