2:30 A.M.
Sam's breathing became slow and steady as he fell off to sleep. I looked up at the moon, not quite full, and knew that I had made the right decision. Sam kept wanting to have sex, but I refused. As much as I would have loved to mess around with the boy, Sam's emotions are all over the place right now. I wouldn't want him to do something that he would just end up regretting later on. Until everything is sorted out in both of our lives, we can't make any huge decisions. For now, we'll just have to be friends.
Friends who share a sleeping bag and sleep naked together. Friends who make out with each other. Friends who are probably going to be more than friends soon.
I looked up at the sky and got lost in all of the stars. The lucky thing about living in Lima is that there aren't a lot of streetlights, at least not around my house, so on a clear night, the sky is sprinkled with stars. Just above the moon was a star so bright, it looked like it could have been another planet.
Star light, star bright, the first I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Please let Sam's parents come around. They are everything to him and I don't want to see him so upset anymore. He deserves to be happy.
8:05 A.M.
Sam's fingers woke me up. They were so delicate as they rubbed my chest and played with my nipples. I never would have guessed that Sam's strong hands could be so soft. I tried to lay as still as I could, so I wouldn't let Sam know that I was still awake. As long as he thought I was asleep, he wouldn't want to try anything.
His hands began to slowly make their way down my body. He rubbed down my arms, across my stomach and started to move down to my dick, which at this point was now making a tent out of the sleeping bag. I grabbed Sam's hand, startling him.
"Nuh, uh, uh. What did I tell you last night? No sex." I rolled over to look at Sam. I could still see the hunger in his eyes. There was also a hint of determination, as if he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. I was a little worried that he was going to end up taking me by force, but he was already trying to make his way out of the sleeping bag.
"I've gotta take a massive whiz. Meet you inside babe," he said as he grabbed his underwear off the porch and ran inside my house. I wasn't sure if he realized that he had just called me babe, or if he did that on purpose. It wasn't that I minded, it just caught me off guard. I brushed it aside and climbed out of the sleeping bag. I put my underwear and shorts back on. The cool morning air made me shiver a little bit.
I rolled up the sleeping bag and threw it inside my house. I moved the furniture back to their right places. I went back inside the house and closed the door behind me. I loved having Sam around all the time. He took my mind off my mom. I couldn't keep worrying about her. She was in good care and if something was going wrong, I'm sure I would have heard by now. As far as I could tell, no news was good news.
I threw the sleeping bag back down in the basement. Sam was coming down the steps as I turned around. His chest was rising and falling pretty quickly. Unfortunately, he had put his underwear back on. I was really hoping to get another peek at his perfect body. We looked at each other and I could tell that he was breathing pretty heavily. I shook my head and turned around laughing, knowing that Sam had just masturbated in my bathroom again. Sam walked into the kitchen behind me and took a seat across the table from me.
It was complete silence while the two of us sat in the kitchen. I looked over at the stack of colored sticky notes my mom always wrote her notes on. The one on the top was blank, which only happened on days that my mom didn't have to work, which was practically never. Knowing that she was in the hospital, alone, killed me. I just wanted to see her, let her know that everything is okay. That I'm okay and she will be okay soon.
I heard Sam sniff and looked over at him. He was staring out the window like he was trying to find something. I wish I could have looked into his head to know what he was thinking. He had a look of loneliness that I'd never seen on anybody before. He just got thrown out of his house by his own parents. That was going to take a lot of time to fix, and I was going to have to make sure that he kept his spirits up.
You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you
Like everything that's green, babe, I need you
But it's more than one and one makes two
Put aside the math and the logic of it
You gotta know you're wanted too
'Cause I wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
Yeah, I, I wanna make you feel wanted
Anyone can tell you you're pretty, yeah
And you get that all the time, I know you do
But your beauty's deeper than the make-up
And I wanna show you what I see tonight...
When I wrap you up
When I kiss your lips.
