Chinese Dragon on Morning of New Year's Eve


Today Moon is performing in the Morning New Year's Eve Grand Opening.

Yesterday, she was chosen to be the Chinese Dragon.

It's the most important part of the performance.

Rynoh was running around excitedly, "Today is going to be AMAZING!" Zylus laughed, "Hey, Moon can we see your costume?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… NO!"

Then, we heard Syria (Skales' wife) from the other room,

"Ithíl, come and practice in your costume! I also need to do your hair!"

"I'm coming!"

We tried to follow her but, we were stopped by the Soto Twins.

Dan and Reiki

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Are you trying to see the dragon? Dan, I think they're trying to see the dragon."

"I think they are, Reiki. No one shall bestow the dragon."

"No one"

"Of any part…"

"…or any hour…"

"…Of today"

"You need to wait until the Grand Opening!"

They left to get ready.


We were watching the performance.

Everyone stared in awe as Moon danced with such grace.

She had white, silver and gold clip-on hair extensions and a gold and red kimono with really, really big sleeves to the point where they look like wings.

The dangling bow ribbons were braided to look like a tail.

She had a headdress with the horns of a dragon.

Afterwards, we greeted her with excitement.

Set was in tears, "Moon, I am so proud of you!" He hugs her tightly.

"What about us?"

Moon looked passed Set, "SADIE!" She ran up and hugged Sadie.

She hugged Carter as well.

While calling him a butt

I walked up to her (slightly blushing)

I told her how beautiful she looked…

I gained a kiss