A/N: Here's the final chapter. I'm sorry it took so long to finish, and not before Christmas, but I wanted the ending to be perfect. Thanks to everyone for reading and for those of you who showed your support by reviewing. I love feedback! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

A Hogwarts Christmas Carol

Chapter 5: The End of It

Severus blinked as he grasped the bedpost, broadening his view to the room around it. Everything looked … normal. There were no mementos from former Death Eaters lurking in corners, no fantastical spirits waiting for him to grasp their hand and follow them through a sea of memories, made and unmade. It truly had felt as though he'd lived a whole lifetime from the moment Lucius Malfoy appeared before him.

And now, Severus determined, his life was beginning anew. He would not forget the horrors he had seen decking his future, and his conscious told him it was exactly the future he would have if he did not change. Change was hard, but Severus had been through hard times already, hadn't he? And in this case, the end results would hopefully yield a better situation for him and those around him. He thought back on the sight of Hermione in her pretty dress. Yes, indeed.


The exclamation caught him so by surprise that he looked around to see who could have done it. No one but himself. He chuckled nervously at his own enthusiasm. He was starting to feel not a little giddy.

Severus fell back on the bed with a huff, the corners of his mouth quirking up. He stared up at the ceiling, contemplating what he should do first. Talk to Hermione? Go and see Mrs. Tonks and her poor boy? Maybe even show up at the staff Christmas party this evening. He would no doubt get some enjoyment out of all the shocked faces.

Before he could decide, there was a knock on his door. He sat up, frowning. Who could be at his door at this time?

Severus shook his head at himself. He didn't even know what time it was! Or what day, matter of fact.

Realizing his clothing wasn't suitable for greeting people at the door, he threw on his black teaching robes over his nightshirt, haphazardly buttoning a few buttons, no doubt to the wrong button holes, and ran his fingers through his lank hair as he hurried to the door, an almost unnoticeable skip to his step.

As he walked through his office, he noted the lack of food littering every surface, the absence of bows on his jars of pickled things. In a good humor, he swished his wand and each jar had a nice green bow wrapped festively about it. He then proceeded to the door, just as another knock sounded. Upon opening it, he found Hermione to be there, her pretty dress on and a present in her hands. It was as though he was sucked back into the memory with the second Spirit, though this time he was answering the door, not ignoring it purposefully.

Her throat cleared and he focused again on her. She appeared to be trying her hardest to look him in the eyes, though her gaze had clearly been drifting over his sloppily buttoned robes and the slippers covering his feet. Severus was always dressed to the nines in public, every button buttoned and not a speck of dust to be found on his robes. To see him like this must be quite a shock.

"I-I'm terribly sorry, Professor, if I've come at a bad time, only, I came to give you this?"

Her little speech came out more a questioning squeak, as though not sure how to react. She thrust the gift out towards him, as if to place a barrier between them or distract him with it while she made her get-away. The corners of his mouth quirked up once again, much to the notice of his apprentice. The present looked to be in danger of falling. He took it from her.

"Thank you Miss Granger. Do you mind…" he paused as he saw her expression turn incredulous, no doubt because he had never thanked her before, "Can you oblige me by telling me what time it is? Oh, and what day?"

Her look became almost afraid.

"Are you ok, sir? Should I send for Madam Pomphrey?"

"No, no," he waved off her concern, "I just need to know if it's not too late to start up some Wolfsbane before the staff party tonight."

"Staff party?" She squeaked out, but then the rest of his sentence was absorbed, and her eyes took on the greedy look they always had when an opportunity to gain more knowledge was at hand. "You're going to make Wolfsbane? I've been dying to learn how that's done! And I thought you'd quit after, well, Lupin and I thought I'd never have the chance to ask you if I could sit in for a teensy bit and watch or, I don't know, look at your notes, but you're really going to brew it? Tonight?"

She was almost breathless by the end of her rant, and Severus raised an eyebrow.

"Time, Granger. Day and time first."

She blinked.

