An: IMPORTANT! hey... whoever reads this and whoever remembers the story. THIS IS WHOLE STORY! I put it in one because no way any of you remember what happened, I will however upload it as final chapter. It does not matter... it was eating my soul that I left a story unfinished. Basically I put all chapters in this and added the ending I wrote at the end if you wanna skip just find next 'AN'.
I had a lot of health issues and when I felt good enough again I had lost my fan base so I lost motivation too... it's not back I just had to finish this one
take care and enjoy your read.

Leading Astray...

This mission was going to be simple. Itachi had to go in, kill everyone, grab a few things and head back out without traces left.

He was the perfect man for the job.

But there was a catch to it as Itachi realised later.

His long time partner in the Akatsuki Kisame had suffered rather nasty injuries from their last mission, at the time Itachi had thought nothing of it and the blue man hadn't expressed anything either, but as it was the wounds were poisoned and Kisame was in for healing for the next few weeks.

It was nothing new and it was just Itachi's luck it wasn't him in that bed forced to vile looking medicine to get the poison out of the system.

Itachi saw no problem at the lack of his partner for the mission, he had done solo missions before and frankly he was more efficient while being on his own.

But the leader had different plans for him.

The Akatsuki, powerful as they were had recruited yet another no doubt dangerous man for their ranks.

And Itachi had to take the new recruit for the mission, he had to later tell the leader if the recruit was any good. Itachi did not like this task, mostly because he didn't need the extra baggage and then because he knew what happened to those who weren't up to Akatsuki standards... or maybe it was because he knew what happened to those who met those standards.

He hadn't met the guy yet and was no eager for it, but getting ready for the mission he had a bad feeling about it, Itachi didn't pay attention to it.

With everything packed and ready for the mission he left his room, the weapons polished and sharpened, everything in pristine order just in case the mission would turn sour...

Since Itachi had longer serve time in Akatsuki he naturally and quite reasonably would be the lead of the two man team, he was always the leading one, his bloodline granting him respect and fear... it was easy to lead under these conditions.

It came easy for give short orders, demand things to be done and done with precision. He was very used to it by now.

Itachi was prepared for the mission.

He just wasn't prepared for the new recruit.

The platinum haired man he found at the Akatsuki hideout's entrance ready to depart with him was of course dressed in the black cloak same as Itachi, Itachi's red eyes slid over the maniacal-sized scythe the man had strapped on the back.

And just like that Itachi knew he was dealing with...something.

If it would be Itachi's choice he wouldn't say a thing at all, he didn't see the point because surely this man already knew everything about the mission just like he did, however as Itachi landed beside the man he didn't expect the large sized weapon to come right for his throat.

Without difficulty he stopped the deadly strike with his kunai, his Sharingan swirling in his eyes dangerously, taking in the man's face, the grin and the purple eyes, the furrowed grey eyebrows... he didn't like the man.

Itachi's hand using a bit of a force pushed the dangerous looking big weapon to the side, pleased when the stranger put it back on the back in its rightful place. He wouldn't ask why he was attacked in the first place, if he startled the man it proved how easy it was to sneak upon the platinum haired which already made him less valuable as one of the Akatsuki...

If it was a test for Itachi on the other hand, it only proved that the new recruit was too cheeky to be taken seriously.

Both possibilities annoyed Itachi.

"The infamous Itachi Uchiha!"

Itachi disliked the whiny quality of that voice and he deeply disliked the grin with which his name left the strangers mouth.

"We're moving out." With that said he leapt forward, his dislike had nothing to do with mission, so he chose to ignore it, just like he would ignore the man moving beside him.

"You can call me Hidan."

The fact that the voice was no whiny made Itachi glance to the side for the tiniest of seconds.

Later Itachi would have to ask questions, how this Hidan fought, his weak points and the strong ones... anything that could hinder or make the mission faster but for now Itachi would remain silent.

They slipped through the trees and small clearings without a sound and fast, Itachi had to admit that at least stamina was not one of Hidan's weak points, the platinum haired kept to his side.

There was just one problem.

"So is it true you kind of killed off all your clan?"

Hidan wouldn't shut up!

Itachi being a man of few words couldn't understand why all the questions, but Itachi was also calm and collected and he was used to few asking about Uchiha clan... few, because not everyone would dare.

In this case Hidan was either oblivious to Itachi's power or just too stupid to care about what Itachi might do if the anger would ever get out. He did not want to talk, and he definitely wouldn't talk about his clan and family... or how and why he killed them.

"That big dude with stitches told me you would be jumpy about it."

Jumpy? Itachi's black thin eyebrows pulled together slightly, before he caught himself and willed them back into the expressionless façade as he kept jumping from a tree branch to another.

But it must have been the truth because his blood was already boiling at just the slightest mentioning and his Sharingan was about to give him a headache and pain in his eyes. The sunlight suddenly didn't seem friendly, more and more Itachi longed for dim lights and quiet, more and more the Akatsuki dark dungeons seemed like the place to be.

There was an annoyed huff beside him before a snicker reached his ears... "You know, the leader said the mission might take two weeks... we should get along, otherwise I'm starting to think you're a prissy-..."

Itachi wouldn't be able to give an answer if someone would ask what made him loose his calm so suddenly, he just knew it was gone in a heartbeat, the next heartbeat his long, strong and pale fingers were around an equally pale throat, squeezing and pressing the platinum haired man against a tree.

In the violet eyes he could see his own reflection, his blood red orbs promising pain and misery.

"Right. So we won't get along. I get it, no need to show off your mad moves." Hidan whined out, the hands raised in a mocking surrender.

Itachi was maybe young but he was experienced...and great power gave great enemies, there were very few who weren't intimidated by him and now there was one who looked like he didn't take Itachi serious.

"We will continue in silence." Itachi said with venom and cold threat, for that he received a pat on his stiff shoulder and a grin, Itachi didn't know how that grin could be there, he was squeezing that pale throat rather harshly after all.

For the mission's sake he accepted this the only way he could...grudgingly and displeased.

This mission started to look like one of the rare failures.

When the sun started to set they had reached the near end of the forest, the trees becoming too far apart for them to jump on them, there was no rush and no time-limit for the mission so they walked forward. With Itachi leading the way and Hidan groaning behind him, apparently the new recruit was tired or there was an issue with the heavy weapon... Itachi tried not to pay attention but it wasn't easy, he realised just how much this man annoyed him.

Itachi was used to Kisame's presence, they made a good team, understanding each other without words, Itachi knew such understanding came with time but still... Kisame had never been so annoying.

"We're camping here. You can start the fire, I'll be back shortly."

Itachi was surprised there were no questions asked, it made him look back just to see the platinum haired with a scrunched face taking the scythe off the back and throwing it aside, Itachi guessed it really was heavy and he also presumed the man was a moron, who disregards his weapon so carelessly? They were always under attack... at least they had to be ready for it at all times.

But he didn't care, if this new Akatsuki would get killed while he was gone, he would carry on with the mission, it would not be considered a great loss.

Itachi returned to the camp after two good hours, his shoulders stiff and his muscles as usual tired from the day, he wanted nothing more than lay down and close his eyes.

The fireplace was small, perfect for keeping them warm somewhat and at the same time weak enough not to attract enemies that might be lurking somewhere in the shadows, that was unlikely since Itachi had made sure there is no-one tracking them, but lately he didn't trust to be safe...ever.

"I'll take the first watch." Itachi said quietly stepping in the light of the fireplace, Hidan was sitting on the ground, the Akatsuki cloak used as a blanket spread out on the green grass, the man's chest naked and shining in the yellow light, the purple eyes seemed concentrated on the flames licking the wood.

For a moment Itachi thought Hidan is meditating, it looked like it but then the man stood up, stretching towards the sky, cracking a bone or few, the sound too loud for Itachi's liking.

"Nah, I will take the first watch, I need to pray anyway."

Itachi nodded and turned to make his own sleeping place, questions burning on his tongue.


Itachi was lying on his back, the life of constant missions and dangers had thought him to always be aware of what is happening around, even when he was sleeping. And no matter how tired he was he could sleep fully only back at Akatsuki hideout, never when there was a mission on his hands. And this wasn't an exception.

He heard the fireplace, the night animals and his companion... his companion...even if he would be one of those to sleep soundly he couldn't do that, every few minutes there was a curse coming from the platinum haired man... unavoidably it was eating away at Itachi's nervous system. After two hours he found himself lying there with his teeth gritted and his fists clenched.

A rustle to his left indicated Hidan's movement for the fireplace for the umpteenth time in half an hour.

"Son of a bitch!"

Itachi slit one eye open to see what earned the angry insult, Hidan was glaring at the fireplace and sucking on a finger... Itachi with a blank expression realised the man had burned himself while feeding the fire with more wood.

Closing his eyes again he tried to distance himself from the annoying sounds and the annoying presence.

After another hour Itachi was more tired than he was when he lied down, the newest of Akatsuki was either oblivious to his torture or did it on purpose, both ways only annoyed Itachi further. And on top of it all Hidan was overdoing with the fire, it was getting too hot and Itachi was starting to get worried that it might bring unwanted attention.

He sat up and as soon as he did two violet eyes met with his black ones, the violet pair seemed just as annoyed as Itachi was feeling on the inside. For a moment Itachi wanted to ask what the hell was Hidan's problem.

"Why you're not sleeping?"

Itachi kept silent for a while, trying to figure was he being laughed at or Hidan really thought it was possible to sleep.

"You're making too much noise and the fireplace is too big, we don't need someone seeing it."

"You don't... I do."

The silence stretched after that and Itachi felt his eyebrow twitch in frustration, he was waiting for an explanation but Hidan seemed interested in playing with some sort of metallic pike.


"Well that leader of yours told me I would have more sacrifices than I could handle if I join the Akatsuki, so here I am but there are no sacrifices to handle."

Itachi didn't understand half of what was said and Hidan saying it all like a kid denied of a candy ready to pout, left him sitting there and staring at the platinum haired.

He guessed they could have the talk about Hidan's powers now, it didn't seem Itachi would get the false sleep anyway.


"Yes, sacrifices for Jashin-sama."

Itachi was interested now, he didn't even know why exactly but he couldn't deny the fact, he wanted to ask a lot of things and didn't know where to start.

"Who's this Jashin?"

"It's Jashin-sama! And I don't want to talk about him with you."

Itachi blinked his red eyes in confusion. Now he wished he had asked Pein more about this new member before he said he didn't want to know unnecessary things. Maybe that's why Pein was smirking at him so oddly.

But Hidan... Hidan was nothing like he was during the day. Right now it seemed more like a kid is sitting by the fireplace and sulking for reasons Itachi didn't understand.

"What kind of sacrifices did the leader promised you if you would join and keep in mind that you're not one of us yet."

"Oh but I think I am." Hidan paused there and Itachi knew by experience that that kind of confidence led to troubles.

"Don't forget that it was your leader seeking me out not the other way around, and maybe your dear leader kept you out of something as well, because you see even if you say I'm not one of you yet, I am wearing the Akatsuki cloak and the ring too."

It was Itachi's turn to pause, Hidan was right... could it be that the leader had different reasons for putting him on this mission with the newcomer.

Itachi winced when the man grinned at him as if taking Itachi's silence as an approval of the words... it kind of was.

"So you see, pretty eyes, that's why I said we should get along, I'm here to stay."

Pretty eyes. Pretty eyes?

Itachi stared perplexed and stunned on the inside, thought it didn't matter, Hidan wasn't looking at him, the man was putting yet more wood into the fireplace.

He had already figured out that this man would be a bother when it came to discipline and respect, the way Hidan talked of their leader didn't seem entirely respectful to begin with and the way Hidan talked to him...well, Itachi had no clue how to act and what to say. If he would reprimand the man it could only cause more of the strange nicknames. But if he would just ignore it, Hidan might assume he doesn't mind...and that was much worse...and not true.

"You will call me Itachi." he made it sound like an order and it was an order, that's why he didn't see what was so funny about it. He glanced at Hidan by the fire, the yellowish glow on the pale face giving the man a ghostly aura, a set of white teeth were all there to see as Hidan grinned at the fire.

"Go back to sleep Itachi."

Itachi flinched, somehow his name sounded too intimate coming from that grinning mouth. It sounded like Hidan was... tasting his name as the man said it, it made him shiver and once more he didn't know how to act about it, he had never been in company of someone so...daring towards him.

The only company he had had for the last years was Kisame and Kisame respected him and always took his words seriously, never made fun of him and never said his name in a way that made it sound like he was being licked at the same time. No, Kisame certainly didn't do that.

Getting up from his sleeping place he went straight for the fire taking the metal pike out of Hidan's pale hands, Itachi used that to push around the burning wood, lessening the fire by a great deal. Only when he threw the thing back at Hidan's feet and looked at the man he noticed the expression... Hidan looked too shocked to speak, the violet eyes big and staring at him...Itachi was tempted to chuckle.

"You will obey the orders Hidan, no matter you like them or not. If I said the fire is too big it means it's too big!"

He stood observing Hidan with slow moves pick up the pike and clean it with the Akatsuki cloak the man was wearing, since Hidan was looking down at what he was doing Itachi couldn't see the pale face or the expression but he heard low muttering and he was sure he heard the word 'sacrifice'.

Now it was rather clear Itachi wouldn't sleep while this individual was around. He had already realised the sacrifices Hidan was talking about wouldn't be goats or chickens and he had no intentions to become one of the sacrifices while he was napping.

After five minutes Itachi wished he had never laid his hands on that piece of metal, he was sitting by the fire pretending he didn't see and didn't care how Hidan was still rubbing the pike on the cloak as if Itachi had tainted it. The tension was another thing Itachi couldn't wrap his mind around. He could feel those oddly purple eyes on him and it got to the point where Itachi got up and murmured something about checking the surroundings, the next moment he was in a small clearing looking at the nightly sky...

It didn't really matter to him, they got along or not. It was just the mission he had to accomplish, after that he wouldn't need to deal with Hidan anymore...someone else would get that pleasure. Itachi wouldn't have to try and understand what was meant with the strange nicknames and the mocking tone.

But he couldn't deny that this was unnerving him... mostly because he was interested and because he couldn't figure out how it made him feel.

He knew annoyance, most of the people made him feel that but usually he was uninterested in those very same people, what Hidan had that made him want to know more, that he didn't know.



Itachi returned to their camp with a resolve. Of course that teaming up with a stranger asked of him to adjust to it. Itachi was willing to do that he just wasn't sure he was able to... he didn't have to do anything of the sort before. With a smirk he realised that being teamed up with Kisame had long since become a routine and in that way maybe even a bit boring even if that, considering his so called profession, was a good thing... most of the times.

Maybe that was the whole cause of his interest in the platinum haired ninja, Itachi was just curious.

His face showed no emotion finding Hidan scowling by the fire, the Akatsuki cloak now hanging loosely on the well built shoulders, despite the hot temperature of the night.

"We have something to discuss." Itachi said calmly, sitting on the other side of the fire, facing the man. At first it seemed he was being ignored but then Hidan's purplish eyes focused on him, a slight smirk stretching on the lips.

"Sure." It looked like Hidan was about to add something inappropriate, the smirk was making him nervous... it just didn't belong.

