So... um... This is a new story from me. I really want a Beck&Jade spin-off, but since it's too grown up for Nickelodeon, according to Dan, we can't have one. So, I decided to make my own. I thought of this idea almost three months ago but I was too busy to write it. The first chapter -episode- is just a warm-up. Please REVIEW and tell me what you think!


Chapter 1: Auditions

Jade entered the big building where the auditions took place. When she got in the big hall, she felt her legs weakening.

Man, there are a lot of people here... She thought to herself.

Jade took a deep breath. "I'm gonna make it." She murmured to herself.

"Jade?" She turned around to see her ex-boyfriend and friend (well, almost friend, they were trying) looking at her suspiciously.

"Beck? What are you doing here?" She asked him in surprise.

"Well... I'm here for the movie auditions." He replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the auditions, too! You know it's stran-" Jade was cut off by her phone. "Wait. I have a text message..." She stated.

"It's cool..."

From: Cat

To: Jade

Hey Jadey! I just landed on Canada! It's great here! Have you auditioned?

I rolled my eyes and typed a quick answer.

From: Jade

To: Cat

Hey. I haven't auditioned yet. Leave me alone.

Jade sent it and raised her head again. She glanced at Beck in front of her.

"So... We're both at the auditions. That's weird... You hadn't told me that we were going to audition for this movie... I've heard the actors are going to be picked will have to travel to New York. Even though I really want to be part of this movie, I don't know if I can afford an apartment at New York..." Jade stated.

Beck rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "Yeah... That's my problem, too..." He muttered.

Jade shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe we're both chosen and we can find an apartment together to share the rent..." She said and chuckled.

Beck laughed. "Yeah... Right..." He commented.

"I don't think we'll be chosen anyway..."

"Me neither. But we haven't got anything to lose, right?"

She nodded. "Right."

"Jadelyn West!" An old lady with glasses and white hair called Jade's name. "Jadelyn West is next."

Jade sighed. "I'm going in."

"Good luck." Beck wished.

"Thanks. Will you be there?"

"Yep. I'll be waiting my turn."

"Okay. See you." Jade muttered as she headed to the lady.

-Two days later-

"Why haven't they called yet?" Jade asked Beck anxiously as she was pacing up and down his RV.

"Relax. They'll call whether you got the role, or not." Beck told her.

He was lounging on his bed, watching TV lazily, while Jade was walking in front of him.

"I can't take this anymore. And Cat's not even here! She's in Canada!"

"What's wrong with Canada?"

Jade stopped and looked at him. "It's awful!" She yelled at him. "No offence." She added.

Beck sighed. "You've been there before..."

"Yeah! Only when I was your girlfriend and we visited your aunt! I didn't want to! You made me!"

"Well... Yes, because... my aunt didn't like you and she had to believe that you loved Canada and you were pleasant."

"Right. But now you're not together so I don't care if she likes me or not." Jade mumbled bitterly.

"Okay. Let's just focus again on the auditions. I don't wanna continue insulting Canada."

Jade nodded in agreement. "Right. I just have to calm d-" She was cut off by her phone ringing. "OH MY GOD! It's probably them! Should I answer?"

"Are you serious? Of course you have to answer!" Beck urged her.

"Right." Jade grabbed her phone from Beck's desk and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello. Are you Jadelyn West?"

Jade rolled her eyes. "Yes, that's me."

"I'm Dan Schneider. I'm pleased to inform you that you were chosen for the role of Luce at our movie!"

Jade gulped. "Really?"

"Really. You'll have to attend the studios tomorrow at nine in the morning for extra information. There you'll meet your castmates."

"That's... awesome. Thank you so much." Jade tried to sound calm, even though she wanted to faint from her happiness.

"See you tomorrow at nine."

"I'll be there." She hung up.

Beck glanced at her waiting for an answer. She kept staring at him smiling. They stayed there for a while, until Beck decided to break the silence. "So?"

"I got the part!" Jade exclaimed happily.

Beck stood up and hugged her. "That's so cool! Congrats, girl!"

"Thanks." She replied once they pulled apart. They stared into each other's eyes for a second, before both turning their gazes to different directions.

The situation between them was still a little awkward, since they had broken up two months ago. They decided to remain friends after their last break-up, in order not to break each other's hearts again. When they announced to their friends that they wanted to stay friends, no one believed them. They were sure both Beck and Jade would sooner or later broke their promise to stay friends. But Beck and Jade were determined to prove them wrong.

