So many asked for a sequel to Win a Date with Peeta Mellark about Katniss and Peeta's daughter. So, here is my attempt at the story! First chapter is here. ENJOY! Please let me know what you think.

Celebrity Daughter

Chapter 1

Most of my life, I have been surrounded by cameras. From the day I was born, there have been people taking my picture; which inevitably end up in some kind of magazine. They caught my first birthday, first steps, first day of school, and every big event in my life up until now.

Why? Because I am Emma Grace Mellark, 16 year old daughter of Peeta and Katniss Mellark. You wouldn't think this simple fact would be anything so significant, but it just so happens that my father is also one of the most famous actors in the country, and an Oscar winner no less! So, because of who he is, people are fascinated by anything that has to do with my father. This included when Father met and married my mother after his agent created a contest for a girl to win a date with him. The reporters ate up the story of how they fell in love and were even more ravenous for a scoop when they learned that Mother was pregnant with me. My birth was announced all over Panem, and from then on my life has been documented in the news.

You would think that my life would be all glamorous, attending parties and premieres and such. Actually, even with the cameras, growing up as the daughter of a celebrity has been pretty normal. This is mostly because of my mother. She is the one who grounds our family amidst the pandemonium of the press. While she has not been able to completely keep that world at bay, she has tried to maintain a home mostly out of the spotlight. We have had the excitement of visiting Father on set in the Capitol and supported him when he is shooting a film, but in District 12 it's a different feel. Inside our cozy house there, we have led our private lives free from the invasion of reporters. My brother and I have never given interviews at Mother's request, and we have always stayed at home while she and my father attended any events for his new movies.

At least, that was the case until recently. Father had been talking to mother over the past few months about letting Charlie and I come to the premiere of his latest film. He was so proud of this particular movie, and wanted to share the experience with the whole family. Mother was still hesitant about and put up her arguments, but my father used his power with words to persuade her, promising her everything would be alright.

So, today I found myself packing for a trip to the Capitol. We would be leaving tomorrow morning and would be away for three days. I found myself overpacking, as I was unsure as to what I wanted to wear. My body could keep still with the excitement that was building. From what Father had told me, it would be such a great event. I would get to dress up, walk on the red carpet, see the movie, and enjoy the banquet and party after. What was not to like? I was placing a few different tops in my suitcase when I heard my mother's voice calling.

"Emma! Charlie! Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming!" I yell back. Walking down the stairs, I met my brother on the way down. Three years younger than me, he had a knack for immaturity, as evidenced by the tongue he was sticking out at me. I loved him, but he could be exasperating.

We made our way and joined our parents at the table. I placed some eggs and a cheese bun on my plate and began eating.

"So, Emma," my father begins. "Did you finish that application for Capitol University?" I have one more year until graduation, so he has been wanting me to get started with getting into college early. I have been considering getting a degree in Social Work, as I have long wanted to work with and help children in need

"Not yet," I reply. "I've got one more essay to do. I can work on it when after the trip. It's not due until next month, anyway." This seems to be fine with him.

"Are you two all packed?" my mother then asks.

While Charlie tells her he is all done, I let her know that I am still in progress. Father reminds us to make sure to have a nice outfit for our lunch with Uncle Haymitch. It would be at a really nice restaurant. We both nod.

"I'll finish packing when I get back from the Meadow." I say. "I promised Mason I'd see him today before we leave."

"Okay," my mother concedes. "Just don't take too long. We have a lot to do"

I agree, and after finishing my meal head out. It's a beautiful spring day and I take my time walking. When I finally reach the Meadow, I immediately head to a spot that I know well. As I approach, I see a familiar dark head already there. He must hear me coming, because he turns and I see his grey eyes light up.

"Hey Em," he says.

"Hi Mason. Ready to go?" With that, the two of us do what we have been doing forever. Since either of us can remember, we have met in the Meadow and taken walks together. Mason Hawthorne is two years older than I am, born not too long after my parents got married. Our parents are great friends, and we have grown up knowing each other. At some point, meeting here and spending time just became our thing. He was my best friend and we could talk about anything. I shared all of my secrets with him.

Because of our relationship, everyone thought that we would eventually become more than the friends we were. But, that hadn't happened. It wasn't' that I hadn't thought about it, or would even be opposed to it, but Mason had never made a move in that direction, so I guessed it was something that he didn't want. That was fine with me. I would rather be best friends than to lose him by pushing any romantic relationship. We were okay as we were.

We walked our usual path through the woods. Both of us were taking our time and not rushing today.

"Are you excited about the trip?" he asks.

"I really am," I reply. "After all this time, I get to attend a premiere! I can't wait to see what I get to wear, and who I might get to meet there. I want to get autographs!"

Mason chuckled. "More like they will all be wanting yours. I'm sure you are going to make a big splash with all the celebrities."

"Really," I playfully push him. "They will probably only pay any attention to me because of my father. They're all there to see him anyway."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Emma Mellark became the talk of the gossip rags in the next few days." he states. "Just don't forget your best friend back home when you do."

"I won't. I promise. I'll be amazed if they even notice me." With that we continued on. We made it to the lake and just sat admiring the view and eating the nuts that Mason had gathered. We didn't talk much, but then again we didn't need to. Eventually, I told him we needed to head back so that I could get home and finish getting ready for the trip. We made our way back to the Meadow, and I felt him give me a gentle hug.

"Have a good time," he says. "If you see Glimmer Stone, get her autograph for me."

"Ugh!" I say. "I don't think so." He knows that neither I nor my mother are big fans of Glimmer after her antics in trying to get her hooks in my father years ago. Mason laughs and we part. I head back home, where I find everyone either cleaning, folding laundry, or packing. It was the big push to be able to leave the next day. I picked up my clean clothes and headed upstairs.

The rest of the day I finished getting my suitcase ready, and helped Mother with cleaning the bathrooms. When after dinner we all found ourselves done, we were able to sit and watch some TV together. I thought about how this was what the newspapers and magazines didn't know about, how we just enjoyed being together as a family like this. It was so…normal.

Since we had an early flight, I decided to say good night and head to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and changed into night clothes, closing my suitcase up and placing it by the door for the morning. The moonlight was shining through the window of my dark room. As I sat on the bed, I could hear Mother and Father talking below me. They must be sitting on the bench swing that was on the porch.

"Are you sure they'll be okay?" my mother asks.

"Yes," my father answers. "I think they are going to do great. You and I will be there the whole time, Katniss. We'll make sure that the press doesn't eat them up."

"Alright, Peeta." Mother says with a sigh. "I guess it had to happen eventually that they would meet the press in person. They're both smart kids. They'll manage."

"They'll be great." Father replies. It's quiet then, but I know that they are probably cuddling or kissing now. I've seen them so many times at night on the bench when they thought I was asleep in my room. They'll talk and then show their affection. I have to admit it's nice to know that after all these years my parents still love each other that much. I've had friends at school whose parents are divorced, but I have always felt secure in my parent's marriage. I see it when they look at each other that their feelings for one another are still deep and strong, and they always seem to know what the other is thinking.

I could only hope that I would find love like that someday for myself. As I lay down in bed and closed my eyes, I was tired and knew sleep was quickly coming. Who knows? I thought in those last moments. Maybe I will meet someone like that on this trip.

Alright. So, we have been introduced to Emma and her world. I am just testing the waters here to see what kind of response I get. If it looks promising, I will go on with the next chapter. Reviews are love, so please let me know what you think. I really appreciate it.