"Oh, yes, it's Christmas day, and just a bit after lunchtime. That's actually the reason I came down here. Minerva was worried when you missed Christmas brunch and I had this present I was going to hand to you at the time, so she thought it prudent for me to come down and see that you were alright, since you'd never missed a Christmas brunch before…" She looked him over again, "You are alright, aren't you?"

Severus was mumbling to himself about when would be best to brew when he caught the tail end of her remarks.

"Yes, I'm quite alright. I was up late brewing last night. I'll have to start the Wolfsbane tomorrow, as its first stage requires my complete attention for the first five hours. You said you wish to watch? I'll do better than that, Granger. How would you like to help me brew it? It's always a struggle doing it myself, and I'd never had anyone competent enough to help me with it before. Granger?"

Severus observed the witch as she looked at him, hyperventilating, eyes glittery. He snapped his fingers and she focused on him once again.

"You really want me to help you t-to brew the Wolfsbane?" Her voice was more breathless than before.

"I wouldn't have offered if I did not."

"Oh, yes!" The witched jumped and clapped her hands, before flushing and clutching them behind her back. Severus watched with amusement. Change wouldn't be so hard if the benefits always turned out to be this amusing.

"Well, I better get back to, uh, back," she chuckled nervously, still embarrassed at her childish behavior. Severus observed it all with glee, though he kept his face neutral. "Have a Happy Christmas, Professor."

She waved back at him as he watched her disappear down the hallway. Right after she left, Peeves came bouncing down the corridor, just as in the vision the Spirit showed him. Severus narrowed his eyes and cracked the door so only the tip of his wand poked out. He aimed before muttering a spell, causing the poltergeist's ectoplasm to congeal and drip to the ground, the ghost howling in anger.

Severus retreated back into his office, shutting the door, a smug smile on his face. The little pest needed to be taught a little lesson this Christmas as well. He had no right to go and steal presents from people. Never mind the fact that he hadn't stolen the present since Severus had answered the door and received it himself, but it was the thought that counted, right?

Severus shuffled into his bathroom, willing to see what Hermione had seen when he opened the door on her. He groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. No wonder the witch was surprised. Severus had the worst rooster tail sticking out from the back of his head.

Two hours later, and considerably better groomed, the Potions Master could be seen striding down to corridors of the school, whistling a Celestina Warbeck Christmas tune. The sparse amounts of students walking those same corridors were unable to stop gaping in astonishment, some even scuttling off in fear, whispering to their nearest neighbor, 'Snape's finally gone mad!'

One student managed to trip and fall on his face as he walked by, not able to remove his gaze from the professor. His friend helped him to his feet. Severus paused. If this continued, it could get more hazardous. He had to do something.

"Five points from Ravenclaw for not watching where you're going," he barked out, the students frowning, "And five points to Ravenclaw for helping a fellow student." He continued on, leaving the students staring after him. He smirked. That might have made things worse.

He made his way down to the kitchens, intent on getting some leftovers from brunch before the staff Christmas party. No doubt there'd be nothing nutritious there.

Much to his surprise, he opened the portrait door to find that Miss Granger was in the kitchen.

"Bothering the house elves again, Miss Granger?" He asked, not unkindly. She startled, but turned with an uncertain smile, a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. She was mixing something. He could tell that she was still wary about his change in character.

"Ah, so now you're taking over their duties and making the Christmas feast yourself," he smirked. She let out a small 'hrmph' before turning back to her work.

"If you must know, this is for the Christmas party. Minerva wanted me to make something I enjoyed eating when home with my parents. Something Muggle," She glanced over her shoulder, ready to censure any rude comment he might make, but he only nodded. She continued to stir, starting to pant as she labored. Her stirring arm was starting to shake as well, and Severus could tell she was getting tired. He strode over.

"It's not this strenuous at home, seeing as we have electric beaters to help us out," She explained. Severus observed the thick dough she was stirring, much of the flour still showing.

