All Eyes

AN – I'm back. AU and set in place of S3. Please review so I know what you think!


Chapter 1 - Paint It Red To Fit Right In

Alex Drake burst through the front door of her flat above Luigis and flung her keys onto the kitchen counter, slamming the door closed with more force than would ever have been necessary. She had no idea how much more of Gene Hunt she could take. Once she had left the hospital, after a rude awakening had stung its way across her cheek, Alex had cleared Genes name and the pair had begun to try and rebuild their tattered friendship. It had taken a few weeks before they spent an evening just sitting together, chatting and getting drunk like old times, but that one night had started to heal the cracks and before she knew it they were unbreakable once again. The pair had decided to keep their relationship quiet, not wanting they're every move and every word to be judged and analysed as something else; an innocent 'I didn't get much sleep last night' could easily be misconstrued as vigorous bedroom Olympics when it was actually just insomnia.

"I take it you're home then" came Gene's voice from the living room, where he was lounging on the sofa in a shirt, his boxers and his socks, feet up on the coffee table.

"Yes, I am actually" she spoke, sighing heavily as she carried the bag of Chinese takeaway through to him "I'm knackered, I hope this food is bloody worth driving across town to get"

"I hope you didn't scratch my car, otherwise it's something other than the greatness of our dinner you need to worry about"

"Oh shut up and eat your chow mein" she smirked, plonking herself down beside him, sitting back and watching as he took the numerous foil cartons out of the bag and lined them up on the coffee table, removing the cardboard lids and grinning like a child who had just opened his first Christmas present and it was just what he wanted, knowing the other presents would be just as pleasing.

"Yes! You got prawn crackers too!" he grinned "And fortune cookies!"

She smiled and sat forward, playing with the hair at the back of his neck "You know what they say about food, don't you?"

"It's the way to a man's heart?"

"No, stuff him full of food and he'll let you get some sleep at night" she giggled.

"Cheeky mare, I never usually hear you complain" he scoffed, before shovelling a small handful of prawn crackers into his mouth "You're normally using your mouth for other things than complaining"

She giggled again, taking hold of his face between her thumb and index finger, giving him a gentle squeeze "No talking with your mouth full"

"That's normally what I tell you" he smirked, batting her hand away playfully.

Alex laughed loudly; a proper throw your head back laugh that sent tingles down Gene's spine. He abandoned his food and pushed her back against the cushions of the sofa, burying his face against her neck as he kissed along her collarbone, nipping playfully. She gasped as his teeth grazed against a sensitive spot, one of her legs hooking around his waist and her hand tangling in his hair, her own teeth digging into her bottom lip and she bit it hard, trying not to let a moan escape.

"Christ Lady Drake, I only wanted takeout for tea" he groaned, "You've got me all fired up now!"

"Can't help it, but let's leave the food, we can microwave it later" she breathed, dragging him in for a kiss "Bedroom…not shagging on the sofa again"

"Mmm, bloody back hurt after that" he grinned, getting up and scooping her into his arms, carrying her through to the bedroom and kicking the door shut behind him.


Saturday morning. The sun was poking itself through the half closed curtains, shining into Alex's face as she slept. Sighing, she rolled over as nuzzled her face against Genes naked chest, snaking her hand up from where it had naturally draped around his waist to rest on his chest. Gene pulled her tighter against him, letting out a low, rumbling sigh that vibrated through Alex's body. She was awake now.

"Gene, are you awake?" she whispered, stroking circles on his chest, the fair blonde hairs tickling her fingertips.

"No…" he grumbled, burying his face into her hair and sighing again.

She shifted away and sat up, giving him a peck on the lips before she climbed out of bed and wandered into the bathroom, picking up her dressing gown off the floor along the way there. Gene rolled over to watch her as she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

"I know you're staring" she called to him, brushing her hair "I'm going to shut the door now"


She laughed, kicking the door shut and shouting "Because I'm about to have a piss, that's why!"


It was tradition that Gene would cook breakfast at the weekends; his signature dish being a big, greasy fry up consisting of sausage, bacon, eggs, beans, tomato and toast. A lot of the time Alex dreaded the heavy food he cooked, but once they were lounging on the sofa together, full up and full of calories, she didn't really mind. She had to admit that she had gained a bit of weight since being with Gene so much, but that was only because he made sure that she never missed a meal, even if it was just a sandwich from the canteen. Gene Hunt was taking good care of her, something that she hadn't been doing the past year or so.

"Do you know what I'm in the mood for now?" Gene spoke, his hand stroking lazy circles on her thigh as they were slouched on the sofa together "A cream cake, one of those great big custard slices"

"Are you being serious?" she laughed, craning her neck to look up at him "You've just eaten that massive breakfast and now you want cake?"

"Yeah, I'm a big boy Bolls, need to keep my strength up" he smirked, his hand creeping higher up her thigh, slipping under the hem of her jumper.

"Gene, I can barely move as it is, I doubt I'd be able to make it to the bedroom"

"No worries, right here will do..." he growled.
