Inspired by a set of gifs on tumblr located here (you have to type it in a bit differently.) bilbothorin dot tumblr dot com/post/31529716034/au-in-which-bryan-and-david-take-their-son-blaine

The New Normal AU: where Blaine is Bryan and David's son.

"Welcome to Breadstix, can I get you started with a drink or are you ready to order?" Their waiter smiled brightly clutching the small notebook and pen in his hands.

"Um… can I get a glass of red please, and Bryan?" David peered over his menu at his husband. The light brunette haired man nodded and offered their waiter.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." The kid said scribbling quickly on the pad of paper with his pen.

The diners' exchanged a look that was both exasperating and endearing. The waiter was probably in high school and judging from the scarf and matching hat that complimented his pale complexion and jazzed up the plain servers' uniform.

"He's totally gay." Bryan said snapping the breadsticks the restaurant was famous for on the small plate. "Geez Bryan, maybe he just likes scarves?" David swiped a breadstick of his own and broke it in half.

"I don't know, he's making my gaydar ping like crazy." Bryan raised an eyebrow at his husband.

The waiter returned and David caught a glimpse of the name badge pinned to his apron: 'Kurt'.

"There you are, are you ready to order?" Kurt said setting down the two wine glasses.

"Yep, I think we are."

Pulling into the driveway of their modest but brilliantly decorated by Bryan with input by David (and with the help of Nate Berkus' home collection and the Martha Stewart magazine kept on a special shelf in the den for inspiration), David was surprised to see that Blaine was home as well; his small four door car was already in the driveway.

"Huh. I thought he would be out with his friends. It is a Friday evening and…" Bryan wondered aloud trailing up to their front door carrying a small box containing the chocolate cheesecake they only ate part of.

"Blaine, we're home." David called through the closed bed room door around the corner from the stairs. The house had three bedrooms (one turned into a shared office of David and Bryan) with a bathroom or closet in between. They were damn lucky that Blaine's room and their own master suite had bathrooms attached. Blaine was a teen and there were boundaries to be respected.

There was a muffled thud followed by light footsteps before the door opened. "Hey Dad." Blaine said quietly "Have a good dinner?" then attempted to close the door before hearing a reply.

"What's wrong?" David suspected there was something more to the 'not in the mood' thing. They were a tight knit family that both David and Bryan were overly protective of and with good reason.

Blaine was their miracle baby. It was an emotional and financial journey just so they could have a child of their own. But all the crying, sleepless nights over whether the baby would be healthy and the horrible (and completely unfounded) fears that their surrogate would either die, go into early labor or steal their precious baby or something was worth it.

They got Blaine and their nice house in Los Angeles (before moving to Lima, Ohio for Bryan's job) and a perfect life.

Granted there were some people that didn't like the Murray-Collins household, but thankfully they've kept to themselves, so far anyway.

However that didn't mean Blaine wasn't having a hard time in school. It's been a few (alright, almost two decades now) since David was in high school and bullies are the same at any decade.

"It's nothing." Blaine mumbled with a shrug. He sat down on the bed and played with the blanket's fringe.

"Nothing? You know if there's something wrong you can talk to me or your dad. I mean, you can talk with him but I'll make him tell me anyway."

Blaine just shook his head and said nothing. He looked down and it kind of hurt that he didn't want to say anything. Perhaps time would tell.

During the week, Bryan was wrapped up in his work and scarcely spared a thought to the brief conversation he had with his son.

Thursday night rolled around and neither adult felt like cooking a dinner and decided that they would drag their son out. It was clear Blaine was a little mopey and a nice meal and dessert would make things a tiny bit better, right?

That's what Bryan thought and he was one to eat his feelings whether it is an entire gallon of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia or an entire loaf of bread with a deli's worth of meats and cheeses.

Besides, there was that cute waiter that may or may not be working tonight. Plus his gaydar was never wrong about scouting out a fellow out gay man (well it was wrong once but that hardly counts).

Breadstix wasn't the most glamorous restaurant but nothing cures sadness like carbs.

