Hello! After much thinking and plotting I have my Christmas Set. Not a squeal to anything (because of how I want it to work and since I watched the ep. QoH). So I give you the 12 Days of of Christmas. If you can guess it will be at least 12 chapters long. However since this is the first chapter, it will be thirteen chapters long. Anyways, this is to let you know what gift the other gets for each day. For each chapter I will start with our beloved Pirate Captain Hook, then to Emma. I hope everyone enjoys this. Let me know your thoughts and I will get to writing my heart out.

BTW I don't own this, any of it.

The 12 Days of Christmas


On the first day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: a compass that doesn't point north.

On the second day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: two cannonballs.

On the third day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: three silver earrings.

On the fourth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: four lusty wenches.

On the fifth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: five gold doubloons.

On the sixth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: six crewmen leaping.

On the seventh day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: seven lost boys fighting.

On the eighth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: eight ships a fleeing.

On the ninth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: nine sharks a swimming.

On the tenth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: ten slaps in the face.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: eleven bottles of rum.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my Swan girl gave to me: twelve ships to plunder.


On the first day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: a pair of furry handcuffs.

On the second day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: two back massages.

On the third day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: three searing kisses.

On the fourth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: four shots of whiskey.

On the fifth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: five lacy tongs.

On the sixth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: six damn smirks

On the seventh day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: seven lusty notes

On the eighth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: eight playful gropes

On the ninth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: nine dirty fights

On the tenth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: ten sexy showers

On the eleventh day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: eleven ripped clothes

On the twelfth day of Christmas that pirate gave to me: twelve nights of pleasure

There are your twelve days of Christmas for them. Let me know what you think. As always enjoy.