Hey I'm back from the dead! Okay too much L4D... Anyway thanks for supporting me all the way guys!
Now I read all reviews and let just say the pairings for this story:

Bulma x Goku : Even though I don't even understand this pairing I will somehow mange a seventeen year-old to get together with twelve-year-old because I love my fans... I'll will however try to make them the same age, Somehow...

Bardock x Launch: Okay I know what you're thinking... 'WTF?! Cereal?! Is she out of her frickin' mind!' But hear me out, we know bardock, a guy who has suffered through something worse than freiza... Females. He needs a sweet girl his age (I don't if launch is near his age) and who can cook and clean like a house mom. But then comes other launch and... well... You can figure it out.

That's about it if any of you problems with that pairings or wanna add a new pairing, please comment on that. Their not offcial yet, but it depends on you if they will be.
I'm still putting the chance of any Chi-Chi x Goku or Bulma x Vegeta, but only if I get 15 reviews on the desired couple by friday
For example if I get 15 new reviews of fans who want then I'll change the pairing
But I am keeping the Bardock and Launch, I don't know I have a sweet spot for this crack pairing...
So review if you want the pairings other than LxB changed!

Oh yea before I forget (which tend to happen a lot T_T) this story has MAJOR Yamcha- bashing. I don't know I mean other than risking his life to save Krillin (sayian saga) and getting Goku to his house when he had the virus in the andriod saga, I don't see much use to him. Seriously, everytime I think about Yamcha, the word I think about is stuipd. I do however respect the fact that he's a thief. So if you're a Yamcha fan (coughJustinBibercough) then GTFO now!

Let us begin our tale...

After finding their fourth ball, the team headed out into the open. Goku, now flying along side with his father in his flying nimbus with a smile on face. While Bulma was in the ground riding her motorbike. Sure, she could ride the nimbus (AC9000: yes kiddes, in these story she's a pure-type! Dun-Dun-Dun!), but she was scared of falling. Goku offered to hold her, but she just blushed and manage to slutter out that she'll prefer to ride her bike.

While flying, Bardock felt the wind though his face. Sure he would have his son to fly on his own, but he felt that destiny wanted Goku first flying experince to be something else. He then thought about his team. When they get back, he would show them how beautiful and awseome this planet was.

Hey maybe King vegeta would settle the sayians here. 'No starch that idea Bardock. The humans would be ensalved by the sayians.' he thought. Sometimes when he saw Goku train, he would wonder what if the sayians live a peacful life, would they still be killed? He knew the answer would be yes because Freiza is a heartless bastard who would shear the blood of the innocent for his benefit.

"Yo! Bardock! Goku!" shouted Bulma as she stopped. Both Bardock and Goku were dropping down. "Hey guys, we're here..." she said as she pointed towards a small village up in the east. They deicded to walk there, cause Bulma will get worried about the villagers who see them fly. When they reached the village they notice it's was some sort of ghost town.

"Hey, is there any body there?" said Goku as looked around for another soul. Bulma looked around too, being surpised at the slience of the village.

"Hey, this is the right place, right?" asked Bardock in a whisper. Bulma checked her radar again.

"Yep, this is it you guys." she answered Bardock. Goku, being a curious kid opened a door, only to be greet with an ax swing at him. Bulma and Bardock hurried to find Goku. When they did the found Goku rubbing his head, and a shaking man. "What happen?" she asked.

"Please beast, don't take my sweet little girl (AC9000: Forgot her name, I'll call her delia) away from me. I'll do anything! Please!" he begged. Bulma just shook her head.

"What Goku's no monster!" she shouted. The man stopped shivering a bit.

"You mean you aren't oolong?" he asked Goku. Goku, Bardock, and Bulma looked confused.

"What's a oolong?" Goku asked as got up with Bulma's help. The man looked frighten for minute.

"H-he's a monster who terrozies the village. He k-kidnaps our daughters as his brides." he said nervously. They looked both shocked at his statement.

"That's horrible!" said Bulma.

"Heh, even in this nice world there's still people who wish to corrpurt it." said Bardock as he looked at the man.

"What's a bride?" asked Goku. But both Bulma and Bardock were thinking.

"And what's even worse. That monster came back to days ago and demand my little Delia as another of his brides!" he said. Then a little girl came out of a closet.

"Father are you alright?" she asked as she grabbed her father's hand. The man nodded at his daughter. Then the villagers came out of their hiding places and move around the house.

"I see oolong isn't here yet." said a old lady. The man nodded. Bardock felt kinda sorry for these people. They lived in fear just like Sayians. The old lady had something in her hand, and Bulma noticed what it was.

"Hey can I see what in your hand?" asked the young sciencist. The old lady let her see a orange ball. "It's a dragonball!" she exclaimed. Bulma thought about it for a minute then snapped her fingers.

"Hey what if we take care of that bully oolong and get the missing girls back , all we in exchange is that orange ball. Sounds fair right?" she asked.

"This orange has been in my family generations little lady. But for the safely of this village I'm willing to part with it." said the old lady.

"B-but how do youi intend to defeat such monster?!" asked a another villager. Bulma opened her mouth but Bardock interupped her.

"Simple. Hey you, didn't you say that your girl is going to be taken as his bride." he asked the old man.

"Y-yes..." the old villager said.

"Then we dress another person as her and when he leads the fake to his home where he helds the girls captured. he fake destorys him and frees the girls." he said as if it was the most simplest thing in the world.

"But dad, isn't Bulma a little too tall to be the fake?" said Goku. Then Bardock and Bulma smirked evily and the entire village just gulped at him and sweatdropped. "Why is everyone looking at me like that?" he asked innocently. This made the villagers feel so sorry for the little sayian.

"Oh, my dear beloved son... Who said that the fake had to be female?" said Bardock as he looked at Bulma, who looked back and nodded. Ten minutes after stuggling and begging, Goku was wearing a cute pink dress with cloth on top of his head to cover his hair. Bardock laughed at his son as he pouted. Bulma just fuzzed on how cute he looked.

"Okay, go outside Goku. Everyone get to your hiding place." he command as he heard stompings. The rest obeyed him and fleed. Poor little Goku was bored out of his innocent yet dim-witted mind. Then came near was a giant monster in a groom's suit and holding roses.


That's cuz lazy T_T poor Goku!
See what happens next, next week on Bardock and Goku's Tale