Author: I was bored in class and I just thought of this out of no where.

Church: Who cares? As long as I'm in it, I don't give fuck.

Tucker: Hey is my kid going to be in here?

Author: Church, shut up and Tucker, I don't know if he is going to be in this.

Caboose: Let the people read already, on with the story.

A Promise Kept

Flash back four years ago...

In an army airport many soldiers were getting ready to leave for war but first, all of them were saying good-bye to their loved ones. In one of these groups is a young man with messy blonde hair and baby blue eyes he is known as Micheal J. Caboose, he was with a young woman with long hazelnut and pure green eyes she is known as Lily Cage.

"I wish you didn't have to go." Lily said to Caboose in a sad tone of voice.

"Me too." Caboose also said before he grabbed her left hand then placing it on the left side of his face. "I will miss you very much, my love."

"I will also miss you very much too, my dearest." Lily then moved her other hand before placing it on the side of Caboose's face, giving a peaceful smile at the same time. "Just know this my dearest, I'll be waiting here for you when you come back."

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes it is, just remember that."

"I promise to come back alive."

"The flat leaves in 5 minutes! Gather you things and lets move out!" The announcer yells out to everyone.

"This is good-bye then." Lily said sadly to Caboose.

"Not good-bye, more like see you later." Caboose said to her before he kissed her gently on her soft forehead then pullback after a few seconds. "I'll see you later my dearest." Caboose then bent down to pick up his duffel before he began to walk away from Lily towards the plane with the other soldiers.

"I'll see you later too, my love." Lily said as she watched the plane take off before she began to walk away and go to her now empty house without her lover.

End of flash back, present day...

~ Blood Gulch: Blue Base ~

In one of the very few rooms of Blue Base was Caboose, who was asleep at the time had just woken up after having a dream from his past when he had to leave his lover behind.

"Lily..." Caboose says in a soft voice. "What are you doing now?" he then sat up in his bed before climbing out of it to change his clothes into his blue armor before walking past a photo of him and Lily smiling happily together and then out the door.

Outside of the base...

The only one that was outside is Tucker since Church made him to watch out for the Red "if" they decide to attack them at any moment. "Hey Shelia! Do you see anything?" Tucker asked Shelia since she was the tank and could see everything from the ground more clearly.

"Negative, there are no signs of the Reds." Shelia answered while looking around the place before 'she' notice Caboose walking out of the base. "Hello Caboose, did you sleep will?"

"Yup! Same like always!" Caboose answered excitedly before looking up to see Tucker on the roof. "Hey Tucker! What are you doing?"

"Looking out for the Reds... again." Tucker tells him annoyed before he realized something. "How come Church doesn't make you do this instead?!"

"Church says I can't because I might shoot him again and he doesn't want to die either!"

"That's bullshit right there!"

"Same like everyday." Shelia commented.

"All of you shut up already!" Church yells out to everyone when he walked out of the base with a letter in his right hand. "Here Caboose, this letter came for you today."

"Really?" Caboose asked snatching the letter from the Blue team's leader before opening and then reading it carefully. "..." After he finished reading the letter Caboose began to walk away from the others not bothering to say a word to them.

"Hey Caboose where are you going?" Tucker called out but was simply ignored by his teammate which surprise him a little.

"What's gotten into him?" Church asked confused while watching Caboose walk towards to one that was closet to them.

When Caboose finally got to one of the caves he sat down near a rock before he looked back at the letter to read it again.

To my dearest Micheal J. Caboose,

I miss you very much my love and still a wait for your return. But I don't think I'll be here when you do came back, for you see my love I have fallen ill. The illness I have cannot be cured since it's unknown to many doctors. I was told that I don't have long to live anymore and I am soon to die. The news had broken my heart and everyone's else too after learning this. By now my body had gotten weak and I am unable to move on my own properly without someone helping me. When I was writing this letter to you my love, it hurt so much to move my hand for a little. Don't be harsh on yourself for that though I choose to write in my condensation.

But that's not the point of this letter though my love. The point is that I wanted you know that I'm not scared to die at all. Even if it means that I might not see you again I'm glad that I got to meet you and only you. The kindness and sweetest man I have ever meet. The love we had for each other is strong even if many disapprove of our love that didn't matter to us at all. Everyday that we were together our love grow stronger by the hour. Even if we are far apart from each other our love somehow stayed strong.

As the hours pass my life is fading slowly and painfully. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't stay alive long enough to see you again my love. Fate is cruel and no one can change that either as much as we want it too. I well always love you very much Micheal J. Caboose, even in death.

With great love, Lily Cage.

By the time Caboose had finished reading the letter again tears came up into his blue eyes and slid down his face. "Lily, I'll come back before you go." Caboose said as he took off his helmet letting the tears fall down to the ground before he fixed his blond hair. "I'll find a way to get home even if it means getting in trouble with everyone that I know, I'll be there for you."

At Red Base...

The only that was outside from the Red team was Donut since Sarge kicked him out for breaking the microwave somehow.

"Sarge didn't need to yell at me like that." Donut said sitting next to the jeep while making a circle on the dirt with his finger. "He's so mean to me, maybe if I was gone then maybe he would care" Donut then looked up when he heard someone walking up to him only to see Caboose standing there in front of him.

