Inspired by Walk Away- Paula De Anda.
A/N: This was definitely spur of the moment! But it morphed into something I am proud of, so I thought it was worth posting. I debated on putting up a prologue, but you know what, I don't feel like typing one up.
Disclaimer: No, I don't own the Teen Titans. (Freak, if I did it wouldn't have ended) I do not profit from this at all and only want to make my favorite couple ever come to life even if it didn't in the show (it should have but I digress)
Important: My other RobRae fic - The Other X - takes precedence over this story you guys. Expect that one to be updated more frequently than this one, but the gaps between submissions still won't be all that drastic.
And no, I do not have a Beta Reader (though I would adore to have one!) so I apologize for any errors that I have personally missed and if you do point them out to me I will fix them.
Let's get on with it shall we?
"I'm happy for them."
"Really?" Cyborg turned his entire head to his Goth girl beside him. Good thing he was able to get Beast Boy to run his legs on this mission or else he wouldn't be able to talk to her and get the real answers he wanted. She kept silent so he asked another. "Why were you teaching Starfire how to make Robin's coffee?"
A small sigh escaped her and she faced the window, and away from him. "Everyone has their secrets."
Like how she was the one instructing Starfire how to deal with her own boyfriend? That was as close as to a confession he was going to get. "How is that going for you?"
She sighed again, but her shoulders hunched over as if the weight was really there. "She is good for him." she admitted. Almost as if he was summoned, Robin's R-cycle caught up with the T-car. Starfire's hair flew into the cool night breeze as she laid her head on his back. Raven watched his helmet turn over his shoulder and figured he was looking at his girlfriend's smile. She chided herself silently as she put her hand to the window, the cold glass pressed against the coldness of her hand. It was just as well, it's not like she smiled like Starfire let alone the rate of frequency of her smiles. "I'm not good for him."
Cyborg frowned. "You're beautiful, Raven. I hope you know that."
Raven tore her eyes away from Robin. She kept silent knowing if she said she disagreed, he would give her a lecture she didn't want to listen to. She fingered the edge of her robe and ran her hands down her leotard. She certainly didn't feel beautiful. She was the Creepy girl of the Titans; the tabloids all over Jump even agreed to that. The R-cycle raced ahead, leaving the T-car in the dust. If Cyborg was in a better mood he would have accepted the challenge, but he had other duties that needed attending. He tapped on the steering wheel impatiently. Now what was he supposed to say?
"Do you think I had a chance?"
"Just as much as Starfire had." He said. He gripped the steering wheel tighter and flipped back into his memory. Who was the one who made coffee for Robin when he was too tired to do so? Who stayed up with him when he had mounds of paperwork at his desk? Who always came first to offer her powers to heal him even when her own wounds needed it more? Raven wasn't the huggable type sure, she didn't openly fawn her way over boys and she didn't flip her hair to get attention. But that was the type of girl he could respect. She was showing her own way of loving, the quiet untainted love she knew how to give. Staying with someone without their asking? That was her sign she cared. "Maybe you should move on."
He heard her shift towards him in her seat. "I can't. I owe him everything."
"You don't owe him anything. He doesn't want that from you."
She flinched and she blinked slowly, the tears touching her eyelids. "Does he… does he want to take anything of me at all?"
Cyborg clicked the cruise control and turned his whole body to her. "Rae…" He was not one to badmouth his leader but he was making his girl cry. "If he hasn't known all these years, then its time to let go. He's an idiot."
Her hands turned into fists and she blinked furiously. No tears fell. Her lips turned into a straight line and she exhaled. "I'll try." He heard her mumble underneath her breath.
Cyborg turned back to the road and swerved the T-car to a stop in front of the Jump museum. He got out first but she was ahead of him, her robes whipping into the air as she levitated towards the grand chiseled steps leading up to the entrance. He didn't see her head move towards the left where Robin and Starfire were cuddling while leaning on the R-cycle.
A green ostrich honked from behind and tripped over its own feet. Sprawled across on his stomach on the parking lot concrete, Beast Boy morphed into his human self and grimaced. "Too-much-running." He panted. He wagged his head to clear it.
"Thanks, man." Cyborgs knelt and pat him on the shoulder. "Make sure you take a shower when we get back to the Tower. "
Beast Boy rolled over on his back. "Can I get a ride this time please?" he groaned.
