A/N: I was gonna make another chapter after this one, but I figured it'll be too much because it'll go too far. So, I'm sorry to say that this is the final chapter. But enjoy it and Merry Christmas to one and all! :D I don't own KFP or Rudolph the Reindeer (1998 remake)

Chapter 11 – The right thing, and Merry Christmas

Later at the Jade Palace, Tigress is sitting with the others at the Winter Feast, she has on a silver vest with red vine patterns, a red Shaolin wrist band around her waist, dark brown pants, and a Winter Feast hat. Her attire was identical to her training outfit, only different colors, plus, she had the Winter Festival coat on over her shirt. She was sitting with all 29 kung fu schools and their masters. And the Chinese Emperor is sitting at the end with his golden chair, proud of everything. The Emperor's guards stood beside him, making sure he was comfortable. The ice sculpture of the dragon is at the center of the table, everything was perfect for the masters and the Emperor.

"Beautiful, magnificent, elegant, beyond perfect," Shifu said proudly but with a soft tone, "All twenty nine kung fu schools and their masters, and most importantly, the Emperor." He turned to Tigress with a smile, "You and Emeka made me proud."

After he said that, Tigress was just thinking about the reindeer and what he told her, she just couldn't help but feel something for the families and the poor people who need a hot meal at Mr. Ping's who have nowhere else to go. She was in a turmoil, she just didn't know what to do. Stay here, or go down into the Valley. She hardly thought of family for the holidays until now, she wanted to be in an environment with more family meaning, but the Feast was also on her mind. She had a huge tug of war going on inside her.

"Tigress," Shifu whispered, making Tigress look up from the table and to him. Shifu cleared his throat and said, "Master Tigress, would you honor us by reciting the opening words to the Creed of the Masters?"

Tigress' face dropped a little again, and she just didn't know what to do. Then, something told her to do the right thing.

"Tigress?" said Shifu, "Would you honor us please?" He was looking at the Emperor, slightly embarrassed.

Tigress pulled out a slight smile and nodded, much to Shifu's relief, but she will do something in his and the Emperor's dismay.

"My fellow Masters, and of course our Royal Highness," Tigress started, "It's an amazing occasion to have you all here on this special night. Everyone here, worked hard for this amazing occasion especially for you, Your Highness."

The Emperor nodded as Tigress continued, "But earlier today, I met with someone who's shown me something that's much more vital to what the holidays are about. He...showed me what it truly means and why it means what it means. And I can't take up with fortune and fame because of him."

She smiled as Shifu formed a desperate and a disdainful look as Tigress continued, "So, I would love to be here with y'all, but I think I must be there for the poor people..." She stood up, took off her hat and Winter Festival Host coat and continued, "I wish I could be a great host, so I will be leaving because I now know I must be..." She looked at Shifu and finished with a smirk, "Be someone more into the holiday meaning."

As Tigress began walking away all of the masters were shocked, especially Shifu and her friends. The masters all began wondering what has happened while some said, "What's going on?" "What're we gonna do?"

"Tigress! Come back here!" Shifu called to her, "Not here! Not now! Not with the Emperor here!"

"What is the MEANING of this?!" the Emperor demanded, Shifu looked at him with an embarrassed look and said desperately, "Now, now, Your Royal, someone will recite the creed!"

"The HOST is the one to do that! And she just left!" The Emperor shouted in anger.

While Shifu and the Emperor kept talking on what has happened, the Five and Emeka look at each other in shock on what's happened.

"Why did she..." Viper said, knowing Tigress, she constantly strives to be a perfect kung fu master and have a massive reputation.

"I don't know..." said Monkey with shock.

Everyone was just in plain shock as Shifu and the Emperor kept going about what has happened. Tigress has just something incredible that the others wouldn't dare have done!

A little while later, at Mr. Ping's noodle shop, Mr. Ping is carrying a heavy pot, he's struggling with it. He has a sad look as he tries to continue his work. He began to stumble backwards, but Tigress' legs stopped him from falling over. Mr. Ping looked up to see Tigress looking down at him. Mr. Ping managed to recover as he set the pot down. Mr. Ping faced Tigress with just a sad face.

"Mr. Ping," Tigress said softly, "I-I know you're still upset...but I wanna say that I'm extremely, extremely sorry that Po left...I just wish I hadn't acted the way I did..."

Tigress sat down on the floor while Mr. Ping looked on.

