Tori ran to the back of the castle in just enough time to hear the minister asking the Queen if she would marry Preminger.

"I…" The Queen said slowly "I d…"

"Wait!" Tori shouted, running forward "Wait!"

Preminger and the Queen spun around and gasped.

"Anneliese?" The Queen said slowly.

Tori shook her head "Um… no. I'm here to deliver a message from a special friend that wanted to congratulate you on your wedding." She cleared her throat "I have an extremely good memory so I will quote it to you." Oh Anneliese you had better hurry!

She had been saying stuff off the top of her head for about fifteen minutes when Preminger had had enough.

"Silence!" He shouted "You may finished the recitation after the ceremony!"

"But I…"

"No buts!" he turned back to the minister "Continue!"

The minister nodded "Do you, My Queen take this man to be your husband?"

The Queen sighed "I…"

"Wait! Wait!"

Once again Preminger and the Queen spun around.

"Stop the wedding mother!"Anneliese commanded.

The Queen stared at her "Anneliese?"

"But, she's dead, Your Highness." Preminger said nervously "The imposter must have escaped."

"No Preminger!" Anneliese pushed down the right sleeve to reveal her crown shaped birthmark.

"It is you!" The Queen cried happily "Oh! My Darling!"

"It's the Princess!" The people in the crowd were saying "She's back!"

Tori smiled at Anneliese and mouthed "It's about time."

Dominic, Erica, and Kiera ran up just then.

"It's the Princess!" Erica said "She's alive!"

Dominic looked from Anneliese to Tori to Kiera "Um… which one?"

The queen pulled back from Anneliese "But where were you? I thought…"

"What he wanted you to think!" Anneliese said pointing to Preminger.

Preminger gasped and took off running.

"Guards!" The Queen shouted "Take him!"

Preminger jumped on a horse that was nearby and rode out of the castle yard as fast as he could.

"He can't get away!" Anneliese said.

"He won't get away." Dominic said as he ran and jumped up on a horse, Julian followed, mounting his own horse, then they rode after the escapee.

Nick and Nack finally realized they were in trouble and took off running .

"I'm sorry." Tori said stepping in front of them "Are y'all going somewhere?"

Anneliese stepped behind them "I don't think so."

Then Kiera stepped up to one side "Nope. Not going anywhere."

"We're surrounded!" Nack cried "Help ,me!"

Erica stared at the three girls "Whoa. Um… Major look alikes?"

Kiera chuckled "Actually, I look more like you."

"Don't worry about that now!" Tori exclaimed, grabbing Kiera and Anneliese's arms "Move!"

Preminger's horse came tearing back into the yards.

"Stop!" Preminger shouted "I said stop!"

The horse skid to a stop and bucked the man off, sending him flying through tables covered in food.

Tori and Kiera laughed, and then they turned to their new friends and smiled.

"Well, everything's seems to have worked out." Kiera said. She now had her original brown hair back.

Erica nodded "I can't believe that I'm actually marrying a king!"

Tori laughed "Why not?"

"I'm just a pauper." Erica answered.

Anneliese shrugged "So is Julian. But that doesn't matter."

"All that matters is that you love each other." Kiera added.

"I'm glad y'all could stay for the wedding." Erica said "It wouldn't have been right if y'all couldn't."

Tori chucked "There's no telling how long we'll be here."

Kiera nodded in agreement "We don't know how we got here and we don't know how to get back."

Anneliese and Erica looked at each other.

"We have something for you." Anneliese said, walking over to a box that was sitting on a desk nearby. She pulled out two charm bracelets. They were both pink, blue and purple. They had charms shaped like music notes, tiaras, hearts and flowers.

"They're beautiful!" Tori said as she took the one that was handed to her.

Kiera put hers on "Totally sweet!"

"Girls." The Queen said, poking her head in the room "It's time."

The four girls nodded and headed out the door. Kiera behind Erica and Tori behind Anneliese.

They walked down the aisle to where Julian and Dominic were awaiting their brides.

"It was a beautiful wedding." Tori said as she and Kiera told Anneliese and Erica good bye.

"We wouldn't have made it this far without you." Anneliese said, looking at the two girls.

Erica nodded "I think we truly discovered girls like us."

"Well, not quite." Tori looked at Anneliese "You made me realized what being a Princess is about. Before, the only thing I was worried about was having fun. I wouldn't know if my kingdom was in trouble. But now, if I get home, that's going to be different. I can still have fun and be the Princess I need to be." She hugged the other blond "My Aunt will have a heart attack."

"Erica," Kiera turned to the brunette "You helped me too. I was sick and tired of preforming, but it's who I am. I'm living the dream that some people can only dream about."

Erica nodded "I think we all learned from each other."

The four girls did one last group hug before Anneliese and Erica went to join their waiting husbands.

Tori and Kiera smiled as they watched them ride away.

"If we ever go back home, I'm ready." Tori said looking down at her charm bracelet.

Kiera nodded "Me too."

Just then, the castle started shaking.

"Not again!" The two girls cried in unison.

Then, just as before, the castle gave one final jolt and the girls tumbled off their feet, hitting their heads on the floor.

Tori and Kiera groaned as they sat up.

"Oi," Kiera groaned "My head."

Tori gasped "We're in my room again!"

"So that wasn't a dream?"

Tori shook her head and held up her hand. Around her wrist was a charm bracelet "Nope."

Kiera looked down at her dress "Hey, we're back to the way we were before!"

Tori nodded and laughed "We look like identical twins!"

Kiera pulled some hair forward "Yep. I'm blond." Kiera laughed as she pushed the hair back behind her shoulder "I've seen enough blonds to last me a lifetime!"

Tori stood up and pulled her friend to her feet. She pulled out her hairbrush, but before she had a chance to change Kiera's hair back purple, the bedroom doors swung open ad Tori's Aunt Amelia came marching in "Tori I…" she froze and looked back and forth between the two "What on earth?"

Tori and Kiera looked at each other, then at the same time, they ran and hugged Amelia.

"Aunt Amelia!" they exclaimed in unison.

Amelia was too shocked to say anything.

Tori looked at Kiera behind Amelia's head "We are doomed." She mouthed.

Kiera nodded "Totally."

Then the two girls ran from the room as fast as they could.


The End.