"Let me help," he said, and, to the surprise of both, covered her hands, showing the proper pressure and angle to stir in order to mix all of the flour in. It was a surprisingly intimate moment, and as they both relaxed into it Severus took the opportunity to discretely smell her hair. It was divine. After a minute or so of bliss, he looked down to realize that the dough had indeed been thoroughly mixed enough, and he hastily withdrew his hands. It appeared that Hermione hadn't realized either, if the flush on her face was saying anything, and Severus felt gratified to see it. He cleared his throat gruffly.

"What are you making?"

"Oh, um, Sugar cookies," she smiled up at him, "They're my Mum's favorite, but it takes a lot of time, what with the cookie cutting and frosting and such."

Severus nodded, though he had never baked anything in his life. He did know potions though, and sometimes they could take quite a while. Months even. At least cookies weren't volatile when the wrong amount of an ingredient was added.

He sat down at a nearby table and observed her discretely as he ate his food, pausing every now and then to appreciate the fluidity with which she worked, as if a in a silent dance, no movement a waste. He blushed and looked away when he caught himself staring at her hips swaying as she rolled out the dough. It was about time for him to go.

He took his plate to the sink, ignoring the hovering elves as he washed it and placed it in a nearby cabinet. Then he walked across to the counter where Hermione was now using cookie cutters in holiday shapes on the rolled out dough. He chuckled slightly as he noticed a few shaped like cauldrons and snitches.

"I like to have variety," Hermione said defensively as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be seen biting into a cauldron cookie than a sprinkle covered Christmas tree cookie?"

"I happen to like sprinkles," he replied in what used to pass for his most intimidating voice, but the contents of his sentence made the woman beside him toss back her head with laughter.

"Oh, Professor, I never knew you were so droll," she replied, wiping tears of mirth off her cheeks.

"Don't let it get around. I might have to … punish you," Severus loomed over her, catching the slight hitch in her breath as the laughter in her eyes was replaced swiftly with surprise and awareness. Her cheeks flushed and she cleared her throat as she turned back to the dough, swiftly cutting more shapes out in a haphazard manner. Severus allowed himself one last sniff of her tantalizing perfume before turning and leaving the kitchen. He savored her reaction all the way back to his rooms.

He stayed only long enough to grab his traveling cloak and a few vials of potion before heading towards the front gates of the school. After a brisk walk through the snow, he entered Hogsmeade, surrounded suddenly by the bustle and gaiety of well-wishers and friends. All of the stores besides The Three Broomsticks and The Hog's Head were closed, but that didn't dampen the holiday atmosphere one bit. Severus half expected to see the Giant wandering fluidly through the crowds. He followed the path they had taken in his vision the night before, and wound up at the exact same ramshackle house as before, only this time he couldn't pass through it without notice.

He rapped sharply on the roughly wood-grained door and stepped back patiently. After a minute or so, it opened, and a woman poked her head around, suspicious and nervous.

"What is it you want?" her eyes narrowed at his dark cloak, "Are you from the ministry?"

"No, Madam," Severus replied in a solemn manner, "I am an … acquaintance to your late son-in-law. I wished to speak with you quickly on a delicate manner, something that should be of great benefit to you."

The woman looked him over once again, her suspicion still intact, but Severus understood such fear. She hesitated before opening the door wider, letting him pass her before closing it quickly. She turned to him there in the hallway, arms folded as if for comfort and to appear defiant all at once.

"Yes?" she inquired sharply.

"You may not know, but I grew up with Lupin and, through certain circumstances, became aware that he was a werewolf. We also worked in the Order together, and, during that time, I was able to provide relief of some degree to him concerning the side-effects he experienced. I understand he has progeny now living with you and I am willing to provide you with the potion I brewed for him to give to his son. I know it is something Lupin would have liked. The potion is called Wolfsbane. It will not stop the transformation, or the pain of it, but it will allow Lupin's son to keep his mental faculties so that he may do no harm to himself or others while in his other form."