"So," Tigress continued, "If you're still mad at me, you can hit me as hard as you can in the face with your ladle."

Mr. Ping sighed, he put his wing on Tigress' knee and said, "I'm not angry anymore." Tigress looked at him as he continued, "I just was too upset at you and Shifu for chasing my son away. I'm not the kind of guy who holds a grudge...I'm sorry I acted the way I did...I just wasn't thinking..."

Mr. Ping looked apologetic as Tigress looked and felt the same way, she let a small tear fall down her face and then Mr. Ping asked, "What're you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at the Winter Feast?"

"I turned it down," Tigress told him, making Mr. Ping shocked and filled with disbelief.

"Wh-Why?" Mr. Ping asked with shock, Tigress sighed and said, "Because I know that the holidays aren't about fame and fortune. They're truly about family and friends. Being around loved ones while being loved. Look Mr. Ping, you're not just some noodle shop owner in my eyes, you're also a part of my new family."

"What?" Mr. Ping said again with shock.

"I know," Tigress replied, "I care for you. And I see you as part of my family as with my friends, Shifu, and Po. I don't care what that Emperor does to my reputation, all I want is to spend the holidays with you. That's why I left the Feast, Mr. Ping. I want to be with you."

Mr. Ping was so happy and touched, he let a few tears of joy and happiness slip out while Tigress scooped him up in a hug, and he returned the hug as tight as he could.

"Tigress..." he choked out, "You...brightened me up a bit on my holiday..."

"You did the same to me..." Tigress said, letting some tears fall out while keeping her tone normal, but with some emotion.

After some tense moments, they finally let go and looked at each other with some happy, yet sad looks, because Po's not there for the holidays.

"Do you know how to cook?" Mr. Ping asked.

"I do know some..." Tigress said, rubbing the back of her neck, "But I can't make it as good as you. But I can help you move the heavy stuff like that pot you were struggling with."

"Really?" Mr. Ping asked, his spirit has lifted up a bit more.

"Yes," replied Tigress wiping a tear from her eye, "I know it won't be as fast with me here as it is with Po, but I want to be with you. You do something important for the poor folks and those who have nowhere else to go. And I want to be one of the people who helps those in need."

Mr. Ping smiled, he loved Tigress' change of heart. He then gave her the pot and said, "I'm going to clean the shop out some, in the meantime, you but some onions and radishes in the pot."

"On it," Tigress said.

She stood up, and when she did, Mr. Ping put an apron on her, and she said, "Really? The apron? It was embarrassing to have it on before."

"Hey, if you work here, you wear the apron," Mr. Ping said before leaving, Tigress sighed as she got the radishes and onions and began to slice them with a knife instead of her claws.

Outside in the calm night, Rudolph manages to get the sleigh safely down on a rooftop near Mr. Ping's noodle shop with a nervous Po, for he was about to go in and see what'll happen when his dad sees him, let alone his friends that he angered or saddened. When the sleigh had a firm and smooth landing, the magic around it disappeared and Rudolph got off with Po to follow.

"Rudolph...I'm nervous..." Po admitted.

"I know," Rudolph said with a small smile, "But you've got to fix your mistake, my friend."

Po sighed, knowing he would have to do this. He looked to see Mr. Ping's noodle shop and the place glowed in the night. The panda looked at Rudolph, he smiled at him and said, "You know Rudolph...if there was something I could do in return..."

"You don't have to," Rudolph said with a smile, "All you can do to make me happy, is for you to be happy. I love happiness."

Po smiled and asked, "Will I see you again?" Rudolph shrugged his shoulders while smiling and said, "It's possible, but I don't know for sure just yet." Po smiled a bit wider and then he began to head down to the noodle shop. Rudolph did want to see Po again, but he didn't know if he could or not. As Po walked to the noodle shop, he began to get even more nervous with each step he took, but it had to be done. Santa's gonna pick up Rudolph in about 8 minutes.

Inside the noodle shop, in the dining area, Mr. Ping is cleaning up a bit, for his shop had to be in great condition for those he need a place to call home for the night. He looked at a picture of himself and Po and felt sadness come to him. He let his head hang low a bit. Then, he heard someone clear his throat, he looked to his right and when he does, his eyes widened in shock and happiness when he sees Po standing in the doorway with his hands behind his back.

"Po...?" He muttered in a tiny voice.

After that, he just broke, ran up to Po and gave him a hug as tight as he could. He was weeping, glad that Po's back. Po scooped his goose dad up in a hug and was happy to be with him again.

