Neither Bender nor Allison knew how the hell they had made it to graduation day. Somehow, incredibly, they had made it through all the shit, done just enough of their work, and gone to just enough of their classes, to be sitting there on that day, wearing their scratchy blue polyester robes.

Even more amazing, both of Allison's parents were there, as well as Bender's mom. Neither of them would have put money on that happening. It was a graduation day miracle.

She watched him walk first, after all the A's and half the B's. He was stoic through the whole thing, except for the small smirk she wasn't sure anyone else would have noticed that tugged at his mouth when he shook Vernon's hand. It was tiny, but triumphant. To Allison, it seemed like he might as well have flipped Vernon off. The principle was certainly tight-lipped enough in response.

And then at the very end, diploma in hand, Bender paused at the end of the stage, faced the rest of the students, and threw his fist in the air. And even though most of the kids in school weren't his friends, didn't even like him, the general euphoria that day was so strong that he received exuberant applause.

Her own walk was much less eventful. She mostly hid behind her hair. She didn't look Vernon in the eye as she shook his hand. But she noticed, as she finished crossing the stage, that somewhere in the vast auditorium, she could hear her parents clapping.

She couldn't really believe it was over until she realised she would never be able to find her hat in the sea of blue hats that had been flung into the air. That was when it hit her. It was over. Her van was waiting, full of the stuff she had deemed important enough to bring on her adventure with her. She wasn't even returning home after the ceremony. This was it. This was her future. She'd dreaded it for so long, and now here it was.

Bender found his mom in the milling crowd of students, and allowed her to hug him this time. It had been worth walking to see the look on Vernon's face when he'd had to shake Bender's hand on stage. It was worth the weeks of Saturday detention, just for that moment.

He looked around, and finally saw Allison, standing with her parents, not too far away from where he and his mom were. He gently tugged his mom's arm, heading straight for her.

'Allison!' he shouted, as he reached her. 'Hey!'

She jumped into his embrace, grinning. She saw her parents, looking confused again, out of the corner of her eye. She also saw the woman with Bender. The dark haired woman from that day at the school.

'Oh,' said Bender, pulling back. 'Mom, I have someone I want you to meet. This is Allison.'

'Nice to meet you, Allison,' said Bender's mom, smiling her broad, warm smile, and stepping forward to take Allison's hand.

'Allison,' said Bender, 'this is my mom, Francesca.'

Allison looked at him, raising an eyebrow. He smiled and raised his eyebrows right back.


They all looked over to see Brian leading the rest of the gang toward them, gold cords hanging from his neck, practically bouncing with excitement. Bender clapped him on the shoulder, almost buckling his knees in his enthusiasm. Claire had identical cords, and was beaming almost as brightly. She hugged Allison tightly, and almost looked like she was going to tear up. Even Andy seemed touched by the day, bringing up the rear with his letterman jacket already slung over his arm, ready to ditch his robe at any moment.

Someone had insisted a picture be taken, and Bender's mom offered to take it, taking the camera Claire offered her and making all the annoying gestures and little comments someone makes before they take a picture. A couple of flashes, and that was it. The Breakfast Club, finally together again, and probably also for the last time.

'You guys needs to come visit me at Stanford,' Brian said. 'It'll be great.'

'Sure we will,' said Claire, 'right guys?'

They all nodded their assent, and then one last hug was passed around before they started to drift their separate ways. Soon it was just Allison and Bender again. Allison's parents decided to head out, both of them giving her awkward but tight hugs, and asking if she was sure she had everything she needed. After assurance that she was going to be fine, they left. Bender's mom, sensing the two probably wanted a moment alone, announced that she was going to pull the car around.

'So,' Allison said, turning to Bender, 'what are you going to do?'

'I think I'm going to try living with my mom,' said Bender, shrugging. 'It might be good, you know?'

'Yeah,' she said. She wanted him to be happy. She had hopes. Maybe it would be good.

'You taking off?' he asked. 'Got Frankie all ready?'

'Yup,' she said. She was scared. But also excited. Since the hats had gone up, she had started to get a thrill in her stomach, and it had just kept on growing. She was ready.

'Where are you gonna go?'


'Sounds great.'

She smiled up at him, and was met with possibly the most open expression she had ever seen on his face.

'If you ever end up driving to Morton, come visit,' he said. 'I stuck the address on Frankie's windshield before we lined up.'

'I will.'

He took another step to close the already considerably small distance between them, and took her face in his hands, pulling her into a long, deep kiss.

'Good luck Basketcase,' he breathed as they parted.

'You too,' she said, pressing her forehead against his. 'Do something amazing, okay?'

'I will. You too.'

'I'll see you.'

'We'll see each other.'

She took his hand, squeezing it, and then grabbed his neck and pulled down into one last kiss. Then, before either of them had to say anything else, she grinned, and ran out of the auditorium, where Frankie, and her future, were waiting.

The End.

A/N: Oh my lord. Guys. Three years. Ridiculous. Did anyone actually finish this who's been here since the beginning? Haha. Thanks so much for all the lovely reviews, and thanks so much for those who helped me with this last chapter! I appreciate and love all of you. xoxo