"The mission. I need to know what you're capable of and how to use your strong sides." But as Itachi now saw the smirk before was nothing fidget-worthy. The one of those lips right now was a whole new matter, and the purple eyes looking right into his. That was probably the thing that got to him the most. Hidan was acting like he was just a human and his eyes wouldn't be glowing crimson capable to kill better than any huge scythe could.

"Well...I'm capable of many things, Itachi."

"Get serious."

Hidan scowled then as if Itachi was ruing all the fun, the manly shoulders pulled up in a careless shrug. "I can take a great deal of damage."

"That's not useful."

"You think?"

"Yes. The mission is a stealth one, we can't just barge in, we need to sneak in, get a scroll of sorts and kill whoever is guarding it, but we mustn't draw too much attention, the location is the tricky bit, it's in the town so some sort of infiltration could be needed."

Another shrug told Itachi how Hidan didn't really care of anything he said. "Sounds easy enough. How far are we from the target?"

"Three days travel. Two if we take a shortcut through the swamp."

"A swamp?"

"That's what I said."


It wasn't like Itachi liked the idea but there was no need for Hidan to act like it was his fault either... Itachi's annoyance grew with each childish grimace the man pulled. And when Hidan yawned as if their conversation would be over he couldn't help but let the annoyance show in his voice.

"So, we take the shortcut or not?"

Itachi noticed the amusement in the violet eyes because he was maybe staring too intently at the man but still there was something scary about the way Hidan's eyes turned darker when amused.

"If you say the fire is too big, it's too big Itachi."

Itachi didn't answer, his eyes narrowed before he nodded. "We're taking the shortcut."

He didn't trust the man. Sure Hidan had just now clearly stated that he is in charge and Hidan is fine with it...but something about it was off. Hidan's tone had been almost menacing. It was a good thing Hidan remembered and took in count his words about the fire but mentioning and putting it like Hidan now did was unnecessary.

While he was thinking and musing about the oddity sitting across from him he didn't notice Hidan watching him, but when Itachi finally lifted his head to say that they should get sleep no matter how short it would be, he paused... and in a long time since he remembered he felt endangered.

And he had to admit the feeling was weird but it was a thrill.

Shivers rocked his body as if a cold breeze would have swept over him, their eyes still locked...Hidan's expression gave Itachi the illusion of a beast, ready to leap at him, to do what...he didn't know.

"Get some sleep."

"Yessir." The mocking tone shattered the illusion and Itachi almost felt like sighing in relief when the man grinning from ear to ear laid down on the back, the pale strong hands gripping the silver pendant with the triangle in the circle, the violet eyes closed.

For a while Itachi just watched the calm face calm as if there wouldn't be a worry in the world... it was funny how even the evilest of men could look angelic in their sleep. And he had no doubt this man was evil...had to be, otherwise he wouldn't be here under the Akatsuki banner and he supposed that made him just as evil, if not more.

Itachi managed to rest somehow, he wouldn't admit but that was possible only because Hidan was sleeping soundly, it let him close his eyes and doze off, unconsciously keeping check on the soft snores, it made him feel safe...the fact that the man was in the dream world. It was the same as being alone because even if the body was here, the mind was far away.

But still Itachi didn't feel all fresh as the dawn came, long used to it he got up feeding the fireplace with few branches before using another one to poke Hidan's ribs with it. "Get up."

Amazing how the man slept so deeply, Itachi was envious! He wished he could too... it just made him poke harder, his face sour as the man just groaned and turned on the side, a pale hand still holding the silver pendant.

Itachi poked harder. "Get up."

It wasn't working.

"We're under attack."

That wasn't working either. Maybe because Itachi said it without emotion but he wasn't going to scream, though he was curious if that would work.

Instead he sighed and stood up, putting his cloak on his shoulders for warmness as the morning air was rather chilly, when he was ready to head out with his weapons at their rightful place, he went for the sleeping Hidan once more, determined to make it quick.

He had to say it to himself before he called out the name. It was like he needed to make sure how it would sound.


It didn't sound bad.

"I'm up."

Itachi stood up from his crouching position, just slightly surprised how quick the answer came even if it was grouchy and unpleased.

"We're heading out."

"Give me a minute."

Itachi didn't object to that, he just stood there and for a while he thought the man is just sleeping there, but the lips were moving as if there would be silent words spoken for no one to hear.

Hidan seemed uncaring that Itachi was there but Itachi on the other hand suddenly felt like he's watching something he shouldn't, he turned away confused. Was Hidan really and actually praying? The thought was disturbing.

He had never heard of the Jashin-Sama Hidan had mentioned last night and Itachi was sure he wouldn't want to know. Better not to show interest at all, if the man was some kind of zealot it was better to act like he knew nothing of it and did not care at all, otherwise there was the risk of the said zealot trying and pull him into it. That's how it went with the believers.


"So what's the days plan?" Hidan asked as they were now running at full speed through a forest. Itachi noted how Hidan kept up with his speed just fine, he could go faster, but there was no need and the energy should be saved for the mission itself not for reaching the location of it.

"We should reach the swamp in few hours, then it's just to cross it. Pein-Sama told there could be few trying to stop us in case we took this route ,but they shouldn't be big problem and we could avoid it if we move silently and quickly."

"Why avoid it if we can just deal with them?"


"Exactly Itachi...exactly."


Reaching the swamp appeared to be the easiest part, moving through it was the hard one. It was all wet, the tree branches green and slimy and that way they had to move on the ground, there they had to watch their step carefully.

Itachi moving in the front tried his best to keep somewhat dry but he had already lost that fight, his cloak was drenched just because of the drops that kept falling from the trees and his feet had soaked after five minutes in the swamp, Hidan was doing worse than him though. The man was cursing non-stop following after him like a mad rhino, disregarding Itachi's warnings about particularly dangerous places where to set ones foot, that resulted in a very wet, angry and dirty Hidan.

"Fucking pond. The fuck is this place? Itachi how much farther? I'm a fucking mess."

"Hidan, we need to be silent, stop whining and we're not even half way through."

More cursing and louder than before came from Hidan, Itachi didn't know if Hidan knew and did it on purpose but for a good while already, they had company.

Apparently detection and hiding was not Hidan's fortes.

"Fuck this, even my underwear is wet, it doesn't feel nice...cold and wet, I'm shrinking...eww!"

Itachi shook his head right before he lost the ground under him, his foot slipping into dirty water, he would have been just fine, probably would end on his knees yet Hidan obviously thought differently grabbing hold of his cloak and pulling him back with enough force to hear the fabric tearing...

Straightening up and putting his hand on his neck he glared at the man. Hidan was of course in a foul mood but Itachi was no better, the coldness and wetness was eating away at his patience and maybe he was most annoyed with his own slip-up. His stamina was starting to fail him and more often than necessary he made little mistakes.

He didn't say a word, he didn't really had the chance.

"You didn't say it would be this kind of...swamp! This is...wet."

"It's a's supposed to be wet."

"We need to stop."

"No, we need to keep going."

"No Jashin damn it, we need to stop!"

Hidan was on the edge and Itachi could clearly see it, and somehow he thought it had nothing to do with the wetness, the way Hidan was almost shouting seemed theatrical.

When the man stepped closer to him, looked into his eyes, and leaned closer still... Itachi froze, his hand automatically going for his kunai but apparently there was no need.

"Let me take care of them." The whisper in his ear was silent and low, Itachi wanted to shake his head 'no' but didn't...if he would they would touch, too close...Hidan was definitely too close and was waiting for him to answer.

He had to credit the man for noticing their followers and then putting up a rather good act.

"No, it can be an ambush. There's probably more than just three." Itachi said wanting to step away but didn't, and since Hidan still wasn't pulling away from his private space he had no choice but to breathe in... Hidan had the scent of swamp, yet there was something manly under that.

"That's why I said let me take care of them. I'll be back before you know it and you can scout the surroundings or something while I'm gone."

That wasn't the way it worked... Itachi had the suspicion that this Hidan had never before completed least not in a team.

But now Itachi had the chance to satiate the obnoxious beast of curiosity inside of him. "You have to be quick about it."

There were many ways to thank someone for letting them kill a few people, but Hidan thanked him in the way that left Itachi speechless, breathless and maybe a bit confused and angry.

Hidan had licked his cheek, pulling back grinning psychotically before jumping off in the direction of their pursuers.

Itachi could try and understand the meaning of it, but he had no time for it, he had to make sure he sees everything from the beginning till the end, it was the best way to gauge Hidan's abilities. Watch him in a fight.


Itachi followed Hidan, noticing how, when needed the man moved with rough grace, never slipping on a slimy branch and never looking back at his direction to make sure he didn't follow.

Still Itachi made sure he wouldn't be seen even if Hidan did look back, keeping his distance he took in every little move Hidan made, every muscle that flexed in the easy effort to kill the distance.

Crouching on a tree branch Itachi had found a strategically good point, he could see Hidan in the clearing yelling at the ninjas that were unsuccessfully hiding in the bushes.

"Come out bitches, I fucking know you're in there."

Itachi smirked wondering how inexperienced their followers were if they let something like that taunt them and actually attack Hidan. He wondered how dumb they were, charging for the platinum haired man with a kunai, it couldn't be that they didn't see the... huge scythe on the man's back. Couldn't be that they thought it was there just for the looks, Itachi surely didn't think that.

Hidan moved almost lazily, snarling and snorting something too quietly for Itachi to hear but he presumed it was all insults.

And the attackers obviously earned those insults, Itachi realised that there was no way he could judge Hidan's abilities when the assaulters were this...weak.

He wished to see someone strong against Hidan... it might be a good show.

But as it was, Itachi's black eyebrows pulled upwards in mild confusion as Hidan leapt to the side, avoiding the attack while laughing, Swinging the large weapon with the same rough grace, the weapon making contact with one of the ninjas shoulder, ripping it open.

The strike could easily kill, yet it didn't which meant Hidan was playing with the prey. Itachi knowing the man for as long as he did even if that time was brief wasn't surprised, there was something sadistic in those violet eyes and he had spotted it right away.

It was unsettling how Hidan seemed overconfident yet as if there would be a good reason for it, the man had no fear, none at all.

Maybe it didn't count as playing, Itachi wasn't sure because Hidan was talking and to his annoyance he was too far to hear what was said, if he would move from his spot Hidan would notice him, so Itachi stayed where he was watching the man gesticulate with the muscled arms, making the Akatsuki cloak flap around almost comically.

Almost, because when Hidan swept around in a circle, Itachi's eyes went wider and there was nothing comical about how Hidan moved, or in the way the pale skin turned black and white.

Itachi had seen a lot, but nothing quite like that and he couldn't help the shivers running up and down his spine, spreading over his skin and consuming him, he still didn't fear Hidan, not even when the man had turned into something else, something he might even call a monster.

Monster was not a fitting name, after he got to see the others of Akatsuki the word 'monster' lost its meaning, so that wasn't the case.

Hidan was something else. Something that forcefully took his breath away and then Itachi didn't even want to breathe in case he would miss something. He could hear his heart beating in his chest, his mind feverishly trying to figure out the new enigma before him because his mind had no precedent.

The screams of the victims and the blood chilling moans of pain, they all kind of dimmed in the background, Itachi's concentration was solely on the man, following the pale strong fingers wrapped around the metal pike, the next moment Hidan was licking it with a murderous glee in the violet eyes, with pleasure.

And Itachi suddenly felt hot and cold at the same time, he wouldn't let the man lick him again... it was sick and maybe even a bit scary.

Hidan's victims never realised what happened, the first died swiftly after daring another attack and if Itachi was honest he wasn't sure what happened either, his Sharingan had seen everything, every little detail there was to be seen... but Hidan wasn't even using jutsus, nothing at all that Itachi could possibly copy and that way understand.

Not human.

Itachi felt a pang of pain between his temples, a headache that greeted him whenever he was concentrating too hard on something and when he was overusing his Sharingan, this time it was the sheer fact that he didn't understand a thing, no matter how hard he thought of it.

It was a voodoo effect, that much was pretty clear and Itachi was rather certain that he understood the meaning of the circle beneath Hidan's feet too and he was also certain he knew what would happen to the man standing before Hidan with wide eyes and pure fear reeking of him.

But then something happened and Itachi lost his cool, he stood his ground/tree branch as Hidan's violet, cold and fierce eyes met with his, but he was unsettled.

Unsettled... because Itachi was human.

And Hidan apparently knew all along that he was watching. The man was grinning, keeping the eye contact for much longer than necessary.

Itachi felt stupefied when one violet eye winked at him almost mockingly, Hidan stepped out of the circle changing the skin colour immediately and killing off the ninja with the scythe, Itachi knew he didn't see the culmination.

"You fucked it up, Itachi."

"And you stopped the attack... why?" he landed beside Hidan, maybe too close, but he did have selfish reasons, he watched the man's pale skin... it looked human enough from up close and when it wasn't half black.

"Don't think I did..." Hidan nudged the head to the ground where the ninja body lie, unmoving. "The fucker is dead... no need for you to worry your pretty head."

Hidan was grinning at him but Itachi kept serious, their eyes seemingly having another conversation of no words, only Hidan looked like he was faking the grin, something about the purple eyes told Itachi that the man before him was genuinely annoyed and pissed off.

"That was not the way you planned to kill him." Itachi stated with no emotion, but if he would show the emotion it would be accusing. He had wanted to see, how was he supposed to figure Hidan out as a ninja if he didn't get to see anything.

"No Itachi-san, that was not the way I planned to gut that bitch." Hidan's eyes flickered on the body once more...almost sad.

Not sad for the obvious death of the person...something else, Itachi was still and constantly connecting the dots, about gods and sacrifices, maybe he should have hidden himself better.

"You know if we're in the same organization, with the same goal, there is no need to hide ones skills. Your skills and the fact that others would know them would only raise your value as a member of Akatsuki."

Hidan then laughed. Loud and clear, the sound making Itachi jump and then stare, but it took a while for the silver haired man to stop the coldly joyous act. The smile never left Hidan's lips, the white teeth showing to Itachi as a pale hand laid on his shoulder.

"Sure Itachi, something in those red eyes tell me that you're the one with sleeves full of tricks, so save it... besides, I wasn't hiding anything, you killed the mood by watching me like a hungry harpy sitting in that tree...seriously."

Hidan was lying, Itachi could tell. "Then tell me how did you plan to kill him? Is that a bloodline of yours...the... I mean the thing... you turned into."

Itachi kept looking into Hidan's face even when that one let out a snort, an amused one.

"Thing? Careful Itachi, what if I chose to take that as an insult to my god?"

"I don't know what then... you tell me." The conversation was going wrong, Itachi didn't mean to play these word games and honestly he wasn't all that sure he wanted to know, this God Hidan kept talking about couldn't be a good fellow, what was more disturbing... the God had to be real to at least some extent to grant Hidan the powers, whatever they might be.

"Why... I would have to sacrifice you, no worries... you would love it."


Itachi hated threats and never let anyone intimidate him no matter how juicy those threats were. They just didn't work because Itachi knew exactly of what he was capable of, no matter what kind of bloodline, powers, abilities, skills Hidan possessed, there was no way they could defeat Itachi's.

