"Dammit man, we just lost all of our rent money!" a man said, slamming the front door shut.

"You mean YOU lost all of our rent money", his friend huffed at him.

"Hey, you agreed with me so this is just as your fault as it is mine", he said as he pointed a finger at his friends chest.

"Ah the hell with all of this, I'm going to bed. I'm sick of all this", he said as he walked into his bedroom and slammed the door close.

"Yeah, night to you too you ass", his friend said in a low and angry voice as he made his way to his own bedroom.

~In Equstira~

A purple unicorn was reading a scroll as her horn glowed. Close behind her was a blue pegasus slowly creeping up to her.

"Hmm, warp magic... let's see if I can get this to work..."

The purple unicorns horn glowed even brighter as she readied herself to use the spell.

"Hey Twilight!" The blue pegasus yelled into the purple unicorns ear.

"Ah!" She cried out as she reeled up onto her hind legs, she then launched a purple orb into the air.

The orb then split into two orbs, one headed to the forest while the other flew towards Canterlot.

"Oh no... Rainbow! Why did you do that?" The purple unicorn said angrily at the blue pegasus who was now on the floor laughing.

"Ha ha, you should have seen the look on your face Twilight!" She said as she went back to laughing.

"Rainbow! This is bad, really bad! That spell could accidentally bring a creature into our world from another world. All of Equstria will be in danger if we don't make sure this is contained!" The purple unicorn said worriedly at the blue pegasus who slowly stopped laughing and started to look worried.

"What kind of danger...?" The pegasus said.

~Human World~

"Damn that idiot friend of mines... what the heck are we supposed to do about this months rent?" The man said to himself.

He sighed as he sat up on his bed.

"...I need some water", he said as he dragged himself out of his bed.

All of a sudden, a purple orb appeared in the middle of his bedroom.

"What the...", he said.

'I should probably wake that moron up, this doesn't seem normal...' he thought to himself as he turned to leave the room. Suddenly, he felt himself get pulled towards the purple orb.

"AH!", he yelled out in pain as he disappered.

The door to his bedroom suddenly flew open with his friend standing at the door.

"Dammit man! I'm trying to fucking get some sleep you stupid pi- what the heck is that?" He said as he saw the purple orb in his friends bedroom

"Hey! Where the heck are you? There's this weird thing in your ro- AH!" He yelled out as the orb flew into his chest and he disappeared too.

The orb slowly floated higher into the air as it shrunk and disappeared too.

~In Equstria

"Spike! Where are you?" A purple unicorn shouted into the large room.

"*Yawn* I'm here Twilight. You need something?" A little purple dragon yawned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, making its way down the stairs.

"Spike, I need you to write a letter to Princess Celestia and send it right away!" She said loudly to the purple dragon.

"Okay, what do you want me to write?" It said as it went over to a table with a blank scroll on top.

"Tell her to be alert for any 'strange' creatures appearing in the castle. I would go into detail but I have to see if anything appeared in the Everfree foerst", she said as she paced back and forth, putting various items into a bag on the floor.

"Okay, done", the dragon said as it breathed fire onto the scroll.

"Good. Spike, I'll need you to stay in the library until I get back", she said as she placed her saddlebags on her back and ran out the door.

~In the Castle~

"*Yawn* Hmm, time to head off to bed, finally done with all this paper wor-", a white pony with a horn and wings said as a scroll appeared before her.

"A letter from Twilight at this hour?" She yawned as she unrolled the scroll and began to read it.

Once she had finished the scroll, her eyes went wide and she called out.

"Guards!", She yelled towards the doors of her room.

The door immediately flew open and several ponies wearing armor came in. They bowed as they stopped several feet in front of her.

"Yes your majesty? Is anything wrong?" One of them said as he looked up at the Princess.

"I need you all to alert the rest of the Guards within the castle to be on full alert of any 'strange' creatures. Tell my sister to come to my room", she said to the guards.

"Yes your majesty", they all said in unison as they all turned and ran out of their Princesses room.

'Twilight, exactly what is happening', she thought to herself, looking out her window and at the moon.

~At the Everfree Forest~

Twilight had arrived at the mouth of the Everfree forest.

'Well, better hurry up to see if anything happened...' she thought to herself.

She then walked into the forest, all that could be heard was the sound of the crickets chirping and her hoof-steps. Suddenly, she saw a purple flash and a loud thud could be heard. The sound made her jump back. She slowly walked towards where she saw the light. As she walked a little further, she saw nothing.

'That's odd, I could have sworn that I heard whatever that had landed at this spot', she thought to herself. She then turned around to look elsewhere, she stepped on something soft and heard a low groan. The unicorn stopped and looked down, she then jumped away from the creature that she had stepped on.

'What the hay is that thing? This must have been what that thud was, I guess this thing was brought here with my magic. I hope it's o-... OH DEAR CELESTIA!' She thought to herself as she looked closer at the creature. There was a large burn mark on it's back with blood oozing from the wound.

'I need to hurry and get this thing to Fluttershy, maybe she'll know what to do', she thought to herself as she levitated the creature onto her back.

'Whoa! This thing is freaking heavy!' She thought as she strained to hold herself up. She started to walk down the path she had gone into the forest.

~In the Castle~

"Holy crap, first I get sucked in by a weird orb thing, next I'm being chased by a bunch of horses wearing armor, what next?" the man said as he rammed one of the guards into the wall, knocking the wind out of it.

He then kicked another in the neck, sending it into another guard behind it. A unicorn began to charge at him with it's head lowered. The man grabbed it's horn with his left hand and grabbed the top of the spot between it's front legs and flipped it over his head. The unicorn landed on it's back with a loud thud, cracking the marble floor. The man then yanked the helmet off of the knocked out unicorns head and swung it at two lances that were flying straight at him. The lances were sent flying, one was stuck into a wall while the other was sticking out of the floor. The man then threw the helmet at a guards face as it yelped out in pain as the helmet made contact with it's face. He then heard the sound of hooves running towards his direction.

"That doesn't sound good.." he said as a large group of guards came charging down the hall he was standing in, lances lowered as they charged him.

"OH SHIT!" He yelled out as he ran the opposite direction the army of guards were running in.

"Halt!" A voice yelled out from behind him, it sounded feminine.

"Like hell I will!" He yelled as he made a right turn down the hall.

"Shit, it's a freaking dead end", he cursed as he spun around and got into a fighting stance.

The army of guards rushed towards him and stopped a few feet in front of him. The guards behind the front row of guards lowered their lances in between the front guards.

"Surrender intruder!" One of the guards yelled at the man. "Or we'll be forced to take you by force!" Another said.

"You're pretty much doing that anyways, so~ nope!" He said as he ran forward, grabbing a lance and yanked it from the guards grasp.

"If you want to catch me, you'll have to beat me first!" He yelled as he threw the lane towards the closet guard.

The lance stopped mid-air, floating just inches away from the guards face. It was glowing a dark blueish color, his body was soon glowing in the same color.

"What the heck?!" He said as he tried to move.

"We suggest that thou intruder, stop with thou's pointless struggles, our magic is powerful enough to keep thy intruder from moving", a dark blue pony with wings and horn said to the man as it walked past the guards.

"Guards, take this thing to the dungeons at once!" The dark blue pony said to the guards.

"Yes your majesty", two guards said as they bowed.

They walked over to him and one of the guards horn glowed white, the mans body soon glowed white as well.

"Let me go you freaking talking horses! I'll kill all of yo- mreh mrhm mpfhh", he said as the other guard tied a piece of clothe around the mans mouth with his magic.

Here's another fanfic I've been thinking of writing. Leave a review :D