Sorry it took so long for you guys to get this. I know you expected a wedding, but this felt more fitting at least to me. Thank you for all the support you gave to this story. I appreciate each and every one of you guys.
BTW, the end of this chapter is rated M!
How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I can.
How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan.
"Where is she!" he practically roars across the spacious room to his younger brother who sits perched on the edge of a leather armchair.
The older man peers out of the window, his gaze carefully scrutinizing and examining every shadow it catches.
"I'm sure she just got held up," Stefan offers in reassuring tone
"You don't know that! It's clearly 6 o'clock. She was supposed to be here at 4. I should've just drove up there last night then we wouldn't be having this problem at all," Damon bites back.
"She asked you not to come."
"She's also asked me to stay away from her before, but you see how well that worked out."
"It's gonna be okay," Stefan says walking over to his brother and joining his sentry by the window.
Stefan knew his brother was worried. He knew Damon feared that Bonnie had left him again. But the younger vampire couldn't give his brother the reassurance that he needed. Only Bonnie could that. What Stefan could do was wait. He could wait with Damon while the future revealed itself in its own time.
"How do you know…what if I said the wrong thing? What if she's halfway to the border right now?"
"You didn't say the wrong thing."
"But she's still probably escaping to Mexico? How's your Spanish? Grab your sombrero and we can drag her back."
"Damon, she's not leaving the country. She is headed here to speak to you in person about something that impacts both of your lives. Bonnie said she will be here, then she'll be here."
"I should have said something more…I don't know…."
"What could you say? You were in shock. This is… unexpected news."
"Damn right it is. I'm going to be a father…to a kid…to Bonnie's kid."
"It's your kid too Damon…do you even want children?"
"I don't know. When I was human I never gave it much thought. And as a vampire I just figured it would be impossible," he says as though he is pondering the concept for the very first time
"Okay, now that you know it is possible. Do you want children? Do you want this child?"
Damon turns his gaze upon his little brother before speaking, "I mean Bonnie has always talked about having a big family since she was an only child. She wants it all, the kids, the dog, the house, and the fence. She known since she was 8 years old that she wanted a life like that. When I was 8, I wanted more toys and more time to play by the lake. And all she wanted was a family of her own."
"Damon, I'm asking you. Not Bonnie. Not the human version of yourself. I'm asking the Damon standing in front of me today, do you want this child?"
"So I guess Stefan knows then," Bonnie says smiling as she stands in the doorway of the condo, unable to mask the joy of seeing her fiancée despite his inability to conceal their secret.
The dark-haired vampire turns sharply upon hearing the voice belonging to the woman he loves.
It takes less than a second for him to have her small frame in his arms, and her lips pressed upon his own in a sweet chaste kiss.
Slowly pulling away, Damon begins, "Where the hell were you? Are you hurt? Is the..."
"I'm fine. Everything is fine. My final just ran a little longer than expected. I hope you didn't drag Stefan all the way over here because I was two hours late."
"No. Of course not. He was here…he wanted to borrow your eyeliner pencil to darken his eyebrows," he lies
"It's good to see you Bonnie," Stefan says with a chuckle and an awkward hug since Damon refuses to fully release the girl from his arms.
"Nice to see you too Stefan. I rode up with Elena, she mentioned that you guys were meeting at the Grill."
"Yes, so I guess I should be going," he confirms
"How about you do less announcing of your exit and more leaving?" Damon demands
"I see you later Bonnie, thanks for the eyeliner" the younger vampire laughs before exiting the condominium.
Once Stefan is gone, Damon pulls Bonnie from the entryway and further into the home. Their home.
"So I should probably-" the vampire starts, staring down at their intertwined fingers.
"Damon its okay," she interrupts
"No it isn't."
"You were surprised."
"I was."
"So your reaction was understandable."
"Bonnie… I don't know how to be a dad. I'm still learning how to be a fiancée."
"I don't know the first thing about being a mom either, but we can learn together…that is if you want to."
Damon sighs, pulling her back against his chest.
"It'll be two things then."
"What do you mean?" she questions with her cheek pressed snuggly against his shirt
"It'll be two things that I could lose. Two things that someone could take away from me."
"No one is going to take us away from you."
"You're human Bonnie. And frail. And you could get hurt or the baby could get hurt and I…there would be nothing I could do."
"Stop worrying so much about the what if… concentrate on the is."
"The is?"
"Is that I love you and if we have this baby, he or she will love you too."
"Obviously Rex would love me. Look how cool I am," he says in an effort to lighten the mood
"Rex?" she questions in amazement
"I mean if we have a boy then he's going to need a cool name to match the good looks that he will undoubtedly inherit from his handsome father."