But Hidan didn't threaten him, Hidan was teasing him, the last words about him loving it, Itachi almost bit his lower lip in a nervous manner, there was the way Hidan was looking at him, never avoiding his Sharingan, the way those...naughty sparks kept dancing in the violet gem-like eyes.

"We're moving onwards, quietly this time."

"Great, can't wait to get out of this poorly fashioned mud-pool."

To Itachi's surprise Hidan actually kept quiet, but not for long. Two hours into the wet and in Itachi's view obnoxious, journey Hidan started to show his dislike once more. First there were low cusses and a lot of things like 'Jashin damn it' and 'Jashin curse this...' there was Jashin everywhere and Itachi was barely keeping quiet himself.

"Oh man, I got mud everywhere, fucking goo...its in my hair."

Itachi didn't pay attention, he was tired and sick of this but there was no need to voice it like Hidan did, it only made things worse.

"Itachi, fucking stop that!"

Not knowing what was asked of him, Itachi turned with his eyebrow raised, true enough Hidan looked pretty miserable and dirty, the Akatsuki cloak hanging limply and wetly with mud here and there, he wasn't better...if only slightly.

"Don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about... you're tired and I can see it, stumbling there, splashing mud everywhere, I'm right behind you, you know."

"I am not tired and we still have a long way to go. I appreciate if you do it without whining. If you have problems with how I splash mud, keep your distance."

Hidan didn't say anything and even though Itachi didn't like the smirk on the man's face he turned, restarting the walk, thinking that he made his point clear.

Sharp and efficient.

But Hidan murmuring a 'prissy bitch' under the nose made him turn back around with his eyes blazing.

Hidan was unbelievable, looking to the side at a random tree with a face that said that it was the most interesting tree in the whole world and that he didn't just insult Itachi, a laughter tugging at the corner of the lips.

"Do you want to die?"

Hidan then looked at him, Itachi was serious...dead serious, but it seemed that no matter how dark his voice was the man before him lacked the sense of fear.

"Maybe... but you can't kill me so it doesn't matter."

It was so tempting to pull Hidan into an illusion, so tempting that Itachi could feel it all through his tense body, the things he would do to Hidan...

Those things running through his mind probably showed in his eyes because Hidan sort of gasped but with a smile, as if Itachi had just done something the man hadn't waited for but at the same time Hidan looked so damn amused that Itachi simply wanted to punch that stupid smile away.

Still infuriating.

"There are other means than death."

"Go ahead, Itachi." Hidan stepped closer, barely any distance between their bodies, Hidan's body relaxed and Itachi's tense even if he tried to look like this wasn't affecting him in the least.

"I was going to sacrifice that ninja..." Hidan then lifted the arm and fingers touched Itachi's pale cheek and suddenly Itachi just wanted to get away, far away.

The unusual touch kept him in the place, it was awkward to look at Hidan just because of the indecent distance but Itachi wouldn't step back, then his back would be against the tree and he didn't want to encourage them man...this was already too much as it was.

Hidan was watching his face closely, not looking him into eyes but observing the way the warm fingers moved over his cheek, those fingers were warm but Itachi got chills of the touch it was as if Hidan was-...

"I was going to torture him, then kill him slowly and painfully and then make an offering out of him to Jashin-Sama and for that... Jashin-Sama would grant me another drop of immortality."

Itachi swallowed as Hidan got closer still not giving Itachi a chance to escape, his back connected with the damp bark of tree and Hidan's body, firm and hot pressed against his, his breath caught in his throat, he now watched the violet eyes. Menacing as they were Itachi was sure that in some odd way it wasn't directed at him.

A thumb moved over his lower lip and Itachi was just about to push Hidan away and then maybe drown the man in the closest muddy blotch he could find but Hidan pressed closer, forcing the air out of his lungs.

"Now Jashin-Sama is displeased and I am too... say Itachi, maybe you can be the sacrifice."

Hidan was looking at him as if he would be a food and Itachi honestly couldn't stand it, the Sharingan was almost making him dizzy he could feel it spinning and swirling and wondered why Hidan was so unaffected by his fierce eyes.

He pushed on Hidan's broad chest with both his hands and when that gave no result he kneed the man in the guts, forcefully too. Expecting Hidan to attack right back, Itachi was surprised to see the man clutch his abdomen...chuckling.

"I take that as a 'no'... for now."

Hidan straightened and stretched, Itachi was the one breathing heavily, he was so tense he wanted to scream or punch away, it was so hard to resist.

He didn't know how to talk with Hidan to avoid this frustration that the man forced him to feel.

He was stuck with Hidan in this mess, once more this made him appreciate Kisame's company, what wouldn't he give right now to finish this mission with his silent, serious and composed partner.


It was getting better the next day, it was still damp and messy but they were making it out of the swamp. Itachi was delighted, he wouldn't show it but he really, really did not want to spend another night in a mosquito filled puddle, cold and wet and listening to never-ending 'Jashin damn, Jashin fuck, Jashin this and Jashin that.'

There were no more incidents, whoever the people following them were it seemed that there was no more or if it had been just a decoy to put them at ease in that case too there were no incidents. Itachi couldn't keep using Sharingan to scan the surroundings that would be too tiring for him.

But didn't matter. If there were still ninjas following them then Itachi could use all the stealth in the world it still wouldn't hide them.


That was the reason... Hidan. Each word was spat out with such hate and annoyance, it was really amazing for Itachi. That man was one hundred percent emotion and all of them were bad and hateful.

Come the evening they found themselves by a small stream scrapped, dirty and sweaty and in Itachi's case very tired, he couldn't keep his eyes open and his body felt like it is filled with stones. Of course if need be he could still go on and if need would arise he would still be capable to put down anyone, but he was so tired.

When this would be done he would ask the leader what he did so bad to deserve this punishment with the wacko beside him.

Though he was getting used to it, last night he didn't get any sleep mostly because he just didn't trust the silver haired zealot but he had managed to close and rest his eyes for short periods of time. And when the morning came he once more got to watch the strange man wake up in that hellish way, murmuring those words under the breath.

Tonight Itachi would stay awake too, he just hoped Hidan would fall asleep soon enough so he could rest.

He was sitting on a stone by the water, resting before he would get himself and his clothes clean in the stream, Hidan meanwhile was already ripping the black Akatsuki cloak off and threw it on the ground the scythe landing on it the next moment, followed by the strange pike and Hidan's pants.

Itachi looked away... his mistake because there was a great splash and then he was wet all over and Hidan was laughing that maniacal killer-laugh.

"Come here Uchiha, the water is niiiice!"

Itachi scoffed, it was impossible to keep calm. Hidan was such a great ninja! Really, it was such a good idea for both of them to go in the water leaving their weapons aside...seriously was the man just refusing to use brain or there was none.

Hidan dived underwater then and Itachi used the moment to discretely wipe the water off of his face, grimacing when it just got worse since the sleeves of his cloak were all muddy, he did feel gross and he did want to get in the water, but he would do what was right, one of them had to.

"Hey Uchiha, make fire, I caught us dinner!"

Itachi looked and really the man was holding two fishes above the water, grinning like a child and cursing like the devil when one of them tried to escape and almost managed.

Hidan was an odd man, at times almost naïve and at the same time there was nothing innocent.

The fish was thrown on the shore where they flapped around.

When Itachi didn't move a muscle, Hidan grumbled at him and got out of water, once more Itachi averted his eyes elsewhere, it wasn't easy because Hidan was killing the fish and still acting like a damn kid, gutting them with passion while naked...savage.

Since Hidan was so busy with the now lifeless dinner he slipped out of his clothes, he didn't know about Hidan but he was safe enough even without his weapons, his greatest weapon was always with him anyway.

The water really was nice, it was warm and it was soothing his sore muscles and the cuts on his skin, it was harder to get the mud out of his long hair and it took a good while but when he was finished he felt so much better.

Getting out of the water was a bit hard though, Hidan had apparently cooked the fish while he was busy with his hair and the smell of real food was nice, it was making him salivate but the fact that the man was still naked and standing by the shore holding the fishes on two sticks and waiting for him to get out...

That really bothered him, he didn't even know how to act and where to put his eyes, there was no way he could keep them off from the man while Hidan was obviously showing least it seemed like showing off. Alright, Itachi would admit that it was a nice body, there were no flaws, it was all lean muscles and...and...

And Hidan was also nicely endowed, blinking Itachi trained his eyes on the man's face, wanting to punch that grin off of it.

"I'm not done yet."

"Oh c'mon you're sparkling clean, let's eat."

Itachi was standing in the water reaching to his waist and when Hidan still grinning turned away placing the fish on some leaves he grabbed his clothes from the shore dunking them in the water, he wouldn't walk around naked with that savage around, he simply wouldn't if need be he would blow his clothes dry with fire.

He ended up doing just that, maybe it was waste of energy since he was already tired but he didn't mind, his tiredness was more physical, his chakra was fine.

He just didn't expect to receive Hidan's wet cloak right in his face when he returned by the fire dry, clean and dressed.

"Do the same with mine! I'm freezing my ass off here."

Itachi didn't want to but then again if he wouldn't he would have to eat while trying not to look at the naked man-bits, so he did.

Both dry and dressed they sat by the fire, it was already dark and they kept the fire small, more smoke than flames but it kept them warm for now.

Itachi was sceptical, he wasn't really one for fish but this was something else, the food was needed and it was hot and cooked and... it was tasty.

Surprised he looked at the man sitting across from him, Hidan was watching him and giving him the childish grin again, Itachi realised that Hidan had understood his silent question by his reaction and by the way he was munching down the fish right now.

"I keep this with me..." Hidan proudly announced shaking a little pouch at his nose. "Seasoning, because fuck tasteless food on missions!"

Itachi didn't answer, he was too busy chewing on the deliciousness and hoping that it really was spices in the pouch and not poison.

He usually lived off of soldier pills when he was on missions and the rare times when Kisame caught something and then cooked it, it tasted pretty bad. Pretty bad not like badly cooked meal but pretty bad like he would be chewing a shoe sole.

"We will reach the town tomorrow."

"What's the plan?" Hidan didn't really seem interested, the man was done with the food, the violet eyes barely open, visibly satisfied.

And Itachi was pretty much the same, he really tried not to show it but this had been great, to get clean and then the food and now the warmth from the fire, he could just lay down and sleep soundly till dawn.

"We look around first, get in an inn and blend in, there will be a celebration, we will use it to get what we need and disappear before anyone raises the alarm." He was actually slurring the words and he was damn sure Hidan wasn't listening to him anyway.

Hidan had already laid down on the back now murmuring something about keeping watch and how he didn't give a fuck right now.

Oddly enough Itachi didn't give a fuck either, too tired he scooted to his side, laying down with his arm under his head and closed his eyes, he was sleeping before he even realised it.

Itachi's dreams usually were messy and jerky, the blood and screams would never leave him, he knew that but he would appreciate it staying out of his dreams at least. The dreams were the reason why he woke up grumpy.

But strangely, this night had been free of any nightmares, he dint remember anything and for him waking up and actually feeling rested was a rare feeling.

Hidan was up before him, all packed and ready to go, agitated. That was another surprise.

Itachi could only wonder what Hidan was up to, why the anxiousness, he believed it was the close chance to kill. The mission didn't require it and Itachi wouldn't kill unless there was a necessity, now it seemed that Hidan could be the type to cause that necessity.

They headed out as soon as Itachi was done washing his face in the stream, Itachi's steps wide, their pace fast. Hidan beside him not talking for a change, the man was very attentive of the surroundings though, Itachi could see the violet eyes scrutinizing the landscape.

The walk was rather boring that day, there was nothing to see except when it was closer to evening and they were getting closer to the town, a few farms appeared and they silently passed few strangers.

The fact that Pein didn't want any victims Itachi had realised when he read the mission instructions, because it wasn't often that they had to leave the Akatsuki cloaks behind, usually they were more like flaunting the fact that they belonged to Akatsuki, raise the cruel fame.

But this time it wouldn't do even if people that were ninjas wouldn't really be aware of the red clouded clothes but the town guards would surely recognize them.

So when they could see the outlines of the town Itachi guided them both for some bushes where he rather unwillingly got out of his cloak, it was hot wearing it and it was oversized but Itachi was so used to it, he liked how it hid him so parting from it wasn't improving his mood, he sort of felt naked in his simple pants and the black shirt...really naked.

Hidan on the other hand looked rather happy about the change, grinning the man took the cloak off and handed it to Itachi along with the Akatsuki ring.

"Say Itachi...if we are in disguise it means... uhh we want everyone to believe we are just...common citizens, yes?"

"Yes." Itachi replied never looking at Hidan, he was making sure their belongings would still be here when they came back for them, placing simple wards and traps.

"You think they won't find my scythe a bit...odd?"

Damn... Itachi hadn't really thought about it, it was easy to hide a kunai in his pants but that huge scythe was something entirely else. Still crouching Itachi scratched his cheek. "You will have to leave it here."

"No...fuck you, I won't just leave it lying here!"


"Nooo! I said no! Fuck you and fuck your leader and fuck your stupid Akatsuki, and fuck this mission. I'm not leaving it behind!"

The childish Hidan was back, all that was missing was stomping the foot on the ground, but instead of that Hidan crossed the arms on the chest and if Itachi wasn't delusional the man was actually pouting a bit.

"You can keep that other weapon, seeing how you treat it like a jewel it is more important for you anyway, besides remember how I said that we would just blend in at first, if that is so important we will come and get it when the time comes."

Hidan's grey eyebrows were twitching like mad, it was sort of funny because it seemed the man knew he was being reasonable but still Hidan looked so very displeased.

"Fine, but you better make sure some kid doesn't find it and if it's not here when we come back-... "

Itachi gave Hidan a dark glare and to his surprise this time the man actually stopped talking for a split second taking in his eyes and face, a grin appearing on the handsome features and Itachi really felt awkward since he didn't have his cloak that would cover most of his face.

"You can save that speech, I am sure you would hunt down your precious weapon, stop whining."

Going for the town Itachi was...sceptical about their success. He looked fine, his head protector was in his pocket and all and all he could be considered harmless, that is as long as he would keep his eyes down, which meant he couldn't talk to people but he would manage, he was used to being careful with his Sharingan.

Hidan was another case, the man had no shirt, with bare chest the zealot was proudly walking beside him and when they got on the busy town streets Itachi with mortification realised that Hidan drew in attention like a celebrity. The women were smiling at the man, men were looking at him with curiosity and envy...

And it made Itachi feel even more awkward, when he was with Kisame, his partner got all the odd stares but mostly they were the bad kind and Itachi was the one receiving the smiles Hidan right now was receiving, but that wasn't the point...with Kisame Itachi could keep in the shadow, but Hidan...

"We need to get you a shirt." He was convinced that it would help greatly, but Hidan wasn't listening to him, playing with the pendant on the bare chest Hidan was all too busy offering a naughty grin to a pretty woman standing behind an apple stand.

Itachi's eyebrow twitched and without a word he pulled Hidan along by the wrist, going straight for the stands with clothes.

"Pick a simple shirt."