The stern look on Andromeda Tonks' face wilted into one that was vulnerable and hopeful. Tears sprang to her eyes, even as she glared at Severus.

"Why," she got out in a hoarse voice, "Why would you want to help? Why after seven years of Remus being dead have you shown up here?"

Severus looked her right in the eyes.

"I know it may not seem plausible, but I have been distracted by my own hurts and afflictions so long that I never thought to look past myself at what others have been living through until recently. I only hope you will forgive me for taking so long to come to my senses. It must have been a struggle learning how to raise a boy inflicted with lycanthropy in a world that is too quick to judge a group by a few of its less than savory individuals. Lupin was a good man, and I'm sure his son will defend his character with pride."

The woman sniffed but nodded, taking the handkerchief Severus provided. She turned away to compose herself before facing him once again.

"How do we proceed," she asked softly.

"I will start brewing the potion tomorrow. As I understand, the moon will be rising in approximately a week and a half. That will give the potion an adequate time to mature before the boy starts taking it, which must be every day of the week before the full moon."

The woman nodded. She hesitated before asking if Severus would like to see him. The man nodded and they walked to the sitting room, wherein was the boy in the cage, his hair a sandy colored mop on his head. He noticed the visitor and looked down at his feet in shame for his condition. Severus walked closer until he was right next to the cage. He looked the boy over, noticing all the symptoms he had seen before: how skinny he was, the dark circles under his eyes, and a slight shaking, though that could be nerves. He pulled a couple vials from his pocket, as well as a few bars of chocolate.

"Drink this," he thrust a vial between the bars of the cage containing a viscous orange liquid. Noting the suspicion on the boy's face, he told him it was a nutrient potion that would restore any deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that his body was in need of. Very nasty to the taste but very powerful. At a nod from his grandmother, he uncapped and drank it down, coughing hard at the taste and texture.

"You will need to get used to drinking foul potions, as you will have to do so for the foreseeable future, until I or one of my colleagues can discover a cure for your condition." Severus smirked at the boy's watery eyes. He didn't seem as peaky anymore though. Next Severus handed the boy a vial of red liquid. The boy uncapped it and a steady stream of steam swirled out.

"An Invigoration Draught, to give you some energy until tonight, when your grandmother will give you some Sleeping Draught," Severus said, handing the woman a vial of murky grey liquid. He raised an eyebrow as he observed Teddy's hair turn blue after drinking the potion, a sure sign that he was Nymphadora Tonks' son. He only hoped the boy didn't inherit her clumsiness as well. "Only three drops every night he needs it. This will get him asleep, but not keep him asleep. I doubt he will need any help with that, judging from what I see."

Andromeda nodded.

I will be back in half a week to administer the first of the Wolfsbane potion. Have a pleasant evening." Severus still couldn't bring himself to say Merry Christmas. It just wasn't in his nature to be jolly.

"Thanks to you, it will be," Andromeda said matter-of-factly. Severus nodded, pleased to find her a practical woman not prone to fits of overflowing emotion, like the Weasley matriarch. She led him back down the hallway and out the door. He didn't look back to see her staring after him as he strode briskly down the alleyway. He now had the staff party to get ready for.

When Severus stepped into the staff room with his best robes on, no one noticed at first, as the party was in full swing. He noted that all the decorations were the same, and that Argus still had Irma trapped beneath the mistletoe. He smirked as he witnessed the slap she gave him for the second time.

He heard laughing and saw the group containing his godson and apprentice along with their friends observing the couple as well. He sauntered over, unnoticed by Draco, as the boy was talking. The others of the group had seen him on his way over, and Neville and Hermione were trying subtly to tell the boy to shut up, while Luna just observed his approach serenely.

"I wish I could see Severus stuck under one of those things with a poor soul." Draco laughed. He noticed that the others didn't join in.

"And why would you wish such a thing, Draco," Severus drawled out, causing the young man to stiffen. He turned and looked up to Severus with a sheepish grin.

