A/N: New story, by me. New fandom! Also, by me.
Plot: "I was with someone." "It was Sebastian, wasn't it?" What if it was Sebastian? Mostly Seblaine, with some Klaine and Huntbastian. Also, Niff and other canon things.
I don't own Glee or anything else I reference, as usual, or any of the various songs I will invariably use throughout this fic. Everything belongs to its repsective owners.

Chapter One:
I Was With Someone

Blaine walked into the Lima Bean for his post-rehearsal medium drip. Alone. He stared at the coffee cup. He didn't even want the coffee. He put it down on the counter where the sugars were kept and turned to leave when he heard someone call his name. He turned around to see who it was.

"Hey! Long time, no see." Sebastian Smythe, the very last person on earth he wanted to see right now.

"Hi Sebastian," Blaine said.

"So I heard through the magic of the internet that your other half ran off and abandoned you," Sebastian said. "Gee… It's too bad."

"Not in the mood right now," Blaine said, dully.

"Well… if you change your mind… You know where I am," Sebastian said, winking and stealing Blaine's coffee cup from the counter. Then he was gone.

Blaine stumped home. Kurt was in New York. Blaine was in Lima. 10 hours to drive. 600 miles. Kurt was too busy with his new awesome New York life to pay attention to Blaine. Blaine needed Kurt. Blaine needed him. Blaine needed someone.


Sebastian would make him feel wanted. Sebastian was a wiener jacket. Sebastian could make him feel. Sebastian was a wiener jacket. Sebastian would. Sebastian's wiener.

All right.

Blaine took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his contacts. Sebastian. No. Yes. No! Yes.


Blaine put his phone back in his pocket and took the keys to his car off his bureau. Sebastian would be back at Dalton by now, and where better to be right now than in the epicenter of people who love him. Did they still? Blaine was a Dalton legend. Sex on a stick and sings like a dream.


Nick. Jeff. Thad. Wes. David. Trent. Beatbox. Sebastian. Sebastian.

To Dalton he drove. He needed his friends. His only friends. There was nothing left at McKinley for him.


It's not that he'd expected his parking spot to be empty, or that he was surprised by the telltale sports car parked in it; it was the tall, grinning figure of Sebastian that greeted him as he pulled into the spot next to the one he had always claimed. Sebastian dropped the cigarette he'd been ever-so-sexily smoking to the pavement and put it out with his shoe.

"Thought I might be getting a visit from you tonight," Sebastian said, smirking that meerkat smile of his.

"It's still afternoon, and I don't even…" Blaine began. He'd worked himself into an angry storm on the drive over, but Sebastian raised one of his sexy eyebrows and Blaine trailed off. "I just- I just want to feel … I want to feel."

Sebastian hesitated, not something he usually did, especially in public. Blaine was on the verge of tears. Tears. Something was wrong.

"Blaine…" Sebastian said, suddenly caring. Blaine looked up at him, his eyelashes already glittered with tears. "Tell me everything." Blaine threw his arms around Sebastian, hugging him. Sebastian usually didn't approve of people crying on him, wrinkling his clothing, but the way Blaine had attached himself onto Sebastian as if he'd fall off the earth if he left go… Sebastian had to admit: super hot. "Come on, let's go inside." Sebastian half dragged the sobbing Blaine into his dorm room. Blaine didn't even notice, but of course Sebastian had gotten his old room.

Once Blaine was seated on Sebastian's bed, hugging a pillow, he began to talk.

"Last year, I transferred from Dalton to McKinley, because I wanted – I couldn't stand to be away from Kurt. He graduated, but he was – he was staying in Lima for me. And-and-and I didn't want that for him. He went to new York, and got a job with and he- he's so busy that-that-that–" Blaine couldn't continue. He choked out one sob after another, giant crocodile tears falling from his eyes onto the pillow he was clutching for dear life.

"That?" Sebastian prompted.

"There's nothing left for me at McKinley," Blaine said. Sebastian, having shrugged his blazer and hooked it on the door, sat next to Blaine and put his arm around Blaine's shoulders. Blaine felt as though he should push the arm away, but instead he pressed into Sebastian's embrace, laying his head on Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian ran his fingers through Blaine's hair, working the gel out of it.

"Maybe you should come back to Dalton," Sebastian murmured softly.

"At least people care about me here," Blaine choked out.

"I care about you, Blaine."

"You do?"

"Of course I do."

"You almost blinded me," Blaine accused, pulling back from Sebastian, suddenly angry. Angry was good. Blaine could deal with anger.

"And I am sincerely sorry about that," Sebastian replied. "I've turned over a new leaf. No more bullying, blackmail, or assault this year."

"That must be boring for you," Blaine said.

"Yeah, it is. Being nice sucks." Blaine smiled in spite of himself. "There's that super hot school boy smile."

Without thinking, Blaine pressed his lips to Sebastian's with more passion than he would have thought possible. They broke apart softly, looking at each other. Suddenly reality caught back up with Blaine. He was across the room in a flash, right hand on his lips.