"So... Have they told you who your castmates will be?" Beck asked her sheepishly.

Jade smirked. "No. But I'm sure you'll be one of them."

"I hope so." He muttered and looked at his watch. "They should've called me since now!" He exclaimed anxiously and started pacing up and down his RV.

"Relax..." Jade told him.

It was Jade's turn to lounge on the bed and watch TV, as Beck was walking all over his RV. His phone started ringing, and he didn't lose a second, as he gripped it swiftly and answer it.

"Hello?" He answered anxiously.

"Beck Oliver?"

"Yes. I'm Beck Oliver."

"Hello. My name's Dan Schneider. I'm the producer of the movie you auditioned for. I'm happy tell you that you're picked for the role of Daniel at the movie you auditioned to. Congratulations."

"Oh, God... Thank you so much."

"You have to attend to our studio tomorrow at nine in the morning, in order to be given more information and meet the rest of your castmates."

"Okay. I'll be there."

"See you."

"Bye." Beck hung up and glanced at Jade.

"You got the part?" She didn't want it to sound like a question. She was sure he had got the part. Beck nodded. "You got the part!" She exclaimed happily. "That's great!"

"I know! I guess we're co-stars now..." He pointed out.

"So, we're going to New York." Jade announced.


For a moment, both Beck and Jade remained silent, looking at each other. "We're going to New York?" Jade asked him.

Beck nodded. "I think we're going to New York."

"What are we gonna do now?"

"I... I don't know..." Beck muttered.

"Well... We'll see later! We are starring on a movie!" Jade stated happily.

"I know! I have to call Andre. He made me promise that I would tell him what happened." Beck told her.

"And I have to call Cat."

Andre had gone to Seattle for a month, in order to start recording his first album. Cat was at Canada at a university and she was living with a girl who was famous from a web show called 'iCarly'. Tori had gone to Chicago for a week with Trina for a singing contest and Robbie was on his way to Canada, to find Cat.

"Hey, man! What's up?" Beck called Andre.

"Hey, Beck! I'm fine. Now I have a break. What happened with your audition?"

"I guess I got the part!" Beck announced.

"Really? That's great! Where are you going to shoot?"

"Ugh... Probably at New York."

"New York! The apartments there need crazy rents! Can you afford them?"

"I... I really don't know what I'm gonna do. But, there's a possibility to share an apartment with one of my castmates... That way we're gonna pay both for the apartment."

"Whoa! Wait. You just got the part and you already know your castmates? And you know one of them so good that you're gonna live with them?"

"I don't know my castmates. Only one."


Beck glanced at Jade, who was trying to call Cat. "Um... You know... Jade?"

"JADE?! Jade West? The girl with the black hair and the colorful streaks on her hair? Your ex-girlfriend? The girl you're trying to be 'just friends' with? Are we talking about the same Jade?"

"Yes. She auditioned for a role and she got the part, too."

"Ha! You're gonna live together! You're gonna live together!" Andre sang to him, making Beck roll his eyes.

"So? Nothing is gonna happen. We're just friends, remember?"

"No, you're not. You're ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend. And you're going to live together and you won't remain friends! Because I know you both, better than you know yourselves!"

Beck sighed in frustration. "It's not gonna be that way. I told you, I'm determined to stay friends with Jade. Now, bye." Beck replied bitterly.

Andre chuckled. "Okay... We're gonna finish this conversation later, someone is calling me. Bye."

Beck hung up and looked at Jade. "What's wrong?"

"Cat is not picking her phone again. She has probably forgotten it somewhere and she can't find it. Whatever. I'm not gonna bother." Jade answered and hung up. Almost immediately, her phone started ringing again. "Ugh!"

"Who is it?"

"Cat." Jade muttered.

"Answer it." Beck told her.

"She didn't answer it when I was calling her..." She whispered.

"Just answer it!" Beck ordered her.

"Stop ordering me!"

Beck sighed and shook his head. "We won't have this conversation again. Just. Answer. The. Phone."

"Okay." Jade mumbled and picked her phone. "What?"

"Hi, Jadey! I'm sorry I didn't answer! I was searching for it. I found it in the bathtub! Do you wanna know how I placed it there? It's a really funny story. See, I was-"

"I don't care. I just called you to tell you about my audition. They called me."

"Aw, yay! What did they say?"

"I got the part!"

"That's is so great!" Cat cheered happily.