"Titans," Robin's voice pierced the cool air. "Everyone remember the plan?"
Beast Boy sat up. "Hey, where's Raven?"
Robin blinked and counted heads. "Wasn't she riding with you?" he shot a look at Cyborg.
He shrugged. "She-"
The sound of glass shattering brought their attention back to the museum. The four of them sprinted to the door and Cyborg rushed in first to force the front door open. Red X was doing back flips as dark magic energies honed to his every step. Raven floated above him her eyes steely and her cloak gone. Her left hand flicked to the right and Red X's body became limp like a puppet. He gritted his teeth as he felt his whole body smash into the wall. Her feet touched the ground and she sprinted towards him with her fist moving to his face. Behind his mask, X blinked and recovered. He dodged her by slinking to the ground. Her knee followed his movement and in seconds he was seeing stars. Raven heard the crack of the mask and felt pride rise in her chest.
"Raven!" She looked up at Robin's voice.
"Don't look away from your target," Red X purred and sidled his body to brush against hers. His eyes went wide through crack. She definitely wasn't a young, innocent girl any longer. He smirked.
She didn't blush prettily no, this half demon princess was not like the others. She snarled and pushed him away with black magic and her eyes flashed a dangerous unholy red. His back slid against the granite tile as his fingers brushed his eyes to calculate how long his mask could endure. Not very long. He felt something warm and wet travel down his face. She made him bleed? Oh, now that was very interesting.
The Titans finally started to move. "Raven be careful!" Robin ran towards him.
With what? Red X bent backwards as Robin's flying kicks missed him by inches. Careful to keep his mask in place he danced backwards and played the bird brain's game. Red X sidestepped him and he surged forward. "Too slow as always, Robin." What was he here for again? His mind blanked.
"Starfire run!" Robin called out to her. And in this, he miscalculated as X sped in the opposite direction towards the only other female Titan on the team. Robin let confusion wash over him, something he would never let himself do during combat. He wants Raven? It wasn't helping that Raven rushed forward to accept Red X's challenge, her eyes blazing.
Raven had decided the second she laid eyes on X's face near the jewels, to submit herself for her need to take out her anger out on something. It was his own damn fault for choosing this kind of work and if Red X felt the inherit need to push her to her limits she wouldn't stop him. She could finally give pain to someone else instead of receiving it herself.
Besides, both X and Robin have clearly expressed attraction to the pink haired alien and this was probably as close as she was getting to get her anger out on Robin without actually hurting her leader. She threw the first punch to X's abdomen and he doubled over. She didn't see the smirk on his face as he kept his momentum and grabbed her by the waist and slammed her against the ground. The pain in her body did not drown the bewilderment on her face. X's battle style was usually sneaky, slick and effortless and as much as she didn't want to admit it, X was classy. But this was different; he was actually being rough with her.
"Eyes on the target now, Raven?" He towered above her, his hands flat on the ground on either side of her head. That was the first time he called her by her actual name. Lust was lacing itself around Rage and this carnal desire to kill him and to ride him like it was no one's business was something Raven was not used to.
"Now you've stooped to man handling?" she sniped back. She pushed herself to her elbow and stared hard at him.
"Oh? So you did notice I am a man? You probably don't get to be near one as often as you'd like." He snickered and cocked his head. "Would you like my number?"
"Get the hell away from her!" Cyborg's cannon aimed right at him.
"Or what, you'll shoot?" Red X's fingers grasped Raven's thin wrists and he yanked them over her head. He pushed his other hand over her lips. If possible, Raven's eyes intensified in hatred. Although she couldn't see it, that brought a smile to his lips. He took his good old sweet time staring at her despite every Titan not underneath him pointing whatever weapon or power they possessed targeted at him.
He had to admit it. She was absolutely stunning. The moon radiated over the glass ceiling of the museum and its light kissed her skin showing the contours of her body. The shadows danced along the dip of her breasts to the bend of her knees. Raven's eyes were wide and alert and her muss of silky violet hair splayed across the floor. Her chest rose and fell steadily but her pulse spiked at an erratic rhythm. She felt her squirm beneath his stare and he thought of a spectacular idea. Raven felt the hand on her mouth move her head to the side. She waited a few seconds until she felt his mask brush against her cheek. His hand suddenly moved away from her mouth and instead she felt his mouth roughly take hold to the sensitive side of her neck. Her sudden gasp echoed off the walls and Robin froze where he stood.
