Author's Note

This is set before season one. Caroline and Elena are still human. Bonnie is just figuring out she's a witch. Like in season one, Bonnie showed the girls how she was able to levitate feathers. This takes place after that, where they want to see what else their witch friend can do and to also prove that she is indeed a witch.

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Chapter One

"You really think you're a witch?" Caroline questions her friend. "I'm sure. My grams have been telling me since I was little but I thought she was drunk. And in my defense, she was most of the time." Bonnie responds. "So what are we doing here?" Looking around Bonnie's room, Caroline felt a little uneasy. The whole witch mojo thing kind of scared her. "Well, I found this," Bonnie opens up an old, over-sized and torn book, "my grams old grimore, or that's what she calls it. I want you to help me do a few spells." The caramel skinned girl looks up at her friend with pleading eyes. Biting her bottom lip, thinking about everything that could go wrong, before answering, "Sure, why not?" Heck, she was Caroline Forbes and if anything, she's brave.

As Bonnie starts placing candles into perfect circles, Caroline couldn't help but think back to how things have changed in the past few months. Elena had almost died in an accident, which led her to get rid of her shallow, rude and uncaring attitude. Her friend needed her and she was honestly getting tired of acting like a total bitch. Yes, it was just an act; a guard she's put up so nobody saw how insecure and broken she was underneath. But one thing didn't change her determined and controlling side. No, she could never change those personalities nor did she want to. Her friends' voice broke her out of her thought.

"Caroline," she called. I'm done; I just need you to sit in the middle there." She points to the center of the circle of candles. She sighs, hops off the bed and walked across the room and sat where she was told. Bonnie flips through a few pages before finding the spell she was looking for. After a few chants in a language the blonde did not understand, the candles lit up, making Caroline gasp in shock. She really was never going to get used to this.

"I thought you said Elena was going to come over." She managed to choke out after getting over her initial shock. "She is, she's on her way as we speak." They both sat quietly, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Bonnie flipped through a few more pages before reading out loud, "One minute is like a day. It will not affect anything if the traveler is still alive and brought back safely. If not, the consequences shall be great." Caroline stares at her friend, eyebrows scrunched together, "What is that suppose to mean?"

"I have no idea; it's like some warning or something. There's a spell right next to it. Let's test it out." The young, inexperienced witch closes her eyes and begins to chant in the unfamiliar language again. "Uh, Bonnie, I don't think we should – " She was interrupted when her voice suddenly disappeared and it became harder to breathe. She grabs at her throat, mouth open, trying to take in much needed oxygen or at least get Bonnie to notice that she was suffocating. Then it all went black.

"Hey Bonnie, Caroli – " Elena walks into the room about to greet her friends when she notices a pile of clothes in the middle of the room surrounded by lit candles. "Oh my god, Bonnie!" she yells, grabbing onto her remaining friends' shoulders. With a loud gasps, her eyes shot open. "Elena, what happened? Where's Caroline?" she looks frantically around the room before she too, notices the pile of the bubbly blonde's clothing. "Elena, I think I messed up. I don't know how or what, but … oh my god." Elena pulls her friend into her arms while she sobs. "Bonnie, its okay. We'll figure it out. We'll bring her back. Let's go get your grams. Maybe she'll know what to do."