"I...I...thought I...wouldn't see you on the holidays..." Mr. Ping choked out.

"I'm sorry, Dad..." Po said in an apologetic soft tone, "I just wasn't thinking..."

"What...made you come back...?" Mr. Ping choked out.

"Someone special showed me the way back," Po explained, "He even showed me the true meaning of Christmas."

Mr. Ping hugged his son even tighter, he just doesn't want to let go, he thought he wouldn't have his son for the holidays.

"I'm sorry, Dad..." Po said still apologetic, "I'm never, ever, leaving you again...you were right, it wasn't my fault...it just got to me too much..."

"I love you, son..." Mr. Ping choked out, he was calming down some, "It was never your fault at any place...it just happened. Don't let mistakes turn you down a wrong path to destruction."

"I won't..." Po said softly, "And I love you too, Dad."

While they hugged, Rudolph smiled at the happy, yet, emotional reunion, he had a tear slip out of his eye when he saw them happy again.

Mr. Ping and Po broke apart, and both have tears in their eyes but they were smiling.

"Now, don't we have some cooking to do?" Po asked in a happy tone.

"Yes!" Mr. Ping exclaimed in happiness and joy, "Yes we do! Let's get started! And we have an extra hand!"

"Extra hand?" Po asked, confused.

"Po..." said a feminine voice, Po's ears shot up and his eyes widened when he heard that voice, he looked up to see Tigress with wide eyes and an overwhelmed look.

"Tigress..." Po said softly, not knowing what she'll do to him, "I know you might..." Before he could finish, Tigress ran over and gave him a big hug, much to Po's shock. What shocked him even more is when he heard Tigress lightly crying. She lightly cried into the crook of his neck, just letting her emotions of the past four days go out.

"Po..." Tigress said in a sad tone, "Please forget what I said and just come back and stay for the holidays! I can't have a Christmas without you!" She looked into his eyes and Po was shocked to see some tears coming down her face, "Please! I shouldn't have acted like that! I...I just can't have Christmas without you!"

Po was still shocked on what Tigress said, he wiped away her tears and said in a soft tone, "I'm back for Christmas...someone showed me the way back and the true meaning of Christmas."

"Oh, thank you...Po..." Tigress said in a soft, yet sad tone before she began to lightly cry in the crook of his neck again.

After a minute, Tigress broke loose from Po, she looked into his eyes and asked, "Will you forgive me for what I did?" Po nodded and said, "Of course, Tigress. I can't hold a grudge against you or anyone." Tigress briefly hugged Po again before thanking him for coming back.

"Don't we have cooking to do?" Mr. Ping asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Po exclaimed in happiness.

"And Po..." Mr. Ping said, "Tigress is gonna help, and you're not gonna believe this, but she left the Winter Feast for the Emperor for us."

Po looked at Tigress in disbelief, "Whaaaat?" Then Mr. Ping said, "She sees family more important than fame and fortune, she wants to be with us. We're a part of her new family she says." Po couldn't believe it, he wanted to hug Tigress tightly but Tigress said, "We should get started on cooking. We need to be ready for those who need a place to call home."

"Then let's get crackin'!" Mr. Ping exclaimed in happiness.

The next thing they knew they were making noodle soup for everyone, they began chopping up onions, radishes, carrots and other vegetables, for the noodles have been cooking for a while. As they began cooking while doing some kung fu moves, people began saying to each other, "It's the Dragon Warrior! He's come back!" As the warriors continued to cook, Mr. Ping showed Tigress how to make the soup the right way, and she learned pretty quick. There were soon enough people like pigs, geese, and rabbits to fill up the entire noodle shop, and Rudolph was amazed and happy at the same time. Po and Mr. Ping tasted the noodle soup and they smacked their lips.

"It needs..." Po said, then they said in unison, "Garlic!" Then they got the garlic and then Tigress tossed the special seasoning in the air, colors of red and green went into the bowls on the trays and all three of them had pleasant smiles.

When all three came out, the people cheered for them and they all began passing out bowls of noodle soup.

"Thank you, Dragon Warrior!" a bunny cried with joy as he took a bowl of soup, then some kids came and took some bowls, and they said how happy they were to have the Dragon Warrior back. The kids were laughing and the adults were talking and laughing. While Po served the noodle soup to some pigs and geese, someone shouted, "Hey! It's a reindeer!" Po looked to see none other than Rudolph, he had a huge sack with him.