I I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
'Cause, baby, I, I wanna make you feel wanted
As good as you make me feel
I wanna make you feel better
Better than your fairy tales
Better than your best dreams
You're more than everything I need
You're all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
And I just wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
Yeah, I wanna make you feel wanted
Baby, I wanna make you feel wanted
You'll always be wanted
I got up and sat down in the chair right next to Sam. His hands were on his lap. I grabbed his left hand and intertwined our fingers. "Let's go do something. We need to get our mind off of everything and enjoy the rest of our weekend."
Sam placed his other hand on top of mine. "As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters."
10:25 A.M.
Sam and I got into his truck. I sat in the middle of the seat instead of all the way to the right like I should have. I just wanted to be next to Sam the whole time. It wasn't like we were going very far, just to that little spot in the park. Getting out in the fresh air was exactly what Sam and I had needed. As soon as we left my house, Sam's face began to brighten and I could feel all of the bad thoughts being left at the door.
I felt Sam's phone vibrate inside his pocket. "Blaine, can you check that?" I reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "The password is Evans69. Don't you dare laugh."
"You couldn't have picked another password?" I rolled my eyes and punched the password in.
"You probably wouldn't want to know what my other idea was then," Sam smirked.
He was right, if that was the better of the two, I was a little worried as to what else was going through his head. I opened his texts and saw that there was a new one from Ryder. The picture ID for him was one of him flexing in the locker room, clearly not knowing that Sam was taking the picture. I wondered how many other of the football players Sam had snuck pictures of, but I didn't want to find out.
Ryder: Hey, you busy man?
"Uh, it was Ryder. He wanted to know if you were busy."
Sam looked at me for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. "I don't know Blaine. Am I?"
Last time Ryder hung out with Sam and I, I'm pretty sure I had made an idiot out of myself. It was nice hanging out with both of them though. They are both really attractive and similar in so many ways. I definitely wouldn't mind being between the two boys in the car or in the bed. "I guess not."
Sam made a sharp turn as we headed towards Ryder's house. "Let's go get some breakfast then. Let Ryder know we will be at his house shortly."
Sam: Nah. Be at your house shortly. Blaine is with BTW.
I know it was just wishful thinking, but Sam and Ryder were without a doubt the two most attractive guys in Glee Club. Spending the day with both of them would not be a problem. In fact, maybe luck will shine down on me and I'll get to see both of them strip down. But that's just wishful thinking.
I watched Ryder as he walked into my house. Something about him just seemed a little off. He excused himself to go to the bathroom and I followed him upstairs saying that I had to get something out of my room. When the three of us hung out last weekend, everything was fine. I noticed that ever since Sam came out in Glee Club, he was a little off kilter.
I waited outside the bathroom door for Ryder to come out. I didn't hear anything coming from inside, so I knew he was lying when he said he had to piss. The door opened slowly and Ryder flinched when he saw that I was standing in the hallway.
"Alright dude, what's wrong? You've been acting all kinds of weird since Thursday." Ryder's eyes fell to the floor. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom with him. He slammed the door behind me and leaned against it. His eyes were still focused on the floor.
"Until I moved to McKinley, I had never met a single gay person in my entire life. I never thought that I would meet one. Then I joined New Directions and met you, but we never really talked much until last week and even then I still wasn't used to it. Then Sam comes out and it almost flips my whole world upside down. I'd always thought of gay guys as being more girly and stuff and never thought that someone like Sam could be gay."
Ryder was looking up at the ceiling now, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. I could tell he felt a little awkward, and I understood. "Ryder, just because Sam and I both like guys, you know that doesn't make us any different."
Ryder sighed, trying to collect himself before he broke down, "I know that now. I didn't before. You and Sam are two of the nicest people I've ever met and you aren't ashamed of who you are. You're both great role models."
