I do not own Pokemon or any part of it. This is pure fanmade fiction writing.
This story will start out with Dawn and Paul and then move on to Dawn only.

With that said, hope you enjoy, I am a beginner so do not judge me too harshly.

Authors note: Underlined words marked as captions indicate point of view change.

Chapter 1
The Beginning


In a forest next to Canalave City, Dawn waited for the right moment to train her Pokemon. The huge forest was full of Pokemon. The thick canopy and warm sunlight flowing through it made this the perfect spot. I could even hear a river flowing nearby.

I began to stretch and wonder a bit about my past. Today is the day, six years since I got separated from the gang. I am now 16 years old.

Oh how I miss Ash and his Pikachu.. The thunderbolt that made every trainer envious, specially Paul who seemed to be impressed since the beginning as he saw that lightning. But now its all different, he thinks Ash and the way he trains is useless. But it is not true, Ash has so much respect for his Pokemon as much as the next guy. Oh well, who can change that jerks mind. Plus I also miss Brock as well; his cooking beats any chef from the Sinnoh Region.

Piplup noticed her masters's tears rolling down her face. He knew what she was going through. But it was for the best. Even though she was the best top coordinator, she missed her friends the most.

"Ok Piplup let's go train with your whirlpool. Now remember, practice makes perfect." I said excitedly


"Again! Use fire blast!" Paul yelled. He looked at my Pokemon with anger. "Is that all? Or do I have to release you like I did to Chimchar" The Ursaring looked at him with anger and pride. "That's what I thought." "Now, Fire Blast that tree!" He yelled furiously

Six years of hard and tedious training and this is what I get, a beating from the Champion Cynthia. I won't take a defeat for an answer, these Pokemon are making it harder to achieve.

"Stop slacking off Ursaring!" "I am growing tired of yelling all the time at you, fire blast again!"


I smiled a bit and patted my Pokemon's head for luck. "Ok Piplup use Whirlpool at that tree!" I exclaimed. I pointed north and noticed a beam of light coming from the opposite direction.

"Hmm must be the sun" I thought. "Oh well, ok Piplup go!" The blue penguin obeyed her command as a giant swirl of water twirled around his peak. "Fire at full blast!"