"I don't like shirts, Uchiha...they are itchy."

If Itachi could he would nicely go by the grey building not so far from them and he would bang his head on the wall, nice and would help, no doubt!

"Don't say my name, retard!" with his teeth gritted he hoped no one heard.

Itachi picked up a grey simple shirt, paid the stupidly smiling woman and left, still pulling Hidan along like a child.

Itachi turned in an abandoned alley and pressed the shirt in Hidan hands.

Huffing and puffing Hidan put it on. "Is that better?"

"Yes, now take this money, you will have to rent a room it is better if I don't interact with anyone too much, people tend to recognize me."

Hidan took the money grinning in his face. "Yeah I bet they do." Itachi didn't know what Hidan meant with that but he didn't have the chance to ask, Hidan was already strolling out of the alley looking around for an inn.

There were many of those around and they picked the one who looked too bad for rich people and tolerable enough so it wouldn't be filled with drunks and whores.

In the inn Hidan asked the owner questions till it turned into a rather lively chatting, too lively. Itachi patiently stood beside until he couldn't stand it anymore, he started to step on Hidan's feet, keeping his head down had its disadvantages and Itachi was so furious when he heard a 'nice couple' coming from a lady sitting at the furious.

He looked nothing like a girl damn it, he had muscles and he walked like a guy, definitely...people had problems...definitely.

And Hidan was a bastard, reacting in a completely wrong way at that comment, barking out a laugh drawing everyone's attention and patting him on the back as if in a soothing way. It would have worked better if not the laugh.

When they got to the room Itachi was fuming with anger. He didn't even take a look at their room he just turned to Hidan and pushed the man in the chest hard. "We're not supposed to draw attention you-...what is wrong with you?"

Ignored, that's what Hidan did...ignored him completely, pushing past him the man whistled and when Itachi turned to shout and he hadn't yelled at anyone in a very long time, he remained standing there with his jaw slack.

The whistle was meant for the double bed in the middle of the room.

Hidan chuckled awkwardly scratching the back of his head and glancing at him before shrugging. "I guess they misunderstood me at the reception, I'm damn sure I asked for two beds, not double...or maybe I didn't...hmm."

"You will sleep on the floor!"

"Oh c'mon Uchiha it was just a mistake! The bed is huge, we don't even have to touch...unless you want to of course."

Turning on his heel Itachi walked for the door on his right hoping that it was the bathroom, thankfully it really was the bathroom, he banged the door shut and stood by the little sink, looking in the mirror. His cheeks were pinkish, he hated it.

Hidan was insufferable, always grinning like that, very unsettling.

When he returned in the room Hidan was not there, Itachi was alerted at first but decided that if he couldn't trust at least some bit they were bound to fail, so still worried but determined he decided to take a shower to wash away the road dust, his hair would appreciate shampoo.

His shower was quick even if he really enjoyed the hot water, the robes the inn offered were slightly sketchy looking but they were clean so Itachi picked up the blue coloured one and put it on. He would change back in his clothes when his hair would be dry, but for now it would have to do and if he's lucky Hidan wouldn't return till then.

But he wasn't that lucky, as soon as he entered the room with the bed Hidan without knocking entered the room carrying plates with food.

Oh... it made sense. Food was actually a very good idea. And maybe Hidan wasn't such a bastard in the end because there was not a single comment, not a tease about his attire or anything, the man just sat down and passed him a plate.

They had to sit on the bed since there was no table, but Itachi didn't mind, he got comfortable in a half lotus position on the edge of the bed and balanced the plate with food on his lap, Hidan chose to sit on the floor with the back against the bed and somehow Itachi realised that the silence was comfortable as they ate.

"The guards are well trained here, but they're soldiers not ninjas."

Itachi nodded, it was mentioned in the mission description but he was still curious about how Hidan already managed to snoop around.

"And the celebration you mentioned is actually just the rich snobbish people feasting because of some heathen god they worship, they wear funny things then, I think it will be easy to slip in especially considering the amount of alcohol that is ordered for the feast."

"Who told you this?"

"The chef, the same that cooked your meal, she's damn talkative and she is responsible for the food and stuff for the celebration."

Maybe the way Hidan drew attention was a good thing after all. Itachi couldn't believe it though, looking at Hidan...did the man really seemed trustworthy to people or was it the broad open grin that lured them in, Itachi didn't know but he was grateful for the bits of information.

"I guess we will have to get some funny costumes then."



There was a brief fight before they settled to bed, Itachi kept insisting that Hidan must sleep on the floor but Hidan was just rolling eyes at him and pointing out that sometimes when they slept by the fire they were even closer than they have to be in the huge bed.

That was where Itachi had lost the argument and had to deal with the fact that he is going to sleep in one bed with a man that he barely trusted.

Actually when Itachi had crawled in the bed and pulled the blanket over his chin he thought about the trust issue a little and he realised that maybe Hidan really was worth the trust because when he thought better of it the man had no reason at all to hurt him.

And even at times when Hidan was rude to him, Itachi could maybe agree a little, sometimes he was unreasonable but it was only because Hidan sometimes gave him those mixed signals.

He yawned, sleep starting to lull him. He was half sure Hidan was already sleeping and it was really creepy how the man slept on his back with hands on the chest holding that symbol with triangle.

Itachi's obsidian eyes slid lower, really Hidan should wear a t-shirt sometimes or at least pull the blanket higher. Itachi noticed the ripped muscles, he wasn't sure what he was thinking anymore those thoughts were foul and Itachi felt warmness on his cheeks.

As if it wasn't enough, Hidan caught him opening the violet eyes and looking right into his black ones. It was rather dark but the moon outside was enough for Itachi to see how Hidan's lips instantly formed a vicious grin.

Itachi felt stupid and awkward for staring and he turned his head away a bit too fast, he heard Hidan chuckle.

"Itachi," his name was stretched in a teasing manner. "Do you like me?"

"No!" Itachi almost shouted and turned his back to Hidan, he was angry with himself and with the damn zealot too because he was too blunt and too... just everything too.

Another low chuckle and rustling with the blanket that they shared till to Itachi's horror he felt a hand on his shoulder it slid down to his waist and Hidan was suddenly just too close pressing against him and whispering in his ear." I think you do."

Itachi was panicking, he really was and he was one step away from jumping out of the bed and running away.

Gathering himself, it took longer than he liked and all the time Hidan's fingers sort of moved, Itachi firmly took Hidan's hand by the wrist and pushed it away, with gritted teeth he spoke. "You are delusional...idiot. Keep your hands away." He had to turn and push Hidan away from himself.

Hidan didn't resist but the smirk on the handsome pale face was driving Itachi insane.

Thankfully Hidan didn't say anything more and after a while Itachi could tell by the man's breathing that he is asleep.

Itachi on the other hand spent a lot of time tossing and turning thankful for the fact that Hidan was a heavy sleeper. The thought running through Itachi's mind... the way Hidan had touched him. He wasn't sure how it made him feel, he had panicked at the time but really... it didn't feel bad.

Hidan's hand had been warm and sort of big and... Itachi bit the blanket not to scream.

He forced his brain not to think about it till he actually managed to fall asleep.

Itachi woke up in the middle of the night, at first he didn't understand why but then it all came to him. He was sitting there in the bed sweaty hot and hard. He had a dream and the cause to all this mess he was into was the silver haired man lying beside him.

Itachi bit his fingertips and shut his eyes willing it all away with his willpower, the dream was insane it was Hidan teasing him about something stupid and then suddenly it was Hidan kissing him and touching him, sliding those big callused hands over his naked skin. The worse was that Itachi remember how much he liked it in the dream how he responded Hidan and how the kiss felt so good.

The dream continued with Hidan moving to his neck, spoiling Itachi with wet kisses and little nips and bites.

Itachi swallowed hard as he put his hand on his neck as if he could still feel those touches...

But then he woke up and here he was sweaty and needy.

He was also maybe scared of his own brain producing that dream. But really it was also like a heavy punch in the face making him realise that as stupid, strange, silly, idiotic and unbelievable it was... he was falling for the man.

The thought was terrifying him in a way. Hidan was a man... no, that wasn't it Itachi didn't care of that but...well something was terrifying.

The musings had calmed his erection and he fell back on the bed. It took him some while to fall asleep but when it happened there were no more dreams.


Itachi wasn't surprised when he woke up in the morning with a mild headache and once again it was all Hidan's fault, damn man. What did surprise him was that he was up late and Hidan was up before him. Yawning he got dressed and listened where his mission partner was.

He didn't have to wonder for long when he came out of bathroom after morning routine Hidan walked in the room banging the door shut.

"Uchiha, here breakfast and then we go shopping."

Itachi just nodded, his breakfast was fruit... he liked it.


Shopping with Hidan was a disaster. A loud, obnoxious, teasing disaster!

"Itachi, try this!" Hidan ordered while shaking in silent laughter.

Itachi glared at the... thing Hidan was holding. Apparently the costumes for the 'party' had to be of animal kind and what Hidan was holding looked like some strange bird's costume with feathers of all the colours there were.

When Itachi kept glaring Hidan put the thing back in its place moving on and still grinning like an idiot.

Great, Itachi was falling for an idiot.

Next time Hidan offered him a costume of a lion, Itachi had to admit it was much better than the bird thing but he would look stupid, actually he realised that no matter what costumes they would choose they will look stupid anyway.

It seemed Hidan had found the piece for himself, Itachi could see it in those purple eyes as they observed a rather decent costume of a grey wolf.

"Yup, this will do." Hidan murmured and in few moments of paying and packing they were searching for Itachi's costume.

It was a waste of money really because if everything goes smoothly and as planned they will only wear those things for an hour. But mission is mission.

"How about thiiiis Itachi?" this time Hidan didn't only silently laugh but snickered and made funny sounds. The man was holding a weasel's suit.

"Ha ha, you are extremely amusing Hidan." Itachi said without any emotion though on inside he maybe find it a little funny.

Moving further and then... "JASHIN-SA-..."Itachi slapped a hand on Hidan's mouth, really too loud and too obnoxious.

The idiot actually bit him! No blood but Itachi hissed and took his hand away. Hidan acted like nothing happened, grabbed a black piece from the stand, paid for it and then pulled Itachi by his arm. "We are done here."

Itachi didn't agree at all. "I didn't even see what it was! Probably something retarded."

Hidan smirked and gave him a sideway glance finally letting go of his arm. "Nah, you will like it."

Itachi could only hope it would be that way.


The evening came and they had to get ready for the mission. Hidan dressed right there before him. It was like a show for Itachi because Hidan was cussing and snarling half naked fighting with the costume. Itachi had to help in the end, the zipper was on the back, he noticed that the zealot's back was in scars, they weren't big or ugly they were just... okay, Itachi wouldn't go there.

He pulled the zipper up and Hidan swirled around like a model asking how he looked.

"I like the tail." Itachi responded with a smirk. Actually he really did it was long and fluffy and Hidan looked pretty good being the big bad wolf. "No, with your mask on the face it will be great." He assured and Hidan grinned like a kid.

"Your turn." Hidan declared with the menacing type of grin pushing a bag in Itachi's hands.

Itachi walking for the bathroom dreaded of what was inside that bag.

His dread was justified he decided looking at the black cat costume. Grudgingly he put it on because really there was no time to argue or get something else. Life was unfair because Hidan's costume was sort of baggy his costume on the other hand...well it wasn't baggy. It was cuddling him! At least the fabric was very soft.

He stormed out of the bathroom straight to Hidan who was watching him funnily.

A pale long finger pointed at the zealot. "When this is over, I am going to kill you and tell the Akatsuki that the enemy got you!"

Hidan grinned in his face, leaned forward and cooed. "You look gorgeous."

Itachi so wanted to slap that smug face but instead he received a peck right on his lips.

The anger in Itachi deflated, a little bit of shocker that was, he felt his cheeks turn warmer and even though he really wanted to ask what Hidan meant with it he turned around so the man wouldn't see him blush and headed for the door.

Hidan fallowed and Itachi was sure the bastard was grinning.


At the palace-kind of house where all the fun would happen they put on their face masks. The masks were really just paper kind of things covering their eyes leaving the rest of their face uncovered.

Heading inside he nearly went deaf the music was loud and people were already well in the fun dancing and even singing.

It was crowded and the loudness that too only served their mission.

Arm around his middle and Hidan's words in his ear, Itachi shivered."Kitty come drink with the wolf."

He was being pulled again and he hated that. Itachi tried to over yell the singing and musical instruments. "Hidan we are not here to drink, you oaf. We need to-..."

"I know what we need to do Itachi but first we need to at least pretend we are having fun here."

Itachi had no choice. Hidan led him to what Itachi suspected was a table with light drinks. Hidan prepared a cocktail for them both and Itachi sipping it thought it wasn't that bad...fruity.

After Itachi's second drink Hidan told him to wait and disappeared. Itachi sipping the third saw Hidan chatting away with three men laughing and seemingly having fun. Short while later Hidan moved for another company and the same happened.

Then Hidan returned looking somewhat smug.

The zealot stood close to Itachi. "What we look for is in the sixth floor! The thing is the security is higher by each floor... it will be tough, there is so many rats around... they are all guards."

"Yes, I noticed. Good you got that information now we can start."

Itachi really hated it but he was no friends with alcohol and for that reason he was tipsy. Great just great because he be damned if his buzz will fail the mission.

"No, Itachi first we need to make those rats think we are searching for a quiet kiss me."

"What?" Itachi's jaw hang lose a bit, this was crazy.

"We have to do it if we want to get even to the second floor." Hidan stated with a grin and there Itachi's eyes squinted.

"You did this all on purpose, you got this costume for me just for this reason, didn't you?!"

With a grin the silver haired man shrugged his shoulders then grabbed Itachi around the middle and at the back of the head and kissed him. Pulling Itachi so close there was no space at all.

Itachi didn't all and Hidan growled probably for that reason but really he should of known Hidan's blunt and rude ways, a fierce tongue forced his mouth open and instantly started to roam around in there like a snake, pressing on his own tongue.

Shameless man! Itachi felt his cheeks burn. Hidan pulled away to let them breathe they didn't say anything just watched each other and for a change Hidan wasn't grinning, Itachi noticed how Hidan too had light pink sprinkle on his cheeks.

Hidan leaned forward then and murmured the words right on his lips. "We will go crazy for a moment then we act like we are looking for a quiet place and off we go."

Too many things at once and Itachi wondered when the leader role of this mission went to Hidan. But the zealot didn't let him think on it too much now he was not just kissed he was also groped.

Hidan's hands moved over him his arms, chest, middle, everywhere and the kiss, well Itachi was answering to it whimpering when Hidan pulled away and kissed his neck, it really was Itachi's weak spot, he arched back and even though it was hard to admit it he was melting.

Hidan grabbed his butt. Itachi sort of squeaked and tried to wriggle out of Hidan's steel grip on him but... then maybe he didn't even want to.

Itachi was getting hot and he could feel Hidan was into it. But then Hidan stopped and Itachi felt disappointed.

"Let's go."

They went.



Just...just what exactly it had been? Not a human...not a beast. Monstrosity of unknown kind.