"Well I appreciate that Ryder. The last thing that I want is for you to feel awkward. Just remember that we're all people." I gave Ryder a reassuring hug. His grip on me tightened slightly before I pulled away. "Now come on, let's go back downstairs before Sam starts to assume things." A smile appeared back on Ryder's face as we walked out of the bathroom and back down the stairs.
Sam was standing in the living room in all of his shirtless glory. His back was turned to Ryder and I, so he was surprised when Ryder asked, "Uh Sam, wh-what are you doing?"
Sam turned around and eyed Ryder. He had that mischievous look in his eyes again. "Sorry man, its just Blaine is always dressed so formally that I wanted to get him to loosen up a little bit. Easiest way to do that is to make him comfortable in his own skin, so every time I've come over, we both strip a little bit."
Ryder looked over at me, his mouth agape. I couldn't help but blush a little bit, especially because Sam insinuated that Sam spends a lot of time at my house without a shirt on. Which I suppose is somewhat true. Ryder looked back at Sam, who was smiling that devious little smile of his. You could cut the awkwardness in the room with a knife. That is, until Ryder lifted his shirt over his head and dropped his shorts so that he was standing in his underwear, clearly trying to one up Sam.
I look at Ryder, completely mind fucked by what just happened. Five minutes ago he was telling me that he felt really awkward about having two new gay friends, something he'd never had before. Now he's comfortable enough to strip down in front of the both of us without a second thought otherwise. Ryder was just as much of a mystery to me as Sam was. Who knows what was going on in that boys head.
I looked back at Sam who was staring at me with one of his eyebrows arched. I looked over at Ryder who had a similar expression on his face. They were both waiting for something. It took a minute, but I realized that they were waiting for me. I was the only one still wearing a shirt. I rolled my eyes and pulled my shirt over my head. When I got it off, both blonde boys had a huge smile plastered across their faces.
In a way, I guess I had asked for this. I wanted to see them both strip down, and well, here they were. There was still a lot of Saturday ahead of us though, and who knew what else would happen today.
2:10 P.M.
The three of us were all sitting on my back porch. I could tell that Ryder was starting to loosen up a little more, but he was still a little uncomfortable. I hoped that it didn't have anything to do with what happened with Sam earlier this week. I was worried that I would never be able to escape that dumb mistake. Sometimes though, things have to haunt us so we can grow from them.
Suddenly, "Everybody Talks" started to play. I looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Ryder reached into his pocket and pulled out his. He looked at the screen, "Jake's calling." He answered the phone and put it on speaker so Sam and I could hear. "Hey man, what's up?"
"Nothing. I had plans with Marley but she bailed. You up to anything today?" Ryder looked at Sam and I. We all exchanged looks as if we were having a silent conversation. I hadn't really gotten to know Jake that well, and knowing that he was Puck's little brother, I could only imagine what he was like. At the same time, I didn't want the kid to have to spend his Saturday alone. I looked over at Sam and shrugged my shoulders as if to say that I didn't really care. Sam gave Ryder a thumbs up. "Nah, I'm just hanging with Sam and Blaine. If you wanna come over to Blaine, you're more than welcome."
There was a level of excitement in Ryder's voice that had been missing practically all day. At least now he would have another straight friend around, maybe he wouldn't feel so awkward. Ryder hung up his phone and looked at Sam. The boys were smiling, I could only imagine why.
Then it hit me. Jake was coming over to my house, where the rules was, underwear only. Jake was a pretty attractive kid, and along with Sam and Ryder here, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to keep myself from getting noticeably excited. A day that was already going really well just got a lot better.
At least I wouldn't have to worry about anyone walking in on the four of us.
4:30 P.M.
I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering exactly what the hell was going on in my life. There are three deliciously hunky boys sitting right outside my house. I was surprised at how eager they were to strip down and show off their stuff. I thought that with Sam and I both being gay, they would have been a little bit more reserved. Of course, if I looked as good as they did, I'd probably show it all off too.