"Rudolph...?" Po muttered in a tiny voice, no one could hear him though.

"Merry Christmas!" Rudolph told the kids as they crowded around him, he smiled warmly at them before setting the sack down. A goose ran up to its mother and exclaimed in a happy tone, "Mommy! Mommy! It's a reindeer!"

Everyone looked to see the reindeer and then he began handing out toys for the kids and Rudolph told them in a warm tone, "Merry Christmas to all of you!"

"What's all this for?" a pig asked with a smile.

"I just thought I'd be kind and get you people into the Christmas Spirit," Rudolph told them, "I'm being generous by doing this for all of you. And those who're special, need something special."

They all cheered when he said that, Rudolph looked at Po, who was awed and gave him a wink, Po then knew that this was also part of Rudolph's plan. Tigress took note that the reindeer winked at Po, and she thought the reindeer looked familiar...but she couldn't place where she's seen him before. Tigress continued to pass out noodle soup while Mr. Ping said with a grin, "The more the merrier! The reindeer is happy to give us the Christmas Spirit."

"It makes me happy to see happy souls," Rudolph told Mr. Ping with a grin.

Then Rudolph gave Mr. Ping a Golden Ladle, and Mr. Ping went into shock and happiness. He then hugged Rudolph and thanked him muchly for the gift. Rudolph began to give other small gifts like things for the adults and those who need a jacket for the cold nights, some food and some toys. He was just so generous and happy to do all of this for everyone! Then Po heard someone say, "This is the doll I wanted!" Then, Rudolph began giving presents out that were bigger and presents that they'd asked for Christmas. As he gave them out, everyone began wondering who he was and how he knew off the top on what everyone wanted.

"Who are you?" a bunny woman asked.

Rudolph just smiled and said, "Let's say I'm someone special and one who knows what everyone wants."

Then the people began talking on how wonderful this reindeer was and of course they wondered who in the world he is. Everyone was talking, laughing, and just plain having a great time. When Rudolph finished giving out all the presents he said, "Merry Christmas to one and all!" Then Po went up to Rudolph and whispered to him, "Why are you...?"

"Remember? Santa doesn't come here, so I figured I could see people getting in the Christmas Spirit for my friend," Rudolph whispered with a smile, "He gave me permission, and I'm happy to do it."

Po gave a wide smile and then Rudolph pulled out a nice green robe with Chinese characters spelling out "Dragon Warrior". Po was awed and so touched when he did so, now everyone had their eyes on Rudolph. The bag seemed to hold something that was larger than things inside of the bag!

"How...?" a kid bunny asked.

"It's a magical bag," Rudolph told him.

Before anyone could say anything, Rudolph pulled out a surfboard that came out of the bag that was smaller than it! Everyone gasped and eyes widened when they saw a such thing happen. Then Rudolph gave it to a teenage fox, whose eyes widened and he exclaimed with a smile, "This is the surfboard I wanted!"

"Wait a minute..." Tigress said, now recognizing the reindeer, she walked up to him and said, "I think I know you..." She paused and asked, "Were you that reindeer that talk to me earlier today?"

"That...I am," Rudolph said with a grin, sending Tigress into shock.

"Who are you?" She asked in shock.

"I'm one of the reindeer of the big guy in red...Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," Rudolph said with a grin.

That there, sent the crowd into shock, what shocked them even more is when Rudolph's nose began glowing its red color, Tigress had to back away because it was so bright.

"It's Rudolph!" exclaimed a kid from the crowd.

The kids all crowded around him and he gently told them that he's given them the presents they wanted. They all began asking questions like, "How do you get around in one night?" "What's it like up there?" "Do the does attack you all the time?" And many more questions they wanted to know, Rudolph chuckled, knowing he'd be in this mess.

"Well, for one thing, kids," Rudolph told them, "It's the Magic of Christmas that helps me and Santa get around in one night."

"Really?" said a pig, "Can you show us some of this Magic?"

Rudolph just smiled again and then some magic flashing different colors went around the noodle shop and decorated it some making it look better. Everyone was in disbelief.

"Before you begin again," Rudolph said softly, "I know that it's awesome, but I don't care about fame and fortune. I care about family and friends who come together on Christmas and hear the story of Jesus. This Magic, I only get on Christmas Eve to fly Santa."

"Speaking of Santa," said Mr. Ping, "Where is he?"