Shaking Itachi collapsed on the ground where they had hidden their stuff. If only he could turn back in time. He would send his leader somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. What was that thing?

Shiny black body, claws of steel, teeth of diamond. Itachi has seen all kinds of guardians but this...? This was insanity immune to his mind spells.

If the mission was just for him then it was a suicidal one.

Shaking Itachi tried to take the bottle with water in his bruised and numb hands how did he get away? He didn't even know, he just knew that it had died from Hidan but how? The man didn't even have his scythe. They were overwhelmed the fifth floor was filled with rouge ninjas and when they were rid of was the monster, it was winning at every turn.

Half dead and injured Itachi couldn't recall how many times he used Susano... but it was too much, he was dizzy his vision was gone completely and the beast didn't look fatigued at all.

Desperate Itachi looked at Hidan, the man had changed colour again and what do you know spitting and laughing in the vicious face of spiderlike abnormality.

How? Itachi himself felt half dead...that man sure had quite some stamina but that wasn't what concerned Itachi.

Hidan was mortally wounded he would die for sure and even as the beast was slowing down and in some mysterious ways bleeding from all kind of spots Hidan didn't look better. He didn't know how to help he didn't have such great stamina and this had lasted for an hour. Snake chasing two rabbits.

And he tough the mission would be easy and now he was losing his teammate to this damn hell spawn, Itachi's cheeks sprinkled with mild pink as he recalled Hidan dragging him away from the main hall all the while the man was groping him, feeling at his sides and even as much as put his hands on his butt. What a ninja did for a mission's sake...

Maybe this was for the best... Hidan would be dead and there wouldn't be anything disturbing his collected mind, then why was he on the brink of tears as he left the man lying and escaped the house?

Why was he now just lying there on the ground letting the cold grass soothe his painful skin...his painful mind.

Without strength he punched the ground under him. "Damn you...just fucking damn you Hidan." Why? To him it seemed like the man didn't even try to avoid the blows, didn't jump aside from those sharp teeth...what the hell was his problem? Was he collecting scars? Well now he has the final scar.

Itachi recalled the bloody lump on the ground, against his will he gritted his teeth it was unfair, he hadn't even got to know Hidan. Did he want to?

Shaking his head to himself Itachi tried to sit up...too tired, too painful...everything too. His body hurt and his heart hurt from inside.

Okay so he didn't want to know the man but not like he wanted him dead, it would have been refreshing to see the angel like face around the base, to hear those bright laughs and to see those gem-like eyes. To stand up against the endless teasing, Itachi's lips pulled into a weak smile...seriously he was called a prissy bitch, how long back was that? Seemed like eternity.

Time spent with Hidan flew. A feeling Itachi didn't quite know, time for him dragged on at all times. A man of sin that is what he was. But the life had punished him enough. In his own judgement he would die clean. For too long he had suffered, for too long he had said no to love. Because in his heart Itachi being the pacifist was a gentle soul.

Just why was he recalling all this?

Sleep of exhaustion took over him, he didn't think about it one bit...he gave in instantly he could not handle these thoughts.

He dreamed and in his dream he was not alone. Hidan all healthy and cheery was right beside him telling him how big of a moron he was for not handling the monstrosity, Itachi caught himself smirking.

The world was, wait.

Someone was shaking him gently. "You ass, snap out of it...stupid bastard leaving me there to take a nap."

Itachi opened his eyes and true enough it was Hidan leaned over him. Hidan fresh and clean with his hair wet and dripping...Hidan naked.

"Oh gods."

"No dumbfuck only one god...Jashin-sama."

"Hidan!" was Itachi shouting, the fuck he was, must be still dreaming. This wasn't real.

"W.. h..what... you.."

"Eeeh?" You make no sense kitty. "Why did you leave me?"

"You were dead I saw it I tell you, you were dead blood all over and the claws got you and you were bitten and the poison and the were dead I saw it!"

Hidan chuckled "Take a breath babe."

Itachi didn't even object he sat up frantically pushing Hidan back his hands feeling the warm flesh under his fingers it was real enough. He slid his hands over Hidan's pale skin on the chest only afterwards looking up to see Hidan watching him with a naughty knowing smile. "You're naked."

"Explain" he whispered still dazed not bothering to take his hand away from the man instead it moved to the neck taking hold of wet soft hair.

"I'm immortal Itachi."

Itachi searched the violet eyes. No, but the man was not lying. Seriously immortality? Now that is one feet he couldn't copy. "It is the way Jashin supports my beliefs."

Making a sound Itachi took a deep breath if he would have planned it all out he might want to turn into Hidan's religion. Tempting as it was it was not for him.

"I hardly believe it."

"Yea and you believed I'm dead while I was napping and praying...left me there, I was searching for my kitty but nothing."

"Y-... your?"

Hidan laughed. "Seeing how you pick on words id say you feel good enough!"

But Itachi didn't know he was so confused and Hidan was so close and he didn't mind. He really truly didn't mind it was more like, he was really glad the man survived he wanted Hidan to be immortal because then he will never have to worry!

"Then... how old are you for real?"

Hidan laughed again sitting on his hips the man scooted close to him taking a black lock of hair between two fingers. "Are you worried you're falling for an old geezer?"

Spluttering Itachi blushed "I'm not!"

But Hidan just grinned leaning closer, Itachi was already out of breath getting anious now, was Hidan really about to...but that was insane.

"Hidan." A warning? Hardly, Itachi craved it, he wanted to feel that again he knew, he had had a taste and he wanted more. Hidan made him feel human. Made him realise that these kind of feelings is not always a sin.

With zero proximity Hidan whispered on his lips. "Lay your heart to rest, Itachi." Then their lips connected. Itachi understood what was meant, he shouldn't worry about anything and just give in and that was exactly what he wanted but...

But Hidan didn't give him a chance to think too hard on it, the man kissed him like he wasn't kissed before not that he had much experience to begin with but in any case nothing compared. Everything was somehow smooth, Hidan putting his hand on his cheek guiding his head and taking his lips, Hidan pushing his tongue in Itachi's mouth connecting them in this strange intimate way.

It was almost too much for Itachi.

"H-Hidan." A silent whisper it was at best as Hidan's leg sneaked between his, settling there. "What are you doing."

"Checking you for injuries." Hidan cooed sliding his hand on Itachi's chest pulling up the cat costume. "Ah you see, here's a cut."

And there really was right above his right nipple a nasty cut that was sore and stingy, Itachi almost passed out when Hidan licked it, visibly tasting his blood afterwards.

"You taste like a...victim."

Itachi tensed, now was that threat and he was almost relaxed there the warm soft touch soothed him strangely.

Just like Hidan chuckling did right after. "Not my victim Itachi...not mine. But you were hurt and the hurt is in your blood."

"Just what exactly is your power, Hidan?"

"I told you immortality and my link with Jashin letting me to stay alive while me and my enemy suffers the same damage, I let the bug kill my body but it was just killing himself." A broad smile graced Hidan's lips. "Pretty good for Akatsuki huh?"

Of course Hidan would be accepted for this trait no doubt at all. Why was life so stupid on each turn, as soon as he is in peace with himself something like this happens...he did not need a reason to want to live!

"Get off Hidan."

Hidan seemed surprised but obliged sitting on the ground and starting a fire. "You might want to go wash yourself, the poison is on you still."

Itachi didn't answer but did just what he was told to do. He had to mull things over, the way Hidan acted...did the man wanted him. Wanted him for sex or more? And how was Itachi supposed to deal with this...because he wanted too.



Slowly heading back to base Itachi's was in his own hellish pandemonium. It wasn't important why Hidan acted the way he did. When had it ever mattered to Itachi? Never. And it really wasn't important. His own life had been decided long ago, it couldn't be changed...couldn't.

Then why all of a sudden he was so damn bitter...unhappy.

Hidan was what Itachi would call bright, the man laughed and expressed emotions clearly. Didn't matter if they were those of deep annoyance.

But Itachi? What was he supposed to do? Here's an annoyance for him as well.

"Thinking so hard Itachi... is it really that complicated for you?"

Itachi flinched but looking at Hidan walking beside him he understood he had been watched for a while now.

"I'm... confused" saying that the confusion only got bitter, why was it so easy to tell this brash man things he could never get outside to anyone else.

"What confuses you?"

Itachi looked at the horizon, the blurry lines, the shapes of trees far away, the blue patch of a stream.

"You came too late..." he whispered fastening up his pace, his face turning into a cold mask of indifference.

Hidan didn't try to catch up with him which was a good thing, the bitterness inside of him was so much it was about to overflow. And what would he do then? Scream, cry, fall down and hope to die?

There was nothing to be done.

Hidan was too late in his life now when it was almost over.

Tired heart...still beating.


"Did you notice them?"

"Long ago."

Five men were on their tracks, keeping away but obviously surrounding them. They had left the place without anyone seeing them except the monster so they couldn't guess who the trackers were but it was clear they were ninja.

"Guards at the mansion weren't ninja, they were all amateurs." Itachi mumbled just stating a fact, trying to get his brain on the problem and away from his raging thoughts. It was so much to look at a mission with clear mind, whole other thing was his emotions.

"They might have been might have been all to get us like this. Tired and stupefied by what we saw...then again they might just be after the scroll we stole."

"Hn." Hidan was right, anyhow whoever the men were they had to be eliminated if they wanted to keep the mission going by rules and orders.

" you remember us talking about Pein?"


"Are you by any chance in Pein's way?"

It was ridiculous. Itachi stopped by a tree leaning on it as he took a deep breath.

"I am in the way of many, Hidan. But not many would want to confront me. I doubt Pein would want it."

He saw Hidan smirk looking him over.

"Then why are you following him?"


Itachi took another breath, no one ever asked, no one cared to ask because they all thought all was clear with Itachi. Obviously a deranged psychopath looking for power only and what reason did they have not to believe it?

But looking in Hidan's violet eyes words refused tell another occasional lie, why it seemed so hard.

"It was what I wanted."

True... it was what Itachi wanted.

"For what reasons?"


Leaning his head back on the tree bark Itachi glued his eyes to Hidan's gem-like ones. It hardly gave him any expression, not curiosity, then what was it?

"Many and just one."

"I see." Hidan stepped closer to him then giving a little smirk-like smile. "I'd like to say I understand you but I don't cause you want me not to. And its fine Itachi, I'm not here to know your reasons or to judge them. All I see is you're not happy and like this you will never will be. You Itachi, smell of sacrifice."

Also true...

"We should take care of those ninja Hidan, or we can let them come closer to save our own strength."

"We let them come... you sure you don't want me to handle look a bit too pale. You look like it's too much for you."

"I-It's natural."

"I noticed but still...a bit too pale and I don't mean the mission."

Itachi turned away. "There is no sacrifice too big that it can't be made."

Hidan grabbing him by his shoulder made him flinch, the man turned him around roughly, violet eyes searching his like he could be seen through.

To Itachi's grief the man actually seemed finding something in his ruby eyes Hidan shivered. "Condemned by choice."

Shocked Itachi pulled himself away.

Just like that the mysteriousness of Hidan hit him on the head. Or...was it that obvious? Was his pain seeping out clear to seeing eyes?

"I'm not choice was the right one!" he announced almost angry, after all Hidan knew nothing, will never know a thing.

"I did this once already Itachi, don't become that prissy bitch you were then! I'm just luring them close." Hidan gave him a small smile.

Itachi blanked for a moment it seemed getting even angrier would be deserved but at the same time he didn't quite believe Hidan, it might be an act but those words...those words.

Catching himself he swung his arm at Hidan. "Don't call me a bitch!" he snarled and then growled when Hidan caught his hand smiling at him.

"You're just so beautiful like this!" Hidan laughed and for a moment Itachi felt hot lips on his, gasping he didn't have time to think of a reaction Hidan pulled away and jumped off towards the people hiding in bushes.

Itachi stood frozen for a while then realising he was the decoy he turned around taking his hair away from his face.

His eyes flared with crimson flames as he beckoned for the strangers to show themselves, the plan of his was they would turn around right then and fall into Hidan's hands. Not that the plan was affirmed but it seemed logical.

However it turned different and the attackers seemingly wanted to deal with Itachi first, silly of them.

Hearing a soft footstep behind him he sensed danger, something stung in his neck and then he saw all going black.

Itachi wasn't worried he could move and fight with his eyes closed after all he was aware he is slowly loosing the light in his eyes. But what was done to him? Why did he feel so heavy and disoriented all of a sudden.

"I'll enjoy killing you." Came Hidan's low voice filled with such malice Itachi shivered, the sounds of a fight was what he heard next it all seemed to sound in Hidan's favour.

Meanwhile Itachi tried to figure out his own problem while the noises stopped completely surely proving Hidan's victory yet Itachi remained in the dark.


"Yea I know stay there."

He heard Hidan hastily walking doing something, it unnerved him so much...

"Come." Hidan whispered and he felt strong arms picking him up just to put him down on a different patch of grass.

"What happened, what you're doing?"

"I'll get it out of you."

"Get out what?" Itachi mumbled feeling Hidan fix his hair as he was laid back on his back.

"The poison Itachi... the beast we fought... there was something more there I don't understand it yet but I know you are targeted seems the needle in your neck was aimed to trigger it."

"But..." "

"Shut up we finish it fast so I can pray."

Itachi surprised himself by chuckling... Dear gods was those drugs put in him?

He didn't want to lose consciousness but the blackness was pulling him in or was it Hidan's hand on his chest and why did it smell like blood around him. Why the last thing he heard was Hidan speaking words he could not understand.


Waking up Itachi felt odd, not like one should after rough mission in some sort of swamp after going blind and-...

With a jerk Itachi opened his eyes hoping to see.

It was midday it seemed the trees around him bright green, he could see...he could see clearly. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, calming himself.

Slowly he opened his eyes again squinting at the bright sunlight.

He could see...everything.

"Hidan..." turning his head he found the man crouched looking at weapons, most likely sorting them for finishing the mission and to return home alive.

Turning the man grinned at him. "It took longer than I thought, much more poison in you Itachi than you know."

Itachi nodded dumbly looking at the violet eyes from five feet he felt his blood leaving his face. "Your eyes ... they have deeper purple sparks in them." He slowly mumbled.

Hidan looked at him oddly. "Um...I'm aware?"

"I... I can...see them!"

Hidan then looked at him long and inquiring till finally the man stood up and came to him crouching again to take his chin and push his head upwards looking into his eyes seriously."

"You couldn't!" it was statement not a question, it seemed Hidan caught on.

Itachi pulled back standing up, his eyes searching objects in distance his hands were shaking by his sides and his heart was beating strong and hard in his chest. "What did you do to me?"

"Don't tell me you were actually blind?!"

"I was...getting there."

Hidan looked at him long Itachi could see it with the corner of his eye, the world, the way he saw it now was already forgotten. Getting closer to darkness he learned to feel at home there, learned to despise it.

"It is not in my power to cure it Itachi. Don't get your hopes up." Itachi snorted, It didn't matter, even if Hidan could it would only give him clearer vision of the end.

"No hopes are nearly fulfilled as is the only thing I get of this is..."

Turning he looked at the man, his expression dead. "Memory of purple."