"I need your help." Caboose says in a former way. "Can you take me to command in your jeep?"

"Why?" Donut asked confused and surprise at the same time.

"I... can't tell you that right now."

"So you want me, the enemy, to help you but you wont tell me why?"

"Right now it's completed, I just need help getting to command and then finding a plane to get home."

"Caboose, you want to go home? Why?"

"Okay lets make a deal Donut, if you take me to command then I'll tell you why I'm going home so deal?" Caboose asked extending his hand out.

"Hmm, fine deal." Donut said taking Caboose's hand in agreement before getting up from the floor. "I'll just get the keys to the jeep and then tell Sarge that I'm leaving-"

"No, you can't tell anyone about this." Caboose says to Donut very closely. "Not one person is to know about this."

"Oh, well, okay but why can't anyone know?"

"Think about it, they'll try anything to stop us from leaving this place."

"Oh man that's so true." Donut looked back at Red Base for a moment before looking back at Caboose. "Alright I wont tell anybody about this."

"Good, meet me by that cave over there in 20 minutes." Caboose said pointing at a cave that was in the middle of the whole canyon.

"Sure, but why in 20 minutes though?"

"To pack some stuff, anything that you can bring."

"Seems fair, okay, be back in 20 minutes."

"Good, see you later." Caboose said before he began to run back to Blue base to pack.

"Alright, better start packing." With that said, Donut began to walk back inside the base but then stopped after seeing all four of his teammates standing there with arms folded. "Um, hey guys, what's going on?"

"Why were you talking to the enemy?" Grif asked Donut.

"Oh god..." Donut said, realizing where the conversation was going.

Back at Blue Base...

It really didn't take Caboose long to get back to Blue only a few seconds more or less. "Okay, get some food, water, clothes, and the present too." Caboose tells himself over and over but somehow failed to see the others walking towards him.

"Hey Caboose, are you ok?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah you walked away from us without saying anything to us so what's up?" Church also asked.

"Oh it's nothing." Caboose tells them lying through his teeth. "I'm just go to my room now and take a small nap so later." with that said, Caboose walked away from them and towards his room to take a 'nap'.

"I don't pay that at all." Church tells Tucker while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why not? I mean he's starting to be lazy like us." Tucker says before realizing what Church was talking about. "Oh wait, I see your point."

"Maybe Donut would know something." Shelia tells them.

"What would Donut know?" Church asked confused.

"I saw them talking earlier just before Caboose came back to base."

"Really? Wonder what they were talking about?" Tucker asked.

Once again back at Red base...

"What in Sam hell were you two talking about?" Sarge demanded from Donut. "And don't even try to lie about it either."

"Nothing much really." Donut tells them trying to get past his teammates but failed. "Look, he asked me to do something for him and I said okay that's all."

"So what's the favor then?" Grif asked.

"Like hell I'm to tell you guys."

"Come on Donut, just tell us." Simmons says.

"Let me think about it." Donut said, after a few seconds he replayed to them. "No freaking way." with that said, Donut pushed Grif and Lopez out of the way before walking to his room.

"Donut, come back here!" Sarge yelled out to the pink armor soldier, pissed off like hell.

"Make me!" Donut yells back then the sound of a door slamming was heard through the base before silence.

Grif and Simmons looked at each other surprise that Donut had the guts to tell Sarge off before both of them looked back at their commander, who had a shocked look inside his helmet after what Donut said to him.

"¿Qué ha pasado?" Lopez asked in his broken Spanish.

"What just happened?" Grif asked ignoring Lopez since he and the others can't understand him.

"I think Donut just back talk to Sarge." Simmons says still trying to process what had happen.

"Todo el infierno se va a romper perdida en tres, dos, uno..." Lopez says before he snapped his fingers together then pointed to Sarge; who then-

"Donut! Get your ass out here right now!" Sarge yells through out the base furiously.

"Screw you!" Donut yelled back from his room.

"Don't talk back to your commanding officer like that!" Sarge yelled walking towards Donut's room in frustration.

Grif, Lopez, and Simmons remainded where they were, confused if they should do something or not. All of them looked at one another for moment before they heard glass breaking and then following the sound of a loud thud sound as if something or someone fell to the floor very hard.

"Oh shit..." Grif says.

"Oh god..." Simmons says.

"Santo volar mierda..." Lopez finally says.

All of them then ran towards Donut's room expecting to find the pink armor soldier on the floor. But once they got there, all of them went into shock after they saw it was Sarge on the floor out cold with glass shards around his head and Donut standing above him breathing heavy looking down at his leader before he realized what he just did.

"Oh freaking shit what the hell did I just do?" Donut asked himself while backing away from Sarge's body before hitting his back with the wall then sliding down confused and scared as hell.

Author: That didn't turn out so bad... I hope.

Tucker: Really? Is my kid going to be in here or not?

Church: Is Tex going to be in here?

Caboose: I hope not.

Donut: I hit Sarge? Damn I'm screwed once he finds me.

Doc: Am I going to be in here?

Author: ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! Review if you want people.