"He's on his way to pick me up," Rudolph told him, "I won't be here for much longer because there're lots more kids and families to deliver presents to."

He looked at Po, and said, "I know you all have a lot of questions for me, but the main point I'm here is because of him." He pointed at Po and the people began wondering how.

"I saved him from a blizzard up on the mountains," Rudolph continued, "He would've died if I hadn't."

"What were you doing up in the mountains?" Tigress asked.

"I was finding the fastest and safest route for Santa," Rudolph answered, "We have back up Magic back at the North Pole, but it's limited. So, while I was there, I saw him stumble down the mountain and I took him up to the North Pole to aid him."

"Po, you could've been killed!" Mr. Ping exclaimed.

"He could've and would have if I weren't there," Rudolph explained, "I showed him the way back to come here to let him know that y'all need him and that he needs you."

"Of course, we did have an awesome time up there," Po said with a grin, looking at Rudolph.

"That we did," Rudolph said, now, they all wanted to go up there, but Rudolph regained control and told them, "I know it's an extremely rare opportunity, but Santa doesn't want many people at the North Pole. He doesn't want the elves stressed out, or the reindeer."

As he talked, they all began to understand what he meant, they all were a bit disappointed but what an opportunity to actually MEET someone from the village!

"Will we see you again?" a kid bunny asked.

Rudolph chuckled, knelt down to the bunny and said, "It's possible, but I'm not really sure. It'll be nice. Someone else also asked me the same question." He looked up at Po with a smile and then everyone else looked to see that Rudolph was looking at Po.

"What is the meaning of this?!" demanded a voice, at that sound, Rudolph's ears dropped and his eyes slightly widened, while Tigress began to get a little nervous.

Po looked to see none other than the Emperor with an embarrassed Shifu, and saddened friends, Tigress then knew that the Emperor was very displeased and angered about the events.

"Master Tigress," the Emperor said in an angry ragged voice, "I hereby take down your reputation for eternity!" He turned to Po and said, "Ah, so you are back. Nice to see the Dragon Warrior show up late!"

Then the Emperor grabbed Tigress by the arm and began to drag her! Rudolph was angered by what he did, he dragged her outside as a guard dragged Po out.

"Oh no they won't," Rudolph said with a serious look.

When they got outside, the townsfolk watched in fear on what the Emperor might do to them. The Emperor faced Tigress in a death glare and said in a dangerous tone, "You left the Feast! You disgraced this Valley! And you're gonna pay the price along with the Dragon Warrior!"

"I don't think so! Not on Christmas!" said Rudolph.

"Who dares to interfere with me?!" the Emperor demanded as he turned to see Rudolph.

"I do," Rudolph said with a glare, "It's definitely not right to do this to them!"

"Get him!" the Emperor said to his guards.

One charged for him and Rudolph told Po and Tigress to shield their eyes, and when they did Rudolph shone his nose as bright as it could go and it temporarily blinded the Emperor and the guards! They all held their eyes as Rudolph managed to get Po and Tigress out of their grips. When the Emperor gained his eyesight back, he glared at Rudolph and shouted, "YOU! You're to be punished! This Winter Feast was supposed to be perfect! Beyond perfect!"

"It was, and it is!" Rudolph said, defending Po and Tigress while Shifu and the Furious Five along with Emeka watched in horror.

"How can it be elegant, perfect, and excellent when there's no one to recite the Creed of the Masters?!" the Emperor demanded.

"The holidays aren't about fame and fortune and hanging out with rich people," Rudolph said defensively, "Look around you."

The Emperor looked around himself to see the families in the noodle shop with presents, their loved ones, and they had a blast until the Emperor came in. The Emperor looked at Rudolph and said, "I see nothing but citizens!"

"Ah ha!" said Rudolph, "I thought so."

"What do you mean?!" demanded the Emperor.

"I think you know what I mean, Emperor Bingwen. Son of former Emperor Huiqing and the grandson of former Emperor of Jianguo."

"How do you know that?!" demanded Bingwen, "Hardly anyone knows my family line!"

"It's my job," Rudolph told him, "Delivering presents to kids across the globe."

Before Bingwen could say anything, Rudolph said, "What did you do for the holidays? You spent the holidays eating at a fancy dinner each night before Christmas. You got no presents as a kid, or any part of your life. Your father was raised in a royal family after his father won the war for China, and you grew up with your father, wanting to be the best Emperor China has ever known."