"Ah, well because it's such an enjoyable Christmas pastime, and I believe everyone should experience it. In fact, I was just about to take Luna for a walk around and make sure they all work."

"Ah yes, Miss Lovegood, it has been a while. I apologize for not speaking to you much since you became the Care of Magical Creatures professor. I'm pleased to see you with my godson, as he needs someone to keep him in line, and I cannot always be around."

"It's my pleasure to do so. It is good to see you looking so well this evening, professor. Draco?" Luna looked to her fiancé expectantly, and the blonde obligingly took her arm to tour the room.

The others observed Severus' outward transformation. He did indeed look very well, his robes fitted and his hair washed. He didn't have the air of neglect about him that had seemed to hover over him constantly before the previous night.

Severus turned to the two people left, Hermione smiling nervously and Neville just nervous. The boy might faint if prompted, Severus thought.

"Good evening, Mr. Longbottom, I trust your holiday has been enjoyable?"

Neville promptly fainted.

Hermione was quick to levitate the poor man and float him to a nearby sofa. She checked him over before returning to Severus, a smile fighting to show on her face.

"He will be fine," she murmured.

"Of course he will," replied Severus, "The boy's a magnetic attraction to accidents and he hasn't died yet. I'm sure a little swoon is just a drop in the bucket compared to most of the catastrophes he's probably gotten himself into."

Hermione smiled at him and he felt warm inside. Looking around for a distraction before he did something stupid, Severus noted the refreshment table.

"I believe I shall now try one of your cookies. It is said that a great potions master is only as good as his or her next meal. I believe that could apply to baked treats as well. It requires a precision in the amount of ingredients, the time cooked, and of course the, er, technique used when mixing." Severus felt his own cheeks turn a bit pink at his bold reference to their earlier encounter, but he was gratified to see the full-blown flush of her own as she looked away.

He walked over to the table almost groaning with the food and drinks upon it, and found a cauldron cookie, frosted in black, with black sprinkles barely noticeable on the surface. He chuckled and gave an appreciative glance at Hermione, who had slowly followed him over. He took a bite as she watched, and made a sound of pleasure at the delicious taste of the cookie. Her cheeks turned pink once again but she grinned.

"Not bad?"

"It's not ladylike to fish for complements, when you can clearly see from my expression that these cookies are definitely 'not bad.'" Severus raised an eyebrow, and she cheekily raised one back.

"Severus? Is that you?"

The man in question turned to see Minerva coming over, surprise on her face.

"Good evening, Minerva, the staff room looks festive." This caused even more astonishment to enter her expression.

"I'm quite surprised to see you here. I haven't seen you attend a staff party since, well, since Albus, and that was always under duress. What brings you here tonight of your own free will?"

"I have come to realize that it is time to move on from my past and leave it where it lies, instead of trying to carry it everywhere with me," Severus replied, and he could see tears start to form in the woman's eyes. Tears still made him uneasy, even if he was a changed man. "Stop blubbering Minerva. This won't be changing how many house points I'll be taking from Gryffindor tonight if I catch a single one of them out after curfew." That put a frown on the stern woman's face faster than most anything else.

"Well don't be so sour, you'll spoil the atmosphere. Neville's just barely come to." She harrumphed and walked away at the sight of his pleased smirk.

"You really are changed."

Severus turned to see Hermione observing him thoughtfully. He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by someone rudely grasping onto his arm. He grimaced when he realized it was Sybil.

"Sevvrusss," she slurred, giving up the fact that she'd already been at the spiked punch, "Ssho nice to Shee you here! Dance with meeeee!"

The woman was loud, and tugging him towards the middle of the staff room, where there was space for dancing. Severus looked to Hermione for relief but she just smirked and shrugged.

"I'll get you back," he mouthed at her as he was manhandled none-too-gently onto the dance floor. It seemed Sybil also wanted to lead the dance as well, steering them haphazardly around. Severus glared at the people who dared to laugh at his situation.