Crouching by the long gone fireplace Itachi put kunais in his pouch strangely alerted by the fact Hidan hadn't moved yet.

"We need to change our route...Hidan where are the bodies?"

"I ate them."

Itachi froze and turned to face Hidan. "You?...Idiot."

Barking a laugh Hidan came to his side sitting on the grass. "Lighten up Uchiha, they are resting in bushes somewhere."

"I lighten up when all is done here."



Hidan was advancing and he knew he should pull away and maybe retreat even further but he didn't.

Hidan took hold of his chin again and pulled his face upwards, the violet eyes looking at him deep, just deep enough to give Itachi another memory that won't let him sleep.

"Tell me Itachi, if you are so impatient, why you kept calling my name while you were unconscious?!"

Itachi stared in the purplish pools lost in himself...did he really, was his mind that weak. He had heard from Kisame he was calling Sasuke sometimes in his sleep but...

"To fasten you up." He retorted pulling his face away and inspecting a was very simple and usual kunai indeed.

"Oh but I wasn't doing anything at the time...just laying beside you." The delightfulness in the words made Itachi swallow hard, part of him wanted to slap, hit, maim the man...other part wished he would have been conscious.

"We are moving out."

Short and strict, at least he hoped he was, getting up and fastening the pouch to his leg he straightened up just to find Hidan too close.

He was pulling back but Hidan was putting both hands around his neck pulling him close, so close he felt Hidan's breath on his lips. "Why are you so scared... is it so hard to admit you like me? I'm not asking anything of you Itachi. Your secrets are yours to keep, but is it really that hard?!"

It was hard, it was so hard to resist Hidan now... he wasn't strong enough and even tough he was still trying to pull away he was waiting.

Hidan looking in his eyes gave him another trademark smirk before he felt the man once again...soft and lazy-like was the touch, why it scared him so much. Such gentleness was unknown, even more so coming from another criminal. Did not Hidan try to kill his emotions? Didn't Hidan know it is easier that way? Why was Hidan so...happy to get involved?

"Hidan." He whispered quietly when he had the chance but really it just made him feel Hidan's lips on his better.

"For all its worth...let go."

How could he...he couldn't.

Hidan pulled him close, against the man he heard his heart racing, he heard Hidan's heart racing, maybe that was why he relaxed his lips now moulding with the pair against him.

It was just a kiss, yet Itachi couldn't deny it tasted like salvation, like a secret place...where he...was...happy.


They were getting closer to the base, Itachi now tired enough not to care at all about mission or beyond this world monsters. What did he care? He didn't. He cared about the bed that's waiting him and matters far more important that Pein's ridiculous missions to test Hidan.

Hidan was able alright, more than just able Hidan was worthy. Sad but true.

This man would definitely have a place in Akatsuki and be a good part of their so called team.

Itachi realised how stupid it is to wish for...different life. Really he was tired of his. Everything was laying too heavily on his shoulders. He was the mind behind too much...too much.

And nothing ever worked as he genuinely planned anyway.

Back when he was just a kid...yes he would like to go back there.

"So I get your approval?" Hidan asked with a grin not even looking at him as they were headed straight for the base. Getting a word from their leader they were not allowed to return to the hideout. They had special temporary hideout prepared for them in case they were still tracked or hunted, which Pein said he strongly believes was the truth.

However Pein also refused to let them handle it on their own cause they were too long on the road and could slip because of tiredness and Itachi's unknown poison case. No matter how Hidan explained it was gone, he was not taken seriously.

So for the time being they were to return to a shabby place or shabbier than their base with Deidara and Kakuzu sent in there as support.

Itachi didn't mind, it was good. He hated long missions... like two weeks...a month...lifetime.

"I'd do you a favour saying no. I wonder what they would do with you in that case...if killing is not the option." Itachi used the fact Hidan was not looking at him he observed the youthful face of his temporary partner. Did Hidan realise his face was almost...innocent. How amusing.

"No idea...make me do papers?" Hidan barked a laugh and Itachi noticed his lips pull up in a weak smile.

"I think they would seal you away for good."

"Ah, you ruined it." Hidan finally looked at him eyes bright no worry on the face. "But hey... you would get me out, right? It would be our little secret." Here Hidan offered a smile and Itachi had to look away his mind betraying him actually thinking about that option. He might you know...

"You qualify." He said looking at the ground before him. Sure Hidan qualified.

"Yea I know. This mission was a farce."

Looking straight forward Itachi grimaced. "My sight...returning as it was."

He felt Hidan looking at him and flinched when Hidan's arm laid over his shoulders, Hidan refused to stop smiling and somehow Itachi thought it's a good thing... it made him feel like there were less worries in his life. How odd.

"Not like I knew anything about it Itachi-chan... I was only dealing with nasty nerve poison, ya know."

"I understand."

Suddenly Hidan grabbed his shoulders turning him to face the platinum haired man, Itachi's eyes went wider for the sheer surprise. "Hidan?!"

"You wanna try it while I know the issue?"

"W-What do you mean?"

Hidan then looked at him inclining his head to the side, the resemblance with a dog was too funny in his head, he smirked.

"Well let's say I'm not working poison but the thing stealing your eyes?"

Itachi grimaced that was out of Hidan's league, the thought alone was ridiculous, even if he could appreciate the good thought."

"Forget it Hidan."

"Ah but... look at them!" Hidan whined and Itachi pulled his eyebrow up till it clicked to him that Hidan meant his eyes. The violet pools were piercing his ruby orbs and really he could see his own eyes in Hidan's ones. He wanted to pull away or at least look away cause Hidan like this, this close...this serious all of a sudden was creeping him out.

His eyes fluttered shut as Hidan slowly leaned in and placed a small kiss on his closing eyelid moving away fast just to do the same to his other eye.

Itachi felt his breathing catch, just when he was somewhat settled with Hidan's antiques the man goes one step further doing something like this. Something that was just...too sweet in his mind. What did it even mean, he didn't know.

Then Hidan's lips were on his forehead and seemingly Hidan was just keeping them there while thinking about something...else? meanwhile Itachi was glued to his spot and quite confused, surprised and oddly enough warm on the inside.

"I would..." Hidan started and stopped and Itachi was getting scared he will hear something that will make his life that much harder. "I...I know what is on your mind Itachi..."

Itachi doubted that but he let the man continue anyway now getting interested, Hidan's voice was too serious to let it slip.

"Other place, different time...another life." Hidan said quietly and Itachi shivered gently leaning more into Hidan pressing the lips on his forehead more into himself.

Or maybe Hidan did know and obviously was thinking about it... at the same time Hidan didn't react like he did, so as he understood Hidan would wish different version of their meeting also but that didn't mean Hidan was automatically saying no!

Have what you can? Was it that simple, really?

Itachi pulled back sighing searching Hidan's eyes, they were closed opening after a short while also searching for his.

Itachi's vision clear once more made him think again about Hidan's abilities.

Somehow that power was scarier than immortality, somehow he felt like this was the part he will not report to Pein. For the sake of balance. This man was probably able to make Akatsuki invincible.

That didn't mean Hidan wouldn't say...

"Aren't you used to me yet Itachi?" Hidan murmured the smile returning to his face as his hands laid on Itachi's back pulling them close.

But Itachi wasn't used to Hidan, he felt his heart race up and he had to swallow heavily his eyes looking down.

"What I just did to you was the closest form I can do with anyone..."

Itachi's eyes snapped up boring into Hidan's but Hidan's purplish ones expressed nothing, it was like Hidan was simply informing him.

"Closer than any other touches, Itachi."

Should he say he didn't understand a thing no more, he only looked at Hidan in small hopes the man will elaborate on this cause he was captured into it and now really wanted to know and would it be too bad if he admitted that maybe he didn't mind and with his perfect vision all he could see Hidan's lips and he craved more touches like that.

"Pure." Hidan murmured quietly a thumb lightly tracing his lower lip.


"Heart, it however you want Itachi... what kind of touch could be deeper than that to the body if not the soul."

Rooted to the ground Itachi really didn't know did Hidan expect him to say something now...he had nothing.

"Slowly but steadily you're starting to scare me you know." he got out about to pull away from this fragile situation having no clue what Hidan was intending or trying to accomplish.

Hands behind his head captured him and pulled him in not so slowly no more, Hidan's moves sure and confident. Before he knew any better Hidan pressed their mouths together.

Itachi shivered and whatever the world would say whatever the world would give he accepted the kiss. He took it, savoured and gave.

And it felt so much better than before, he didn't know why maybe he was more used to Hidan, this was no stranger no more, no threat, no malice hidden... it was simply Hidan. The man who just now had peaked in his very soul.

A man brutish as this, a man who just days ago was reminding him of a little savage child abandoned in woods gutting a fish by the fire, a man who mumbled strange words for his deity, a man who in strange and not so strange ways cured his bleeding heart.

Underestimating someone was the worst mistake someone could make and Itachi once more caught himself of this mistake. He had for sure underestimated Hidan, not wanting to even as much as look deeper. His other mistake was to actually look...

He didn't want to stop it... the kiss was once again his salvation. He could live for it... live in it.

But Hidan pulled back and Itachi gasped for air, somehow he had forgotten it's quite essential.

"I guess we should..." swallowing Itachi looked at his partner, words stuck in his throat... he didn't want to go back at all, didn't want to slip back into his routine without this man.

"I know."

They restarted their walk for their destination, Hidan putting his hand back around Itachi's shoulders, Itachi didn't mind.


"Here you are, hm." Deidara's voice came from in front of them, they had reached it Itachi looked forward noticing how Hidan didn't remove his arm from him, he wondered have Deidara met Hidan already.

"Oh is Itachi not feeling well?" Deidara asked and Itachi couldn't deny he heard pure mock in that voice, no secret they weren't on good terms with the blonde.

Hidan's arm around his shoulder did some weak sort of squeeze thing and he heard Hidan snort to himself.

Natural people would think Hidan is supporting Itachi or something like that, who in their clear mind would think that, that sort of touch was something else?

Another surprise was how Hidan didn't give a replay just pushed onwards, Itachi would have thought Hidan was one not to spare words be they insults or curses.

"Show us the fucking way inside before you yap."

Itachi's chin connected with his chest and his eyes widened with his lips parting taking a gulp of air, the sudden crave to laugh out loud was too fierce, he had forgotten the rude ways, the memory of Hidan calling him a prissy bitch returned and he hiding behind his hair bangs gave out a wild grin.

He had no issues with Deidara really, in truth he didn't care the blonde existed or not and the hate Deidara offered him was annoying at best. So Hidan giving out this attitude here did not bother him in any way. It was amusing cause for the blonde It was obviously enough to splutter in anger.

"Come here you two, Deidara you secure the perimeter."

Itachi looked up, it was Kakuzu. Itachi knew what would happen now. Why Kakuzu was here...the man had no partner.

Maybe that wasn't the worst idea Pein could come up with but it had nothing to do with him.


They were led inside in a small space...really it didn't seem they were done with this silly mission yet, Itachi didn't even see futons or anything really that could offer them any sort of relaxation.

Sighing he took hold of Hidan's hand and guided it off of him sitting down on a what seemed to be a wooden bench, his legs were tired with the rest of him.

Kakuzu was sitting behind a table with mugs with steamy tea Itachi guessed, when those were offered to them they took it.

"I won't ask anything for now." Kakuzu started to talk. "You both look in need of sleep first so feel free to go in the room deeper, Deidara will stay by here keeping watch and I will head out, check things out."

Itachi gave a weak "Hn." Thank god Kakuzu was reasonable and straight to business, he doubted he could ever give a report for this mission without sprouting lies.

"Shit man but we stink like garbage!"

Itachi being very tired put his head in his hands leaning down... alright he was hiding even, Hidan was right and it was again for unexplainable reasons funny to him. It was like Hidan was talking in his place too...and he didn't have to, he liked it.

"There is a river nearby to the south." Was all Kakuzu said before the man left.

"Like we not hungry either man! Tch fuckers think we enjoy living on pills!" Hidan stressed darting his eyes around looking for something that would be edible.

"I don't even want anything." Itachi mumbled, the thought of things being in others hands now gave him the tough he could actually somehow relax now, he didn't really need much just a flat place and maybe a bit of quiet. "If only getting clean."

"Let's go then to that lake."



"I'll go alone."

"Nooo Itachi I don't think so, cause you look like passing out and drowning would be a bliss for ya." Hidan was close again pulling his chin upwards showing him a bright expression. Seriously, where the man got the energy from?

"I'll go alone." He repeated even as much as holding eye contact.

Hidan crouched to be in level with him, violet eyes squinted at him. "Ooooh? The prissy bitch returned?"

Itachi squinted his own eyes, putting his hand on Hidan's forehead he pushed making the man end up on his ass. "Yes!" was his simple answer making Hidan give out another maniacal laugh.

He liked that he could join in...

Smiling he got up and headed outside...


Hidan was following him, not in a sneaky manner either. Itachi saying he would go for the river alone had not found hearing ears it seemed. Well to be completely honest Itachi wasn't even half serious saying it, by now he already knew what Hidan would do...regardless of what he wanted really.

By the river Hidan was jumping out of his clothes and Itachi turned the back on the man. How did Hidan expect he will be able to take his bath like this? He didn't feel comfortable like Hidan did at all.

"Itachi-chan c'mon, lose your clothes."

Itachi looked at the stars above as he turned to face Hidan, even so he could see the free posture of the now naked man. Sure Hidan why not let's get naked biggie.

"This is not what I call...normal." he murmured noticing that stars were quite bright tonight and Hidan stepped closer. And then the man barked out another laugh.

Itachi's mouth was dry but despite that there was something he noticed that left him dumbfounded. He was tired...all these days of walking and endless mission tired him out but Hidan here was acting like they hadn't been on road at all. The man seemed fresh and energy full.

"Really Itachi? How odd, I already told you earlier today, remember?"

No he didn't...or more like remembered all but didn't see how what Hidan just said had anything to do with the situation he was in now.

"What do you mean?" Itachi whispered finally giving in and turning around to not be in the danger to actually look at the man.

Confused once again. Hidan kissing him all those times, well then what did that mean? Didn't that mean like the man liked him...his body? And if so why getting naked before him Hidan didn't show any sort of shyness. He personally wouldn't be shy getting naked before Kisame lets say but since Hidan had kissed him he was shy now.

He didn't know how to explain this. Did this mean Hidan didn't really understand kisses like he did...maybe Hidan never even thought of Itachi like that and maybe Hidan had no intention ever to go further with Itachi?

"I said I was closer to you than any physical touch ever could take me."

The stars Itachi had been looking at suddenly got boring and he wouldn't ever pretend he understood Hidan. No, that would be exaggeration for fools.

"Just turn away for a moment." He exclaimed turning around.

Hidan obeyed and Itachi pulled a face of the odd kind, presented with the sight of Hidan walking into the river with lazy steps.

Wide shoulders, slim waist, strong legs and uhh. Swallowing Itachi let his cloak fall on the ground pulling off the shirt he kept eyeing Hidan who thankfully wasn't even trying to look his way. And then Hidan was in water till his middle and then the man turned and Itachi stopped moving standing there with only his pants on, his loose hair was caught by a breeze clouding his sight just when he thought he saw Hidan's lips curl up. But if the smile was there it was erased quickly.

