"So which one of you is the girl?" the guy asked randomly, leaning back against the locker with Cat cradled to his chest. Tori had one arm draped over my shoulder, I was holding that hand, and she was leaning against my locker.

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking down at me, "we're both girls."

"Sorry I asked." He mumbled after an elbow in the ribs from Cat, "I've got to get to practice, I'll see you later Cat." He kisses the top of her head before wandering off. Cat giggles and watches him go, turning to us once he's out of sight and smiling.

"I love laying in a guys arms, it's the best feeling in the world." She blinked and then her eyes widened, "gotta pee!" laughing, Tori and I watched Cat run off in the other direction. I turned and leaned in to kiss her, tipping my head up and going on my tip toes to fully kiss her, thanks to the heels she was wearing.

I was the girl. The thought randomly popped into my head. Tori was always driving me places, buying me things, putting her arm across my shoulders, holding doors open for me, she was even wearing heels now just to be taller than me, "I'm the girl." I whispered.

She looked down at me with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "you're the girl? What am I, a guy?" she clearly didn't grasp what I was saying and I wasn't sure I wanted her to. I stepped away and started pacing in front of my locker.

"You're always picking me up and buying me things and its more of a boyfriend thing, the boy friend buys the girlfriend things and takes her out to dinner." I try to explain it to her, but she just kept staring at me blankly.

"I don't understand…I've never really thought about us like that." I pause in my pacing to stare at her, "we're just you and me, and I like to drive and you hate it because it makes you want to run over people, and I like to take you out to dinner because your parents never really did the whole family dinner thing. It's not like that, it's just what you like and what I like. And you've bought dinner before and come over to my house plenty. We're equals in this relationship."

I falter and sigh and then smile up at her, "I guess you're right…"

"Damn right I am, now lets go buy me lunch." She slung her arm over my shoulder and kissed me before tugging me out to the asphalt café.