"Were not naming our son Rex. How about Conner?"
"Conner is a wimp's name. What about Steel?"
"What if we have a girl?"
"We can't."
"Why not? I would very much like a little girl with curly black hair and your eyes."
"First of all too much estrogen. Second of all I don't want to have to go through the trouble of snapping the neck of every teenage boy in town when she goes to high school."
"I wouldn't let you do that."
"Bonnie. I think this is the one thing Rudy and I would agree on. No way am I letting our daughter out of the house to go to a school filled with pimply-faced hormonal teenage boys."
"Good thing I overrule you both."
"Shit. I'm going to have to tell him aren't I?" he questions as the realization of their situation dawns on him.
"Tell him what?"
"Tell him that I got his little girl pregnant."
"Don't look so pale," she jokes
"I'm the undead. We're always pale."
"If we decide to have the baby then we'll tell him together."
"If? What do you mean if?"
"Damon, I heard your conversation with Stefan. I know this isn't something that you wanted. It's something that I wanted. I don't…you shouldn't be forced into something like this. It should be something that you want with your whole heart."
"Bonnie, I want Rex. I…it's true I never imagined myself as the doting dad type, but now…seeing you, there's no way in hell that I want anything else, but a life with you and our kid."
"Are you sure?"
"The only other thing that I've ever been this certain about, apart from my good looks, is you. So yes. I'm pretty damn sure."
"I'm not even done with school yet. We're not married yet. It's…"
"It's us. We didn't have the textbook funny movie romance. So obviously we wouldn't get pregnant in the usual order of things."
"Your kid is already a troublemaker."
"Rex is just a badass like his father, don't worry kid your mom has a weakness for Salvatores," he whispers to Bonnie still slim belly
"We are not calling our son Rex."
"I would wager that that's up for discussion," he says leaning back up to meet her gaze
"Is it?" she questions
"Well then let's discuss."
"Down here or in the bedroom?"
Without answering, Bonnie pulls Damon into a hot kiss. Her lips moving hurriedly against his.
His tongue slides gently into her mouth, beginning to stroke her own as he roughly discards of the pale purple V-neck adorning her torso.
As soon as her shirt has been removed, he goes to work on her lace covered breasts. Swirling his tongue over skin as his fingers lightly tease her hardened nipples.
Bonnie begins to sway in pleasure, moaning softly as Damon does his absolute best to plead his case.
Fearing that the girl's knees might buckle, the vampire lifts her into his arms and carries her to the leather couch situated in front of the fireplace.
His erection already pronounced, even though they've only just begun their erotic dance.
He lays her gently down onto the sofa. Placing his knees between the gap of her thighs, he tears his own shirt from his body before he leans down to crush his lips against her own once more.
With much dexterity, he manages to slip two fingers inside of her cotton panties, before they enter into her slick folds.
Bonnie arches her back, a gasp escaping from her lips as Damon's fingers began to thrust rhythmically inside of her.
His thumb encircling her bundle of nerves, as she scrapes her nails roughly against his back.
Her eyes half-lidded, weighed down by lust and the growing warmth in her belly. Her orgasm nearing.
As though he knows all the secrets of her body, Damon increases his pace. Leaning down he captures her earlobe between his teeth.
Bonnie moans loudly.
Damon releases her earlobe, before his hot breath whispers, "Bonnie cum for me," against her slender throat.
That is the final straw to push her over the edge, her body shudders and tremors as she climaxes violently beneath the man she loves.
He keeps his fingers in place, while using his other hand to pull her close, allowing her the support she needs as her body slowly comes down.
When she is still once more, save for her erratic breathing, he removes his fingers.
The thin sheen coating her caramel skin keeps their bodies intertwined so she doesn't have to move much to grasp a fistful of his black locks.
She pulls him down so that his ear is now pressed against her lips.
She languidly flicks her wet tongue in and around the shell of his ear, before whispering, "We're still not naming our son Rex."
Damon leans back, stifling the chuckle in his throat, but not the grin on his face prior to saying, "Little witch, you don't have to be back at Hogwarts until Monday. Which means I have the entire weekend to change your mind."
Before she can reply to his comment, he recaptures her lips with feverish passion. His lips move as though they craved her own, and she happily supplied what was being demanded of her, pulling his head closer to deepen this kiss.
They might be expecting a baby, but nothing would change how much he loved and cherished her. He knew that the first time he kissed her in the alleyway behind the Grill, and he was reminded of it during every subsequent kiss they'd shared. Bonnie Bennett would be his wife and the mother of his child. As they lay together in untamed passion, he knew that she was all he had ever really wanted, it just took him too damn long to realize it, but now that he had, he would never forget it.
How long would he love her? Forever, just forever.