Disclaimer: Characters belong to J.K Rowling, no money is being made. I write for my general love of writing and for those out there who love to read. The story plot is mine with inspiration taken from the hundreds of Harlequin Mills & Boon books that I have read over the years.

Warnings: Probably going to have some strong language. This is rated NC17-R for sex scenes and other adult content.

Authors Note: It seems that I will only get one story out a year, since uni and work pretty much keep me tied to my desk for most of the year and I have moved house twice (more strenuous than going to the gym). Hope you enjoy it.

Summary: Typical Mills & Boon plotline. The young, wealthy, handsome, eligible Draco Malfoy, head of Malfoy Corporation wants the controlling share of the Potter Corporation and will stop at nothing to gain it. The only problem is that Edward Potter will only sign the shares over if a particular condition is met. That condition is Harriet, his granddaughter. Fem Harry, AU, Harry/Draco.

At 26, Draco Malfoy had attained what many men did not by their retirement: wealth, success, power and a formidable reputation. The Malfoy Corporation had, under his direction, expanded on a multinational scale, tripled in size and increased its profits tenfold. This was all due to the tenacity of its young head. The only problem that Draco had, was that he had been unable to acquire the controlling share of the Potter Corporation. This would allow for further expansion, increasing both his and the Potter's wealth. However, Edward Potter was a stubborn man and refused to accept any of Draco's countless offers. It was incredibly frustrating as normally people found it very had to deny Draco anything. Along with his business successes, he had been gifted with equally impressive looks. Over the years, the papers had reported on his many affairs, supposed engagements and the broken hearts of his partners equally as they did about his business successes.

"Edward Potter to see you", Draco looked up from his desk at the announcement. He was surprised, as he had thought that the old man would not budge on the position of his shares. A small, wry smile made its way onto his face as he thought that perhaps no one was immune to his determination. Pressing the intercom, he asked his secretary to let the man in.

Edward Potter, despite his aging years had only a sprinkling of grey hair. His eyes still held their bright spark of intelligence that had created his company and which kept him in control. There were slight from lines around his mouth and worry lines on his forehead. These were most likely due to the tragic death of his son and daughter in law, which had left him in charge of his young granddaughter. His shoulders were held back proudly and he assessed Draco with a cool look. "Mr Malfoy. Sorry for the interruption, I just had a query for you regarding your offer".

"It is no trouble at all. Please sit down and tell me what you wanted to know", Draco motioned for the other man to sit and looked back impassively. Edward took the seat opposite Draco's desk and looked back.

"I simply want to know how much you would be willing to give in order to gain control over my company" Edward said bluntly.

Draco took a moment to consider the question. He admired that Potter was blunt and didn't waste time in getting to the matter in question. He didn't believe that he was being asked how much money he would be willing to pay, so perhaps Potter had something else on his mind. "As you know through my many generous offers, I am very interested in acquiring those shares. What is it that you want in exchange? A greater share of profits, for me not to lay off certain staff or to keep you in a position on the board?"

"No. I will give you the controlling share of my company without any of those concessions if you agree to one condition".

Draco thought quickly as to what other condition the other man might want. When nothing plausible came to mind he simply stated "What condition?"

"Marry my granddaughter".

There was silence in the room. Neither man spoke as Draco tried to absorb the new information that had just been presented to him. He had known that Potter had a granddaughter who was a few years younger than him. Apart from that he knew nothing, she hadn't been in any of the society pages despite coming from a wealthy family and didn't attend any of the events that he felt obliged to go to.

"So you want me to marry your granddaughter, and in exchange, I get the controlling share of your company with no other concessions?" Draco was attempting to find a way in which Potter might be trying to swindle him but could not see how the granddaughter would play a role.

"Yes. Call me old fashioned, but I want my only grandchild to be protected when I leave this world. Even though she acts tough, she is a kind soul and somebody will likely take advantage of that. You can offer her protection from that, you can protect her financial interests and I trust you as a man to look after her". Edward looked at the young man. He had chosen him because he admired his business ethics, despite his numerous rumoured affairs there were no major scandals and his parents were well respected.

"Are you sure that your granddaughter would marry me though? Most girls these days want a say in who they marry".

"Harriet is a wonderful girl. Although she can be strong willed, like her mother, she can see reason when given time. I will talk to her about this."

"I don't want the poor girl forced into a marriage with me. Is there any need to rush this decision? You still look fit and healthy, so why can't this wait a few years? She might find someone before you pass away that you approve of". Draco was still reeling as to the ultimatum that had been presented to him. Although he wanted the Potter Corporation badly, he wasn't about to risk the happiness of a girl that he didn't know in order to acquire it.

"It will still ultimately be her choice, but she will see that it is for the best. The reason that this decision cannot wait is that I have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I want all my affairs and the wellbeing of my granddaughter secured well-before I die so that I can enjoy my last few months".

"Does Harriet know?"

"No. I haven't told her because I don't want her to focus on me. She's done nothing but put others first her whole life and so I am putting her first, just as she deserves. I will tell her eventually and when both of us are ready to deal with it. For the moment, I want her to be happy".

Draco sat back in his chair and ran through all the possible options. He thought about what being married to a complete stranger would be like, it seemed unlikely that Potter would allow them a long engagement. Was the company worth getting married to someone who could be a total ogre? On the other hand, just because they were married, didn't mean that they had to have a traditional marriage. They could discreetly have partners and sleep separately. Potter hadn't said that they needed to have children together, just that they get married. Controlling the Potter Corporation would be one of the greatest achievements of his career though and if his marriage didn't work, he could move his headquarters somewhere else or perhaps his wife would move country and save him the hassle. Having decided, that even if the marriage didn't work, there were a number of options to improve the situation, Draco came to his decision.

"So we have an agreement then. In exchange for the controlling shares of your company, I will marry your granddaughter". Feeling a sense of satisfaction as surprise showed in Potter's face, Draco let himself enjoy the brief moment.

"I will get my lawyers to draw up contracts and send them to yours. If everything goes well, I should expect you two to be getting married at the end of the month if that suits you. One thing that this cancer has taught me is that there is no time like the present to do things". Edward began to stand and Draco stood as well.

"Of course, if the contracts are in order and you have your granddaughter's agreement we shall marry at the end of the month. Until then".

Edward Potter bent his head in acknowledgement and then headed out the door. After it shut, Draco sat down heavily in his chair, overwhelmed by emotions. After a minute he pressed the intercom and spoke briskly, "Get Browning to find out everything there is to knowing about Harriet Potter and tell him its urgent". Then sitting back in his chair, Draco closed his eyes and let his triumph wash over him.

Note: So what does everyone think? Also, looking for a Beta if anyone wants the job?