Blaine was absolutely reluctant about the entire thing and had grudgingly pulled on his white collared shirt and grey striped cardigan; he learned early on that he had to be dressed and ready for anything. Plus Breadstix was the most popular place to eat within the downtown Lima area and it was highly likely that he'd run into some classmates.

In the car, he was quiet and gave one worded answers to questions either of his dads asked.

It wasn't like he was depressed or being the 'typical moody' teenager; it's just…

He inwardly sighed and chewed on his lower lip. All his friends at school, the few that he had and accepted him for what he was all had boyfriends and girlfriends.

He was pretty sure, though he was quite new and had gone to another high school across town, that he was the only gay guy in the entire school of five hundred plus students.

I don't think I'll have a boyfriend or even date anyone until I go to college, Blaine thought feeling sorry for himself. It didn't help that his dads' had the ideal relationship. Sure they argued and disagreed about different things but they always ended the day with an 'I love you' and a hug and kiss (as weird as that seems for any teenager to see).

Following his dads inside the restaurant, they were seated in a corner booth and given menus by the hostess.

"Hello, I'm Kurt and I'll be your server tonight."

Bryan's head snapped toward the boy wearing a different patterned scarf and hat combo that complimented his uniform apron. "Can I start you off with drinks? Soda, iced tea…?"

Blaine flushed a little and offered a "Just water please" before ducking behind his menu to hide his red face.

David held up a hand while Bryan requested an iced tea.

"Soooo," Bryan nudged David who was seated to his right. David gave him a look. "Leave it. We're here to eat and spend time with Blaine, not set him up with someone that could very well be a flamboyant straight kid."

"What?" Blaine's face was still flushed but it was filled with wide eyed suspicion. "Kurt?"

"And I have an iced tea and a couple of waters. Are you ready to order?" Kurt returned with the drinks and whipped out his order pad and pen.

"Uh," Blaine randomly picked the pasta special and handed over his menu. David and Bryan ordered a house salad and the cheese tortellini.

"I'll be right back with your order." Kurt gave a quick smile before trotting off to the kitchen. Blaine, who was facing toward the partitioned servers' only area, glanced at his retreating back before propping his head up with a hand.

"Don't think I missed that look on your face right now." Bryan said putting his elbow on the table.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Blaine avoided his dad's eyes and gestured in the air.

"It's obvious you think that guy's cute. Isn't it, David?" Bryan non-too-gently kicked David in the ankle and raised his eyebrows. David reluctantly nodded half-heartedly and inwardly winced at the bruise he knew was forming on his ankle.

"And that feeling appears to be mutual." David offered seeing Kurt glance over his shoulder in their direction before taking the order from another table of diners. "You should ask for his number. We'll just pretend not to be here."

Blaine bit his lip and shrugged.

Their dinner continued and when the check came and was paid for, Blaine lagged a bit.

And then was pleasantly surprised when Kurt came running out of the restaurant after the trio in the parking lot clutching a white take-out box. "You forgot your dessert." His cheeks were flushed a pale pink and he offered the box.

"We didn't order dessert." Blaine said blankly glancing at his parents who were very busy unlocking their car doors. "On the house." Kurt smiled, slightly breathless after his mad dash out of the place.

"Oh, I…um. Alright, thanks." Blaine remembered his manners and gave a shy smile of his own.

"So, yeah. I'll see you later?" A hopeful note in his voice, Blaine nodded automatically. Kurt backed up a few steps before turning on his heel and running back to his waiting tables.

"Blaine? Is everything alright?" David dropped an arm around Blaine's shoulders.

"Y-yeah, just great." Blaine muttered and ignored the sympathetic look his dad was giving him.

They drove home in silence, the dessert box still clutched in his hands while he sat in the backseat watching the neighborhood pass unseeingly.

When they got home, Blaine went to the kitchen to put away the dessert. "What did he give you?" Bryan asked wandering into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Cheesecake, I guess." Blaine mumbled and then opened the box.

"We-ell." David quietly drawled in his ear.

Followed by a ten digit number was a scribbled on the inside lid 'Call me? Kurt' in blue ball point pen.

Blaine smiled.

OK, sorta continued in 'Wanted' so read that if you want more Bryan/David