For several hundred years, they've known each other. Several hundred years of working together and being friends. Several hundred years to realize they could all be a little more. All it took was one eternally youthful teenager to change that.
Jack was always playful, always hanging around. To one he was a nuisance, to another he was an annoyance, the third loved one aspect of him but never had time for the whole, and the last was unable to reach him. They all knew of Jack, but never got to know the wandering teen. That didn't stop Jack from making himself known. He worked hard to have fun, to show those stuffy Guardians that he didn't need them. He was fine, he was all he needed. He and the moon. For he was only seen, only acknowledged and appreciated by the moon and he appreciated his silent friend right back.
One day, the moon decided that the Guardians needed Jack, and Jack needed them. Jack would help them find what they lost and they would fill a need Jack didn't know he had. They would become a family.
It was a rocky start, only pushed along by competition and danger but eventually the Guardians grew to love Jack in their own ways. Bunny found that Jack was only trying to play that Easter so long ago, he wanted to be a part of the fun too, and he just got carried away. To Bunny, Jack was no longer a nuisance; he was someone who needed guidance and an older brother to keep him in line. Bunny became that brother.
For North, the man who made time for every child in the world was no longer annoyed by Jack. He saw the bright and curious teen as he was. The teen would forever more be a child and North found that all the teen needed was a little nudge to keep him strong; much like a father would for a son. North became Jack's father, for what better father for an eternal teen than Father Christmas?
Tooth, who always loved Jack's teeth, finally found that time for the rest of him too. The boy's heart was strong and caring; it showed strongly when he played invisibly with the children. It would take a mother's touch to make sure that caring nature continued to grow. The lady fairy would make sure she would be that mother.
And Sandy, the one who couldn't seem to reach the boy, the one who tried the hardest to be there, he was finally rewarded with seeing the teen curled up and fast asleep. Dreams filled with laughter and happiness finally got through and the devoted uncle tucked the boy in, silently wishing him sweet dreams.
Yes, all it took was one boy who was lost in the sea of time and turmoil to finally bring these four friends together, to finally make them a family.
The Man in the Moon couldn't have been more happy or proud of his Guardians, of his children.