Emergent: Chapter 13

Asher got the laundry done just in time. And so began the most awkward dinner of my life.

Flint had prepared a roasted some-kind-of meat thing which was incredibly delicious but I had my doubts. Everyone was silent until Elody broke the silence, "Trissy, could you come and play ponies with me after dinner?"

I smiled and started to speak, but Flint cut me off.

He gave her a stern look and said, "Elody, Tris is obviously exhausted and would like to sleep as should you."

Elody's lip started to tremble. I wanted so badly to comfort her but I also wasn't too keen on the idea of pissing Flint off, so I stayed silent.

Thank God she didn't start to cry or else I would have felt even worse. All she did was look down at her lap.

Asher changed the subject, "So, how was your day, Flint?"

He responded with, "Did some gardening, took Glen out for a walk, and closed up the bookstore. How was yours?"

"I took Tris to get cleaned up at the bathing house, then we got her some shoes, clothes, and a dress for the Winter Festival."

"How much did that cost?" Flint looked up and the room grew cold.

Asher kept his gaze down, "None of your business."

"Damn right it's my business if you're spending my money." Flint slammed his fist on the table and the silverware rattled. Elody got up and went to her room. Flint ignored her.

Asher yelled, "I wasn't spending your money! Okay?"

"Excuse me?" Flint looked more mad than surprised.

Asher didn't respond.

Flint exclaimed, "Asher, have you been racing again?"

Asher whispered, "I'm good, Flint."

Flint yelled, "I don't care how good you are. Your job is to focus on your studies, not go off and play superstar. How are we going to keep Elody fed if you can't get a good education and a well-paying job?"

"Do you know how much money I made this week?"

"I don't care how much money you made this week, Asher. I care that you disobeyed me."

"Do you know how much money?" Asher whispered.

"No, I don't." Flint said.

"$700.00 and there is so much more where that came from. That could pay for half of our rent and just by running a race."

"I don't want to hear this anymore. No more racing. Period. The discussion has ended and from now on all you will do is study."

Asher got up, put his plate in the sink and went to his room.

Now just Flint and I were left at the table.

I looked at the creases under his eyes. I couldn't even imagine what it must have been like to raise your siblings all your life. He was handsome, but I don't think he either knew nor cared.

I got up and took my plate and Elody's away and put them in the sink.