"Turn." Itachi repeated, annoyance in his voice, he just couldn't... could not step out of his pants with those violet eyes on him.

"Aaah but you're so much better sight than the darkness." Hidan growled but turned the back on him all the same. Itachi was quick and before he could take two speedy breaths he was in water. That made him take a calm breath even though he never told Hidan that he could turn around but the man did all the same.

Hidan was here with him but Itachi really was tired he just wanted to be done with this and then sleep if he could. His hands felt all too heavy as he washed his chest, his eyes droopy. Yet on his mind was the thought that this mission was coming to an end and how he hated the fact that they would go back into their routine...well he would, for Hidan something new would start but he, he would be thrown back in his missions.

Itachi felt he was being watched as he got the knots out of his black hair but if he would give his attention to Hidan now he would never finish the task of getting himself clean, he even felt nauseous, dizzy.

He wasn't aware before he met Hidan that he is completely unable to comprehend emotions when it came to him, he could always do it with other and assume why and for what but when it came to Hidan and himself he was clueless. And thinking about it constantly was probably the whole reason for his tiredness.

Too tired...exhausted.

"Itachi." It was whisper and oddly enough coming from behind him Itachi felt he was about to faint and maybe he would have if not the strong chest now supporting him from behind. He sharply inhaled realising how fragile he was if he never even noticed Hidan move and was about to black out while washing himself. One should never overestimate his own body limits.

"Itachi you're really a genius moron aren't you?" Hidan's calm voice came right in his ear and two strong arms wrapped around him supporting him fully.

Itachi mumbled but no, he also didn't have a clue what he was trying to say but all the same he would like to know for what Hidan was insulting him now.

Hidan's hands were rubbing his chest and Hidan's lips could be felt on his ear. "When was the last time you actually ate moron? Cause I know I ate but you just nibbled..." Hidan growled never stopping those hands from rubbing his chest.

"What are you doing?"

"Washing you..."

"Oh." Itachi went silent, looking down he saw Hidan's hands gently attend to his chest, he washed there already but he still hoped that will be all Hidan wants to get clean. Actually...

"I can wash myself."

"But can you breathe under water?" Hidan wisely added with laughter in his voice.

Was Itachi really this weak, that was outrageous but at the same time he leaned back on Hidan's chest. He could even close his eyes like this and let this happen.

Hidan's hands moved to his sides and Itachi now with his eyes closed opened them going tense.

"Don't." Hidan murmured on his shoulder the hands moving in a manner that actually implied the man was only washing those places but well Itachi wasn't quite that naïve they were naked and they were too close and he was pretty sure he felt Hidan's lips on his neck more than once.

"You can't even really fool me Itachi." Hidan's voice was barely there to hear and maybe he wished he wouldn't have heard it, he didn't answer and he knew Hidan didn't need his answer.

They both knew.

"I believe you will be Kakuzu's partner." Itachi mumbled shivering when he realised those hands had travelled to his front again being dangerously close to his abdomen, the touches suddenly gained some sort of ticking quality.

"And I guess what Leader says is final?"

"Of course."


Yes so they both knew and maybe they both once more wanted something entirely different.


"So who hurt the poor Uchiha prodigy, hm?"

Itachi's eyes snapped open and Hidan flinched and then growled.

The blonde was standing on the shore looking with that blue eye at Itachi, hate radiating over the artist in waves, Itachi was sure even Hidan had no problems translating blondes presence as pure malice.

Did Deidara really think Itachi is hurt and is letting Hidan take care of him? In that case Deidara was more insane than he let on.

Or Itachi pressing against Hidan meant he was crazy.

"I can't handle it no more." Got out of his lips quietly before he could stop it. Deidara didn't hear him but Hidan's hand rubbing his back clearly meant that Hidan heard him just fine.

"Ooooh I was just thinking about you I wonder... do you like pain?!"

Itachi even flinched it was abnormal how Hidan's voice turned pure evil, low grumbling sound that in no way could be called shouting but dear heavens Itachi felt tremors go all through him. Deidara on the shore looked frozen to the ground and once more Itachi was moving his brain wondering, calculating on whom the hell he was leaning on so carelessly.

"Don't threaten me, hm. I don't even know you!"

"I say we get to know each other right fucking now!" Hidan growled and Itachi had to balance himself for a minute when Hidan left the spot behind him and slowly walked for the shore eyes on the blonde man.

"Itachi, been a while." A rough voice reached them coming somewhere from behind the Deidara and Deidara jumping and then looking back turned to give Itachi one last hateful glare before the blonde left.

"Hello Kisame-san." Itachi said in his casual voice, he didn't know why his partner was here but he didn't care much, he just wanted to sleep and world was obviously against it.

Itachi noticed Hidan's violet eyes squint at Kisame. This day could end already. Damn the Akatsuki ways of popping up like this. Itachi moved to the shore where the water were still covering him he sat on a rock thinking that like this he is pretty safe. "Kisame is my partner." Itachi explain wishing Hidan stopped that glare pointed at his partner.

"That I am and Leader assumes you need to be ridded of your mission, both of you."

Itachi nodded, Hidan however made just an interesting noise that could not be placed under any word he was aware of.

"That means tomorrow you have to return to the base. From then on things go as usual and Hidan is paired with Kakuzu." Kisame finished and the oddly shaped eyes locked on Itachi, Itachi looked away, he didn't care much what Kisame thinks of the position he was just caught with Hidan. He doubted the big man cared much either.

"But there are still shit we don't understand about the mission." Hidan blurted waving at Kisame that made the water splatter and unfortunately it got Itachi right in his face. After wiping his face he nodded at Kisame approving that Hidan spoke the truth, surprisingly Kisame laughed.

"And it was supposed to test Hidan and now he is already Kakuzu's partner without me saying a word? What if he is no good?"

Kisame shrugged. "Maybe Leader thinks getting out of there was enough?"

No it wasn't. They were never explained enough, the only explanation they ever got was about mission that involved the main cause. These side missions weren't important enough... obviously.

"I will leave now, Itachi... I was supposed to lead you back to base tomorrow but seeing Hidan I think you two are capable to get there." Kisame turned and stepped few steps before the man turned back and found Itachi's tired eyes. "I will make sure Deidara is out of your way."

That's why he liked Kisame as his partner... didn't he?

When Kisame left he was left alone again with his now ex-partner. He smiled sadly.

Sitting down his energy was recovering, he was also clean now, lazily he was using his fingers to knot out his hair. Hidan was right, his hunger awoke...

"Your partner seemed reasonable." Hidan said coming beside him and sitting down.

"Hn." Looking at Hidan he found the man inspecting the Akatsuki ring with a scowl.

"We won't be seeing each other much from tomorrow I gather?"

Hidan was right again, they wouldn't... they would probably only see each other at meetings as illusions not in body.


"Do you feel better now?"

Yes Itachi was feeling better now. If he would get up it could change but like this he was pretty content.

"Let's get out."


Itachi remained sitting waiting but of course he was not Hidan, he couldn't expect Hidan would understand what he was waiting for.

"Turn around."

"Still? Really? I was pretty much holding you in my arms and we were both pretty much naked."

Itachi blushed, why didn't he object when Hidan was doing that, why he let the man hold him? He couldn't even blame Hidan, he had allowed it and now he was blushing his face off facing it.

But Hidan was leaving his side, going for the shore Hidan took the two towels fastening one of them around his waist for what Itachi was grateful. It wasn't easy not to look.

On the shore Hidan unfolded the other towel and spread his arms holding the towel. "Come." The man nodded to him turning the head to the side and closing the violet eyes.

Itachi smiled, that was almost...sweet.

He walked up to Hidan and walked till he felt the towel press against him, Hidan obviously feeling it turned his head to face him, opened the alluring eyes and the man's arms closed around him enveloping him in the towel. But those arms never let him go, Hidan kept him close and even as much as leaned the head down on Itachi's shoulder.

"I wouldn't mind you to be my partner."

"But there's no point to even think about it." Itachi wouldn't mind either...

The arms around him tightened and Hidan pulled back looking in his face while Itachi was looking down somewhere on Hidan's chest not really seeing anything.

Itachi hoped this would happen and he was glad when it happened, it was good to feel the man's lips on his again. Hidan's touch was something he was familiar with by now, without thinking much he put his arms around Hidan's neck pulling the man closer. Because he knew they won't see much of each other no more. This was the least he could take, last he could get...

He had added another thing he would have to carry on his shoulders for the rest of his life.

Pulling away just slightly Hidan breathed on his lips, their eyes locked. "I never wanted to like you either, Itachi. Not the way I do."

So they both really felt the same.

It was easier this way, it was easier to break the space between them and engage the man into another kiss, creating another memory they both would cherish.

Because for now... it would be all they had.

*** AN: newly done... the end of story. I am not spell checking it either because I ran out of time... I am packing my bags going on a fun trip with my bf... deal with it .

Itachi wanted to give in, he craved the man by now it was like a candy, tasting those lips briefly now and then, he was bad at refusing sweets anyway. Itachi made a sound in the kiss and instantly felt Hidan pull him that much closer, embracing him tightly. Itachi pulled back only a hair he wanted to see those gem like eyes, imprint them in his memory...remember forever.

They really were so alluring and mysterious, there was still so much to know about this man before him, holding him. There was still so much he wanted to know, wanted to know so badly! It was so sad he almost felt like crying, damn being a cold hearted ninja, damn it all to hell, he wanted to feel!

His fingers reached out and touched a silver lock, a small smile tugging his lips. "You really are once in a lifetime thing, Hidan."

Hidan returned the small smile, closing the magenta eyes for a moment to give out a mighty sigh. "And you Itachi... you are forever soul-bound to me, I hope you realise that now...since I touched your soul I will always be by your side."

Itachi's mouth parted slightly, he still by no means understood what it meant, by no means did he know the extent of Hidan's powers and it was confusing him, he was sure not even their leader knew jack shit about Hidan. "What did you really do to me?"

"I'm sorry I know you are very tired Itachi..."

Hidan's voice had changed it was somehow lower now and Itachi pulled back a bit more to ask what the man was sorry about when Hidan's fingers traced over a wound on his chest, a wound still somewhat fresh not really bleeding but his flesh was open nonetheless.

Hidan stepped away from him then and reached for that metallic pike, the man came back holding it between them as he licked the fingers that he had just traced over Itachi's wound, it was creepy, Itachi had mixed feelings about Hidan licking things.

"Maybe I can give you some of my energy." Hidan said with his trademark grin, the purple eyes gleaming at him and Itachi was pretty sure Hidan did not mean anything pure with that. "Actually Itachi I am just selfish and I want to have more time with you, I do not want this night to end."

Itachi did not want it either but their life was never really easy, it wouldn't get easy now, Itachi knew it.

"Hidan...what are you doing?" Itachi did not know how to react and what to do seeing Hidan draw a circle around right where he was standing and then the next moment the man was looking at him again, the pike between their bodies, suddenly Hidan laughed.

"Itachi, I cannot believe you used this precious of mine to fix fire!" Hidan's tongue sneaked out and to Itachi's arousing horror he had to watch the man lick the thing, red flames dancing in the purple eyes. "Close your eyes, Itachi."

Itachi didn't know how he felt about this, he knew Hidan is doing something he had seen the man in a circle before, he knew what Hidan could turn into, he knew about the woo-doo thing and maybe slightly he was scared. He was too tired to fight anything but part of him also did not believe Hidan could be the type to act all this time just to get to him but he could never be sure, could he?

Itachi was standing close to Hidan that is why he clearly saw the man changing into what he once saw already, the black and white abnormality. The fact that Hidan chose to do this while Itachi was so exhausted was a shame, his sharingan was weak his mind too tired but despite that Itachi was shivering all over and something was pulling at his gut, a strange feeling taking him over and it did not disappear when Hidan had turned entirely into some sort of demon.


"Do not worry, close your eyes."
Itachi couldn't, he was transfixed, he had to stare at the man now he had to see everything. He heard Hidan chuckle calmly, softly as if assuring him everything was in norm when it surely wasn't.

"I will do it for you then." That was when Itachi felt his eyes close and he realised, it all fell into places, his brain connected all the dots, his wound..the blood...the circle...the ritual... a god... the demon god.

Was he in trouble though because what he felt... he could never put in words it was almost like Hidan was...inside of him.

He heard Hidan's voice then not so much in his ear it was like the voice was coming from inside of him for lack of better description.

"This is what happened Itachi. When you were poisoned, you were wounded and bleeding but I only need the smallest touch of blood to link with you, allow yourself to feel...feel me!"

Itachi heard Hidan take a deep sigh and he realised he did the same, Hidan really was inside of him or he was inside Hidan this was too bizarre, Itachi was so lost but so calm till he realised he feels what Hidan felt... everything. This was what Hidan had meant, he had touched him like no physical touch could ever compare.

"Let me show you how I see you so you finally get it, Itachi...relax."

Itachi was relaxed it was like he had no say in it, he guessed Hidan was relaxed so he was too but to his shock, images started to blur behind his closed eyes, was Hidan actually showing him this?

He knew it to be true when he saw himself standing on the shore of this very same river like he did not too long ago when he just came here and Hidan had gotten into the water but he had hesitated.

He was watching himself from Hidan's eyes. He watched the wind blow on his hair and pull them across his face and he also felt what Hidan had felt... if Itachi could he would fall on his knees at this point but he was glued to the ground and he surrendered to just let it happen and see Hidan's memories and feel them.

Next vision was him opening his eyes after he woke up from the poison weakness. When he had looked in Hidan's violet eyes for the first time seeing with Hidan's given clear sight, those naughty darker violet flickers ...he realised he had been smiling then! Again there was that feeling he felt that Hidan obviously had felt seeing his smile... like he wanted to wrap his arms around himself only he guessed those were Hidan's feelings. This was making him so dizzy.

"You will never be closer to anyone else Itachi, I looked into your soul cause I had no choice I had to cure the poison...but I let you look in mine because I had no words how to describe what was inside of me."

Another vision flickered before his closed eyes, it was him in that accursed cat costume, standing next to Hidan sipping his drink, he felt the need Hidan had felt to kiss him, to ravage him, to claim him and keep him. The need to keep him safe from all evil. It was overwhelming... Itachi almost could not bear this at the same time he wanted to cry how grateful he was that Hidan chose to show him this.

Itachi's eyes opened then and they met with Hidan's, they were just staring at each other while Itachi's heart was bleeding. Their eyes closed again and Itachi saw himself from yet another of Hidan's memories he was looking so sad and hopeless in this one.

"You came too late." He saw himself saying, he remembered he had said that to Hidan but now he felt exactly what Hidan had felt at that time, he did not know did the tear sliding down his cheek belong to Hidan or him... but what Hidan had felt at that moment would be worthy of pools of tears, Hidan had believed him one hundred percent. Hidan knew he had came too late!

Their eyes opened again and Hidan gave him a weak smile. "I know, Itachi we got on a boat without sails..."