I don't know what it is about that Puckerman family, but both of those boys are beyond sexy. When I first met Noah, I wanted him to do all kinds of things to me. Normally, I hate guys with cocky attitudes, but he was allowed to be because he was so hot. Then the rumors of Puckasaurus came around and I wanted to know if they were true or not. Still one of life's unanswered questions if you asked me. Then Jake auditioned for New Directions and we all found out he was Noah's half-brother. The first thing that I though of was if he had a Puckasaurus of his own.
The thing that made Jake so much different from his brother though is that Jake's sexuality sneaks up on you. Its not in your face like his brother's. He didn't boast about his sex life, but somehow you could just tell that he had experience and that he was good at it.
Then there's Ryder. Clothes on, he's a very cute boy. Cute smile, that sort of innocence that made you want to just be locked in a room with him and corrupt him. He reminded me a lot of Sam when I'd first met him. They looked almost identical, but Ryder's features were softer. Then he takes his shirt off and his bulging muscles are probably one of the last things that you would have seen coming. He's so smooth, but he looks like he would be incredibly rough in the bedroom.
And then of course, there's Sam. Every little thing about him was attractive. His muscles, his eyes, and his voice just pulls you right into him and like a drug, you almost start to need him. His attitude was the best thing about him though. He was the right amount of confident that he wasn't cocky, but he still took compliments and knew that boys and girls alike drooled over him. However, he was still reserved. There was more to Sam than anyone else knew, and there were things that everyone still had to learn about him. There was nothing more attractive than mystery, and Sam definitely had a lot of it.
This might be the last chance that I have to have all three of these boys together without shirts on. Hands down the three hottest guys at McKinley were all right downstairs and I had them all for the day. I was determined to make sure that it would be a day that none of us would ever forget.
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
Word on the street, you got somethin' to show me, me
Magical, colorful, Mr. Mystery, ee
I'm intrigued, for a peek, heard it's fascinating
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
What's up your sleeve
Such a tease
Wanna see the show
In 3D, a movie
Heard it's beautiful
Be the judge
And my girls gonna take a vote
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
I want the jaw droppin', eye poppin', head turnin', body shockin'
I want my heart throbbin', ground shakin', shoe stoppin', amazin'
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Don't be a chicken boy, stop acting like a biatch
I'm a peace out if you don't give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Whatchu waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
Don't be a shy kinda guy I'll bet it's beautiful
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
I wanna see ya
Skip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walk
Break me off, if you bad, show me who's the boss
Need some goose, to get loose, come on take a shot
Come on baby let me see
What you're hiding underneath
I want the jaw droppin', eye poppin', head turnin', body shockin'
I want my heart throbbin', ground shakin', shoe stoppin', amazin'
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Don't be a chicken boy, stop acting like a biatch
I'm a peace out if you don't give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Whatchu waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
Don't be a shy kinda guy I'll bet it's beautiful
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Oh my God no exaggeration
Boy all this time was worth the waiting
I just shed a tear
I am so unprepared
You got the finest architecture
End of the rainbow looking treasure
Such a sight to see
And it's all for me
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Don't be a chicken boy, stop acting like a biatch
I'm a peace out if you don't give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
Are you brave enough to let me see you peacock?
Whatchu waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
Don't be a shy kinda guy I'll bet it's beautiful
Come on baby let me see
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
I wanna see ya
Your peacock, cock, cock
You peacock
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
I wanna see ya
Come on baby let me see
Whatchu hidin' underneath
7:00 P.M.
The sun set was almost just as beautiful as the three boys that were all laying around me. I wanted to just freeze this moment forever. It was perfect. The phone rang from inside the house. As much as I didn't want to answer it, I had to since my mom still was in the hospital. I hadn't heard anything from her yet and hoped that it was good news from the hospital. Of course, there was still a part of me that was horrified it could be bad news.
I took a deep breath and answered the phone, "Hello?"
"Is this Blaine Anderson?" A male voice answered on the other end.