"No, no, no," he said. "No, I shouldn't have done that."

"Didn't you say you wanted to feel?" Sebastian asked, advancing slowly on Blaine. "Isn't this what you wanted to feel? Wanted? Needed? Loved?"

Blaine hesitated, unable to properly sort his thoughts, but then he'd reached out and grabbed Sebastian by the tie, and the next thing he knew, Sebastian was on top of him, both completely nude except said red and blue striped tie. After that, the next thing Blaine remembered was pulling his black and white striped shit back on. Sebastian was coming out of his private shower with a towel on.

"What's the matter?" Sebastian asked, somehow managing to make even that sound sexy.

"I- I don't…" Blaine tried by it wasn't coming to him. "I can't."

"You already did," Sebastian said winking.

"Sebastian… I can't do this," Blaine said.

"Why? Because of Kurt?" Sebastian asked, noting that this quite possibly could have been the first time he hadn't referred to him without using a vicious nickname. "Forget about him. He left you the second he got on that train. You're a Dalton boy. You're a legend. Come back where you belong."

"I have to think about it," Blaine said. "I-I have to go." He left Sebastian's dorm and wandered across campus toward the senior commons.

"Blaine?" a voice asked. Blaine looked around.

"Hi Trent."

"What are you doing here? Is this your triumphant return to Dalton? Please?"

"I don't know. I'm thinking about it."

"Please! Sebastian and Hunter are going crazy under the pressure to win."

"Who's–" Blaine began, but he was interrupted by a voice from the corner of the library. The chair swung around to reveal a vaguely attractive boy, most likely a senior, wearing a Dalton uniform and petting a white cat. Blaine was unimpressed.

"Blaine Warbler. Allow me to answer the obvious questions. I'm Hunter Clarington. I'm the new captain of the Warblers, and I'm not even remotely bi-curious."

"That's nice for you. I – I have to fix my hair," Blaine said, nervously.

"It does have that… slept on quality," Hunter remarked. Blaine left the library and meandered down the hall towards a bathroom. Hair gel was a part of the Dalton uniform and there was a dispenser in every bathroom.

Blaine looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't recognize the boy staring back at him. He reached for the gel dispenser. It wasn't as expensive as the stuff he'd always used, but it would do for a while.

"Blaine," came a voice from behind him. Thad, with a battle of real hair gel and a comb. "Trent said you could use some."

"Thank you," Blaine said, taking the gel.

"We really miss you here," Thad said.

"I miss you guys too," Blaine replied, combing his stray curls into place.

"Is that why you're here?" Thad asked, eagerly.

"No, I came to see Sebastian."

"Yes, he did," Sebastian said, sliding into the bathroom, "and he looked so hot while he was."

"Oh," Thad said. "That explains… everything." He took his exit with his hair gel. Blaine shook his head sadly at Sebastian and left the room as well. Sebastian followed.

"So, I take it you met Hunter," Sebastian said. "What do you think?"

"I think he seems like an asshole," Blaine said.

"If you come back, I'm sure the council would vote you captain."

"I thought you were the captain," Blaine said to Sebastian, as they rounded the corner back into the library.

"More obvious questions," Hunter interrupter again. "Dalton just gave me a full scholarship to move here from Colorado springs, where I led my military academy to a Regionals victory with Presidential honors. Now I'm here to kick it up a notch. That starts with you."

"That's very intimidating," Blaine said. "And not what I need right now."

"Hunter has a plan to get you back that is, admittedly, better than mine," Sebastian said. "I, of course, am not a part of it, nor did it specifically involve seducing you. That was just fun."

"And why would I ever leave McKinley?" Blaine asked.

"Why would you stay?" Hunter asked. "I heard you only went there to be with Kurt. In fact, I hear they still call you Blaine Warbler. They know you don't belong there. Why don't you?"

"We all know the real Blaine, Blaine," Sebastian said, as the doors to the library opened, and in walked Nick, Jeff, and Beatbox. "Ambitious. Driven. You're a Dalton boy."

"Present the blazer," Hunter instructed. Beatbox handed Blaine a blazer. "Go on." Blaine put on the blazer, rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation. Once he got in on, he felt… different. He felt right. He was meant to be a Warbler, and lead Dalton to their first National championship.

"You know what goes great with a new blazer? An impromptu song," Sebastian said, innocently, if he was capable of such a thing.

"No, come on, I'm not in the mood…" Blaine began to protest, but Nick, Jeff, and Sebastian had already started, and the rest of the Warblers were filing in the doors.

There's a place I know

It's not pretty there

Everybody has a dark side

Do you love me?

Can you love mine?

"What did I tell you? Flawless," Sebastian said. "And I don't just mean out here." He winked. Blaine took off the blazer and tried to hand it back to Hunter.

"Keep it," Hunter said. "It's already yours. Don't you think it's time you came back where you belong? Blaine Warbler?"

Blaine took the blazer with him, but left Dalton without giving a definite answer. He went back to his house, showered, changed, and then went to the airport.