Hidan stepped closer and strong arms wrapped around him once more, cradling him close and keeping him safe, Itachi didn't know what Hidan was doing now but suddenly he lost all power in his body, he was sure he passed out but when he opened his eyes next he had to gasp...something was very off but maybe he had finally lost it because Hidan was still there just holding him like nothing had changed at all.


"I allowed myself to do what my god forbids."Hidan pulled back shuddering and staggering. "Man, this will take a lot of sacrifice."

Itachi flinched when Hidan flopped down on the grass sitting there holding his head.

"Hidan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Itachi, messing with your head makes me dizzy is all... you should be fine too now."

Itachi took a moment to assess how he felt and he was...well speechless, he felt like he had taken a year of rest, turned ten years younger and had never before even once used sharingan, his eyes did not hurt his body felt fresh and he was hungry like a wolf!

"You Hidan...hold too much power, I now believe."

Hidan looked up to him with a grin. "My god does."

Itachi had seen enough really, he knew how Hidan felt and it was one of the reason he did not feel shy or scared, there was no doubt in his mind as he took the liberty to sit on Hidan's lap, straddling the man, wrapping his arms around the neck and pulling the zealot close to him. "If our boat never had sails...did we float with the stream?" he asked quietly.

"We still are." Hidan whispered and Itachi felt soft lips on his neck, he also felt Hidan's arms wrap around his middle, Itachi guessed they really were very close now on a different level and it somehow meant that much more than any physical touch ever could, he now finally understood. How else he would sit there knowing that Hidan could feel his naked skin, the towel around his shoulders went around them as his arms wrapped around Hidan... yet it felt as natural as anything so yes, he finally understood how Hidan could act so free showing his naked bits. Itachi leaned back and kissed the man, first time it was his initiative and that also felt as natural as anything, the kiss was so soothing and pleasant he could melt into it and forget everything, everything that had ever made him sad took a step back and that feeling was worth everything!

He didn't notice how they started to touch more, got more daring he only knew it felt good, he knew that Hidan sliding his big hands all over him was bliss and for once he was ready to fall into it and feel.

Kissing was pointless if after the kiss you did not feel the urge to kiss them again, Itachi now knew this clearer than ever, kissing Hidan was like letting the world end yet to be perfectly fine with it. And loneliness was a virus, so used to it he had fallen in love with it, that was why it was so desperately hard to let Hidan inside. He had no regrets, he never would have them what he had now was also worth a sacrifice and as he knew there was no sacrifice too big that it could not be made!

"Hidan..." it was a silent whisper but it was enough, Hidan laid him down on his back and laid over him ripping the towel off from his back and discarding it to the side now naked above him, looking down at him with the purple eyes dark and half lidded. Hidan's expression too was something to engrave in his brain and keep it a memory worth a lifetime, he saw the need and want, the crave and adoration.

Itachi knew what was about to happen but he had never welcomed it as he did now, his legs were pulling the man closer, wrapping so tightly around Hidan and asking for more...always.

"Itachi." Hidan said softly but with emotion deeper than anything and Itachi's hands started to explore the man, feel him everywhere, remembering everything, engraving it in his mind, every touch and every sensation. Pleased at every little sound a sigh that came from the rough man. Hidan was not his taste... he had no taste. Hidan was probably his soul invader...a soul mate?

It was like Itachi never thought it would be, he expected anything from this man but mostly he expected roughness he had felt how Hidan had looked at him in his cat costume the man had wanted to devour him. This was far from it but as they fell deeper and deeper into their sin and sounds started to make past their lips pleasurably, he knew he was fooling himself. Hidan got more and more passionate till the passion turned the man into a hungry beast, groping and truly devouring.

Itachi however loved it, he loved to be claimed by Hidan, to feel him inside in a different manner, to feel this kind of pleasure was first for Itachi and he knew he was now addicted to a drug he would probably never get again... the withdrawals would be excruciating.

"You feel so... good." Hidan was mumbling, it was such a lullaby for Itachi because he felt the same... with every touch he just kept sinking and he had never felt so good. He was clutching at the man for his dear life because he was given more pleasure that he could handle with each hard thrust the man was releasing something wild in him till Itachi forced them upwards shifting their positions so he could once more sit on the man's lap.

He was not in charge, this way he could just hold the man that much closer...feel him that much deeper and tangle his fingers in the smooth silver hair.

Itachi's head fell back as Hidan's hips kept moving. "I can't take it..." he moaned, he had shifted them hoping he will be able to prolong the pleasure... make it last and never stop but here he was, teetering on the edge of his orgasm trying to fight it.

"Touch yourself..." Hidan ordered and Itachi knew as soon as he would it would be over so he refused just shook his head that he would not.

It was his mistake because Hidan pulled him close, grabbed on his butt cheeks and took him that much harder, powerful and wild this man truly was a beast.

Itachi was sure he screamed, it didn't matter he touched himself or not, the extra force Hidan used in their love making hit the nail right on the head he was coming and even if his eyes would be open he could bet he would not be able to see a thing. It was too good to be true but here he was writhing and clutching that platinum hair, his body trembling and twitching he felt Hidan's face on his neck, a low growl came from the gasping man and he knew Hidan was coming soon after him pushing him down on his lap hard.

It was short... it was perfect. It was what he needed after this insane mission or was it more like an adventure and it was at the end.

"You were right... this night should not end." Itachi said and then gasped as Hidan's arms around him tightened and the man stood up carrying him for the water.

"Let's get clean...again."
Itachi laughed and got in the water washing himself briefly, when they got out again they dressed in fresh clothes and sat on the grass, Itachi looked at the sky, at all the millions of starts up there just sitting there and just existing, he wished to be the same. To just be. Like this.

He looked over to Hidan. "Are you hungry too?"

"Starving, what I did to you took a lot of energy." Hidan grinned wide then. "I did not mean that, I meant before, letting you drink from my immortality." Hidan gasped then and looked at Itachi seriously.

Itachi paused. "You're immortal..." he stated "and that is why I can see each and every star." Itachi looked up at the sky again. "Akatsuki does not deserve you."

"Nor do they deserve you, Itachi."

"Don't tell them about these powers if you haven't already... it will be abused along with you."

"I was an experiment a maniacal cult made to achieve immortality, no one truly knows who am I and what power I have and I be damned by Jashin if I reveal myself to a deluded psycho-depressed maniac."

Itachi smiled, he was glad Hidan revealed himself to him he felt special and he knew he was. He also knew that there was still more to Hidan.

"Let's go eat!" Itachi said and was getting up when a kunai pierced his thigh, he made a sound of pain and he could see Hidan jumping up instantly but he had not been on watch none of them were and now he was too disoriented to react on time, they were ambushed and the enemy had planned this too well... the bushes crawled with ninjas and soon he realised that indeed he was the target because the men captured him, tying his eyes they also knew who exactly he was, this was no accident someone was planning this and he was the target for sure because he could hear Hidan screaming that he will kill all of them, Itachi just hoped Hidan will first seek reinforcements back at the base it was so close could this happen Kakuzu said he would look around and guard, this is why they were caught off guard so damn easily.
he knew Hidan did not do what he hoped because he could still hear Hidan shouting as the man was obviously chasing them, he however was drugged, he felt the needle pierce his neck and it had happened so instantly after the kunai had pierced his leg he had no chance to react and now he had no power to react in any way at all.

Itachi had let himself go and enjoyed the moment for once and now it had bitten him on his ass.

He was powerful and this was outrageous when he will be able he will raise hell, enough was enough and he knew Hidan will raise hell with him!

Hidan was leaping from tree to a tree, he did not know did those ninja think he is so stupid or what but it was too easy to follow, he suspected an ambush but he simply did not care. He did not have to see them to follow Itachi, he would find Itachi even in hell, they were linked and when he would find him he would pay back to Jashin for his sins. The bloodlust made him that much faster he could easily bypass the offenders and ambush them!

Ninjas without village headbands, Hidan was trying to figure out what was going on but it escaped him. Obviously these people were trying to get back the scroll they stole but did they know Itachi had sneakily passed it on to Kisame? Or they had dealt with the shark? Could not be, Itachi had stated that it would take a tailed beast to defeat the big man.

So what was going on? He had to accept that the scroll was of little importance and the target was Itachi which he figured out a while ago. What he couldn't figure out was why his gut told him this was all an inside job? If it was then it all made sense to him because there was no way one could sneak into an Akatsuki base with more than two members present!

Hidan could see Itachi has passed out he knew it had to be some sort of drug because otherwise Itachi would have killed anyone by now, in no way did he doubt that Itachi held more power than anyone else in their little organisation including him so this really was them rouge ninjas playing with inferno... literally.

Half day passed as Hidan was following the kidnappers, it was funny to him because they maybe run in great speeds but they also seemed to get tired way faster than him, he watched them sit down and take their breath as they sent one of them out scouting. It was laughable, he had a surprise for them.

The scout he avoided, he let the man return to his mates claiming that the enemy did not follow so Hidan in his hiding spot sat down, closing his eyes he tried to make a bond with Itachi's mind hoping that he would be powerful enough to help Itachi's drugged proved useless, he could not do it, the drug was too powerful, without fresh blood of Itachi's there was nothing he could do.

Hidan got up, it had to be plan B.

He had only done this once before, he had only done it when his immortal being was in grave danger but now... if he was not careful one of the seven men could easily kill Itachi who had no means to protect himself and he did not know what the drug was doing to Itachi, he had to deem all seven men incapable of action at the same time. Maybe there was another way but he did not see it and he knew the seven men would pay for what he was about to do becoming his sacrifices.

He had to act now since he didn't know how long the punks will rest, he was very careful not to make a sound, not to make the circle around Itachi too big and not too small, he settles for one hundred feet all around, it was how he could also avoid the ninjas hearing him. Idiots had chosen a small clearing but around the clearing were bushes... they were hiding but that way enabled him for ambush.

He will clear all the forest with the wrath of his God!

When the circle was complete and his scythe trembled in his hand he knew he had Jashin with him, it would work like a charm.

From a tree he looked down, ready, adrenaline rushing through him, his heart beating fast. He saw Itachi's body laying there unaware and smiled. They were both right...Akatsuki did not deserve them, not one bit.

He leaped for the centre of his made circle and landed smoothly, for once he did not say a word as kunais pierced him and the kidnappers were shouting and in their mind killing him, his eyes turned red as he quietly muttered. "Infernal death..."

It was just a moment but for Hidan time slowed down as his head fell back and crimson smoke left his mouth in a colossal sigh. He stabbed himself right in his heart with his ritual metal spike and Jashin took form and body before their eyes. The demon god in all his glory standing fifty feet tall, wielding a seventy feet scythe that was larger than life itself, the rouge ninja were frozen to the ground, trembling in fear and despair unable to move as a loud roar resonated through the forest, Hidan's anger was reborn in Jashin.

Itachi body floated in the air, the bag that the ninjas used to cover Itachi's eyes flew off and Itachi's hair were floating around the man as if he was in water, sharingan gleaming eyes opened, surprised and unable to move just the same.

There was nothing Hidan could say now, he was not able to speak to anyone except his god and those words too were not said out loud for everyone to hear.

Infernal death had just began, it had already gotten rid of the poison in Itachi's body, now there were crimson light shimmering from the circle he had drawn.

Jashin however was taking energy from Hidan and Hidan knew after this he would be just as much of use as a tea-spoon. But it was okay, nothing living would remain in his hellmade circle except those linked with Jashin's power.

Jashin's scythe fell in a great sweep, so did the trees and the ninjas around them, crimson sparks were flying everywhere and Hidan noticed the aftershock rustled Itachi's hair, so much so the hair tie flew away, Hidan also noticed Itachi's sharingan going crazy probably trying to take everything that happened in. Hidan did not care... Itachi was part of him already.

With a final loud roar his God disappeared, the summoning was complete, the job was done. They both connected with the ground and Itachi looking flustered gasped but Hidan just smiled weakly.

"S-Sorry Itachi..." he mumbled as he fell to the ground spread out like an eagle, the metal pike still in his heart.


Itachi looked down at Hidan... what was he supposed to do now? He wanted to pull the pike out from Hidan's chest hoping that Hidan did not lie saying he was immortal but as his fingers reached for it the pike started to glow crimson so he pulled his fingers away and just sat beside Hidan.

Itachi smirked, did this man qualify for Akatsuki? No he did not, he qualified for more.

Itachi wanted to get rid of the dead bodies but he changed his mind noticing those poor bastards too glowed crimson so he just sat there. It had felt like nothing he had felt before...all of a sudden he was pulled out of his unconscious state and so much energy, anger and death rushed through him. And then he saw what must have been Jashin, that god was no joke it seemed. It could easily compare with his Susanoo and that was crazy.

Seeing Hidan did not look like he will get up anytime soon Itachi headed out, he would not go far but he was determined to get them something to eat.

The fire was small and this time Itachi was being careful, no one would attack them out of the blue again. He was roasting few rabbits now and then glancing at Hidan since half an hour the man had started to breathe again, the chest raising and falling peacefully. What a mysterious specimen.

Hidan surprised him by turning his head to face him. "They were good sacrifices, Jashin is pleased."

"Was it Jashin I saw?"

Hidan closed his eyes seemingly too weak still. "Yes, he took all my energy."

"Are you okay?" Itachi was slightly worried, first time he saw Hidan so...calm.

"Perfect... you probably wondering who is behind it, right Itachi?" the purple eyes bored into Itachi and Hidan's lips were grinning once again.

"Yes I do."

"Akatsuki... no doubt about it."

"You telling me they are trying to get rid of me?"

Hidan laughed it was sort of a bitter laugh. "I wish... then we could run away and get sails for our boat but no, they are just testing me."

Itachi sighed, nothing made more sense and Hidan just passed another test.

"Come here Itachi..."

Itachi kneeled down besides Hidan wincing as he looked at the metal pike.

"I want you to pull it out."

Itachi's eyes went big but he knew it had to be done sooner or later so he grabbed firm hold of it his eyes looking at Hidan as he slowly pulled the metal out surprised to see Hidan smiling at him and...moaning?

"Are you getting off from this?"

"I get off from it when I do it myself...when you do it Itachi, I am in heaven."

Itachi blushed and this time he carefully passed the pike to Hidan knowing to treat the thing better this time.

"Do I smell meat?!"

They ate sitting close together as if trying to suck the last they could out of their adventure, Itachi did not remember when he had felt so good physically and emotionally, he was glad he was chosen for this fake mission, really glad.

"I hate if this is the end." He said quietly realising his words only made it so much worse.

"I know, I wish you would turn into Jashinist too but I and my god know your plans are carved in stone."

Itachi didn't even have to explain nothing so he just sat there.

"Itachi..." seemed like Hidan got lost there because what could be said? They knew exactly how life will be from now, they will forever miss each other and that will be their end. They couldn't even be partners, it did not work that way in Akatsuki. "We know what we shared... no one can take that away from us."

Itachi gave a small smile, Hidan was right and who knows maybe they could catch up after missions if they both were free, at least that gave something more than just dark to return home to, in Akatsuki base.

"Soulbound forever." Itachi whispered as he leaned in and they kissed hearing from afar ninjas approaching, they guessed Akatsuki was done torturing them. They guessed their adventure really was over now.

Pulling back slightly Hidan stroked his cheek. "Forever."