"Yeah, I know. Now, will you-"

"Um, Jade? Wait a minute... I have to change a baby. See, me and Sam, the girl who I'm living with, work as babysitters in order to earn some money! So, I have to change Arnold because his diaper is full of-"

"Bye, Cat! It was nice talking to you." Jade cut her off and hung up quickly.

Beck squinted at her. "What happened?"

"Nothing." Jade muttered and tossed her phone at Beck's bed. "So, what are we going to do to celebrate our victory?" She inquired.

Beck shrugged. "I don't know... Wanna go see a movie?" He suggested.

"Sure. I hope we'll find a good horror movie to watch." Jade commented and grabbed her bag.

"I hope not." Beck murmured gave him a warning glare. "I mean... Um... I would love to see a horror movie right now!" He feigned happiness.

"Oh, Oliver... You're such a suckish actor..." Jade muttered and took her phone from his bed, before thrusting it in her bag.

"The producers of 'Fallen' don't think so, Jadelyn..."

"Stop calling me Jadelyn!" She grumbled as she got out of his RV.

"Stop making fun of me!" Beck shouted back, following her and closing the door behind him.

-The next morning-

Beck pulled up outside Jade's took a look at his phone to check the time. 08:45. "C'mon, Jade..." He murmured as he started tapping his fingers at the steering wheel. He sighed and glanced at Jade's door. "We'll be late..." He mumbled to himself, as if Jade could hear him and do faster. He rolled his eyes and sank into the driver's seat, staring at her door.

The door opened and Jade emerged out of the house. She glanced at Beck's car outside and closed her door before locking it. She steadied her bag on her shoulder, took a deep breath, and started striding to his car full of confidence. Once she reached the car, she looked inside the car and saw Beck playing with the steering wheel absent-mindly. She chuckled and knocked the window.

Beck turned his head and glanced at her. Jade smiled innocently. Beck shrugged and unlocked the door, so that she could enter the car. She sat on the passenger's seat and looked at him. He glared at her.

"What?" She asked him.

"You know that my car can't fly, do you?" He asked her bitterly.

"I don't like this attitude, Oliver... What happened?" She asked him angrily.

Beck sighed. "We have to be there in five minutes. The distance is at least ten minutes from here. We'll be late." He announced.

"Oh, c'mon! We don't have to be there at exactly at nine... We can go after five minutes..."

"It's five minutes after nine right now!" Beck yelled at her.

Jade widened her eyes. "Really?"

Beck groaned. "Really."

"Then, what are you doing? Instead of accusing me for being late, I think you should start driving so that we won't miss any more time!" Jade told him.

"Jade... Just-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "We'll talk about this later." He said and sped.


"I can't believe they can't pay for us for a place to stay!" Jade exclaimed angrily and stormed in Beck's RV, almost breaking the door.

"Okay. First, please try not to break my door again. You used to break it when we were dating, you don't have to continue this habit now. Second, we were kinda prepared for it." He told her.

"I know..." Jade muttered and threw herself in Beck's bed. "Now what? I took a look at some apartments near the studio at New York but they all require insane amounts of money! Neither of us can afford. And I can't just turn the job down..." She said sadly.

Beck ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I know... I can't leave the job either. It's a big opportunity." He muttered.

"So, what? What are we gonna do now?" Jade wondered.

"What about renting an apartment together? Like you said... I know you wre joking, but... I think it's the only solution. This way, we can share the expenses." Beck suggested.

"Yeah... That's a really good option... But, you know, it'll be... awkward." Jade admitted.

Beck rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I... I know. But do you have any other solution?"


"Good. Then, I guess, we have to find an apartment..." Beck pointed out.

Jade gulped. "Right. And, before living together, we have to promise something to each other." She said.

"Like what?"

"Okay..." Jade took a deep breath. "No fights."


"No shouting."

"Sure thing."

"No smoking in the apartment."

"I don't smoke." Beck told her.

"In case you want to start smoking..." Jade explained.

"Oh... Um... Okay?" Beck muttered.

"And... the most important..." Jade paused. "You'll stay friends."

"I was gonna say it. We need to stay just friends. No matter what." Beck added.


"Then, I guess we're okay."



Okay... So I know the end is quite awful, but I promise the next episodes will be better! Also, in my perfect world, Dan Schneider is the producer of the movie 'Fallen', based on Lauren Kate's books. And Beck plays Daniel (I know that Daniel has to be blonde... :P) and Jade plays Luce (Elizabeth Gillies may actually play Arianne, Luce's friend!). Anyway, please REVIEW! Reviews always motivate me!