HI! Unfortunately this is the last chapter :'( Writing this story was great and thanks for all your revews! Let's find out what happens next! XD

"Wow Bart! You really know how to plan a date!" Alice says looking at the lovely picnic he has for them. "Candles, plates, food, everything!"

Bart decided to go up on the old Springfield sign mountain and do a picnic close to the sign. "Thanks. Do you care for some beef jerky, my lady?" Bart says imitating the olden days accent.

"Why thank you my good sir, yes I do." Alice answers imitating the same accent.

The two were laughing, talking, and having a blast until Jimbo comes running up to his hide out with Maggie in his arms. "Jimbo? Maggie? What are you guys doing here?" Bart asks, in surprise.

"Wefoundthenecklacebutsnakesa fterusandwehaveaplantostophi mbutweneedtowaituntillisaans nelsoncomewithhim- byegoodluckwithyourdate!" Slam! He closes the door to his hide out in the letter E.

"Wow. What was that all about?" Alice asks.

"Something about- oh my god..."


"I think they found Lisa's necklace! But then- why were they running?" Bart wonders.

"I think I herd the word snake in there..." Alice says. "Maybe a snake is chasing them?"

"I got it!" Bart says snapping his fingers. "Snake! That's who stole the necklace!"

"Hu?" Alice isn't getting it.

"You know? Big tattoos, brown hair, heavy accent...?"

"Oh, That Snake! Oh, that Snake..." She says it with less enthusiasm the second time she said it.

"Yah, bad luck hu?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Run for your life's!" Lisa yells showing up out of no where.

"I think we're involved now." Bart says. Alice nods.

"Aaaaaaaa!" Lisa yells.

"Don't panic I'll think of something." Nelson reassures her.

There being trapped against the letter S of the Springfield sign.

"Stay here. I'm gonna go help!" Bart tells Alice.

"I'm coming with you!"

"Fine. Lets go!"

Bart and Alice race towards the letter S. Jimbo and Maggie catch up.

"What's the plan?" Bart asks.

"I've got you now you little twerps!" Snake says snapping open his pocket knife.

Both Nelson and Lisa gulp down hard, awaiting their punishment. "Lisa! Over here!" Bart calls to her right.

"Bart!" Both Lisa and Nelson shout.

"Catch!" She yells throwing the necklace to him.

"No!" Snake shouts reaching out for it, but too late! Bart had already caught it.

"Come here Snake! Don't worry, I don't bite!" Bart taunts.

"Why you little-" Snake comes charging at him, but at the last second Bart throws the necklace to his left.

Snake reaches out for it but Alice catches it first. "A- a- a! Bad Snakey! You know steeling's wrong!"

"Give it!" Snake demands.

"Woops! Looks like I don't have it." She answers showing her hands to him.

"What th-"

"Over here snake breath!" Jimbo shouts twirling the necklace in his fingers.

Nelson and Lisa quickly understand the plan and join in on it. It's kindda like a game of keep away. From Bart- to Alice- To Jimbo- to Nelson- to Lisa- and so on. This continues for about fifteen minutes until Snake gets sick and tired of it. "Enough!" He yells and marches over to Alice, grabs her, and pulls a gun from his jacket.

"Alice!" Bart runs to her, but Nelson holds him back.

"He'll kill her for sure if you interfere!" Nelson try's to get some sense into him.

"I don't like to resort to killing but you guys have given me no choice! Give it up NOW and I might let the girl live!" Snake threatens.

"Let go of me you creep!" Alice struggles in Snakes arms but he doesn't let go.

"Give it to him!" Lisa yells to Jimbo.

"Uh- ok?" He says. Slowly he makes his way towards Snake. Necklace in hand, eye on Snake. He reaches over fore the necklace but Jimbo swings it away from him, "Girl first." He demands.

"Necklace first." Snake counters.

When the gem is just an inch grime Snake's claws, Jimbo yells, "NOW!"

Maggie appears behind the letter S and jumps on Snake like the little tasmanian devil that she is. Scratching, clawing, punching, Snakes face off. Instinctively he lets go of Alice and she runs strait to Bart's arms. "Are you ok?!" He aks hugging her.

"I... Don't... Know?" She answers with just as much shock as anyone there.

Snake's streaming like a maniac and with all the commotion people started coming up to the sign to see what's going on. Apparently one of them called the police because about five minutes later Wiggum and his crew arrive. Lou pulls Maggie from Snake's face. "Hay! I haven't even finished warming up yet!" She complains.

Everyone laughs. Eddie and Lou take Snake away, leaving Chief Wiggum to face them. "You know you three are in deep troub-"

"Look Chief, I was the one who called you fat and I don't want Lisa and Maggie to pay for it. If some ones going to jail it's going to be me and only me." Nelson says pointing a firm finger at Wiggum.

"Uh- I was going to let you off the hook, because you helped trap Snake. Plus, I think I was being a bit naive earlier. I guess I am a bit chubby." Wiggum says awkwardly.

"Oh." Nelson says letting his finger drop.

Wiggum thanks all of them and heads after Eddie and Lou. "I think we should be getting home." Bart says in a concerned voice.

Lisa offers to collect their picnic while Bart starts the car. Alice sits in the front with him and Lisa, Nelson, Maggie, and Jimbo all pile up in the back. First they drop off Jimbo since his house is the closest. Maggie gives him a big hug and the rest all say their good buys for the night.

The next stop is Alice's house Bart walks her up to the door and gives her a kiss on the cheek, but when he's about to go she pulls him back for a real kiss. He comes back to the car with a smile that could light up the whole state.

Next stop is Nelson's home and Lisa gets out of the car with him because he wants to tell her something. "You almost forgot your necklace." He says to her when they reach the door step. He takes it out of his pocket and clips it around her neck.

"Nelson can I ask you something?"


"Did you really mean all those things you said? About you going to you going to jail for us?" Lisa asks moving closer to him.

"Every word. Why wou-" Lisa cuts him of with a very romantic kiss; one that both will remember for the rest of their life's.

"I promise I'll never let this necklace out of my sight." Lisa says braking away for a moment.

"And I'll never let you out of mine." Nelson says pulling her back in.


AWWWWWW! (Sniff*) This ending is sooooo awesome XD I love good old happy ending! Thanks for reading!

Smell you later! ;)