A/N: How's it going everyone? I decided to write this story for three reasons. The first is because I love Jun Kazama and used to play her all the time until she was taken out of the series (I can't describe how happy I am she's back in TTT2). The second is because I really wanted to get back into writing on here, and the third reason is because I wanted to give you guys my interpretation of what's been going on in Jun's life since T2. This chapter is just a prologue with a bunch of back story, but once the story actually starts I think what I'll do is make it so that the story follows the format of Tekken's arcade mode, meaning that each chapter is like a "stage". Read and review so it makes me want to keep writing! ;)


The stadium in Japan was packed to the brim. Around the merciless iron arena were hundreds of thousands of screaming fans, all of which were anticipating the coming matches. Most having been to a similar arena during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, these people knew that this was no ordinary fighting tournament. Anything could happen at anytime, which added to their growing excitement.

This particular tournament was especially exciting because it seemed that everyone involved in the tournament's history appeared to be participating. Some of the contestants face's had not been seen in an extremely long time. Some, like the elusive former female Manji clan member Kunimitsu, appeared to have slipped into the shadows after the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. Others, like the hot-blooded American Paul Phoenix, were well known fan favourites.

Some were even thought to have died long ago.

She stood silently outside the arena, watching as the tag team King and Craig Marduk faced off against the team of Armor King and a mysterious masked wrestler who reminded her slightly of Michelle Chang. She had been registered in the tournament, but opted to go with the name Unknown, in part because she did not necessarily wish her appearance to be explicitly known yet to people such as her son, and also because she wasn't sure who she was anymore.

In truth, the woman was Jun Kazama – Chosen One of the Kazama Clan and the mother of Jin Kazama.

She was wearing a white halter top and matching white pants, both of which were adorned with ravens on the right side. She was also wearing a navy blue scarf with gold print embroidered on it. Her face, although still peaceful, now also had a hint of sadness to it. Those who knew her well (though there weren't many of those left now) would have been able to tell that she was not the same woman from over 20 years ago. Jun now seemed to have a slightly cold expression, which almost (albeit to a much less degree) resembled Kazuya Mishima's. The only real reminiscent things of her former self before she went under this subtle transformation was her white headband and the fact that apparently she was immune to aging; perhaps this was a side effect of being as pure as she was, even amongst other Kazamas. Walking forward slightly, her scarf lifted up a bit, and an unmistakable and disturbing sight could be seen – she now also had the same cursed brand of the devil which belonged to her son.

"The winners are: Armor King and Jaycee!"

The crowd roared with excitement. Jun glanced back over at the arena. Indeed, there were only two people left standing, while the other two combatants were a crumpled mess on the ground. It make her a bit upset to see them this way, especially King, a friend she had made 20 years ago at the second tournament and a person who she thought had died long ago at the hands of Ogre.

A fate that she too thought would befall her. But it appeared that even after what she had witnessed in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, life still had a way of surprising her.

She remembered the night clearly. Amazingly, after luring the creature away from her unconscious son, Jun had managed to fend off Ogre long enough to make her escape. Instead of being relieved though, she was just confused. While raising Jin, Jun did not have much time to train in her Kazama-style self defense. Sure, she had taught Jin basic techniques, but teaching to others and practicing yourself were two different things. To put it simply, she had been unprepared to face Ogre when it arrived and yet somehow she was able to make her escape.

It shouldn't have happened.

And that's when he appeared before her. The purple spirit, disturbingly similar in appearance to her former lover Kazuya, made himself known to Jun before she could return to her son. It was the devil. He explained to her that she was able to fend off Ogre due to his help, and that she now belonged to him. Enraged by this news, Jun attempted to attack the spirit, but he just laughed manically at her before disappearing altogether.

That night changed Jun's life, and consequently, her son's. She remembered collapsing onto the ground in a sobbing mess at the news the devil had revealed to her. She knew it to be true, as she realized that his mark had indeed been branded into her skin. After recollecting herself, Jun dedicated herself to finding a way to ridding herself of the devil gene until she could reunite with Jin, not wanting to put him in further danger. She had told her son to seek out Heihachi, thinking that he would be safe there and guided on the right path.

She was wrong.

For the first time since entering the arena, Jun's expression changed from calm and collected to visibly angry. She seemed to be glaring at someone, although there was no one in her direct line of sight. But anyone would know who she was thinking of at that moment; most people had that same look when thinking of the ruthless head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Heihachi Mishima had shot her son in the head as if it was the easiest thing in the world, thus triggering the devil gene within him and causing his gradual decent into madness. It was around this time that Kazuya had also returned and interfered in his life, causing poor Jin to lose more control of the calm demeanor taught to him by his mother, and allowing the devil to consume his mind with thoughts of revenge.

After training vigorously during the events of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and 5, Jun felt ready to confront her son, his father and his grandfather. She would get her son back, make things right with Kazuya, and kill Heihachi herself for his treachery. Her thoughts concerning Heihachi had been influenced heavily by the devil gene in her blood, but by this time Jun truly believed that reuniting with Jin and making things right was the only way to truly free herself of this new curse.

Unfortunately however, she would have to wait again. After the fifth tournament, Jin had shocked her and most of the world by taking control of Mishima Zaibatsu and wreaking havoc across the globe. It had filled Jun with sadness and regret, and also made her extremely angry. The chaos her son was causing to befall the world had almost destroyed Jun's entire mental state. She felt the control that she was finally beginning to have over her own devil gene begin to crumble, and she would often start succumbing to it as a result. Many nights would have her waking up from her own personal hell, her clothes stained from a slimy purple substance and the area around her utterly destroyed.

Deciding that she needed to again distance herself from the public in order to regain control, Jun again went into seclusion during the sixth tournament. Knowing full well that she did not have much time left before Jin completely lost his sense of humanity, Jun pushed herself harder than ever before.

She would get her family back at all costs. She would settle for nothing less.

Finally, Jun was once again able to mentally prepare herself for confronting her son, and for the first time in over 20 years, she was going to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Not having a partner, Jun decided that she would be competing by herself. It was of little consequence; her resolve had been reinforced by the atrocities committed by her family, and it was up to her to undo them.

"The next fight! Feng Wei and Miguel Caballero Rojo versus Unknown!"

Jun closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "It's time to make things right." Then, without another word, she made her way to the arena.