He watched as her eyes shut tightly and the way she bit the bottom of her lip. Her limbs were shaking. His logical mind ebbed away and something undomesticated and feral hissed and snarled its way past his self-control. He sprinted forward with his Bo staff swinging above his head but he was a second too long.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" she shouted and a dark shield pushed Red X away from her. The shadows wrapped around his waist while he was in midair and Raven hands were spread out in front of her.
Red X threw his head back and laughed. His hand snaked to the front of his belt. "Catch you later Raven." The mask was starting to slip. "It was fun while it lasted. Let's meet up again sometime without your little friends." His fingers pressed the red X and his body dissipated from her grip. Raven fell to her knees her body still buzzing with Lust and not enough Rage. All around her, the Titans were silent but she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her. She didn't even have to look up to see him approaching.
"Stay away from me." She hissed.
Robin started, "Raven-"
"Just shut the hell up." She snapped. Lust whined for another muscular body to be shoved up against and it took all Raven's power to keep it at bay. Unrelenting fear sprouted from her heart. If Robin came any closer, she would lose what little self control she had. Then he would really know how she felt about him and that was something she could not allow loose.
Cyborg's heavier footsteps followed Robins and she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Rae, are you okay?" His voice was tight.
She shut her eyes and sensed Starfire and Beast Boy behind her looking concerned. "Cyborg," she breathed slowly trying to rein her emotions back in, " I just want to go home." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. "Just take me home."
Starfire floated over and peered at her face. "Are you feeling ill? Did he hurt you? What did he do?" Her naiveté was showing through. "What is that red mark on your neck?"
"Not now, Star." Cyborg gathered her into his arms and she laid her head against the metal. He stared at the red welt on her neck that was still very fresh. "BB go find her cloak."
"S-Sure." He squeaked and rushed off.
"Robin, can you handle things here while I take Raven back to the Tower?"
Robin nodded automatically. Already outside, Jump's police sirens could be heard. They would be here soon and they would want Robin's report of what happened in the museum.
"He didn't steal anything." Raven said very quietly. "I stopped him." She turned her head to look down at Robin. "I apologize for the damage, it's going to mean more work for you."
Robin's jaw tightened and he nodded before stepping out to the entrance to meet the police force.
Cyborg really wanted to punch Robin in the face. And he did not have that feeling very often. Robin did not deserve Raven's attention no matter how valiant he was. She was still worried about his obsession with completed missions and the after load of paperwork even if she was the one who was just sexually assaulted by Red X. "Rae, that is not the problem here!"
She sighed and sagged against him. "I don't want to talk about it."
Beast Boy appeared next to Cyborg. "Here, Raven." He threw the robe over her body. He let his hand travel to her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "You're gonna be alright."
The smallest smiles touched her lips. Leave it to Beast Boy to be the only one who didn't fret over her. "Thanks." He couldn't hide the real concern from her in the back of his words, but he did so better than the others.
He flashed her a smile and blushed a little like he did every time she gave him a smile. "No problem. Just relax and leave it to us to take care you."
She raised an eyebrow. "I do not want to eat tofu pancakes." Cyborg started to walk back to the T-car being careful to avoid the press.
Beast Boy laughed. "Ah no, how about some Chinese takeout?"
Raven glanced up at Cyborg's clenched jaw. "As long as I can have some tea with it." The half robot's hatred was starting to give her a headache. "Victor, you're projecting way too loud."
He refused to speak to her the entire drive back leaving Beast Boy to carry on the conversation. She responded back to every minuscule thing he had to comment on, trying to keep her mind from the pressure of Cyborg's feelings at bay. By the time they arrived in the garage, she was even more drained from talking too much. All she really wanted to do was to take a shower and go to bed, but she knew her friends. They would want her to show them that she could walk around after that ordeal, that she could eat, and that she was not traumatized by any of it.
She did feel somewhat traumatized, but she would deal with those issues tomorrow in the morning.
For the remaining hours before she was able to go to bed, she would eat a midnight Chinese take out snack with Cyborg and Beast Boy, wait for Robin and Starfire to show up, and pretend Red X never touched her.
Even if the feeling of his touch still burned on her skin, she would find a way to ignore it. She had to.
A/N: Whew, okay still like the story even after a quick run through.
Leave a review if you feel inclined to. :)