Virtus et Potestas

Posted: Thu. Dec. 6, 2012
Updated: Thu. Dec. 12 2013

A/N: Well, here is a new story, and with this story I decided to actually map it out! So hopefully school will cooperate and allow for my postings to maintain a regular schedule. I have up until the end of part I planned, so anything past that is open to change. However, anything before that I have my heart set on. Hopefully you will like it! I am excited to hear your response.

UPDATE: Don't you just love the update date? I do!
I will not be posting a new chapter for a couple more days, as I am at a fork in the road right now; but hopefully these updates help the flow a bit. The grammar was not quite up to par before, and if you catch a mistake, please do not hesitate to tell me! I am attempting to increase the quality of my writing.
Constructive criticism is awesome!

With no further delay, I DO NOT OWN RISE OF THE GUARDIANS. If I did, well, you will have to see how that would turn out won't you? Muahaha..

Stigmatise : to describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.

A voice. That is what started the ball rolling. The voice of a little girl calling out for her older brother. The brother that would later save her. The brother than when the waters overtook him became an immortal. That same brother that was now searching for his link to the life he lived before he became the outcast he was then known as.

"Where is that voice coming from?" Frost knew that he had heard that voice before. I sounded so familiar..

Gliding down the cave, he could hear it becoming increasingly louder.

"Almost there!" Frantic, he started to increase his pace. Though, through the darkness he could see different cages. Perhaps it was coming from one of those? Hopefully not..

Upon seeing the little hummingbird-like creatures Tooth tended to keep around in one of the cages, he knew that they had to be freed. Having the wind carry him up to the cage, he looked in and tried to comfort them to the best of his ability. They looked up at him with huge trusting eyes.

"Jack…" The voice called him again. It was a heart wrenching tone in which his name was spoken, and along with its familiarity, it was near impossible to ignore. It had to be apart of his previous life. That was the only explanation that seemed to fit. The teeth that were collected from the Tooth fairy's palace must be close by. He had hoped to see them, hoped to feel the familiarity that would come with their presence, but actually feeling them was completely different, many times better, than he could have imagined.

Looking back to the cage in which Tooth's helpers were being kept, Frost sent them a look of apology.

"I can't.." He whispered to them, and they looked at him in alarm and confusion. Quickly, he turned his back on them and hurried toward where the soft voice was calling him. Maybe if I hurry I can still save them.. The Guardians would never forgive me..

"Finally!" He gave a breathy whisper as his hands clenched around the box in which his memories were held. The only memories of his childhood. The childhood which he could not remember.

His birth as the Jack Frost as appointed by the Man in Moon led away from his previous life. It had cut all ties, and left him completely alone. Without anyone to turn to, and without belief in the concept that anyone might care for him.

Learning that he had a family somewhere through his earlier years was a bittersweet revelation. He could now have access to memories in which he could recall the days where he did have a family, with the help of this tiny container, but he also now knew that he could have had someone to at least look after for a few of those years. He could have made sure to keep his family safe.

Not knowing how his family spent their life, or if they even passed peacefully. The not knowing made his heart clench. All he needed was to look at the memories stored in this container, and he would know at very least what his family looked like. What he looked like.

"Ah Jack, so nice of you to join me. Looking for something?" Startled out of his reverie, he turned quickly toward the voice. What could he be looking for though? He already found the container..

"No…" He whispered as he glanced down. The box… was gone. Looking up quickly, his eyes focused on the box now held in the long fingers of Pitch Black. He had to get those memories back.. his only link to his previous life..

Floating to the ground at the base of the pile of containers, he started to walk closer to Pitch. Never letting his eyes leave those of his enemy. The dark orbs now filled with amusement and pity, it was difficult to keep from spouting out in anger and frustration.

He did not have to upper hand in this situation, and he knew it. Pitch held the box that contained his life. He held it out as if offering it for free. As it grabbing it would not reap terrible consequences.

"Go on Winter Spirit. Take it. Take your memories." His voice flowed like silk, temping and conniving.

Taking his eyes off of the golden amber orbs, he let them settle on the colorful container again. It was tempting, that much was certain. The familiar voice called out to him again, whispering his name in a tone only he could hear.

Eternally frozen hands started toward the box, almost against his will. His thoughts lay miles away, full of possibility and hope. Then reality struck. What would the Guardians do if he took this box? What would they think of him?

"Who cares what they think of you Jack." The silky voice murmured quietly. Just as averse thoughts started to well up, the voice continued. "They do not care about you Jack. They left you. alone. for over 300 years. When you tried to get their attention, they turned you away and ridiculed you. Remember the events leading up to the blizzard of 1888?" The date stirred an anger in Jack, but that anger was easily overcome by the sadness that arose from the words leading up to that reminder.

Blinking, the winter spirit refocused on the situation. His hand was still stretched out toward Pitch, and it was quickly retracted. Looking at the box, he could not help but feel the pain growing in his chest. How could he ever take his memories in such circumstances? The Guardians are relying on him.

