First Rise of The Guardians Fan Fiction

It first started with a runny nose.

Then came the sneezing.

Next came the coughing.

With those things came the biggest blizzard that the town of Burgess had ever seen!

Snow was falling fast and the wind wasn't helping either as it was blowing the coldest wind that anyone had ever felt.

It made the Tooth Fairies job hazardous.

It made the Sandman's job hard too.

However, no one had seen the Winter Spirit's hectic schedule for the winter season until Burgess was under almost twelve feet of snow and ice!

North had called an emergency meeting.

Bunny arrived first who was then followed by Tooth and Baby Tooth. Next came Sandy.

"Wheres Jack?" asked Tooth

Her answer crash landed into a near by window.

"JACK!" North cried out and opened the window to help the boy inside.

Jack Frost shivered, coughed and the sneezed as water puddled around his bare feet.

Tooth looked at him with concern.

"Jack are you alright?"

"I thought it was impossible for me to get-AHAHAHAHAHA CHOOOOOO!" Jack sneezed as he blew himself across the room and into Bunny.

"Sorry Bunny" Jack said miserably

Bunny shook water from his fur.

"Frostbite are you thawing out?" he asked the winter spirit worriedly.

"Jack are you sick?" Sandy spelled out

Jack looked from Sandy to North with a look that said "Is that even possible?"