A/N: Haven't updated in a while and I'm not sure if you guys are still interested, but here's another chapter of a HirumaxSena story~ Enjoy! And please comment, thank you! :D

~The Game Is To Not Find Out~

by - Mato-Gin

Chapter 3 - Positions

"Hiruma-san!" the heavy linebacker called his name in a wide smile as he saw their quarterback make it into the field.

The rest of the guys stopped practicing and turned their heads at the blond – used to him always with them, his small absence from the field had caused worried concern.

"How did you get back?" Deimon's kicker was the first to come up to him.

"I got a chauffeur,"

A pink bubble popped from the teen's mouth as he answered looking back at the spiky haired kid next to him. Following Hiruma's gaze, Musashi finally noticed the person standing next to him.



Sena bowed his head almost crying inside. He could tell what the mature looking football player was thinking – he could drive? Him? Sadly no, he couldn't; he could only ride a bike, and that got messed up just yesterday. Not knowing how to take the imposing patient back to Deimon without his bike, he was surprised that the blond proposed to take a cab instead.

"How else are we going to get back?" the boy had looked at him like it was the only obvious answer.

For sure, he thought Hiruma was going to make him pay the fare but surprisingly, Hiruma took care of it. But still, that didn't make up fully for the unknown reason why he had to come and escort him back to school on a Saturday.

"Well, anyway, it's a good thing you came today," a light smirk played on the muscular teen, "the uniforms just came in this morning,"

Uniforms? Sena looked up. He looked around and remembered what Hiruma had said. That's right, this was the football team.

"About time, lemme see them,"

In a few moments, one of the guys had went to the shed and came back with a huge box. All the football players came and gathered around it as the guy dropped the crate on the ground and opened it.

"Look! There's my number!" a monkey looking boy enthusiastically reached inside the box.

He plopped out a red jersey with the number 80 written in bold.

"How about ours?" the rest of the guys rummaged through to get their shirts as well. A light brightened their faces as they held out their jerseys in front of them.


All their excited faces got Sena interested as he read the numbers of each player. What did the number even represent? He quietly stuck out his neck as soon as all the guys got their uniforms and peeked inside the box. There was one number left – number one. He reached in to get the shirt and folded it out.

"That's Hiruma's," the old looking guy with the mohawk nodded his chin behind him.


Sena heard a cackling behind him and he turned around not meaning to have taken the shirt without asking.

"Ke ke ke ke," a devilish smile appeared on the blond's face as he eyed the brunette up and down amused how his jersey was too long for the shorter boy as it reached past his legs. "If you want to wear that, then you got to make it on the team first!"

"Ah, no, I'm sorry!" the boy hurriedly refolded the cloth in his hands and threw it back in the box.

A light breath escaped the devilish blond as he watched him put back the jersey. "Hmph,"

"Is he joining us?" the muscular teen looked at Sena.

The boy immediately shook his head denying it. "Um, no-"

"That's right, he made for a late tryout and and made it into the team!" Hiruma quickly cut him off.

Eh?! Sena looked at the crazed teen whose arm was around him again.

"Late tryouts? What position is he playing?"

"Our lucky charm,"

"Lucky charm?" the other teen looked at him skeptically.

That sharp smile just pulled against Hiruma's cheeks. In his head were the actual words he wanted to say - My lucky charm.


"Since your part of the team now, go and learn all the other members' names," Hiruma barked an order.

Sena looked around as he studied the rough looking bunch of the Deimon football team. Hiruma didn't really care how he would get to know the others but luckily for the other boy, all the guys were pretty good at introducing theirselves. The Haha Brothers went up first intimidating the mild mannered teen with Kurita coming next sending the newcomer gawking from his pure size even though he showed his fuzzy bear-like personality. He eventually warmed up when he met Monta and a familiar face.

"Ishimaru-san," he finally gave a relieved smile.

His track captain's presence eased his tension allowing him to talk more naturally.

"I didn't know you were in the football team!"

The boy rubbed the back of his neck. "The football team asked for some help," Sena looked at him amazed. "I'm playing in as the running back, but I heard you tried out for the team? Hopefully, you're not quitting the track team are you?"

"No, of course not" the brunette shook his head.

"Haha, then that's good. So what position did you try out for?"

Ishimaru raised his brows patiently waiting for him to say something back, but a bead of sweat ran down Sena's face not knowing how to answer. He didn't try out for a position!

"Um... the lucky charm?" he went along and repeated what Hiruma had said earlier.

"Lucky charm?" the taller teen tilted his head. "Haha, so I guess it's a secret for this week's game then?"

For some reason, Sena couldn't help widen his eyes. "There's a game this week?!"

"Yup – against the Kyoshin Poseidons. They're pretty good, so I guess we do need a lucky secret weapon like you. You're Deimon's track team ace after all. I'm pretty sure your speed will come in handy during the game,"

The boy gave an awkward laugh. Hiruma wasn't really going to use him, right? He didn't even give him a position in the team, so there was no way, right?

His track captain gave him a hard pat on the back forcing him to leave his dark premonitions aside. "Come on, why don't you run a bit with me? Since you're here, we can practice together like we do in track,"

"A-alright," He followed Ishimaru deeper into the field sticking to someone he knew. "What were you thinking of doing?"

The taller boy gave a warm smile.

