"I'm so happy for you!" My mom gushes as she holds my hand in hers, looking at the beautiful diamond engagement ring on my finger.
We graduated a month ago and found an apartment in Seattle, and moved right back in together. I thought about it long and hard and Edward and I discussed it at length, and we decided to try and move forward instead of holding ourselves back. Although my mom wasn't sure it was the right decision, she also made sure I know she supports us and us being together.
Right after our graduation Edward asked me to marry him. He went down on his knee in front of everyone in our family.
I couldn't say no.
We've had some problems over the past months. We've fought a couple of times, which is something we never did before. But we're working on it. I still get angry about what happened sometimes but it's not fair of me to keep bringing it up when I love him so much and I want to move forward. It happened. It sucks. And although I do my best to trust him as completely as I did before, I still have that faint fear in the back of my head that he will do the same thing and break up with me again for whatever reason. Maybe it will never go away. But that's okay because every day he does his best to prove to me that he won't leave. Edward asking me to marry him helped a lot too.
We probably won't get married for another while. I don't mind having a long engagement. He never expected anything different, because in the end our reality doesn't always match with what we expect of life.
The commitment is there however, and I love him. And he loves me.
And that's all that matters in the end.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Next up (starting tomorrow) I will be re-posting Sunshine's Path. It has 90 drabbles total, I will be posting 5 drabbles a day. If you have me on author alert and this will bother you, you might want to change that but it's up to you :-)
Other than that I'm going to work on the drabble I have been working on for a while now, plus I have two other ideas in my head and I'm working on something pretty cool with Beegurl13. I'm busy busy busy!
Hope you enjoyed this story even if you disagreed with the characters, and have a great day today.