A/N: Here we are, the epilogue! I just want to thank everyone who has read and followed this story. All of your reviews, follows, and favorites have really boosted my Muse and I would not have gotten anywhere without you. Thank you all so much. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: JKR owns the Harry Potter fandom, not me. I am making no money from the posting of this story.

The Epilogue

"Mum, come on!" Cassiopeia whined. "I don't want to be late. Tiffany and Klaus are waiting for me."

"I'm coming," Hermione said, trying to calm her daughter. "We just need to wait for Sebastian and your Dad."

Cassiopeia huffed, but didn't say anything. Sure enough, Percy and Sebastian came through the barrier moments later.

"Sorry, we had a moment," Percy whispered, ruffling Sebastian's hair.

Sebastian was a spitting image of Percy. He was tall for his age and gangly with short red hair. His blue eyes were puffing and Hermione immediately knew he was crying.

Cassiopeia, on the other hand, looked just like Hermione, apart from the hair color. She had the Weasley hair. Her curls were cut short, hovering over her shoulders.

"Come on," Cassiopeia complained.

"Let's go," Percy said, taking his daughter and leading her away.

Hermione knelt down and looked into Sebastian's eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked gently.

"I'm afraid," he whispered. "I'm not ready to go to Hogwarts, Mum."

Hermione smiled. "Sebastian, you are ready. I know your first year will be scary, but you'll get the swing of things. I'm sure Cassie will help you out too, you know."

"I'm sure she'll be busy with her friends," he whispered.

Cassiopeia was starting her sixth year at Hogwarts.

Hermione and Percy had gotten married about a year after Cassiopeia's birth. The two of them had agreed that one child was enough for them and decided that they wouldn't have any more. Well, four years after their marriage, Hermione found out she was expecting.

Neither of them knew just how she had gotten pregnant, but they took it in stride. Her second pregnancy was more difficult than the first, Hermione ending up on bed rest permanently four months on. It seemed her body just could not handle child bearing well. Ginny had fallen pregnant with her first child around the same time so Hermione had someone to share her pregnancy woes with.

"Sebastian, you're not alone, though. James is starting this year too. And Rose is a year older than you. You have tons of cousins at school, okay? Please don't worry."

"Yeah, I'm being silly, aren't I?" Sebastian asked.

Hermione nodded, smiling.

"Right, well, let's hurry up. We don't want to keep Princess Cassie waiting," Sebastian said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Hermione chuckled before leading Sebastian along. When they made their way to the platform, Hermione saw the others were there.

Ginny was holding onto James, sobbing hysterically. Harry was standing next to her, holding their sixth month old, Lily. Albus stood awkwardly between his parents, at six years old, he didn't really care that his brother was leaving for school.

Ron, who had married Luna a few months after Hermione's wedding, was hugging his daughter Rose, who was entering into her second year at Hogwarts. Hugo, who was only nine, hugged his mother's skirt.

George and Angelina were off to the side, each hugging their twins, Fred and Roxanne. The twins were going into their fourth year at Hogwarts.

Hermione looked at her family and smile. "Come on," she whispered. "Let's go see your Daddy."

Ron gave her a small wave when he saw her. Things had been difficult between them for quite some time, but Luna helped him heal. Ron and Hermione now had a friendly relationship.

"Mum, I need to go," Cassiopeia said, rushing her parents. She hugged her mother tightly.

"Please write this year, Cassie," Hermione whispered. "I like to know what's going on with you."

"I will, promise."

"And please, try not to get into too much trouble. I know Klaus is a nice boy-"

"-But he's a Slytherin and is no good," Cassiopeia completed for her mother, laughing.

"That's not what I was going to say!" Hermione protested.

Cassiopeia smiled. "Anyways, I love you, Mum. I'll talk to you soon."

"Have fun and study hard!" Hermione called to her, watching as Cassiopeia boarded the train.

She turned her attention to Sebastian, who was hugging Percy fiercely. "I'll miss you, Dad."

"I'll miss you too, little guy, but you'll have lots of fun at Hogwarts. I promise."

Hermione then hugged Sebastian, asking him to write to her as well. "Love you, dear."

"Love you too, Mum."

She gave him one last hug before ushering him towards the train. "Be nice and make lots of friends!" Hermione called out to him.

Percy waved and Sebastian waved back. Their little boy then disappeared from view.

"Now what?" Percy asked, taking Hermione into his arms.

"I don't know," she answered honestly. "Our little birds have flown the nest."

"Yes, they have." Percy smiled wistfully. "You did an amazing job raising them, Hermione."

"Well, I wouldn't have gotten very far without you."

Percy grinned. "I love you." He gently kissed her.

"I love you, too. Now come on, why don't we go home?"

He nodded, taking her into his arms. He Apparated them away with a small pop.