A/N: So I tried revising this part since it seemed that Sena was a little OC. I tried making him a little more mild mannered and I hope you will enjoy the beginning of the HirumaxSena story~ Enjoy and leave a comment, please. :D


~The Game Is To Not Find Out~

by - Mato-Gin

Chapter 1 - Riding Bikes and Strolling

"Hiruma!" Kurita called out.

His friend kept ignoring him and ran forward.


His huge weight kept him from chasing him any further. Why wasn't he stopping? Kurita stopped, heavily panting from the short run. Forget it. He wasn't going to listen to him. Gen caught up to him and stopped.

"He's not coming back," he stated catching his breath as well.

They both watched the blonde disappear when Gen turned to ask,

"What happened? When I came in the room, Hiruma just started running."

The lineman shook his head. "I don't know, but Shien asked him to discuss something privately and I had to leave. When I came back, they were already fighting."

Fighting,huh? He didn't want to tell Kurita, but Gen had an idea of what actually happened. He barely heard it, but there had been interesting rumors about the Wild Gunmen's quarterback. Something odd that he couldn't believe that it had to deal with Hiruma. He brushed it off and headed back.

"What are we going to do?!" Kurita cried.

He was always the nice guy but Gen knew better.

"There's nothing we can do."

The kicker was uneasy and scratched his head. It was all Hiruma's decisions from up to here.


Hiruma kept on running. He didn't care where the heck he was going.

F**k! It kept repeating in his head. He rubbed his lips where the guy kissed him. Freaking Shien! He said he wanted to talk and he suddenly harassed him! His lips turned bright red and he kept rubbing it until he almost bled. The more he thought about the Wild Gunmen's quarterback, the angrier he got. Where were his guns? For sure he was going to shoot someone. He cut through a shortcut pushing past the bushes and jumped back on the main streets.

"Watch out!" a voice yelled.

He turned around and CRASH! Something pushed the air out of his lungs as his body skidded through the concrete. He tumbled to a stop and tried to push himself up. Everything around him spun and he snapped.

"What the hell?!" he yelled.

His eyes cleared and he glared at a short brunette tangled under a bike. Damn brat wasn't looking where he was going! Hiruma scoffed and tried to get up but his legs gave away.


He cursed as he fell to the floor.

Sena grabbed at the throbbing at his head.


He slowly got up feeling bruises all over him as he pushed his bike off. What the heck was that guy thinking?! Some guy just jumped in front of him as he was rushing to his friend's house! He was already late and to make matters worse, it seemed like his bike got messed up. He got up and picked up his bike. The handles got dented backwards and like himself, it was scratched up everywhere. Damn! This was new too! He turned to the guy that was cussing in back of him and saw that he was grunting in pain as he held his leg.

"Damn it!" he gripped his ankle tighter.

"Hey," Sena stepped forward, "a-are you alright?"

The blonde turned and glared at him. Did he look alright? All the anger left him and he felt intimidated even though the guy he crashed into was helpless on the floor.

"Can you get up?"

He reached over to help him but the blonde pushed him away trying to get back up by himself. As he tried to stand, his legs snapped. Sena immediately shot his arms out to catch him.

"I-I'm sorry!" he let out. Even though it wasn't his fault, he couldn't leave the blonde like this.

"I can walk by myself," the guy stubbornly shot at him.

The blonde was still leaning against him trying to push away and Sena couldn't take it.

"Please, let me help! " he pushed him on his bike.

"What are you doing?!"the blonde yelled.

He fumbled uncomfortably but Sena got on before he could get off and started pedaling.

"Just hold on and I'll get you to the hospital!"

"No! Let me off!"

The blonde tried to hit him more than once but he had to keep holding on to something so that he wouldn't fall off.

"Hey! Did you hear me?!"


The brunette completely ignored him.


The brunette started to pedal faster. Wind blew past his face and as he looked forward, it was as if they were going as fast as a car! Was this guy human?! Hiruma grew speechless for a while as he just stared at how fast they were going. Amazing… He looked back up to the brunette and he was so focused in pedaling. He could feel his deep breaths in a rhythmic beat. The brunette noticed and looked at him and smiled. He suddenly realized he was staring and caught himself.

"Watch where you're going!" he turned his head.

"Is your leg still hurting?" the boy panted.

He didn't answer but the brunette kept staring at him.


Why wasn't he answering? If he was in pain, he could try to pedal faster. The blonde's face suddenly lit up.


Sena turned his attention back on the road and jerked as they rammed into a tree. BAM!

They flew off the bike and rolled to the side. Sena shot up crying in pain and curled as he sat up.


He grabbed his head. How could he make the same mistake twice?! And with the same person in less than half an hour! He slowly lifted his head back up and looked for the blonde. His eyes grew wide as he found him lying near the brick wall to the side.

"Woah!" he ran up to him. "A-are you okay?!"

He started to freak out when he saw blood flowing from his head. Did he just kill somebody?! Why didn't he pay more attention to the road?!

"Hey!" he repeated shaking him.

The guy didn't open his eyes. He hurriedly put him on his back - forget the bike! It was already messed up and there was no way he could use it again. He'll just have to run to the hospital! This time, no mistakes!


It was so warm. It felt like he was bouncing up and down and he could hear feet running against the concrete. He tried to open his eyes but he grew light headed. He closed his eyes and listened to the rhythmic breathing instead. He could stay like this. It wasn't so bad.

He woke up again and smelled medicine. He opened his eyes and everything was white. He looked around confused and saw his left leg had a cast on it and his arms were bandaged.


He turned around and saw Kurita. He came running from the door and jumped on his bed.

"I'm glad you're okay!"

