Monkey Doodle

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC's, if I did own the monkey team things would have been much different. The story picks up where Antauri names Nova third in command at the end of the "Savage Lands" episode

Rated T for dark themes and swearing.

After the Hyper Force defeated Valeena and drove the Dark One Worm back through the portal it came through the temple had begun to collapse. Sensing the Super Robot was somewhere nearby, Antauri used the Power Primate to summon it and they all fled.

In their haste to escape, No one saw something had fallen from the beast's maw on its way out. The tiny creature now lay curled up on his side, stirring like he was having a nightmare, until his beady orange eyes opened.


Back at the Robot, Antauri had just stated that Nova was third in command, causing Sprx and Gibson's jaws to drop as Nova strutted past them to go talk to Jinmay about how her training has been going.

As soon as she was gone, the two monkeys turned on their second in command.



Antauri looked serious and crossed his arms, steadfast in what he said. He turned Otto "Otto, how did the team fare when Sprx took the lead?"

The green monkey scratched his head. "Uh, not very good, he and Gibson just argued the whole time so he wasn't really in charge very long,"

"And did Gibson fare any better?"

"No, Nova was the one who kept us going until we found Chiro,"

Antauri looked back at the blue and red males that looked like they were about to start bickering again. "I imagine so, which is precisely why she is third in command and not you two,"

Nova came back with Jinmay "Yeah, I thought we figured that out already but apparently we have to spell it out in big neon letters for you,"

Sprx was about to make one of his usual snarky comebacks when the robot was shook by a violent force.

Otto jumped over to the computer and was rapidly typing at the control panel to bring up a visual. What they saw was something they never thought they would see again.

"Mandarin?!" Sure enough, Mandarin was out there getting ready to unleash another "Monkey Fu" on the Robot.

"I thought that guy was Worm food?" Sprx had wished his former brother would just stay gone for once.

"Apparently not, Sprx. Alright team, Monkeys mobilize!" Chiro, Jinmay and the monkeys went outside since it was obvious he was alone and outnumbered by the seven of them.

Once they exited out the opening that formed in the Super Robot's chest, Mandarin shot at them.

"Monkey Fu!"

The team was scattered in every direction, Sprx and Nova landed in some trees, Otto crashed through a shop window, Gibson went into a nearby duck pond in the park and Jinmay smacked into Chiro, both of them trying to stabilize the other until they crash landed on the Robot's feet.

Mandarin went after Nova only to be attacked from behind by Antauri. When Mandarin turned around to see the silver monkey and froze, he was shocked. "How…?"

The team saw Antauri facing Mandarin alone and rushed to help him. "Hold on Antauri, we'll be right there!"

The two monkeys stare at each other, not believing they are seeing the other in front of them. Mandarin recognized who was really in front of him. "Antauri? How can this be? You were destroyed! And the Silver Monkey was a failure!"

Antauri readied himself to fight. "If at first you don't succeed…"

Mandarin suddenly grinned like he had another trick up his sleeve. "My thoughts exactly,"

He drew his sword and lunged toward his old friend who activated his ghost claws and deflected the blow before turning to his ghost state and drifting away phasing through a nearby bench when the orange simian-turned-formless flew over with his jet pack and struck again, embedding the blade in between the back rest and the seat.

Mandarin tugged his weapon to get free, only managing to wiggle it. "Oh, well played, Antauri…" Seeing as the bench wasn't bolted down, with a loud war cry he swung his arm hard to hit Antauri with the bench, freeing himself and sending the silver monkey flying into a lamp post, knocking him unconscious.

By the time the rest of the team finally got to where the two were Mandarin had already taken off with Antauri in his arms.

Chiro saw the orange monkey activate his jet pack and take off with his mentor. "NOOOo!" he ran after them but they were already well into the air and his jet pack was damaged in the fall.

The other monkeys saw he was heading for the Savage Lands and went after Mandrin leaving Chiro standing helplessly where he stood until he collapsed to his knees and landed on all fours. Jinmay tried to see if he was alright but he didn't really hear her.

His friend, mentor, his… Antauri was the only father he had ever known and the crazy orange monkey took him from him, again, just when he got him back and there was nothing that Chiro could do about it.

He started shaking as tears pricked his eyes. "I'm sorry, Dad,"


The Monkey team chased Mandarin but they lost him when he dove into the thick jungle. Mostly because Otto crashed into a branch which swung back and hit Sprx, knocking him off course and disorientating the red monkey.

Gibson and Nova turned back to make they were alright but Sprx waved him off. "We're fine, Brain Strain, get Antauri!" the blue monkey nodded and rocketed after Nova while Sprx went about removing Otto from a tangled heap of vines.

