
16 Year old Ivy- Bella Winchester

16 Year old Teddy- Hazel Winchester

Older Ivy- Ema Nymton

Older Teddy- Anita Hug

Ringo Starr- Himself

George Harrison- Himself

Paul McCartney- Himself

John Lennon- Himself

Cynthia Lennon- Herself

Bailey Jones- Kylie MacDonald

Older Dhani Harrison- Christopher (Topher) Gardens

Older Lily Harrison- Amelia McLean

Older Bridget Starkey- Dorothy Bell

Older Joey McCartney- Melanie Ferguson

Older Julian Lennon- Thomas Roberts

Prudence Lennon (Girl Kissing Dhani when Teddy walks in)- Jayne Swift

Little Dhani Harrison- Michael Walker

Little Bridget Starkey- Madison Gardens

Little Lily Harrison- Ava Young

Little Joey McCartney- Audrey Russell

Younger Julian Lennon- Himself

Parkin Starkey- Alex Isaacs

ED- Charles Fraser

Director- Robyn Jones

Producer- Ashleigh Jones

Storyboard Writers- Robyn and Ashleigh Jones

Funding- The Get Inside Your Brain Foundation (Not real)

Cameraman- Joe, Bill, Matt, Harry, Jill, and Steve

"From the crew here, to your home, we try our best to get in your head!" The Get Inside Your Head Foundation Motto...

A/N Don't take that as a real thing, if you know about any foundation called this, I'll change it! Thanks for reading this story! If you want more from the gang, then Just read the Blooper Real, and (soon) Prudence, and Joey's Video Diary!