"It is. Who is this?"
"This is Dr. Howard at Lima Medical Hospital. How are you today Mr. Anderson?"
My heart began to speed up. "Okay I suppose. Yourself?" I took a seat at the kitchen table in case the news wasn't good.
"I am well. I have some news for you."
"What happened to my mom?" I began to panic. He was being too nice.
"Your mother is fine. She suffered some broken ribs, a broken arm and minor internal bleeding after the accident. Luckily, we got to her in time to fix her up. We are going to keep her here for another week so that we can keep an eye on her and make sure she stays as healthy as she currently is. Come Monday, you can visit her anytime that you would like."
A wave of relief washed over my body. "Thank you so much Doctor. Please tell my mother that I love her the next time you can and that I will see her soon."
"No problem Blaine. Enjoy the rest of your weekend." Dr. Howard hung up the phone and I couldn't help but start to cry. My mom was going to be okay. She wasn't going to die and she would be home in a week. That meant that Sam could still stay here with no questions asked for a little while longer. I knew his parents would come around eventually, and the sooner the better. Although I probably would miss spending so much time with him.
I collected back and walked back out onto the front lawn. I noticed that Ryder was missing. Sam and Jake were laying on the grass talking. It was almost like that hadn't noticed that Ryder was missing. I ran back inside the house to find the boy. He was probably just upstairs using the bathroom, but the last time he said he had to do that, he almost broke down. It was weird, but I almost felt the need to care for the boy like I had cared for Sam all week.
I knocked on the bathroom door quietly. A voice came from inside, "Who is there?" It was Ryder.
"Its Blaine. Are you okay?"
"Come in. Please." I was a little hesitant at first. Ryder needed me though. I cautiously opened the door and saw Ryder sitting on the floor, propped up against the wall. His eyes were red and puffy. Tears streaked down his cheeks. He buried his head back into his knees and let out another sob. I knelt down in front of him and rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to comfort him.
Ryder was mumbling to himself, but I couldn't understand what it was that he was saying. "Ryder, what's wrong?"
He slowly lifted his head up and looked at me through his tears. "I-I'm attracted to Jake." His head fell back down to his knees and he started to cry again.
I hadn't even thought for a minute that Ryder could be gay. The conversation we had just a few hours ago assured me of that. But it all made a little bit more sense now. He was struggling with his own sexuality. When Sam came out, he realized that just because he was a football player, that didn't mean he had to be straight. That's why he said Sam and I were such good role models. That's why he was so excited when he invited Jake to come over. That's why he was starting to open up a little bit more. He used Sam and I as examples and started to embrace himself for who he was.
And he was scared, just like Sam was.
9:15 P.M.
"You guys should totally spend the night. Would that be cool with you Blaine?" Sam looked at me with a pleading look in his eye. I think he was as excited to have Ryder and Jake here as I was.
"Doesn't matter to me. My mom won't be home." I hadn't told Ryder and Jake about my mom yet. As far as they knew, she was away on business as usual.
"I'm down," Jake answered. "Not like I have anywhere else to be this weekend." I could tell he was still a little bit pissed about Marley bailing on him. I wasn't sure what her reasoning was, but I'm sure it was logical and Jake was just being a typical overreacting Puckerman.
"Ryder?" Sam looked at the other blonde, who clearly was in another world.
"Huh? Oh, uh, I don't know. Let me see if my mom's cool with it." He pulled out his phone and sent a text. I could tell he wasn't sure if he really wanted to. He just came to the realization that he might be attracted to Jake and that's scary for him. "I don't even have any other clothes to sleep in or change into."
Sam smirked, "In that case, just sleep naked." He winked at Ryder whose eyes immediately shot open and cheeks began to redden. I had to get him out of there.
"Ryder, can you help me bring sleeping bags up?" Ryder jumped up and bolted inside the house with me.
"Thank you for getting me out of there."
