A little over a week later, Athos guided his horse through the Gascon region. "You have to promise me you will behave for Monsieur D'Artagnan," he said, looking down at the child in front of him.

"I promise," Adélie answered. She rubbed at the healing wound on her forhead. The stitches had been removed, and she would have a scar once it finished healing. "But why do I have to stay here?"

"Adélie, the D'Artagnans will take good care of you," Athos told her. "There are people who would hurt you if they thought you were still alive,; people who would stop at nothing to get to you. You'll be safe here."

They approached a small farm. Athos dismounted first and set Adélie on the ground. A man, an older version of the D'Artagnan Athos knew, came out of the barn. "You must be Athos," he said, holding out his hand. "We just received our son's letter yesterday."

"Bertrand?" a woman called out from the house.

"She's here," M. D'Artagnan called back. He smiled at Adélie. "My wife has been working hard to make sure everything was in order for Adélie's arrival. You must come in and have a drink."

Adélie regarded him curiously. "I can't stay," Athos told him. "I thank you for the service you do me, Monsieur."

"It is an honor to be of service to one of the king's musketeers, and you're a friend of my son," M. D'Artagnan responded as his wife hurried towards them. "You look after our boy and we will care for your daughter."

Nodding, Athos knelt down. "Good bye, Adélie," he said.

Throwing her arms around his neck, Adélie clung to him. "I don't want you to go," she whispered.

"Adélie, behave yourself," Athos ordered, carefully disentangling her arms. He kissed her cheek and pushed her away. He took a chain from his pocket and hung it around her neck. The sapphire ring shone brightly in the sun. "I have to get back to Paris before anyone gets suspicious."

"Come, sweetie," Madame D'Artagnan invited, holding her hand out. "I have something sweet and good for you. For all that you've been through, I think you deserve something nice"

Reluctantly, Adélie took the woman's hand. Athos shook hands with M. D'Artagnan and mounted his horse. He steeled himself as he rode away from the farm. He glanced back once, and Adélie was waving goodbye.

Until the war was over, and Buckingham was dealt with, Adélie would never be safe with Athos. He vowed to change that situation.

The barred door squeaked as opened. "Up to your tricks again?" Buckingham asked as he entered.

Dressed all in black, Milady didn't even flinch. She was on her knees, her hands pressed together as if in prayer. "Leave me in peace," she requested, her tone serene.

"It may interest you to know that I recently learned of the existence of a most charming young lady while I was in Paris," Buckingham commented, surveying the cell. It was decorated elegantly, but there was no hiding the fact that it was designed to keep someone in. "What was her name? Oh, yes. Adélie."

Milady opened her eyes, her breath catching for a second. "Oh, really?" she said, noncommittally.

"A most stubborn and willful child, I must say."

Smiling, Milady turned her head. "Oh, so she takes after me then?"

"Oh, no," Buckingham answered. "From all my reports, she's all Athos, though with the capability of charm. She got that from you, I suppose."

"And you don't have her with you? I would have enjoyed seeing her," Milady said. "What fun we would have had, here in London."

"She died," Buckingham said carelessly. Milady stopped smiling. "It seems she fell into a river and died from the illness. There was no funeral, simply a quick burial." He eyed the woman. "Can it be you actually cared for the child?"

"I was never meant to be a mother," Milady replied. "Tell me. Where did Athos bury her?"

Buckingham frowned. "A small cemetery near Paris," he said. "Why?"

"Despite my feelings on the matter, it would be appropriate if I were to visit the grave should I be nearby," Milady answered, turning back to her wall. "Now, if you will excuse me?"

Suspicious, Buckingham left the cell. Milady smiled. She knew Athos well. If he'd had Adélie, he would have known he was the father. And all of Athos' family was buried on the de la Fere estate. He wouldn't have made an exception, even if Milady were the mother.

Adélie was still alive and free. Perhaps the child would someday be of use to Milady.

A/N: I had hoped Adelie would last longer, but my muse only carried me this far. Hope you enjoyed!