After a couple minutes Severus was relieved of his burden, as she forgot what she was doing and pulled away, zigzagging towards the refreshment table, no doubt for more punch. Severus straightened his clothing and headed back over to where Hermione was standing, conveniently beneath some mistletoe. She hadn't noticed it either.

Her eyes were glinting with laughter, but it turned once again into wariness as she noticed he wasn't slowing in his advance. Before she could protest, Severus pulled her to him by her upper arms and met her lips with his.

She froze for a moment before melting into the kiss and his arms, her hands grasping the front of his robes, her mouth softening enough that he could deepen the kiss for a few moments before pulling back. He was gratified to see her lips follow his retreat, and rewarded her with a last small kiss before pulling away. He watched as her eyelids fluttered open to showcase her dazed look.

"There," he rasped with a smirk, "my revenge."

At her confused look he pointed above them to the magical plant. She flushed prettily as she saw it before meeting his eyes again. She didn't say a word.

Severus thought of making a wise crack about that, but decided a gentle retreat would be necessary if he wanted her to think on this moment for the rest of the night.

"Tomorrow at nine AM I will start preparing the ingredients. Make sure to get a good night's rest."

"Ok," she breathed back, seemingly still shocked that she had snogged her former professor and current Potions Master. Her hands were reluctant to let go of his robes and she wobbled a little as he stepped away.

"Goodnight, Professor," She managed in a steady tone as he turned to leave.

"Goodnight, Hermione," he replied over his shoulder, wishing he could see her face, as it was the first time he had addressed her by her first name. Hopefully that would make it impossible for her to think of anyone else tonight.

The next morning as Severus pulled out all the ingredients needed to prepare for the Wolfsbane potion, Hermione stepped meekly into the lab. Her hair was pulled back in a flattering way, but she couldn't seem to meet his eyes. Severus smirked. He could read by her body language that she was even at this very second analyzing those moments they had been entangled the night before. He couldn't help the delicious tingle that swept up his spine as the memories came back to him as well.

He started to direct her in how to prepare the ingredients and she followed his instructions perfectly, as always, seeming to relax as she focused on the work. Severus had a great desire to see if he could make her uncomfortable again by his close contact, but he knew it would distract him as well and he didn't want to risk compromising the potion. The ingredients were expensive, and the work too time consuming for him to relish the thought of starting over, no matter how agreeable his lab partner was.

By the end of five hours both were slightly sweaty, not a little exhausted, and very happy, as the potion was stable enough now to let it sit for a few hours with no attention needed.

"I'm pleased at your work today, Hermione. Thank you."

The woman looked to Severus, her face flushed in pleasure at the compliment, and his eyes zeroed in on her lips with magnetic force. He pulled them back to her eyes with some effort, to see a hint of desire and a reassuring smile. She started towards him and he cleared his throat, looking around for something to occupy his hands.


This shocked him enough to look at the woman at his side, her cheeks red but eyes determined. He wondered if he was dreaming as she grabbed the front of his robes to pull him down for a kiss.

"You don't need mistletoe as an excuse to kiss me," she breathed before her lips touched his, and there was nothing intellectual to be heard in the lab for quite a long time after.

Severus really turned his life around, becoming conscious of and helping those in need around him. Though it took many years, he was able to cure Teddy Lupin and any other werewolf desirous of ridding themselves of lycanthropy. He stayed a good friend to the young man, even becoming something of a father-figure for the boy. This feat couldn't have been accomplished without his former apprentice, now current Potions Mistress and wife. Minerva had no hesitation in offering him the spot as Headmaster once she retired, and he gladly took it. He soon became a man more respected than feared in the Wizarding World, and if some people laughed at this alteration, he let them, for he was content and almost obliged to laugh himself because of it.

He was never visited again by the Spirits, but he thought of them now with fondness. He had become a man free of his past and the bitterness in it. His own transformation had allowed for a life infinitely happier than he could have thought possible. And that's the end of it.

A/N: Yay! All done! I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and please review!