Remember that one time I started this collection of drabble-things and then never continued?

I guess I'm continuing.

Thanks for the continued support everyone! If any of you are reading my other fics, expect updates!

Damon Salvatore: Gryffindor, 6th year

Stefan Salvatore: Slytherin, 5th year

Klaus Mikaelson: Slytherin, 6th year

Katherine Gilbert: Slytherin, 5th year

Matt Donovan: Gryffindor, 5th year

Tyler Lockwood: Gryffindor, 5th year


"I've got an idea, brother," Damon said, a grin on his face. The two teams faced each other, shaking hands before commencing the game of Quidditch. Slytherin versus Gryffindor, brother against brother. Damon and Stefan were both seekers for their respective teams and had made a ritual of placing bets between each other before every game. So at Damon's words, Stefan perked up in interest.

"I'm listening," he said, leaning on his broom and raising his eyebrows at Damon, who hung his broom loftily over his shoulder. Though, something about his brother's grin put him ill at ease.

"So if you catch the snitch, I'll stop tutoring Elena in Defense," Damon started, looking up at the stands around where his housemate would be sitting. Stefan would like that condition, Damon could see that from the smirk that was forming on his face. He'd never outright say it, but the thought of Damon with Elena and all those late nights awake in the Gryffindor common room drove Stefan crazy. "But if I catch the snitch," Damon pointed at himself, his smile growing while the slightest bit of worry etched itself on Stefan's face. "I get the pleasure of joining your girlfriend at the Three Broomsticks for an extra study session before finals."

Stefan blinked at Damon, sucking in his lips and cocking his head to the side as he tried to control his flaring temper. Damon, meanwhile, gave him an innocent smile. "Anything wrong, brother?" He asked after a few moments of Stefan glaring at him.

"Here's my idea, Damon," Stefan snapped, gripping his broom tightly now and standing up straight. "If you win, which isn't going to happen, I don't hit you in the face after the game is over, but if I win, you leave Elena and I alone." He gave Damon a cocky smirk. "How does that sound?"

"Stefan," Klaus, the team captain, suddenly interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder. "How about we save that temper for the game, eh, mate?" He gave Stefan a sideways glance. "Also, I don't need you getting suspended from the team, so avoid any altercations with your brother, would you?" It seemed less of a question and more of an order. Stefan shook his hand off.

"Stay out of this, Klaus," he muttered, still giving Damon, who looked slightly amused, a withering stare.

"A bit difficult with you bickering right in my ear, but please, by all means, earn us a penalty before the quaffles even released," Klaus bit back.

"Listen to your captain, Stefan," Damon warned, quirking an eyebrow. "Of course, thinking about it, maybe Slytherin losing today wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. After all, would Elena be more disappointed if her team lost, or if her rival boyfriend's team did?" He put a hand on his chin, looking off in thought. "Don't you want to make Elena happy, Stefan?" Damon asked condescendingly.

"Look, Damon, you don't know anything about Elena or what she wants so don't act like you do," Stefan seethed, clenching his jaw.

"Merlin, seriously?!" Katherine suddenly piped up, standing opposite Klaus. "We're about to play a game and you two are honestly arguing about Elena right now?" She tapped her beater's bat against her leg, shaking her head in annoyance. "Constantly Elena this, Elena that..." she muttered, rolling her eyes and letting out a sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are we bothering you, Katherine?" Stefan gave her a look of feigned concern.

"Why don't you make like Mikaelson here and mind your own business, Kat?" Damon added, giving her a pointed look.

Katherine glared, looking between the two brothers. "One of you is getting hit with a bludger today, I just haven't decided who," she said after a moments pause.

"You get Damon, I'll get Stefan," Matt mumbled, eyes flicking to Katherine for a moment, who grinned at this. Klaus let out a laugh.

"What was that, Donovan?" Damon snapped, turning to his teammate who shook his head, keeping his eyes on the ground. "That's what I thought, so do your job today and protect my ass, got it?"

"Back off, Salvatore," Tyler, beside Matt, sighed, exasperated.

"Lockwood, be quiet," Damon rolled his eyes, looking him up and down.

"You see?" Katherine started again. "You see what happens when she gets brought up?"

"This has nothing to do with her, Katherine," Stefan snapped, annoyed.

"Doesn't it? Were we not all just chummy five minutes ago?" She gave him an equally annoyed look. "This one," she pointed to Damon with her bat. "Just had to get you started."

"Hey, this isn't my fault!" Damon said, defensive, knowing full well it probably was his fault.

"No, she's got a point," Klaus entered, nodding his head. "But five minutes, really?" He looked around the field, squinting.

"Well it was just an exaggeration," Katherine said, shrugging.

"But it has been a while," Klaus continued. "Where is Coach Tanner? The game should have started by now."

"I'm right here," the instructor suddenly growled from behind the Slytherin team. Beside him sat the chest with the balls, rattling around impatiently. The referees arms were crossed and he glared at the players who looked at him in almost disbelief. "And if you all are quite finished, I have a game I would like to begin."

"The best of luck to you both in your romantic endeavors," Klaus commented before mounting his broom and launching into the sky. Katherine gave the brothers a smirk before following, leaving the two to exchange one last glare.


A bit more lighthearted than previous ones - hope you liked it!

You know, putting them in a setting where they don't actually want to murder each other all the time makes things interesting.

Also, Katherine's last name is Gilbert for the story for reasons that I will explain and will ideally be logical.

Thanks guys!