I looked back at Sam who was confused. I mouthed to him that I would explain later and walked down into the basement with Ryder. "What happened this afternoon that you were so freaked out?"
"The three of us were laying out on the grass. Sam was going on about all of his sexual fantasies, saying that one was to have sex in public." Typical Sam. He wanted everyone to see how attractive he was, but I wouldn't have guessed he would want to be that open. Of course, we did sleep together last night...naked. "Jake said that we should just do it right there then. He started to feel both of us up. At first I didn't protest, and neither did Sam. His hands were so rough that I was getting aroused quickly. I realized that I had to get out of there quick, so I bolted inside and into the bathroom. I couldn't get it to go down, so I took care of my business." Is my bathroom just masturbatory grounds for everyone now? What the hell. "I realized that it was another dude that was turning me on. That had never happened before and it scared the shit out of me. So I broke down and that's when you came upstairs.
"Ryder, are you sure it was Jake that turned you on? It was probably just a certain spot on your body that makes you excited. Everyone has one."
Ryder was shaking his head, "No, it was Jake. Nobody else has ever been able to turn me on with just a single touch. And all I could think about while I was upstairs was how I wanted to feel his touch all over my body. What's happening to me Blaine?"
"Nothing. Look, you're probably just overreacting. I know you didn't actually text your mom, I could tell you were faking it. Stay the night. You shouldn't be alone in the state that you are in. I promise you will wake up tomorrow morning and everything will be fine." I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He smiled weakly and grabbed three of the sleeping bags. I grabbed the one that I had thrown down this morning and we headed back outside.
I knew that I had lied to him, but I wanted to make sure that he calmed down. Ryder was going to have to figure out what was going on with him by himself. I couldn't help him too much. Just like Sam, he needed to figure himself out.
10:30 P.M.
Ryder and I sat on the porch while Jake and Sam continued their argument about who should get the biggest sleeping bag.
"I'm the guest, I should get it." Jake protested. Technically, they were both guests, but Sam did pretty much live here now. But I don't think Jake knew that yet.
"So what pipsqueak? I'm taller, stronger, and I have a bigger dick."
A voice inside my head was screaming and I almost caught myself telling them both to whip it out. I controlled myself though, and let them continue to hash it out. I looked over at Ryder. His eyes were locked on Jake's body. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, bringing him out of his daze. The last thing that needed to happen tonight was Jake finding out that Ryder had a thing for him. Talk about awkward.
"Well if that's the case, why don't we just share it?" Jake teased. Sam being Sam just shrugged.
"Then you should know that I like to sleep in the nude." Sam smiled, more than willing to take Jake up on his offer of sleeping with each other. The thought of the two of those boys sharing a sleeping bag was both arousing and made me jealous. I wanted all these boys to myself. It was my house after all.
"Well I do too, so that shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Jake was playing Sam's game and doing it quite well. Last time I tried to play Sam's games, it didn't really end so well because I ended up naked and totally embarrassed. It was certainly entertaining to watch. Well, at least for me. I looked over at Ryder and I could tell he was trying to cover up the bulge that was growing in his pants. I didn't blame him of course, Sam and Jake were really hot.
"If you want to sleep on my cum stain, be my guest Puckerman." Jake threw the sleeping bag back at Sam in disgust. "That's what I thought." Sam turned and pretended to dramatically storm off after his victory. Jake and I couldn't help but laugh. However, my laugh wasn't a confident one. Did Sam really mean that, or was he just trying to convince Jake to give him the sleeping bag? Did something happen in the middle of the night that I didn't even notice?
I went to lean my head against Ryder's shoulder and almost fell over. I looked at the side of my porch and saw Ryder, in his sleeping bag, facing away from the rest of us. I felt bad for him. He was in a weird state of mind and all of the flirtatious joking going on certainly wasn't making it any easier. Sam tapped on my shoulder and pointed at Ryder. A look of confusion plastered across his face. I pulled out my phone and texted Sam. I didn't want to say anything out loud, at the risk of Jake hearing me or Ryder knowing that I spilled his secret.