"The 40 yard dash,"


Musashi was wondering why Hiruma brought the small kid here. He looked scrawny and unbuilt, and when did he even give a late tryout to the boy?! But as he watched the newcomer practice, his doubts were cleared up.

The amazing speed which Sena ran surpassed greatly that of their current running back. All the guys were awed as they found the puny boy could run so fast.

"I think I know why you got that kid," the kicker walked to bench over to where the quarterback sat. "The lucky charm I mean,"

"Hm. He better be a lucky charm. That guy's going to be there the next game," the blond kept a critical eye over everyone's practice.

Musashi gave a quiet nod as he agreed but didn't know that they were thinking the opposite things.

"Poseidon's Kakei Shun and Mizumatchi Kengo are going to be there, but with a new running back, we could maybe get past them,"

"Huh?" Hiruma's bubblegum popped as he raised a brow. "What are you talking about?"


Not bad. Not bad at all for a newbie. Or should he say, awesome?! The new kid was definitely lighting fast! The wide receiver gave an admiring smile as he tried to keep up with the boy's pace. With this training and new member, they definitely would have an ace up their sleeve for the coming match!

The week progressed nicely and it was finally the day for the game. The guys looked at their quarterback confused. Why wasn't Sena wearing a jersey, and why was he sitting by the bench giving Hiruma coffee?!

"Uh, Hiruma, why isn't Sena in uniform?" Monta asked the question everyone was thinking.

"Hm?" the blond turned to face him, "what are you talking about? He's our manager,"

"Manager?!" the receiver's face dropped. "Then how come you had him practice with us?!"

Hiruma looked at him annoyed. "To improve Ishimaru's time – he's our running back. 5.0 seconds won't cut it to make it past Kyoshin's defensive wave, but training with Sena had raised Ishimaru's time up to 4.9 seconds. Even with a 0.1 difference, we have a better chance of cutting through Poseidon's line,"

"But isn't Sena even faster?! We timed him for the 40 yard dash!"


His eyes turned deathly serious.

"Sena's not playing,"

The quarterback's words were final and Monta tightened his lips sucking it up. Yes, Hiruma knew that actually having Sena play on the field was more logical, but he didn't expect the boy to have ran so fast! 4.2 seconds – the speed of light, but Sena was still not used to playing the game. Contemplating, it was becoming more and more difficult to roll with his original plan since the other team they were facing right now was a strong one. Still, he recruited the kid for a different reason. Like every game, the Seibu quarterback was bound to be here to watch Deimon play and he needed Sena to show his face, not be hidden in a helmet, but to be the Shien repellent he got him for.

Stuck in thought, he sipped the coffee in his hand but quickly drew back as the liquid stung his lips.

"Sorry, is it too hot?" Sena noticed the slight reaction the blond made.

Hiruma raised a brow turning around surprised the boy actually caught that. As he went to face him, his eyes recognized the person he'd been waiting for coming to sit in the stands at the background. He paused as he watched the man known as "The Kid" settle himself at the top rows where he always sat – Shien was here. The blond tore his eyes away before the Gunman saw him, but a part of the Deimon athlete knew that Shien was already looking at him.

Hiruma handed the cup back to his 'manager.' "Yeah, cool it for me,"

Compliantly obeying, the brunette took it back and for a brief moment, their fingers touched. The slight contact with the innocent boy sent a thread of guilt to what he was trying to do. Odd, since he never really had a problem with the types of sneaky and most of the time brutal things he did before, but it had to do with the Seibu quarterback's infatuation with him. It was that damn emotion people called "love."

He waited as Sena softly blew against the surface of the hot black coffee, the boy's lashes seemed longer as he looked down at the cup he held gingerly in his hands.

"Here," he held out his coffee returning it, "it's cooler now,"

The boy looked at him with his chibi brown eyes and the blond took it wrapping his arm around the brunette's shoulder as a reward.

"Thanks," he took another try at the caffeinated drink; this time, it passed enjoyably through.

As he let out a breath, Hiruma pretended he couldn't tell that Sena was still looking up at him with questioning eyes. He was becoming more aware of how often the blond placed his hand on his shoulder, always pulling the shorter boy closer to him. Trying to continue all nonchalant, Musashi broke his patience when he shot him a strange look.

"Spit it out, old man," he almost bit at the kicker.

The mature looking teen responded slow and gave an annoying sigh making him raise a brow.

"I see you've changed your taste," he turned his head.

The devil of the Deimon team softened his face. As one of his two closest friends, Musashi knew about his past and previous lovers and about the gender he preferred.

"Go start the game already!" he kicked the old man away.


The game hadn't even started but something was already breaking inside of him. Shien tried to hide his brows from drooping, but it just didn't work. He caught the devilish teen down below at the bench sitting out due to his injury, but the person sitting next to him sent a cloud over his day.

He couldn't hear what they were saying, but the small brunette took the blond's cup and started blowing on the surface to cool it down; his lips dangerously close to the rim. Did it touch? He stared as Hiruma took the cup back and drank from it. If the kid's lips did touch, then that meant they made an indirect kiss. To top it off, Hiruma wrapped his arms around the other, drawing him closer.

What was this? The Seibu quarterback calmed himself. This was really Hiruma's lover? How come he was only seeing the kid now? He rubbed the back of his head. He took a shot with the Deimon devil and he was the one that got shot – shot down. It was a Russian roulette and he took his chance, and fate wasn't mixed with the good luck. He had to let this go.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he started to feel disappointed. Hiruma had a lover.