Chapter One:
"Who are you? What are you?" Harry asked the flying girls holding his wand out in front of him. He, Ron, and Hermione had just finished Hogwarts and saving the world from the evil wizard, Lord Voldemort, so naturally they were kind of suspicious.
A girl with red hair, who appeared to be the leader, landed in front of them, "We are the Winx Club. I'm Bloom and these are my friends, Stella, Flora, Musa, Aisha, and Tecna. We are fairies from the magic dimension."
"Fairies?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah, who are you?" The girl Aisha replied.
"I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a witch." The six fairies gasped.
"What?" Hermione said.
"You're a witch! That's what!" Stella shouted.
"And you're a fairy, what's your point?"
"Hello? Witches are evil," Musa said. She seemed to have an attitude.
"Well, maybe where you come from, but here most witches are good," she sounded offended.
"Listen," Bloom said, "We don't want to fight with you. We found out that there was an unusual kind of magic on Earth, nothing like fairy magic, and out mentor sent us to check it out."
"Hold on," Ron said, "You think our magic is unusual? You're magic is the unusual kind! You have wings!"
"You use wands," Stella retorted, "I mean seriously, if you're going to have to carry around a piece of magical wood, it should at least be pretty!"
"You don't use wands?" Hermione asked, completely shocked by this.
"We told you," Flora said, "Our magic is entirely different."
"Okay," Bloom said, "Here's the deal. Magix, our realm, is in danger, as are we. We need your help. Even the Warrior Fairies aren't strong enough!"
"What do you need our help with?" Harry asked concerned.
"Tritannus, a mutant mermaid, and three evil witches called the Trix are polluting the oceans!" Flora cried.
Tecna continued, "They're trying to gain control of the infinite oceans and rule over everything."
Bloom added, "They have dark powers which are incredibly strong. They also have my sister held captive."
Hermione gasped, "That's terrible."
"So we need your help," Aisha concluded.
"Alright, we'll help," Harry said.
The Winx conjure up a portal and the six fairies, two wizards, and one witch step through and enter Magix.