Blaine: Ryder's confused. About Jake. He might have a thing for him.
Sam pulled his phone out seconds after I hit the send button. The screen lit up his face and his eyes widened in surprise. He put his phone back into his pocket and went over to talk to Jake. I couldn't really hear what it was they were saying, but a look of regret flashed across Jake's face. As the two continued their conversation, I laid my sleeping bag down next to Ryder's so that I could look at his face. He wasn't asleep. His eyes were open and just as red and puffy as they had been earlier. So much has happened to this boy in the last 24 hours.
"If you ever need to talk," I whispered so that the other guys wouldn't hear. "I'm here." A hint of a smile crossed Ryder's face. All he needed was to know that someone was there for him.
He mouthed the words "Thank you" as he closed his eyes. I stood back up and walked over to Sam and Jake. They both looked concerned about Ryder but I shook my head, letting them know not to worry about him.
Sam pulled me in for a hug and whispered, "Thank you for taking care of him."
11:50 P.M.
It had been a long day for Ryder, so I understood why he decided to clock out early. We all let him sleep because we had all seen that he wasn't right at all.
"So Sam, I gotta know. When did you really know you liked dudes," Jake finally asked the question that I knew he had been wondering since Thursday. "I mean, you dated some of the hottest girls to walk the halls of McKinley."
"Well, it had started before I even got to McKinley."
This was when I started to tune out their conversation. I had already heard it before and didn't really need to have the image of Sam and some other guy masturbating in a locker room together in my head any more than it already was. I had been texting Tina, keeping her updated for the past hour about what exactly was going on.
Tina: I still can't believe that you have all three of those hotties at your house.
I slyly took a picture with my phone of Sam and Jake and sent it to Tina. Hopefully that wouldn't make her too angry at me for being put in this divine situation. Within seconds she had texted back.
Tina: Oh my god. Blaine Anderson, you might be the luckiest person in the world.
I noticed that it had gotten oddly quiet. I looked up and saw Sam staring at me. Jake was too busy texting someone, probably Marley, to have noticed. I guess he had finished his story. My phone vibrated and this time Sam had texted me.
Sam: Are we gonna share a sleeping bag again tonight babe? ;)
As much as I would have loved to, I knew that with Ryder and Jake here, it would just end up being really awkward. I slowly shook my head and saw the smile that was on Sam's face fall. It broke my heart a little bit, but that was going to have to be saved when it was just the two of us.
Blaine: Tomorrow night, we can share my bed. Promise.
Sam read his new text message, his face not changing. Jake looked over at Ryder, with a look that I had never seen before. It was almost a mix between complete elation and complete regret. I looked back at my phone. I hadn't felt it vibrate when I got the new message from Sam.
Sam: I will see you there then. Remember, no clothes. ;)
I still wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do about that. There was no denying what Sam and I had, but I think we both have two different views of what exactly that is. Sam seems to think its more sexual than what I want it to be. I get that he probably hasn't had sex in a while, but sex isn't everything to me. I'd much rather have someone that I can just sit down and talk to. Someone that I can hold while I sleep. Someone that will hold me while I sleep.
I never thought that you
Would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around and you
Knocked me off the ground from the start
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home
How many times will you let me
Change my mind and turn around?
I can't decide if I'll let you
Save my life or if I'll drown
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
The world is coming down on me
And I can't find a reason to be loved
I never wanna leave you
But I can't make you bleed if I'm alone
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's
Easier for you to let me go...
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth
And I've never opened up
I've never truly loved 'til you put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
You put your arms around me and I'm home
AN: Thank you all for being so patient with this chapter. Its the longest one that I've written so far, and it definitely wasn't the easiest. Please continue reviewing and sending in any suggestions that you may have, especially for songs. I read every review and use them to try and make the story better.