Pinching his icy blue eyes closed, he turned his head away from the offending object. The object that he would sell his friends for if he put too much thought into it. Slowly opening his eyes, keeping them cast downward, he warily looked over toward the King of Nightmares. Squeezing his eyes shut once more momentarily, he then gave a short, shallow sigh.

The Guardians would understand. Surely they would understand that he simply had to know. He had to know of his life. He had to know what it was like for a family member to look into his eyes and recognize his existence.

Blue eyes hardening into determination, he once again reached out for the box. Pale fingers rapped around the wood, and then his world went black.

Icy blue eyes flashed open, legs swayed from the unexpected change in location. Must have been shadow travel..

Glancing around, the first thing he noticed was the lighted path in front of him. no.. NO!

"No.. no.. no." He spoke softly under his breath. Not believing what was in front of him.

Crushed eggs. Thousands.. of crushed egg shells.

Later, at the north pole the Guardians and Jack gathered. Jack, still frozen on his single word mantra, was staring at his feet. They might still understand.. they might..

He was broken out of thought when Bunnymund turned to him.

"Where were you mate! You were suppose to be here last night!" Quickly silver-blue orbs met a shadowed green. Panic filled Jack when he saw fury behind those usually vibrant eyes. Maybe he wouldn't understand.. what if he was rejected? Not sure if he could stand that after getting a taste of recognition, he attempted the honest route. They might still understand, and then he wouldn't have to hide his memories.

Taking a deep cleansing breath, he started to tell them. His story did not progress very far, however. The moment he pulled out the box, hell broke loose.

"THAT'S where you were!" Bunnymund's face contorted in anger. "How could you!?" Fury seeped into the air, sending tendrils of fear through Jack. Looking around, he hoped that the others would knock some sense into Bunny. Honestly! One would think that he committed a federal offense! Who wouldn't want to collect their memories. So, maybe he was granted a little anger, but this was edging on ridiculous.

Glancing at the faces of the others, his hopes dwindled. While they were not as furious as Bunnymund, for obvious reasons, their faces were hard. His hope was finally snuffed when North spoke.

"Do you have any idea of what you have done?" His voice was as hard as the ice created by the winter spirit. When Frost shook his head to the negative, even more fury seeped into the air. Trying to save whatever possibility of his coming out unscathed, he tried to continue his story.

"But you don't know what happened! I found the babyteeth and-"

"And where are they!?" Tooth cut me off. Shocked, Jack whipped his head over to look at her. Tears were threatening to overflow in her eyes. Guilt rose in his chest, but he quickly smashed it down. He shouldn't feel guilty for that. He had the opportunity to regain the life that he lost over 300 years ago. It was justified. Wasn't it?

"I was about to open their cage when I heard a familiar voice. I found my memories! I got the opportunity to gain what I lost 300 years previous. We can always go back to collect your companions.." A terrible roar interrupted Frost from his explanation once again.

"We can always GO BACK!?" North bellowed is a scathing tone. Everyone flinched, since it was so out of character for the jolly man, but everyone other than Jack got over it momentarily. Frost, stunned beyond belief, was trying to grasp what was happening. They are turning away from me.. Disbelief ran across his pale features. Trying to retain some dignity, he kept his voice low and calm.

"Yes, we can go back. I already know where they are, so it should not be too difficult. We would have had to go back either way. Whether it be for them or for my memories." The room grew colder, and since it was not due to the winter spirit, it made it obvious his tactic had failed. Miserably.

"We do not care about your miserable memories. Our holidays are being lost due to your selfish actions. Children have woken up, and when they did not find eggs, they are losing their faith." North growled out his choppy response. All Jack could do was gape. He did NOT just insinuate what I think he did..

"They are losing their faith because of you Jack. Your utterly selfish actions have led to the end of childhood happiness mate. Congratulations." Bunnymund gave Jack a disgusted glare. Or at least a glare that was worse than his normal glare.

"My selfish actions were merely an attempt to regain what I lost. I have no idea what I was like before I died. If that is selfish then you need a new definition." Composure starting to crack, Jack glared back at good-ol' St. Nick and Bunnymund. "Do you have any idea what that is like? I think not." He growled that last line softly and turned his glare to the ground, away from the rest.

The tension in the air rose in the deafening silence. It almost audibly snapped when Bunnymund seethed his scathing reply. "If you feel that this was justified, then you will never be one of us." Bunny gave a quarter turn away from Jack and glared in his direction. "You will never be a Guardian. And you are not welcome here."

Jack gaped and stared for a second, and then snapped his mouth shut with an audible click while he turned an icy glare from one Guardian to the next. "I thought better of you." He murmured, voice focused on no one in particular. Then he disappeared into the breeze with his final words. "Good riddance."

Review for the poor?