"Wh-What?! H-How did you...?!" Bingwen said in shock, as were the others.

"I can see into every person's past around the globe thanks to a history book kept back at the North Pole. Like you, Shifu, Tigress, Li, and many others." Rudolph said with a grin.

"But still," said Bingwen, "Tigress ruined the..."

"She did not," persuaded Rudolph, "She did what her heart told her to do. What goes on in your heart for the right things, will never let you down. As a matter of fact, I want you to have something. It's a gift for Christmas."

Then Rudolph pulled out his bag and pulled out a wrapped present. Bingwen looked at it for a moment before he began opening it. When he did, he was surprised, it was a fine silver silk cloth with dragon patterns and the symbol for the Chinese Emperor. Not only that, it also had a nice black and white belt to go with it.

"I...I..." Bingwen stammered, "I...I wanted this since I was younger...how did you get it?"

"It's my job, and Santa's too," Rudolph replied with a smile.

Then he gave Viper her gift followed by Crane, Mantis and Monkey, sure enough, it was the gifts they all wanted, Viper's ribbon, Crane's ink and paper, Mantis' new acupuncture set with special notes also a golden cape to make him look cool. Monkey, got bananas to last him a month, some new pants, a new staff, and some gold bracelets.

"Wow Rudolph!" Po exclaimed, "You are so dang awesome!"

"Well," chuckled Rudolph, "Just wait until you see me get this Valley in the FULL Christmas Spirit!"

Then Rudolph leapt into action! He began doing all kinds of moves and he began going throughout the Valley! They saw sparks of magic and then lots more decorations began popping up! The Valley was getting brighter and brighter with more lanterns, blowups, and in the center of the Valley, they saw Rudolph use the Magic to put up the Christmas tree. Then he put up a glowing star in the center of the Valley. Then, he landed on his feet in front of everyone, and they were awestruck.

"AWESOME!" exclaimed Po, and the villagers began cheering proud of what they saw, Bingwen then said, "This...is beyond perfect..." Everyone agreed as they began cheering and then a huge cross appeared above the star of the tree. Rudolph then began sniffing the air, he then said, "I smell...something fishy..."

"What?" Bingwen said, confused.

"I mean, something isn't right..." Rudolph pointed out.

He looked at Emeka and said, "Emeka. Come here please." Emeka shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to Rudolph. The reindeer raised a suspicious eyebrow and then he kicked his gut!

"What're you doing?!" Po asked, shocked of what happened.

Then Rudolph pulled out a SHIFT STONE and everyone gasped!

"NOOO!" Emeka shouted, then, to everyone's surprise, the African leopard turned into none other than FUNG!

"Darn it!" Fung shouted in anger.

"Ah ha!" Rudolph said, "No wonder! I believe you once called Tigress a 'pretty lady' one time before!"

"And she is one!" Fung shouted, "I wanted her heart so I could take over the Palace and defeat the Dragon Warrior!"

"You're really bad at keeping secrets," Po said.

"A croc bandit kissed me?!" Tigress shouted in disgust, "EWWWW!"

"Guards! Arrest him!" Bingwen shouted to his guards to get Fung. But then Fung began running away, panicked of everything. The guards went after him, but the crocodile was already gone. Bingwen sighed as he turned to face Rudolph.

"Rudolph," he said, "We'll get that croc. He won't go far. But there's still one bone I want to pick with you."

"What's that?" Rudolph asked, crossing his arms.

"If you work for Santa, then why don't you show us then?" Bingwen said.

Rudolph chuckled as he looked at his watch, he looked at Bingwen with a big grin on his face and said, "Like Po said to Tai Lung, Shen, and Ke-Pa before their defeats, I say to you...skadoosh."

Then his nose glowed again and then he jumped onto a rooftop to be picked up by Santa! He began flying with the other eight reindeer as the sleigh passed overhead! Everyone was shocked to their cores as Santa gave his holly jolly laugh as Rudolph flew with the other reindeer.

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" Santa shouted before they all disappeared into the night.

After that, they all looked at each other in silence. After some tense moments they began cheering! They all were into the Christmas Spirit!

"Hey Dragon Warrior!" said a bunny, "Why don't you tell us about your adventure at the North Pole?"