Nova was furthest ahead because she went back to the chase as soon as she saw her teammates were uninjured, which was no surprise she soon caught up to Mandarin, but something wasn't right.

While she was supposedly gaining on him he looked back, a wild grin split his face as he sped up, only to slow down when it looked like she was falling behind, almost as if he were waiting for her.

Eventually, she caught up to them and activated her fists to reach out and grab her elder brother away from the eldest that betrayed them, only for Mandarin to reach out and grab her arm with his tail. Pulling her along, he started flying wildly in aerial acrobatics.

Nova screamed as she flopped around like a rag doll, a terrified chill racing up her spine when Mandarin chuckled softly before flying straight again at break neck speed. "If you wanted to come with, Dearest Nova, all you had to do was ask. After all, the more the merrier and all the fun I have planned will be even better with you there,"

The look on his face and the pheromone smell that came off the orange monkey as he laughed his grating laugh told Nova just what kind of "Fun" he had in mind. Instinctively, she bit down on his tail until blood and other life fluids filled her mouth and his grip lessened, allowing her to break free and pull away in disgust.

Gibson arrived then and activated his drills while Mandarin slowly turned to them, growling. "You little yellow bitch!"

Sprx and Otto got there with their weapons ready and hovered beside the blue and yellow monkeys, ready to fight to the finish.

The orange monkey looked around and realized he was outnumbered, but then he remembered he still had Antauri and that creepy grin came back.

"At least I still have this prize," for extra measure he looked down traced a thin bony finger down the side of Antauri's blank face. "Oh, the fun we will have, my pet!" he cackled again.

Sprx had had just about enough of this guy. "Not gonna happen, freak!" he and the others launched themselves forward but Mandarin released a "Monkey Mind Scream" and stunned them.

Mandarin hovered in mid-air to laugh at his fallen siblings and contemplated what he was going to do next. "Hmm, I can only take one at a time. I'll secure the one I have and come back for the rest. Just you wait, my brothers, it won't be long now…" he chuckled darkly and took off before any of the monkeys could wake up and stop him.


After what seemed like hours, Chiro and Jinmay came in the Super Robot to where the team's signals were and found them collapsed in a heap.

"Monkey Team! Are you guys alright?" The monkeys all slowly came back to their senses and realized what just happened.

"Sorry, Chiro, he got away," Chiro grit his teeth and looked down, his fists clenching with the need to hit something, preferably the orange monkey's face.

"Don't worry, kid, we'll find him," Sprx pounded his fist into his hand for good measure "and while we're at it I'd like to give Mandarin a piece of my mind,"

"Get in line. Now are we going to stand around and talk all day or are we going to do something?" Nova sprinted for the Robot with the others hot on her heels.

"Hey, Nova, what's the rush?" Sprx laughed nervously "It's not like you love him or anything… is it?"

Nova looked at him "Yes, I do, actually," Sprx felt like he just swallowed Formless goo. "And you, and Gibson and Otto and Chiro and now Jinmay. We're a family why wouldn't I love you guys,"

Sprx almost let out a sigh of relief but quickly hid it as he and the others went to their places to drive the Robot to go after Antauri.

"Besides, I have a pretty good idea what he might have planned for Antauri and I don't want to leave him alone with that monster any longer than we have to,"


When Antauri awoke, he was in a strange cage with electrified bars that criss-crossed to form a grid on one side. He and the rest of the monkey team had been inside such enclosures many times in the past. 'It would seem my enemies will never learn…' he reached forward to try to use his claws to slice his way out only to stop short, Antauri's hands were bound by thick chains that glowed with an eerie pale aqua light.

The chains were infused with a dark magic that made his powers useless and he couldn't break them or phase through them. Determined to not give up, he rattled the chains to try to shake them lose.

"Don't waste your energy, these chains were made to withstand anything,"

Antauri jumped, he knew that voice from somewhere, but he couldn't quite recognize it. "Who is there? Identify yourself,"

"Antauri, Is that you?" The noise of rattling chains off to the side of him alerted Antauri that he wasn't the only one in the room in a cage.

Across the room, a large metal panel that was propped against a stack of broken empty cages glowed with a black-green aura of the Power Primate as it was turned to reflect the inside of his cage as well as the one placed next to him, which contained…

Antauri gasped "That's impossible…"

A.N.: This is my first fanfiction story that isn't all Transformers. What do you think? Reviews, suggestions and predictions are welcome. Any flames will be stomped on by the Super Robot.

Hugs and Mugs,

Lady Quickshift