"What are you doing?" the mattress jumped from the weight. Hiruma turned to the more sensible person who took his time coming in. "What's going on?"

"You hit your head," Gen answered after nodding hello.

"What?..." Memories of the incident slowly came to him. Wait! Where was the short kid?

A knock came at the door and they all turned their attention.

"Hey," a guy with long dark hair came into the room. It was Shien. "Are you okay?"

Hiruma scoffed. "What are you doing here?"

His eyebrows came into a deep furrow.

"They said you were knocked out for at least half a day. I wanted to see if you were alright."

He looked at him with a set of sincere eyes. Hiruma stared back. Now if he only had his guns. He still didn't have them.


"Are you sure you're okay?"

Mamori bandaged his arms tightly and he smiled.

"Yeah," Sena reassured her. "Thanks, Mamori-san,"

Mamori was the daughter of the man who owned the hospital. For some reason, it always seemed like she was wrapping him up from all his cuts.

"I can't believe you were so careless! And the bike that my dad gave you!"

He laughed it off and she pulled on his arm.


"Don't joke around! That was really dangerous!"

She gave him a nagging look but continued patching him up.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going," he apologized. "But um, the guy that I came with. Is he okay?"

"Hm? Yeah. He had a fractured ankle and we had to give him a few stitches on the side of his head. We also had to wrap him up a little bit but other than that, he'll be fine. Consider yourself lucky, alright Sena?"

He nodded and when she was done he immediately got up.

"Where are you going? Don't you need to go home?"

"Is it okay if I check on him?" he looked at her.

The girl paused for a second but eventually nodded. "Okay, but be sure to not wake him up and leave right afterwards, okay?"

He nodded and kept on walking when an uneasy feeling came to his stomach. That sounded pretty bad. Stitches and a fracture?! He finally found the blonde's room and found him awake. He looked irritated as he sat up chewing gum while cleaning a gun.

How the heck did he get a gun in the hospital?! Sena's eyes popped out.

The blonde blew a bubble and turned to him as it popped and Sena jumped (mostly because of the gun).

"I'm glad you're awake," he managed a weak smile.

A vein popped into the blonde's forehead. "I told you to turn didn't I?!"

"I'm sorry!" he bowed. "B-but you're okay right?!"

He cocked his gun. "If you're really sorry-"

A beeping interrupted him and the patient looked at his phone. "Tch," Someone texted him making him grow quiet and he looked back up again.

"If you're really sorry, then be my slave."

"What?" Sena thought he was joking.

"Well?" he continued to shine his gun.

Was the guy really going to shoot him with it?! He didn't know how to answer as his nervous stare fixated on the shining weapon in the devilish looking boy's hands. Thankfully, there was a soft knock on the door and Sena turned around. A fit guy with long dark hair came.

"Hiruma," he smiled at the blonde.

"Tch. Didn't I tell you not to come here again?"

There was a tense silence between the two, and before the guy at the door could open his mouth to speak, the blonde started to shoot at the ceiling.


"Aaaagghh!" Sena yelled mortified. Mamori's hospital! What in the world was happening?! He turned to the dark haired guy. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over!"

It was the only way he wouldn't sound rude to the visitor. He lightly pushed the guy out of the room so that they could both get away from this maniac. The guy whom the visitor called "Hiruma" stopped firing as they got into the hall. He led the dark haired guy out to the front and apologized.

"I-I'm sorry, but we can't allow any visitors at this time." He was afraid that the two would start fighting and the blonde would shoot the whole hospital down.

The dark haired guy looked disappointed. "Do you work here?"

"Um, yeah," Sena half lied. He helped out sometimes at the hospital but he mostly just came here because of Mamori. He just didn't want him to be with the blonde and start a one sided war here at the hospital. "You can come back here tomorrow in the afternoon if you'd like but it's already late at night."

The guy nodded, thanked him, and left. Sena walked back to the blonde's room. Just what type of guy did he bring in?! Reading the name of the patient at the door before entered, he took a deep breath.

"Uhm, Hiruma-san," he started, "w-we don't allow guns in here..."

He blew another bubble and smiled. "You're pretty good at driving that guy away."

"N-no I'm not! I just didn't want anyone to get shot!"

The blonde pouted for bit then looked away. He threw off the blanket on top of him and swung his legs to side of them bed to get up.

"Where are you going?" the brunette asked alarmed.

"I don't need to stay here anymore," he looked at him. He reached for the crutches leaning beside the bed. "I'm already fine."

"Huh? But you're still hurt!" Sena tried to block him, pushing him. "Your wounds might reopen!"

He pushed too hard and they lost balance.

"What are you trying to do?!" Hiruma yelled as they fell back on the bed. He could only balance on one leg! He heard a thud as the brunette hit his head against the wall.

"Hey," he shook the brunette on top of him.

The boy laid on top that he crushed his arm and a good half of his body. Whenever he tried to move or push him away, it hurt.

"Hey!" he called out again.

Great. This time it was the brunette that was unconscious. Hiruma let his head gently fall on the pillow. There's got to be someone that'll come here soon to move him. He lay there waiting with his eyes closed and unconsciously drifted back to sleep.



Someone called his name in disbelief. He grumpily opened his eyes. Who was calling him? He looked around to see he was still in the hospital room. The sunlight came in and he saw Shien standing at the door looking at him oddly.


He turned to see what was crushing arm and there he was – the boy was still there sleeping next to him! He caught himself before he showed surprise. The boy laid close by his side and he was still dozing on his left arm as if he wrapped it around him the whole time they were sleeping. A smirk crept onto the devil's face.

"So you found out, huh?" Hiruma smiled at the quarterback. "Do you have a problem with it?"

A dubious plan just sprang in his mind.