They all cheered again while Po smiled and they headed inside. After everyone got comfortable, Bingwen dropped all charges against Rudolph, Po told him all about how he met Rudolph, his kindness, generosity, ripped body, and the birth of Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas. Yes, Po has had a wonderful Christmas, and after he finished the story telling, Tigress invited him to the Palace for a little something.

After a while, Po and Tigress are standing outside the Palace, overlooking the Valley below them. They had a holly jolly time, a happy time. They looked into each other's eyes and Tigress said, "I'm glad you came back."

"Me too," Po replied with a smile.

Po now knew what he wanted to say to her, but his throat began tightening up in nervousness again.

"Tigress..." Po said twirling his fingers, "Can...I ask you something?"

"Sure Po," Tigress said with a smile.

"Well I..." Po started, "I just want to ask...I just...do you..." Tigress looked confused, and without thinking, Po lunged at her and gave her a full kiss on the lips, making her give a small yelp of shock as he did so. Then, a minute later Po pulled away, and he realized what he had done.

"Tigress...I'm sorry..." Po said, "I don't know what I was thinking...I guess you don't...love me..."

He began to leave, but before he ran, Tigress grabbed his arm, spun him around and kissed him flat on the lips! Now it was Po's turn to give a small yelp of shock as the girl of his dreams kissed him! Tigress pulled away and they were both blushing like mad.

"I...love you too Po..." Tigress muttered as she managed to swallow the lump in her throat.

Po put the happiest smile in his entire life, he then pulled Tigress into a passionate kiss, loving the taste of her smooth, soft, warm lips. His were the same, only bigger. They melted into the kiss as they let their tongues dance with one another. They kissed each other with much passion as Po wrapped his arms around Tigress' slim waist, and Tigress wrapped her arms around Po's neck. After five minutes, they broke apart, gasping for air.

"Tigress..." Po said while blushing, "I can't believe you...love me...I'm just a fat panda..."

"No Po, you might be someone not slender and muscular," Tigress told him, "But what you are is a true man for a true woman. It's the inside of a person that counts, not the outside."

"That's what Rudolph told me," Po said softly.

"And I thought I couldn't land a guy," Tigress admitted, "But it appears I just landed one. I thought my whole life, since I was so hardcore, I couldn't drag anyone towards me."

"Tigress, you're not only hardcore, but you're the most beautiful, nicest, wonderful woman in all of China. I've always admired you from the start." Po said softly.

"Oh Po," Tigress said softly as she cried tears of joy, "No one's told me that before...thank you..."

"You're welcome," Po said softly while smiling, then he pulled Tigress into a kiss once more, and when they broke, Tigress asked, "What will Shifu say?"

"I say that I'm very proud that you've found a true man, Tigress," said a voice.

Tigress and Po froze to see Shifu with their friends, Monkey and Mantis were giggling but Viper hissed that made them stop.

"Y-You approve me and Tigress dating?" Po asked with shock.

"Yes," Shifu said with a smile, "You were the right one all along. But I do require you not to be distracted in training, including meditation, act professionally in missions, and for you not to sleep in the same room. Do you understand?

Po nodded as he smiled, then Shifu said, "Oh, and, I'm sorry I acted the way I did."

"Me too," said Crane, "I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"And you're more important than any collection I have," Viper said with a smile, "I might've spent my life on that collection, but you fill my life all the way to the top, unlike that collection."

"I forgive all of you," Po said with a grin, making the others happy, and then Po shouted in joy, "Group hug!" Tigress rolled her eyes as she smiled as did Shifu, but they all got into a group hug, happy to be together on Christmas. Tigress and Po kissed once again as a full moon shone on them in the night.

On a small monitor, on his wrist as he stood on a rooftop with the other reindeer, Rudolph sees the warriors smiling and hugging. He smiled when he saw that, and he smiled even more when Po and Tigress kissed once more.

"Merry Christmas, my friend," he said with a smile, "Maybe we'll meet again sometime."

With that, he and the other reindeer took off from the rooftop and got back to guiding Santa's sleigh as they continued to deliver presents across the globe. It was a Merry Christmas indeed.


A/N: That's it! The story's over! :) Did you like this chapter? Could it have been better? Let me know please. And just so you know, Emperor Bingwen did NOT take down their reputation because of Rudolph. :) And in the Valley, they celebrate Christmas on the night before Christmas, and have a happy relaxing day afterwards. So, it's a little different in China. And they did catch Fung by the way.

Oh, and do you want another Po and Rudolph adventure? Please answer in your review. :) MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! :D :D :D